Is America's Decline in Stage 4 Terminal?
New book by Thomas Sowell & survey on civics knowledge do not bode well.
God bless Thomas Sowell. At the age of 93, the sage economist and philosopher still has the energy, spirit, and love of this beleaguered Constitutional Republic to continue his good work. He’s just out with a new book, Social Justice Fallacies, and I just listened to him talk about it in an interview with Fox News’s Mark Levin.
The book is the culmination of his decades of research that led him to conclude that the basic tenets of Marxism and the “Social Justice” ideology it spawned have no basis in factual reality. As Sowell sees it—barring severe illness or other unforeseen disasters—most of the misfortunes we experience in our lives are of our own making.
The greatest gift a man and woman can give to their children is to stay married, provide a stable household, and teach their kids the virtues of discipline, study, and delayed gratification. If people fail to look after themselves and their families, tyrants will erect a “paternalistic state” to do the job for them with catastrophic results.
I found Sowell’s interview with Mark Levin alarming. Normally easy-going and humorous, in this interview his tone is one of grave concern. He states that he is hard pressed to see how sensible people who care about our Constitutional Republic can hold the line against the savage, philistine, ignorant forces of totalitarianism that are increasingly dominating the public forum. Especially disturbing are the hordes of college students who threaten classical liberal and conservative philosophers with physical violence if they dare set foot on campus to give a talk.
Right as I was watching Sowell’s interview, my friend and fellow journalist, Christine Dolan, sent me the results of the 2023 Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey. Reading it amplified the alarm I was already feeling from watching Sowell’s interview.
77% of Americans can only name one of the freedoms (speech) protected by the First Amendment. They are unaware of the Amendment’s protection of religious freedom, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
As Professor Hugh Liebert pointed out in a 2017 Heritage Foundation lecture, a people who fail to cultivate and maintain civic virtue will, like the Roman Empire, eventually find their country in a state of terminal decline.
Is it too late for America to be saved from tyrants and the avid philistines who do their bidding?
Dr. Peter McCullough recently founded the McCullough Foundation, whose mission is to educate the public about the critical intersection of medical freedom and civic virtue. As we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, the tyrants have found their Trojan Horse—that is, emerging infectious diseases and our terror of them. Because our bodies may harbor infectious pathogens that could transmit and harm others, we are told that the state must, from time to time, invoke Emergency Power to place us under house arrest, force us to wear masks, and inject us with experimental substances. While ordinary citizens are forced to bear an enormous burden, elites who are well-positioned in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex enjoy immense profits from the imposition of their state-sponsored “countermeasures,” for which they bear no product liability. The McCullough Foundation endeavors to push back against this tyrannical scheme.
We are just getting up and running with Foundation and have so much work to do. Please visit our nascent website and consider giving a donation.
The COVID-19 pandemic is both the smokescreen and the bludgeon being wielded by a small group of un-touchable and un-accountable psychotic narcissists in order to execute a blanket world-wide coup, and if we do not stop this madness we will soon find ourselves locked inside a technological panopticon prison unlike anything seen in history.
All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by the World Economic Forum - a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus - with all countries utilizing nearly identical language, reasoning, restrictions and slogans - without first having control of every government on earth.
The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that such a structure ^ even exists or even if it did that the controllers would ever do this to us. These eternal optimists appear to be blind to this most fundamental construct of human nature: that power corrupts nearly everyone who wields it—and the globalists - those obscure puppetmaster billionaires you never read about in Forbes and who've spent decades away from the disinfectant properties of sunlight - have indeed become quite corrupted.
And the stunning part about their blindness is that none of this is new: the psychopaths often rise to the top of every power structure over time as the bad drives out the good and as such tyranny has taken control of nations many many times throughout history. This time is no different, and the freedom we take for granted has actually been an aberration from the historical norm.
If people still cannot see this given how obvious what is occurring has become, then I do not see how we have any hope of turning the tide. The normies will just keep on complying and believing what’s being done to them is for the greater good while they drag themselves and the rest of us into totalitarianism.
Yes, America is terminal, however, I believe in the Resurrection.
We need a Divine Intervention