
Ultimately ...

Should The Vaccinated

Be Buried In The Ground ?

Should They Even Be Cremated

And Strewn To The Air That We Breath ?

It’s A Serious Question.


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No way that’s a serious question…

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Dead Serious.

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Serious answer, they are biohazards, and should be handled as such.

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Feb 6, 2024
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I know; that broke months ago, broccoli is a prime target., but others as well.

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Feb 7, 2024
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What shall it take before their altered biology—genomic composition—and myriad disease irregularities are recognized as hazardous—certainly foreign!—to what was originally created by God?

Does your spirit truly tell you all this was crafted to promulgate public HEALTH?

I recall the vaxxed battle-cry, not so very long ago, that the healthy, unvaxxed LIVING be shunned, commercially indisposed, outright denied medical care.

Where, now, is the VAXXED outcry demanding the provable, MEASURABLE defilement be stopped, the battle suspended, the chasm bridged?

Yet you concern yourself with treatment of their remains...

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My spirit tells me that Allowat Sakima would not be happy. Neither would Kitchkinet.

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Boy Scouts of America has spoken.

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Edit: Whoa, apparently I wasn't clear enough in what I said (below). What I was thinking of was a safe way to dispose of the bodies of spikeshot-"vaxxed" people who had died -- not something to do to living people!

I have an idea. Oh, this is horrible but the whole situation we find ourselves in is horrible, so I'll say it anyway. My first thought was "Drop them into the lava of an erupting volcano." (Hawaii has at least once perpetually-erupting volcano, right? How many other candidate volcanoes can we find around the world? Probably not enough. . . .)

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Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.

20 Therefore if your enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing you shall heap coals of fire on his head. [a quote from Proverbs 25:21-22]

21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

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Frank Z., I agree with your quote from the Bible. I have done my best to be respectful and helpful to people who got the clot-shots and were injured or just frightened of adverse effects...researching treatments and offering the information to individuals as well as putting it out on the web. My suggestion of volcanoes was only for a safe way to dispose of the bodies of people already deceased. Just want to be sure you understand what I meant...

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Thanks for the clarification...no, it was not clear from your original post, that you were referring to dead bodies, and not living ones! Sacrificing living people, to appease an "angry god" is a common heathen religious idea, but even so-called Christian people have fallen into that trap more than once, in the past. I'm glad this is not what you meant!

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Could you quote the Holly Bible about a way to handle "no longer Humans"?... Hybrids, from a Creationist point of view (NO LONGER THE ORIGINAL DESIGN, that is)..

Lat's hear your angle on this. Shoot.

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None of us are born in "the original design." "There is none righteous, no not one." We can be made back into it, and it starts in the spiritual nature (new birth), then the mind and habits are retrained, and finally the body is created anew in the resurrection. It's important to remember that we all have a weak human nature that is susceptible to disease. We might one week be glad that we did not get the experimental vaccine, and then the next week suddenly contract some other disease or ailment that we did not expect. We are, in a figure, all on a sinking ship. If some slide off the deck and fall into the water, we should, if possible, try to help them back on the deck.

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You're avoiding the answer - a straight one, that is - playing "the good Samaritan" card... not addressing the CORE of the matter: irreversible alterations of the original human genetic fabric. Could you be an secret admirer of the Paperclip Operation? God's nobody's fool...

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I'm not avoiding the answer, I'm dealing with the real problem that humanity faces, which is a problem in the spiritual nature. The "DNA," so-to-speak, of our spiritual natures are absolutely corrupted from the original ideal. If God, therefore, were to treat us as you propose to deal with the vaccinated, we would all be in big trouble.

Furthermore, you may have forgotten that there are already diseases that come from DNA abnormalities. Down's syndrome and Muscular Dystrophy are just two examples. What do you propose we should do with those people? You see, as soon as you go down this road of supposed genetic purity, you get into very dark places.

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I respect your opinion on the matter, but we, Orthodox, we're not agreeing with it. The image of God in flesh, is still there - non obstand the accidental, mentionned defects - at least for the time being... that's EXACTLY what the dark-powers-to-be are trying to change through genetical manipulations and technological trans-humanism... a modern reiteration of the Tower of Babel... born out of sheer pride. The Luciferian type...

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Feb 6, 2024
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Thanks for sharing that. I'm not entirely comfortable with the way this idea of forgiveness is taught today. We can never set aside the law of God when it comes to justice, and even forgiveness. Jesus died because the law demanded the death of the sinner, and He took that place. So even His great sacrifice was made in harmony with the Law.

When it comes to forgiving others who have no sorrow for their sin, the important part is that we do not have a spirit of revenge and hatred in our hearts. I think that goes with what you said, "forgiveness is for yourself." And it also comes from a recognition that the one who offended you is most likely ignorant of their sin. So, Jesus on the cross prayed "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." So they were ignorant.

But that forgiveness did not remove their sin, nor the consequences of it. It provided a probationary time for them to be awakened to what they did. And a short time later, the apostles were sent out, pointing to the sin, and saying, "Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs,...you have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified."

If Jesus' forgiveness on the cross had removed the sin, then there would have been no need for a message saying, "You crucified God's Son," for they would have been already forgiven! So when we forgive those who trespass against us, we do so because our only concern is their restoration. We are not putting away their sin, but we are preparing ourselves to be able to help them see it, by not harboring bitterness and revenge, which would block the light God wants to shine through us.

There can come a time though, when people are so hardened in sin, that it is useless even to pray for them anymore. When Saul rejected the Lord, Samuel still mourned for him, and the Lord rebuked him, saying, "How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Go and anoint David." And Saul never received another communication from Samuel. David was still used to reveal God's character to Saul, especially when Saul hunted him, but although Saul could recognize David's righteousness, he was himself beyond repentance.

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“Get away with it?”

Heck, Newsome & pelosiprobably sold him the property…

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Nah. Newsom and Pelosi paid him to take the property, using funds from the state treasury.

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This is too weird. Something is up. There are no coincidences and it's back to the same crap of the Wuhan lab or the Chinese, etc etc etc.....all of them are in cahoots with their gain of function and "collaboration".

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"Chinese fugitive". Fugitive from who, China? And what for?

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..as the Devil hides deep under a ton of details...

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There are other articles detailing this Chinese criminal.

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How did a "fugitive" ever get specimens of such diseases, which are allegedly so tightly controlled??? Who supplied them? By what means? WHY has all this not been tracked down and shut down permanent!y???

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Because the ones responsible for Bio-terrorist treats... are sleeping on the switch?

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Most likely!

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My thoughts exactly. Are these people walking free in our society?

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Feb 6, 2024
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that the amid NOT covering it only tells us we are already in the 1world gov't, and they consider it "disinformation"! Anything they might as at this point will bean outright lie. Their intent is to eliminate as many of us as possible, as quickly as possible, and they don't care how! War, famine, pestilence... all good in their view.

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Nothing happened about the multiple illegal Bioweapon labs in Ukraine near the Russian border that turned out to be funded by the US Zionist government so I’m not sure why this should be any different.

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I agree with you Jason. I’ve written an article on the bio weapons lab in Ukraine. Checkout the article when you get a chance. Many thanks.


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Something happened. Russia's first targets going into Ukraine were those bioweapon labs. The Russians aren't dumb.

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Thank you for forwarding this article. Gain of function research must be abandoned. Playing God with harmful organisms is totally unethical and dangerous. We could destroyed our species. Those who do this work are mad scientists who do no good work, only harm. And government is complicit.

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Amen to all your statements...

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Why wasn’t anything really done about this old discovery? Just a bunch of “oh wells”? 🤦🏻‍♀️

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All biolabs are illegal. For what is their true purpose? With 1,000s of labs and dozens of years, what is even one thing they have discovered or produced to benefit any humans?

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I love the subtitle "Ghoulish facility like something out of dystopian crime novel" -- so many creative possibilities come to mind. . .

Gavin Newsom - "Ghoulish governor like something out of dystopian crime novel"

So much of what's going on in California's major cities now is "like something out of a dystopian crime novel." The whole dang state of California these days is like something out of a dystopian crime novel. Dang. I lived in that state for 40 years. I used to love the place.

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In Canada it happens in a Winnipeg lab

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Yes, it did...and there are others under scrutiny... more to come - soon, I hope.

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Yes. The Winnipeg lab in Canada, (officially known as the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health), is a world-renowned facility for infectious disease research and diagnostics.

It's one of the few Level 4 labs in the world, and can safely handle the most dangerous pathogens. The lab is a part of the Public Health Agency of Canada and works closely with the World Health Organization and other international partners to protect public health.

Recently, the lab has been in the news due to the firing of two scientists in 2019. The Public Health Agency of Canada has said that their dismissal had nothing to do with the fact that one of the scientists, Xiangguo Qiu, oversaw a shipment of Ebola and Henipah viruses to China's Wuhan Institute of Virology in March 2019!!.

However, the incident sparked a lot of online conspiracy theories, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19 in China.

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There's another Level4 to keep an eye on. in Charlottetown, PEI...

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This is really old news.... or am I missing something?

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Ha! Aren't we all? And often?..

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Yes, like what exactly were they doing, who funded them, and how much is this happening.

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Yes, I’ve been reading about it for about a year. However, most people still are unaware; so it’s good this was posted.

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Ah, I was missing something:

"Click on the image below to read the full report". 🙄

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According to reports, this underground biolab contained a smorgasbord of dangerous pathogens, including Ebola, malaria, and tuberculosis. And let's not forget the lab mice!

You know what they say, "No self-respecting illegal biolab is complete without a few rodents”!

Authorities say an international fugitive received $2 million from the Chinese Communist Party to run this lab. Talk about a plot twist!

The purpose of this mysterious lab remains unclear, but one thing's for sure: it's definitely not our average day at the lab.

Where were the FBI and CDC during all of this!?

The story of the illegal biolab in California, is a tale of intrigue, mystery, and a whole lot of questions.

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Tell us true now, DrSDRK. Were the rodents pretty little white things in cages, or were they ugly little gray things running around on the floor?

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Hahahaha, a Chinese would take the risk and start an underground lab in California? Why?

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“Risk”? “Underground”? California.

You must be a trip at parties...


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I lived in California for 40 years, Cheeps. I'm gonna die laughing at your comment.

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There are also Bio labs in CO. One just opened at Colorado College in CO Springs and another is scheduled to open in 2025 affiliated with CSU. Government funded. And a hospital in Denver just started giving Ebola vaccines to their staff. 🤔 Denver Health

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This is an area that is forever ripe for the permanent PsyOps and fear mongering campaign that has descended on us, so be wary of truth and falsehood. This may have been a dangerous bio lab, none of us knows, but what we do know is they are trying to keep our fear level so amped up that we will agree to whatever the government says is required to ‘keep us safe’. Verbum Sat..

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