So WRONG!! On so many counts! Sharing, widely!!!

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For a family victimized twice when this man was yet a boy with assassination;


Those treasonous expose themselves more and more and it's obvious the OBastard's are Agents of The City of London bucking towards Absolute Power of the World.

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RFK can't trust the Secret Service anyway, so it is better to have private security of the highest caliber.

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You're probably right.

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Gavin de Becker & Associates.

For those who are unawares, Gavin de Becker is a billionaire who resides in Hawaii. He has previously appeared on Oprah (HI), and protected Jeff Bezos (HI), written blurbs for Bob Malone's book and Edward Dowd's book (HI).

He appeared on Joe Rogan and discussed digital surveillance.

He donated to both RFK's SuperPac and WI Senator Ron Johnson's campaign.

Just a little background.

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Bingo! I don’t understand why he doesn’t have private security.

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I believe he does has his own security. They likely detained the intruder.

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Good point.

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Give him secret service protection like every other candidate! This is disgraceful!

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What the hell is he living in Los Angeles for in the first place?

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He moved there for his wife - she’s an actress.

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Yes and through his wife Cheryl Hines his social circle are all woke nut jobs. Many actors are non-Californians. She’s going to get him killed and none of the asshats in CA will shed a “real” tear.

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He has a mind of his own.

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It's likely they spend mush time apart then, or did with his advocacy for CHD but who knows, maybe this affects his climate views, he got bandwagoned, enhanced by his environmental background. That helps the left vote but not the right, where I live. If it's him or Trump/Biden, he'll have my vote.

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No excuse. Plenty of actors live outside CA. She’s a selfish actress.

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My thoughts exactly!

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Makes my stomach turn how corrupt the courts have become. Really sickening.

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Democrats hate that he’s running. It’s purposeful intimidation especially since they refuse him SS protection.

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This is a no brainer…clearly a political family-candidate, uncle assassinated, father assassinated, this is even uglier than lawfare against President Trump (yes, President Trump).

FJB and his handlers are criminal-trash.

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Seems like Biden doesn't want any other democrat competing!!!

Biden does everything in an unethical way.

It's not proper/moral/legal to give everyone except RFK protection.

WRONG from all perspectives.

RFK would beat Biden in any fair race! RFK would demolish Biden in any fair election.


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So Fauci gets protection and a chauffeur payed for by tax payers. RFK Jr, who is running for president...nothing.

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Fauci offers a corrupt gravy train and political cover, RFK does not.

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This Installed Marxist Regime/Admin is beyond criminal and corrupt. I would say Evil Incarnate and not feel like I’m being hyperbolic at all. How do we ever hope to change this? They have all the power and will continue to use to get more and more power. Straight out of The Marxist Playbook. 😥😩🤦‍♂️

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The 2024 Presidential candidate Biden is clearly responsible for greenlighting any Presidential candidate's secret service needs as he apparently has a monopoly on that paperwork decision For RFK Jr. which should demonstrate simple natural respect and human decency in following the unbroken tradition of the American government protecting its candidates for its highest office since Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated while campaigning for President decades ago. This shows Biden is a monster.

Biden's Executive Branch's DOJ has attacked another Presidential candidate with countless lawsuits that violate the basic rules that the defense attorneys are to be afforded sufficient time to present the best defense possible for former President Donald Trump.

What else has Biden done to other candidates? Surely these are the top two formidable candidates for Biden. In my humble opinion, I believe if the primary election were held today without any electronic machine fraud and with all handcounted paper ballots that both of these candidates would garner more votes than Biden.

It appears to me that Biden doesn't play well with others at all and that Biden doesn't comprehend ethical virtues and decency of fairness and equality for all.

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Nither does anyone in this administration. Especially the ones pulling his strings.

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NOT okay at all.

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Biden and his administration, really are vermin.

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RFK Jr's request for president candidate protection is the most dangerous thing in politics that Brandon the dumbass has pulled.

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One word: Gascon. He will let all criminals free without bail.

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The score within his own family is 2-0 with the Secret Service in tow, wouldn't trust them as far as you could kick em, with that track record.

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