What an unsung hero this man, Dr Wakefield-- thank you-- and Thank YOU for YOU as well. I long for genuine journalism to return and the inquiry for real truth as well. Surely this turning of the truth toward the Light will be in our lifetime. Keeping the faith for all of you sweethearts!!!

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Agree 💯 %. Wakefield is totally vindicated. We should have listened to him over a decade ago.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough for your tireless posting of such important information that affects us all. You have educated us and provided us with the ability to fight back against these globalists and tyranny. God Bless you!

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Thank you for giving this truth pioneer the recognition he deserves.

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Wakefield's courage is one of the many reasons my three children, now young adults, never received any childhood vaccines. And they are very healthy! We cannot give into Big Pharma and all those in medicine who've been paid to stay congruent with the narrative.

Our pediatrician was not very understanding of my position, but in our state we have all 3 exemptions.

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Also Dr. Wakefield, thank you and may God repay you for the high price you’ve had to pay for telling us the truth. Only He can make up to you fully what you have sacrificed.

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Thank you!

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34 years ago my 18 month old son was hospitalized with what was either pneumonia or severe asthma. I signed the admittance papers & read the treatment orders & the informed consent for the drug they wanted to give him which was intravenous ventalin I think. Within 3 hours he started exhibiting all the symptoms of overdose I had read in their brochure. The nurse had to reposition the IV 3 times because he was so agitated. It was 2 in the morning. I asked her to take him off the drug since it sure looked like he was overdosed. She called the doctor on call from our pediatric practice who had never met my son or me. She told me my son was obviously an obnoxious child & it wasn't the drug causing the behavior. I ripped her a new one and demanded she write the order. They stopped the treatment and he got better. I left that pediatric practice the next day citing her callous and uninformed responses. They notified me a week later that she had been let go. We did not return to them. I found a wonderful doctor who had a solo practice. He was an excellent listener and very pragmatic about ignoring the push for more vaccinations in young children. Your comments about doctors blaming the patients brought this memory flooding back. Thank you Dr. Wakefield for all that you are doing for the children! And thank you John for engaging in this wonderful conversation!

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Thank you for this information. I pass it along to my daughter concerning her 8 month-old son and the dreadful vax schedule they PUSH on parents of infants. I read somewhere that doctors are given a healthy bonus for so many pediatric patients that are “fully vaxxed” within a year.

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Thank-you for this serene presentation of humble, honest, intelligence. Very refreshing to see Dr Wakefield's steadfast morality.

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Thanks for another inside view of two men who are changing history -the two of you: Andy Wakefield, and John Leake, helping all to see what's actually going on in the world we're immersed in. Re your allusions to better sanitation & hygiene, etc, please give a good look at Forrest Maready's The Moth in the Iron Lung. He brings a vivid picture of American history from the 1800's to 2018, describing the oblivious disregard of most obvious problematic factors, official denial of economically advantageous practices as the possible culprit, promotion of a 'fabulously new -- and Scientific! -- solution' to a mysterious but pervasive problem, 'working' the public and more, with respect to polio. In the course of this informativel excursion he prompts the reader to see the obvious, ask questions and even extrapolate them to other -- ie, current, situations. Having grown up in the 1990's, I gained a much clearer understanding of the public promotions & 'campaigns' that kept the public of that period awaiting the next new development. Spoiler alert: Maready explores the issues of contagion & hygiene, along with the then common use of mercury for teething, arsenic and lead arsenate to protect crops from the accidentally imported Gypsy moth, the end of WW II and use of DDT on civilians, seasons & locations of outbreaks. I found this book delightful to read for its writing style, as well as a gentle way to open the eyes of those who still haven't caught on. Thanks for all you do. We haven't actually met but I feel like we're in the same tribe. Andy yes, please do put the Wakefield saga into novel format. It too is important history.

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He is another example of true expertise but will never be recognized because we live in a time when facts and truth are shoved aside for an agenda that's been orchestrated to change our way of life and there is little we can do to reverse. Watch out for AI to cement what's coming.

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Shared! In my jewish and non jewish community, the head of the Republican party, a Phd. professor from Suny University (personal friend) has just been red pilled about the medical community. I believe this is because of all the information shared. Thank you. People are waking up.

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What an amazing human being and physician Dr. Andrew Wakefield is. God bless him for forging ahead in spite of all the adversity. I pray he will be successful in his crusade to bring out the truth about vaccines and save children from these horrendous outcomes. The time may be right now!!

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Yes Dr. Wakefield! So appreciate him and his work and his voice since I found his books/writing back in 2001. Glad he is being allowed to SPEAK UP again!

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I followed his story when it happened and understood the implications. Our pediatrician called him a quack. I trusted what he said over 2 decades ago and it is amazing it has taken so many people all of this time to see he was ground zero in fighting Big Pharma’s war on our children and humanity!

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John and Dr. Wakefield thanks for this engaging and instructive interview. I’ve listened to presentations by Dr. W since he first moved to Texas and gave a talk in the back room of a library or restaurant ... I don’t recall ... where he discussed the corrupt persecution he was subjected to by Brian Deere and the Health Board in Britain. It was critically important to let us know in America just what happened, and great public service to record it for us.

Dr. Wakefield’s native charm and intellect make his interviews always absorbing. Just when I think I’ve heard all this before, I learn something new and significant.

Dr. Wakefield would have made a great James Bond, glasses and all. Just as he’s about to plug the bad guy he says, “My dear boy ...”

I’d like to add to this line of discussion the work of Dr. Sabine Hazan. The role of the microbiome in the gut-brain interaction seems undeniable at this point. How that works is a fascinating phenomenon I hope to learn more about. For an ordinary citizen, the executive bullet on this topic is that the vaccines wipe it the bifido bacteria, a serious problem that influences both suppression of immune response and cognitive development in children.

There are insurance data that make a compelling connection between the mass die-off of millennials in Q3 ‘21 following mandated COVID vaccines and their hyper vaccination as children. This was the age stratum that absorbed the proliferation of childhood shots that kicked in because if the 1986 VICA law. Compromised immune response teams up with spike proteins to produce micro clots in the heart. That’s only my guess, but based in interviews with Ryan Cole and Jessica Rose who discuss the signatures of death by COVID shots.

The damaged micro-biome does not necessarily recover on its own. A diet of fast food and video games may get you a job with a laptop. But you’ll trade in your death certificate for a group life payout after your shots do what they do.

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