The COVID-19 pandemic is both the smokescreen and the bludgeon being wielded by a small group of un-touchable and un-accountable psychotic narcissists in order to execute a blanket world-wide coup, and if we do not stop this madness we will soon find ourselves locked inside a technological panopticon prison unlike anything seen in history.
All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by the World Economic Forum - a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus - with all countries utilizing nearly identical language, reasoning, restrictions and slogans - without first having control of every government on earth.
The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that such a structure ^ even exists or even if it did that the controllers would ever do this to us. These eternal optimists appear to be blind to this most fundamental construct of human nature: that power corrupts nearly everyone who wields it—and the globalists - those obscure puppetmaster billionaires you never read about in Forbes and who've spent decades away from the disinfectant properties of sunlight - have indeed become quite corrupted.
And the stunning part about their blindness is that none of this is new: the psychopaths often rise to the top of every power structure over time as the bad drives out the good and as such tyranny has taken control of nations many many times throughout history. This time is no different, and the freedom we take for granted has actually been an aberration from the historical norm.
If people still cannot see this given how obvious what is occurring has become, then I do not see how we have any hope of turning the tide. The normies will just keep on complying and believing what’s being done to them is for the greater good while they drag themselves and the rest of us into totalitarianism.
It is now generally acknowledged among those not living in denial that Covid was/is a man-made bioweapon, released intentionally to accomplish several goals, the two most important of which were to create the conditions and circumstances to enable the theft of the 2020 Presidential election and to give a jump start to “The Great Reset.”
What many people still do not realize or understand, however, is that, while Covid is, indeed, a bioweapon, the REAL bioweapon in all of this, the one intended to do the REAL damage and cause a huge number of fatalities, is not Covid but the fake “vaccines.”
And they are doing massive damage, having already killed an untold number of millions worldwide, with many, many more to come due to long-term side effects, not the least of which is severe damage to the immune system, leaving the “vaccine” recipients open to infection by pretty much any pathogen which happens along.
Things are going to get worse. Notice how in spite of the publication of unquestionable studies and information telling the truth about Covid, the "vaccines," and the endless lies coming from "the authorities," we are still being lied to and they are now pushing yet another fake "vaccine" that is almost certainly going to be like those we already have, meaning it will help no one and do tremendous damage. And now the UN is meeting to coerce its members into signing a treaty giving the WHO complete dictatorial authority whenever they decide to declare an "emergency." In theory, this will allow the WHO to force every person on earth to submit to whatever medical treatment or procedure the WHO chooses. In other words, they will have the authority to force you to submit to potentially deadly treatments - like the Covid "vaccines." This is not going to turn out well.
Hopefully that will not happen. I thought I read that the WHO was also planning to initiate a one world currency and payment system. That just sounds sinister. This feels like a bad dream but you don’t wake up.
Elizabeth, the reality of the bad dream is that we are seemingly moving into the territory that the prophets in the Bible speak about, rise of 10 regional governments, the rise of a global leader, and the short 7 year period referred to as the Great Tribulation or The Time of Jacobs Trouble. We are approaching the time of the Mark of the Beast system arising which will be the pinnacle of horrible prison like circumstances which is being mentioned by TriTorch and others. The mark of the Beast will be the system that controls all commerce and is a loyalty mark to this globalized system and it Satanic leader. The Bible condemns those who take the mark on their bodies. For those who know the Lord Jesus, we dont need to fear.
Yes, Elizabeth, things do seem to be getting worse. My feeling is that some of the mechanisms of harm were intended to be in the short term (days, weeks, months), & others were intended to cause or contribute to ill health, whereby shortening lifespans. I do not know what it is going to take for the vast majority to see what is unfolding all around them. If they, themselves, are so far unscathed, from having been jabbed, they are very willing to overlook what has happened to so many others. Between being willfully blind & willfully ignorant, it does not bode well for humanity.
Very True-This “Virus” mutated very fast-Had nothing been done, it would have been another cold/flu season. How many die in a normal Flu season-US 100K more or less- it varies from time to time- It’s sad how just plain STUPID people have become to believe the bullshit fairytales pushed by the mainstream “News” Worst part is it doesn’t look like enough people are waking up or even bother to try and educate themselves.
Exactly. It's an experiment in compliance, using the gene-transfection injection as a bio-weapon. As I wrote here: : 'The Global Medical Experiment is Done. But it's not a medical experiment at all.' Covid and the covid injection are twins, by design, using the exact same spike protein to wreak havoc on the health of billions.
Sorry, WEF is not the top, it's just 1 of the firewalls protecting the top, of which there are many. The "top" is not human, not of this world, but not an "ET" from another world either. He's know to most of us, and his very existence is denied by the majority. But he is all too real, and entirely evil. His name is Satan, nice known as the archangel Lucifer, 'til he rebelled against his Creator.
> The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that such a structure ^ even exists or even if it did that the controllers would ever do this to us.
I think the majority actually like being controlled and told what they can do and when. They want government to run their lives; they see it as a feature, not a bug.
So brilliantly stated, whatever the Evil Empire is, it does include: Google, Youtube, Facebook, Pfizer, Big Pharma, Monsanto and nearly all religious and political extremists.
Sadly, I think you are right. It is maddening to watch how relatively sane and free societies are rapidly moving towards the abyss of a totalitarian cliff and the majority pretends all will be ok again.
Been planned since 1863 when Lincoln requested the Russian Czar to send reinforcements to U.S. Harbors to block an illegal Military Occupation by the European Navy comprised of British/French Navies during the Civil War. The City of London and Committee of 300's Peers in Oxford and Cambridge Universities determined it to be impossible for Military Occupation to succeed and began hallowing-out U.S. Govt. through multiple aspects concurrently. This began in earnest in 1902/03. The Plan was outlined by a Bilderberg Document accidentally found in a Copying Machine in 1989.
Lincoln was a "johnny-come- lately"; this plan goes back to the 1550s, and has nothing to do with any American leader or war whatever. Indeed,America only came into being at all through a fluke the PTB hadn't foreseen.
You're correct in a sense...But, the U.S. is 'johnny-come-lately' itself. U.S. is a toddler among old nations.
The point is about the Declaration of Independence, Revolution and Constitution to be the VERY FIRST TIME evil was threatened; and in fact had their bums handed to them on a silver platter by 'The People'; their slaves they euphemistically defined serfs/peasants.
These people, their documents mirroring devastating enlightenment/intellect and abilities towards critical thinking and action to support all were defined by the demons, "The Greatest enemy of all time."
The fluke you refer to was one of too many to ignore. The miracles documented to happen during the Revolution to enable vital victories and then in the Civil War and into the present day...Only could have manifested via Divine Intervention. U.S. was never perfect and nothing on Earth can be perfect; but next to GOD'S COMING GOVERNMENT OVER THE WORLD, it's the next best thing we have.
We’re screwed- I continue to run into idiots still wearing masks, Yesterday saw a “manager” who rang up my purchases at a store wearing a nasty WET mask-Older lady- I told her there’s several new studies proving masks don’t work-Her response: “There’s ALWAYS studies” in sarcastic tone. Then I told her, forget the studies, It’s Physics, Viruses are 3NM so tiny they WILL ALWAYS pass the fabric of any mask & masks only filter MUCH larger particles & that she’s only harming herself + I mentioned the types of damage done. This woman is just like EVERYONE ELSE I’ve tried to help, She didn’t believe ANYTHING I said even though she KNEW I was more than qualified . Just plain STUPID. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! I’m certain that something is causing people to become dumber and dumber- Could be many thing’s- The SHIT these animals put in their “Vaccines” as there’s more & more of them, like the useless FLU VACCINE. By the time the “Flu virus strain” is isolated- it’s mutated 100’s or 1000’s of times. Many months pass between the manufacture of the “Flu Shot” and the time shot is Administered . Useless, yet try and explain this simple concept to most ANYONE = Good Luck. All these “Vaccines” hyper- stimulate the immune system, causing damage , it’s almost like a neurotoxin, causing brain damage-ESPECIALLY IN SMALL KIDS- It’s out of control .
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." --Samuel Adams
It's ^ true. It's why they fight tooth and nail and spare no expense to keep us depressed, oppressed, divided, demoralized, and traumatized. They do not stand a chance against the united, undivided, resolve of even a small percentage of us.
"Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together." —
Yes, I resent people who don't know what is happening and don't care. Even today I mentioned the Pandemic Treaty and 4 or so women in the group said, 'I quit watching the news years ago.' Sadly, they don't understand there are other sources for news; substacks, podcasts, websites with independent journalists. They have no overall picture of what is happening. These are educated, law abiding citizens. Glazed and apathetic. Whatever happened? I agree the numb ones will help drag us into totalitarianism.
I aqree with all that.. A little reassurance is offered. Foundations for the next phase which will be a New Age were laid down in the crisis years of the post war period with metaphysical operations on a vast scale quietly proceeding below the mask of lies suppressing important events which you are not supposed to know, but can find out.
Dystopic features may be imposed for a time, depending how much there is a demand for Truth in the ongoing war, with fear of climate change which is natural in the history of the planet.
Sit back and and view the world theatre as we used to with the TV comedies and, it is a temporary phase in evolution.
My book is "Metaphysics and The New Age" and I blog on :
If there were any chance of stopping the WEF, every GOP candidate running for president of the US would be speaking out loud and long about what his plan to stop them consisted of, and how they would make sure the North American countries refuse to accede to the WEF's demands ! 😵💫😵💫😵💫
Relying on a bought an paid for politician to fix your problem is a fools errand.
"Everyone is looking for a savior, instead of looking in the mirror" —a lunatic
The power of making change lives inside of YOU. Voting got us into the problem, it sure as hell isn't going to get us out. Only you can do that.
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." --Samuel Adams
It's ^ true. It's why they fight tooth and nail and spare no expense to keep us depressed, oppressed, divided, demoralized, and traumatized. They do not stand a chance against the united, undivided, resolve of even a small percentage of us.
"Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together." —
So therefore God had turned from us. They want their ways, I’ll give them what they want! Our deviant life styles and ways had better be dropped, and we turn back to God!
I have no problem with any religious belief, all religions point to the same place. I did read the Old Test. years ago, I find the New Test. like fresh air and springtime, I find the O.T. in most cases, angry, gloomy and judgmental, of course, there's the Twenty Third Psalm among other classic segments of the book. The history of Judaism (The Torah is really The Old Testament) involves each part of The Hebrew Nation had their own kingly deity, Jerusalem had one of the meanest and nastiest and orneriest ones and Jerusalem became the capital of the Empire...long story short, we ended up with an angry, punitive, nasty dispositioned, God of wrath and judgement.
I much prefer a loving, forgiving, kind and gentle Divinity. I am sure I will get some "hate" mail about this, go ahead and hate me!
Again, no sir try do not. And I find your lack of understanding of the OT unsurprising give your belief that all religions lead to the same place. Many knowledgeable Bible scholars describe the book as "the OT is the NT concealed, the NT is the OT revealed". The Bible is, in fact, a single contiguous massage from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21. But it cannot be understood by the carnal mind, and that was by intent. Perhaps,instead of creating a false deity in your own image, you might try repenting and getting to know Yhwh God, also known as Jesus ( " Before Abraham was, I Am"; the Word that was with God in the beginning and i? s God; "the same yesterday, today, and forever"). Agape, like "tough love", may not always seem kind, but it is the purest form of love that exists.
An intriguing book on the OT is "The Unseen Realm" by Heiser. He discusses thoroughly the how and why of the violence in the OT and the gods vs God battle that has been going on since before the earth came into being. It made me see all that anger, gloom and judgement you mention in a new light.
No sir, it's not at all impossible, and America has done so. It happens when an individual or group ceases to follow His precepts, and chases after false deities. Where would you like to start with that list, and how long have you got to read it?
And likely both of these will be happening at same time because America is a divided nation. A divided nation isalso more susceptible to being conquered as our Founders knew.
That was already planned, long ago, and is coming, but not so much for America as for all humanity. It will most assuredly be a DIVINE intervention, but not 1 most are apt to like.
It is interesting to see you comment about Thomas Sowell. I have been a big Thomas Sowell fan for years. I often describe Peter McCullough as "the Thomas Sowell of healthcare". As you know, Thomas Sowell has ability to cite the data from memory and calmly destroy counter arguments. Peter is the same way. He is a walking encyclopedia of data.
Thomas Sowell is one the greatest statesmen since the founding fathers. Love him!
I'm sad to admit this, but I believe the US is past the point of no return in its headlong drive into feudalism/Marxism/globalism. I have serious doubts we can reverse the course of the nation back onto its constitutional track.
The #1 factor is the totally Marxist/globalist Democrat party, in bed with globalists and working on their agendas and operations. Subversion and corruption of the Democrat party began 120 years ago, and it has been gradual but steady. So gradual that the majority of Americans haven't noticed. Democrats are corrupt traitors, the enemy within. They control virtually the entire federal government and Congress, and the majority of courts. They are operating almost as a totalitarian group.
There is NO effective opposition to the Democrats. Republicans are useless, with many of them in bed with Democrats. And independents aren't organized at all.
The US Constitution has been shredded, Bill of Rights freedoms trampled, rule of law dismissed and our constitutional republic is being dismantled right before our eyes.
I have little hope America can turn the ship around.
Globalism is really dead or dying, the US is no longer interested in protecting the shipping lanes for the likes of China and Russia. We have fewer military personnel overseas than ever before since World War II. Even Biden has supported higher tariffs on imports than Trump did. We have discovered lithium in great abundance in Northern Nevada so we don't even need Bolivian lithium soon. We are a uniquely blessed piece of geography. We have the best: rail system, water transport system, food growing system, military power, best ports on two oceans, best climate in North America. Let's stop the gloom and doom and believe in the future.
They will never never be deported likely, so we must learn to make the best use of their talents, skills and abilities, provided that they are NOT lawbreakers or gangsters. We actually demographically need more young people to build our tax base, pay taxes, do jobs that are more suitable for young people, lifting, sorting, carrying the burdens, learning to be tradespeople and the like.
These are not the illegals of old who came for work. These are unskilled men and many don't speak English. Where would you employ them? They were brought here for one reason - votes and to create chaos... plus to put them in law enforcement they have zero connection to America and will gladly be the boots, brown shirts, enforcers.
maranatha!I think they are laying ground work for one man to take over.Once church is gone the "restrainer" or the holy spirit will no longer be working the same as it has throughout the church age.The thing is, it could be tomarrow or 100 years from now, i nver thought i would see so much of this evil and craziness.
The "end times" began at Calvary, we're just in the last little bit of them. Yhwh God doesn't measure time as we do. Be a little careful with Hal Lindsay, he tends to "date set". And be listening for the shofar.
God bless Dr. Thomas Sowell. The USA would do well to award him the Medal of Freedom (highest national award to a civilian), work with enlightened, public philanthropists to establish the Thomas Sowell Institute dedicated to clear thinking, writing and action. This and more, while this modest, private, national icon is still with us.
Emerging infectious diseases, like what? The only emerging infectious diseases, are those made by man such as sarscov2. We did not have a pandemic, it was a plandemic. I cannot understand how anyone can think otherwise. I can understand Dr. Peter McCullough not wanting to stick,his neck out any further than he already has by calling an immediate halt to the covid injections due to their lack of safety. He has already stepped on too many toes and I am most grateful for everything he has done for humanity.
Good Post... but... I find your loose use of the term 'countermeasures' alarming. When the DoD orders a weapon, it's referred to as a 'countermeasure'. The Pfizer & Moderna vaxxes ordered were 'bio-medical countermeasures'. They were and are weapons. So I think that the casual misuse of the term given our present day reality is inappropriate.
I agree Richie. The EUA contains very specific language concerning the term "countermeasures" - the shots, doctors, institutions are part of that classification, provided that they follow the narrative. Katherine Watt at Bailiwicks News has done an amazing job breaking down the legal (immoral) structure enabling the murders:
Hopefully someone will step up and bring a criminal case against the perpetrators. I believe that the blueprint or template strategy that Katherine has presented will work, we just need a brave and informed attorney to step to the plate and slug away. Peace.
i think, & am convinced more & more everyday that some form of devolution (read Tyranny & Tyrants, & Power of The Lesser Magistrate) is underway.The "Freedom Alliance" around the world have been awake to this war we are in for @ least 7(approx.)years.If any body thinks the Bidumb regime has been comp. in charge i think they mistaken.We are at war.The military with Pres.Trump still being some form of commander in CChief.That's not the same as president of theUS of A corporate entity that has had control of entire world for over 100 years. I believe There have been VERY subtle military coups or something all through the world.(I am not crazy. Read Harold is the researcher/author.He also has a substack account.Type in Patel Patriot.He has all kinds of info .He backs it all up with completely available freedom of info. act. documents. Very eye opening.If we connect back with God Almighty we have a chance. That is the only reason it happened in 1776. We kicked prayer out of schools in 1953 and the slow steady decline began.These people work for satan and our constitution is not much good if you don't follow it.I think you r right about Federal Gov. I hope it dies.It was never supposed to run anything. I believe the military is trying to get people to learn to work in state rather than through feds.Read devolution it will make sense.God be w/you
"The military with Pres. Trump still being some form of commander in CChief." Really? If that was the case after after Jan 20, 2020 there would have been rebellion and a version of 7 Days in May would have occurred. No, the upper levels of our military are not on Trumps side. They act to protect their careers, their pensions and some of them are of a outright globalist mindset. Its time to bring back the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and kick out the UN and all WEF lackeys, indict all Antifa and BLM members.
I don't know. You could be right, but i've seen evidence of lies and evil on both sides. Its so difficult to make sense of anything these days.God is the only source of real Truth.Read devolution, by Jon Herold...its on substack.Now , like i said take nothing as gospel truth.But a lot of sources are very helpful when you are behind the lines in a 5th generation war/genocide. There are many things that REALLY make me think WEF and Biden are not completely in control Don't forget war is very sloppy and hellish witha lot of battles won and lost.For the first time in almost 150 years American civilians are watching warfare in our country. Visit badlands media on substack, and rumble.A lot of different sources that i sometimes believe sometimes not so much.Its very confusing.Walking in Godd Almighty's protection is really the only way to win, or at least stay sane.Good Luck.
Remember:Nothing is ever as it may seem.Always give it 24-48 hours to settle in your thoughts so you don't make judgements on emotion alone.I will pray for your peace in the Glorious Name of Jesus Christ.
Amen. We are witnessing God's perfect plan unfolding. The end is going to come swiftly for what is coming upon mankind. It seems we may not have long to wait. The only place of safety as you have said is in Messiah Jesus.
Wow, when you put it like that! This hit me like a ton of bricks: "As we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, the tyrants have found their Trojan Horse—that is, emerging infectious diseases and our terror of them. Because our bodies may harbor infectious pathogens that could transmit and harm others, we are told that the state must, from time to time, invoke Emergency Power to place us under house arrest, force us to wear masks, and inject us with experimental substances."
I agree with Thomas Sowell in theory that the major reasons for not making it financially in America are unforeseen medical or other emergencies but that may only have been true a few decades ago. There is a lot of nuance and many complex factors.
First, most people today are suffering from chronic diseases brought about by diet and lifestyle choices and this is causing massive disability. These are not unforeseen medical events but they are preventing many people from succeeding. These are predictable medical problems because people are eating diets high in refined foods including sugar, refined vegetable/seed oils, refined meet, refined grains, etc and this inevitably leads to poor mental and physical health, even in early childhood. This is why the insurance and medical industry inflating and it’s probably why it will eventually be collapsing and it’s why many people can’t financially/mentally/physically care and provide for themselves.
Second, inflationary spending by the government is destroying the ability to run a business, save money to invest for a better financial situation, buy a house etc. The amount of money the government spends on “defense” (aka war mongering throughout the world) is obscene. And then there is the fact that the government just forced people to shut their businesses, quit working and sit at home during the “pandemic”. The wealth of the middle and poor class was funneled up to big industry like online media, online shopping, the medical industrial complex and most notably pharmaceutical companies.
The first factor that I mention is the responsibility of the individual to address by making diet and lifestyle modifications. This seems unlikely to happen as people are addicted to cheap, easy food.
The second factor has to be addressed by cleaning up a runaway government and its out-of-control spending. That also seems unlikely to happen because the people who are running the government are heavily influenced by both industry and captured government agencies.
These are very serious obstacles to just “pulling oneself up by the bootstraps”.
Dr. Eric Berg (chiropratic) from Alexandria, VA. has created an immense body of information on health via the ketogenic sugar, low carbs, high fat, which my wife and I have been following for nearly a year now. We have more energy and physical strength than we have had since we were in our 20s! Of course, Google/Youtube dark energy wants to suppress this information and he is under constant threat of being de-platformed as many iconoclasts have been...(Russell Brand, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) the list goes on and on and the numbers who awaken to the censorship are also growing alongside this list. Never give up, never lose hope!
I’m glad that is working for you! I’m so glad that some people are taking care of their health. And I know a lot of good health information and natural remedies are being hidden. Complete agreement there.
Having said that, I really do believe, from my research, that complex carbohydrates are important for long term health in humans and that slow and steady glucose is the ideal fuel situation. There was an excellent interview that Dr Mercola did with someone who outlined the problems with low carbohydrate diets. The body is only equipped to go into ketogenesis when it’s in a state of starvation, which works well if you are starving but takes a toll. It’s damages the body to stay in ketosis for very long because the body has to produce adrenaline (or extra cortisol?) in order to maintain it. And a high fat diet is pretty devastating to the bowel bacteria diversity.
I have studied the microbiome for a few years and I’m convinced the microbiome is key to good long term health. The microbiome thrives off of nutrient dense carbohydrates and cultured foods. (And I also consume healthy animal protein and fats as well as EVOO etc- in moderation).
If I come across the link of the Mercola interview, I’ll try to post it in case you are interested in an alternative perspective on the ketogenic diet. And I’ll end by saying that almost any diet is going to be better than the SAD, so kudos to all who have made changes and escaped the processed food trap!
At this point, it’s not looking good. I don’t see how we reverse this decline unless the vast majority of people that run ALL of our institutions are replaced. Can’t envision how that happens outside of mass bloodshed.
Iain McGilchrist, author of the Master and the Emissary, demonstrates our Left Brain dominated world is not in touch with reality. Left brain is in cloud cuckoo land build on it's mental disorder. Both Hemispheres are necessary for civilization. Not just the Left Brain crushing dissent.
I love his work! I've been thinking about our collective demoralization and despair, our shutting ourselves up into iron maidens of dogma, after exhausting ourselves trying to clearly map our situation. Neil Gaiman said the reason the Japanese were so far ahead of us in innovation was their reading of science fiction. We have gotten so bogged down in our lonely attempt to fully delineate what is happening, that we have stopped imagining possible worlds. Imagination and innovation are being crushed before they can seed by ideology and propaganda and censorship. The right hemisphere is, essentially, being blinded and gagged, as you say. But even the existing models, already dreamt up, point to the existence of black swans, miracles, chaotic twists (butterflies in Brazil), almost unfathomable complexities in how the world works, things we do not yet even know that we know we don't know (what the rest of junk DNA is) and aspects of life and being that we haven't even imagined yet. Futility and doom are circumscribed, knowable, if f**ked.
All these power psychotic control freaks in whom the divine is crusted over repeatedly and buried alive want to build edifices and monuments to themselves in the form of 15 minute cities, "eco villages" freedom cities, tech bro startups in Solano County, the Walmart Waltons with their Equitism settlement in the Southwest. Ours must be a new world of the imagination, which is not so utterly convinced of its own rightness (very left hemisphere) that it will drive us to extinction or torule by petty psychopathological rich tyrants just to fulfill our need for predictability.
...Come, my friends,
'T is not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
The COVID-19 pandemic is both the smokescreen and the bludgeon being wielded by a small group of un-touchable and un-accountable psychotic narcissists in order to execute a blanket world-wide coup, and if we do not stop this madness we will soon find ourselves locked inside a technological panopticon prison unlike anything seen in history.
All of the planet-wide madness we've been experiencing was designed and implemented by the World Economic Forum - a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus - with all countries utilizing nearly identical language, reasoning, restrictions and slogans - without first having control of every government on earth.
The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that such a structure ^ even exists or even if it did that the controllers would ever do this to us. These eternal optimists appear to be blind to this most fundamental construct of human nature: that power corrupts nearly everyone who wields it—and the globalists - those obscure puppetmaster billionaires you never read about in Forbes and who've spent decades away from the disinfectant properties of sunlight - have indeed become quite corrupted.
And the stunning part about their blindness is that none of this is new: the psychopaths often rise to the top of every power structure over time as the bad drives out the good and as such tyranny has taken control of nations many many times throughout history. This time is no different, and the freedom we take for granted has actually been an aberration from the historical norm.
If people still cannot see this given how obvious what is occurring has become, then I do not see how we have any hope of turning the tide. The normies will just keep on complying and believing what’s being done to them is for the greater good while they drag themselves and the rest of us into totalitarianism.
It is now generally acknowledged among those not living in denial that Covid was/is a man-made bioweapon, released intentionally to accomplish several goals, the two most important of which were to create the conditions and circumstances to enable the theft of the 2020 Presidential election and to give a jump start to “The Great Reset.”
What many people still do not realize or understand, however, is that, while Covid is, indeed, a bioweapon, the REAL bioweapon in all of this, the one intended to do the REAL damage and cause a huge number of fatalities, is not Covid but the fake “vaccines.”
And they are doing massive damage, having already killed an untold number of millions worldwide, with many, many more to come due to long-term side effects, not the least of which is severe damage to the immune system, leaving the “vaccine” recipients open to infection by pretty much any pathogen which happens along.
In keeping with your comment is this recent interview of Edward Dowd by Dr. Naomi Wolf....
Such a scary conversation, things appear to be getting worse instead of better.
Things are going to get worse. Notice how in spite of the publication of unquestionable studies and information telling the truth about Covid, the "vaccines," and the endless lies coming from "the authorities," we are still being lied to and they are now pushing yet another fake "vaccine" that is almost certainly going to be like those we already have, meaning it will help no one and do tremendous damage. And now the UN is meeting to coerce its members into signing a treaty giving the WHO complete dictatorial authority whenever they decide to declare an "emergency." In theory, this will allow the WHO to force every person on earth to submit to whatever medical treatment or procedure the WHO chooses. In other words, they will have the authority to force you to submit to potentially deadly treatments - like the Covid "vaccines." This is not going to turn out well.
Hopefully that will not happen. I thought I read that the WHO was also planning to initiate a one world currency and payment system. That just sounds sinister. This feels like a bad dream but you don’t wake up.
I also hope none of this will happen, but this is what the globalists want and there does not seem to be much organized opposition to stop them.
Elizabeth, the reality of the bad dream is that we are seemingly moving into the territory that the prophets in the Bible speak about, rise of 10 regional governments, the rise of a global leader, and the short 7 year period referred to as the Great Tribulation or The Time of Jacobs Trouble. We are approaching the time of the Mark of the Beast system arising which will be the pinnacle of horrible prison like circumstances which is being mentioned by TriTorch and others. The mark of the Beast will be the system that controls all commerce and is a loyalty mark to this globalized system and it Satanic leader. The Bible condemns those who take the mark on their bodies. For those who know the Lord Jesus, we dont need to fear.
Yes, Elizabeth, things do seem to be getting worse. My feeling is that some of the mechanisms of harm were intended to be in the short term (days, weeks, months), & others were intended to cause or contribute to ill health, whereby shortening lifespans. I do not know what it is going to take for the vast majority to see what is unfolding all around them. If they, themselves, are so far unscathed, from having been jabbed, they are very willing to overlook what has happened to so many others. Between being willfully blind & willfully ignorant, it does not bode well for humanity.
Yes. Thank you for that.
yes, highly recommended and to pass this on to others.
Very True-This “Virus” mutated very fast-Had nothing been done, it would have been another cold/flu season. How many die in a normal Flu season-US 100K more or less- it varies from time to time- It’s sad how just plain STUPID people have become to believe the bullshit fairytales pushed by the mainstream “News” Worst part is it doesn’t look like enough people are waking up or even bother to try and educate themselves.
Exactly. It's an experiment in compliance, using the gene-transfection injection as a bio-weapon. As I wrote here: : 'The Global Medical Experiment is Done. But it's not a medical experiment at all.' Covid and the covid injection are twins, by design, using the exact same spike protein to wreak havoc on the health of billions.
Sorry, WEF is not the top, it's just 1 of the firewalls protecting the top, of which there are many. The "top" is not human, not of this world, but not an "ET" from another world either. He's know to most of us, and his very existence is denied by the majority. But he is all too real, and entirely evil. His name is Satan, nice known as the archangel Lucifer, 'til he rebelled against his Creator.
> The reason we are in this mess running headlong into tyranny is because the majority of people refuse to believe that such a structure ^ even exists or even if it did that the controllers would ever do this to us.
I think the majority actually like being controlled and told what they can do and when. They want government to run their lives; they see it as a feature, not a bug.
Just as long as you keep the bread and circuses available … the public will choose slavery.
I think so too - we can argue about the percentage- but there are definitely people who crave authority and totalitarian rule.
So brilliantly stated, whatever the Evil Empire is, it does include: Google, Youtube, Facebook, Pfizer, Big Pharma, Monsanto and nearly all religious and political extremists.
Sadly, I think you are right. It is maddening to watch how relatively sane and free societies are rapidly moving towards the abyss of a totalitarian cliff and the majority pretends all will be ok again.
Been planned since 1863 when Lincoln requested the Russian Czar to send reinforcements to U.S. Harbors to block an illegal Military Occupation by the European Navy comprised of British/French Navies during the Civil War. The City of London and Committee of 300's Peers in Oxford and Cambridge Universities determined it to be impossible for Military Occupation to succeed and began hallowing-out U.S. Govt. through multiple aspects concurrently. This began in earnest in 1902/03. The Plan was outlined by a Bilderberg Document accidentally found in a Copying Machine in 1989.
Lincoln was a "johnny-come- lately"; this plan goes back to the 1550s, and has nothing to do with any American leader or war whatever. Indeed,America only came into being at all through a fluke the PTB hadn't foreseen.
You're correct in a sense...But, the U.S. is 'johnny-come-lately' itself. U.S. is a toddler among old nations.
The point is about the Declaration of Independence, Revolution and Constitution to be the VERY FIRST TIME evil was threatened; and in fact had their bums handed to them on a silver platter by 'The People'; their slaves they euphemistically defined serfs/peasants.
These people, their documents mirroring devastating enlightenment/intellect and abilities towards critical thinking and action to support all were defined by the demons, "The Greatest enemy of all time."
The fluke you refer to was one of too many to ignore. The miracles documented to happen during the Revolution to enable vital victories and then in the Civil War and into the present day...Only could have manifested via Divine Intervention. U.S. was never perfect and nothing on Earth can be perfect; but next to GOD'S COMING GOVERNMENT OVER THE WORLD, it's the next best thing we have.
We’re screwed- I continue to run into idiots still wearing masks, Yesterday saw a “manager” who rang up my purchases at a store wearing a nasty WET mask-Older lady- I told her there’s several new studies proving masks don’t work-Her response: “There’s ALWAYS studies” in sarcastic tone. Then I told her, forget the studies, It’s Physics, Viruses are 3NM so tiny they WILL ALWAYS pass the fabric of any mask & masks only filter MUCH larger particles & that she’s only harming herself + I mentioned the types of damage done. This woman is just like EVERYONE ELSE I’ve tried to help, She didn’t believe ANYTHING I said even though she KNEW I was more than qualified . Just plain STUPID. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! I’m certain that something is causing people to become dumber and dumber- Could be many thing’s- The SHIT these animals put in their “Vaccines” as there’s more & more of them, like the useless FLU VACCINE. By the time the “Flu virus strain” is isolated- it’s mutated 100’s or 1000’s of times. Many months pass between the manufacture of the “Flu Shot” and the time shot is Administered . Useless, yet try and explain this simple concept to most ANYONE = Good Luck. All these “Vaccines” hyper- stimulate the immune system, causing damage , it’s almost like a neurotoxin, causing brain damage-ESPECIALLY IN SMALL KIDS- It’s out of control .
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." --Samuel Adams
It's ^ true. It's why they fight tooth and nail and spare no expense to keep us depressed, oppressed, divided, demoralized, and traumatized. They do not stand a chance against the united, undivided, resolve of even a small percentage of us.
"Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together." —
You will enjoy this article "Stupid People" It's all you say in your comment and more.
None of the Sinos in San Diego have ever taken them off. They were brought here to take over and destroy America.
Yes, I resent people who don't know what is happening and don't care. Even today I mentioned the Pandemic Treaty and 4 or so women in the group said, 'I quit watching the news years ago.' Sadly, they don't understand there are other sources for news; substacks, podcasts, websites with independent journalists. They have no overall picture of what is happening. These are educated, law abiding citizens. Glazed and apathetic. Whatever happened? I agree the numb ones will help drag us into totalitarianism.
I aqree with all that.. A little reassurance is offered. Foundations for the next phase which will be a New Age were laid down in the crisis years of the post war period with metaphysical operations on a vast scale quietly proceeding below the mask of lies suppressing important events which you are not supposed to know, but can find out.
Dystopic features may be imposed for a time, depending how much there is a demand for Truth in the ongoing war, with fear of climate change which is natural in the history of the planet.
Sit back and and view the world theatre as we used to with the TV comedies and, it is a temporary phase in evolution.
My book is "Metaphysics and The New Age" and I blog on :
If there were any chance of stopping the WEF, every GOP candidate running for president of the US would be speaking out loud and long about what his plan to stop them consisted of, and how they would make sure the North American countries refuse to accede to the WEF's demands ! 😵💫😵💫😵💫
Relying on a bought an paid for politician to fix your problem is a fools errand.
"Everyone is looking for a savior, instead of looking in the mirror" —a lunatic
The power of making change lives inside of YOU. Voting got us into the problem, it sure as hell isn't going to get us out. Only you can do that.
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." --Samuel Adams
It's ^ true. It's why they fight tooth and nail and spare no expense to keep us depressed, oppressed, divided, demoralized, and traumatized. They do not stand a chance against the united, undivided, resolve of even a small percentage of us.
"Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together." —
Yes, America is terminal, however, I believe in the Resurrection.
We need a Divine Intervention
We may have one. In the Bible Divine Interventions come in two forms: Blessings and Judgements
Yes. America has turned from God.
100% Peggy. Peace.
So therefore God had turned from us. They want their ways, I’ll give them what they want! Our deviant life styles and ways had better be dropped, and we turn back to God!
It is impossible to turn away from God, God is everywhere.
Turning away from God means not following His Law.
If you read the Bible, you’ll see that when nations turned away from God’s Law they were Judged.
Judgments don’t come overnight. God is long-suffering and allows people opportunities to repent sometimes stretching out 400 years.
The first settlers from Europe in America were given a continent and they enacted God’s Law as the law of their respective communities and colonies .
within 150 years that law was replace with man’s law and
it’s been getting worse here ever since.
judgment is the result, and that judgment has been festering here for several hundred years.
Have you read the Old Testament? Kings I, Kings II?
I have no problem with any religious belief, all religions point to the same place. I did read the Old Test. years ago, I find the New Test. like fresh air and springtime, I find the O.T. in most cases, angry, gloomy and judgmental, of course, there's the Twenty Third Psalm among other classic segments of the book. The history of Judaism (The Torah is really The Old Testament) involves each part of The Hebrew Nation had their own kingly deity, Jerusalem had one of the meanest and nastiest and orneriest ones and Jerusalem became the capital of the Empire...long story short, we ended up with an angry, punitive, nasty dispositioned, God of wrath and judgement.
I much prefer a loving, forgiving, kind and gentle Divinity. I am sure I will get some "hate" mail about this, go ahead and hate me!
I willl just love you right back.
Again, no sir try do not. And I find your lack of understanding of the OT unsurprising give your belief that all religions lead to the same place. Many knowledgeable Bible scholars describe the book as "the OT is the NT concealed, the NT is the OT revealed". The Bible is, in fact, a single contiguous massage from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21. But it cannot be understood by the carnal mind, and that was by intent. Perhaps,instead of creating a false deity in your own image, you might try repenting and getting to know Yhwh God, also known as Jesus ( " Before Abraham was, I Am"; the Word that was with God in the beginning and i? s God; "the same yesterday, today, and forever"). Agape, like "tough love", may not always seem kind, but it is the purest form of love that exists.
An intriguing book on the OT is "The Unseen Realm" by Heiser. He discusses thoroughly the how and why of the violence in the OT and the gods vs God battle that has been going on since before the earth came into being. It made me see all that anger, gloom and judgement you mention in a new light.
No sir, it's not at all impossible, and America has done so. It happens when an individual or group ceases to follow His precepts, and chases after false deities. Where would you like to start with that list, and how long have you got to read it?
And likely both of these will be happening at same time because America is a divided nation. A divided nation isalso more susceptible to being conquered as our Founders knew.
Yes. It's called Armageddon.
That was already planned, long ago, and is coming, but not so much for America as for all humanity. It will most assuredly be a DIVINE intervention, but not 1 most are apt to like.
The Divine is here and always has been, the Divine knows our needs and knows the future as well.
The Divine has a name,several in fact. He is a Person, not some abstract concept.
It is interesting to see you comment about Thomas Sowell. I have been a big Thomas Sowell fan for years. I often describe Peter McCullough as "the Thomas Sowell of healthcare". As you know, Thomas Sowell has ability to cite the data from memory and calmly destroy counter arguments. Peter is the same way. He is a walking encyclopedia of data.
Thomas Sowell is one the greatest statesmen since the founding fathers. Love him!
I'm sad to admit this, but I believe the US is past the point of no return in its headlong drive into feudalism/Marxism/globalism. I have serious doubts we can reverse the course of the nation back onto its constitutional track.
The #1 factor is the totally Marxist/globalist Democrat party, in bed with globalists and working on their agendas and operations. Subversion and corruption of the Democrat party began 120 years ago, and it has been gradual but steady. So gradual that the majority of Americans haven't noticed. Democrats are corrupt traitors, the enemy within. They control virtually the entire federal government and Congress, and the majority of courts. They are operating almost as a totalitarian group.
There is NO effective opposition to the Democrats. Republicans are useless, with many of them in bed with Democrats. And independents aren't organized at all.
The US Constitution has been shredded, Bill of Rights freedoms trampled, rule of law dismissed and our constitutional republic is being dismantled right before our eyes.
I have little hope America can turn the ship around.
Globalism is really dead or dying, the US is no longer interested in protecting the shipping lanes for the likes of China and Russia. We have fewer military personnel overseas than ever before since World War II. Even Biden has supported higher tariffs on imports than Trump did. We have discovered lithium in great abundance in Northern Nevada so we don't even need Bolivian lithium soon. We are a uniquely blessed piece of geography. We have the best: rail system, water transport system, food growing system, military power, best ports on two oceans, best climate in North America. Let's stop the gloom and doom and believe in the future.
What are we going to do about the millions of illegals?
They will never never be deported likely, so we must learn to make the best use of their talents, skills and abilities, provided that they are NOT lawbreakers or gangsters. We actually demographically need more young people to build our tax base, pay taxes, do jobs that are more suitable for young people, lifting, sorting, carrying the burdens, learning to be tradespeople and the like.
These are not the illegals of old who came for work. These are unskilled men and many don't speak English. Where would you employ them? They were brought here for one reason - votes and to create chaos... plus to put them in law enforcement they have zero connection to America and will gladly be the boots, brown shirts, enforcers.
They are an uniparty with 2 heads appearing outside the beltway, but 1 body and 1 agenda.
TO THOSE WHO HAVE EARS.......let them hear....
I am just finishing a 60 part study of The Book of Revelation with Hal Lindsey. Scripture is Truth
and what is being revealed by Dr. McCullough, John Leake, Dr. Sowell, Dr. Wolf and Ed Dowd and others fits into Biblical prophecy. I believe we are
near end times. I pray that we have time for the earthly projects that Dr. Wolf and others mention to bear fruit and bring
all these criminals the justice they deserve at the end of a rope. However , the following comes to
mind: Deuteronomy 32:35,Romans 12:17-19 NKJV - Vengeance is Mine, and recompense.
Time may be short.
Pray! GET RIGHT WITH GOD now. Jesus is the Way, The Truth, and the Life. No man
comes to the Father excerpt through the Son. John 14:6
Remember, Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Proverbs 9:10
100%. Dr. McCullough addresses this very issue in this speech to the Mises Institute:
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Peace.
maranatha!I think they are laying ground work for one man to take over.Once church is gone the "restrainer" or the holy spirit will no longer be working the same as it has throughout the church age.The thing is, it could be tomarrow or 100 years from now, i nver thought i would see so much of this evil and craziness.
The "end times" began at Calvary, we're just in the last little bit of them. Yhwh God doesn't measure time as we do. Be a little careful with Hal Lindsay, he tends to "date set". And be listening for the shofar.
God bless Dr. Thomas Sowell. The USA would do well to award him the Medal of Freedom (highest national award to a civilian), work with enlightened, public philanthropists to establish the Thomas Sowell Institute dedicated to clear thinking, writing and action. This and more, while this modest, private, national icon is still with us.
Emerging infectious diseases, like what? The only emerging infectious diseases, are those made by man such as sarscov2. We did not have a pandemic, it was a plandemic. I cannot understand how anyone can think otherwise. I can understand Dr. Peter McCullough not wanting to stick,his neck out any further than he already has by calling an immediate halt to the covid injections due to their lack of safety. He has already stepped on too many toes and I am most grateful for everything he has done for humanity.
Good Post... but... I find your loose use of the term 'countermeasures' alarming. When the DoD orders a weapon, it's referred to as a 'countermeasure'. The Pfizer & Moderna vaxxes ordered were 'bio-medical countermeasures'. They were and are weapons. So I think that the casual misuse of the term given our present day reality is inappropriate.
I agree Richie. The EUA contains very specific language concerning the term "countermeasures" - the shots, doctors, institutions are part of that classification, provided that they follow the narrative. Katherine Watt at Bailiwicks News has done an amazing job breaking down the legal (immoral) structure enabling the murders:
Thanks. Catherine Watt is deep. For the longest time, I've felt that there was a slow-motion-coup d' etat unfolding in the USA. What's next ?
Hopefully someone will step up and bring a criminal case against the perpetrators. I believe that the blueprint or template strategy that Katherine has presented will work, we just need a brave and informed attorney to step to the plate and slug away. Peace.
The Federal gov't is terminal. The people are doing okay.
Just barely OK, and it will be a disaster if it gets significantly worse, which the government has already guaranteed with food plant destruction.
i think, & am convinced more & more everyday that some form of devolution (read Tyranny & Tyrants, & Power of The Lesser Magistrate) is underway.The "Freedom Alliance" around the world have been awake to this war we are in for @ least 7(approx.)years.If any body thinks the Bidumb regime has been comp. in charge i think they mistaken.We are at war.The military with Pres.Trump still being some form of commander in CChief.That's not the same as president of theUS of A corporate entity that has had control of entire world for over 100 years. I believe There have been VERY subtle military coups or something all through the world.(I am not crazy. Read Harold is the researcher/author.He also has a substack account.Type in Patel Patriot.He has all kinds of info .He backs it all up with completely available freedom of info. act. documents. Very eye opening.If we connect back with God Almighty we have a chance. That is the only reason it happened in 1776. We kicked prayer out of schools in 1953 and the slow steady decline began.These people work for satan and our constitution is not much good if you don't follow it.I think you r right about Federal Gov. I hope it dies.It was never supposed to run anything. I believe the military is trying to get people to learn to work in state rather than through feds.Read devolution it will make sense.God be w/you
"The military with Pres. Trump still being some form of commander in CChief." Really? If that was the case after after Jan 20, 2020 there would have been rebellion and a version of 7 Days in May would have occurred. No, the upper levels of our military are not on Trumps side. They act to protect their careers, their pensions and some of them are of a outright globalist mindset. Its time to bring back the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and kick out the UN and all WEF lackeys, indict all Antifa and BLM members.
I don't know. You could be right, but i've seen evidence of lies and evil on both sides. Its so difficult to make sense of anything these days.God is the only source of real Truth.Read devolution, by Jon Herold...its on substack.Now , like i said take nothing as gospel truth.But a lot of sources are very helpful when you are behind the lines in a 5th generation war/genocide. There are many things that REALLY make me think WEF and Biden are not completely in control Don't forget war is very sloppy and hellish witha lot of battles won and lost.For the first time in almost 150 years American civilians are watching warfare in our country. Visit badlands media on substack, and rumble.A lot of different sources that i sometimes believe sometimes not so much.Its very confusing.Walking in Godd Almighty's protection is really the only way to win, or at least stay sane.Good Luck.
Remember:Nothing is ever as it may seem.Always give it 24-48 hours to settle in your thoughts so you don't make judgements on emotion alone.I will pray for your peace in the Glorious Name of Jesus Christ.
Amen. We are witnessing God's perfect plan unfolding. The end is going to come swiftly for what is coming upon mankind. It seems we may not have long to wait. The only place of safety as you have said is in Messiah Jesus.
Wow, when you put it like that! This hit me like a ton of bricks: "As we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, the tyrants have found their Trojan Horse—that is, emerging infectious diseases and our terror of them. Because our bodies may harbor infectious pathogens that could transmit and harm others, we are told that the state must, from time to time, invoke Emergency Power to place us under house arrest, force us to wear masks, and inject us with experimental substances."
No one can force those of us who are informed and conscious, we cannot save the rest.
They don’t want TRUTH.
Always there are those who self deceive and "cannot handle the truth."
Off subject here -- but I think a lot of us are waiting for your further comments on the Maui fire.
I agree with Thomas Sowell in theory that the major reasons for not making it financially in America are unforeseen medical or other emergencies but that may only have been true a few decades ago. There is a lot of nuance and many complex factors.
First, most people today are suffering from chronic diseases brought about by diet and lifestyle choices and this is causing massive disability. These are not unforeseen medical events but they are preventing many people from succeeding. These are predictable medical problems because people are eating diets high in refined foods including sugar, refined vegetable/seed oils, refined meet, refined grains, etc and this inevitably leads to poor mental and physical health, even in early childhood. This is why the insurance and medical industry inflating and it’s probably why it will eventually be collapsing and it’s why many people can’t financially/mentally/physically care and provide for themselves.
Second, inflationary spending by the government is destroying the ability to run a business, save money to invest for a better financial situation, buy a house etc. The amount of money the government spends on “defense” (aka war mongering throughout the world) is obscene. And then there is the fact that the government just forced people to shut their businesses, quit working and sit at home during the “pandemic”. The wealth of the middle and poor class was funneled up to big industry like online media, online shopping, the medical industrial complex and most notably pharmaceutical companies.
The first factor that I mention is the responsibility of the individual to address by making diet and lifestyle modifications. This seems unlikely to happen as people are addicted to cheap, easy food.
The second factor has to be addressed by cleaning up a runaway government and its out-of-control spending. That also seems unlikely to happen because the people who are running the government are heavily influenced by both industry and captured government agencies.
These are very serious obstacles to just “pulling oneself up by the bootstraps”.
Dr. Eric Berg (chiropratic) from Alexandria, VA. has created an immense body of information on health via the ketogenic sugar, low carbs, high fat, which my wife and I have been following for nearly a year now. We have more energy and physical strength than we have had since we were in our 20s! Of course, Google/Youtube dark energy wants to suppress this information and he is under constant threat of being de-platformed as many iconoclasts have been...(Russell Brand, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) the list goes on and on and the numbers who awaken to the censorship are also growing alongside this list. Never give up, never lose hope!
I’m glad that is working for you! I’m so glad that some people are taking care of their health. And I know a lot of good health information and natural remedies are being hidden. Complete agreement there.
Having said that, I really do believe, from my research, that complex carbohydrates are important for long term health in humans and that slow and steady glucose is the ideal fuel situation. There was an excellent interview that Dr Mercola did with someone who outlined the problems with low carbohydrate diets. The body is only equipped to go into ketogenesis when it’s in a state of starvation, which works well if you are starving but takes a toll. It’s damages the body to stay in ketosis for very long because the body has to produce adrenaline (or extra cortisol?) in order to maintain it. And a high fat diet is pretty devastating to the bowel bacteria diversity.
I have studied the microbiome for a few years and I’m convinced the microbiome is key to good long term health. The microbiome thrives off of nutrient dense carbohydrates and cultured foods. (And I also consume healthy animal protein and fats as well as EVOO etc- in moderation).
If I come across the link of the Mercola interview, I’ll try to post it in case you are interested in an alternative perspective on the ketogenic diet. And I’ll end by saying that almost any diet is going to be better than the SAD, so kudos to all who have made changes and escaped the processed food trap!
Most definitely ... I have been saying so for a long time ...
More so ... I don't think America is capable of saving itself ... that's how bad it is ...
At this point, it’s not looking good. I don’t see how we reverse this decline unless the vast majority of people that run ALL of our institutions are replaced. Can’t envision how that happens outside of mass bloodshed.
Iain McGilchrist, author of the Master and the Emissary, demonstrates our Left Brain dominated world is not in touch with reality. Left brain is in cloud cuckoo land build on it's mental disorder. Both Hemispheres are necessary for civilization. Not just the Left Brain crushing dissent.
I love his work! I've been thinking about our collective demoralization and despair, our shutting ourselves up into iron maidens of dogma, after exhausting ourselves trying to clearly map our situation. Neil Gaiman said the reason the Japanese were so far ahead of us in innovation was their reading of science fiction. We have gotten so bogged down in our lonely attempt to fully delineate what is happening, that we have stopped imagining possible worlds. Imagination and innovation are being crushed before they can seed by ideology and propaganda and censorship. The right hemisphere is, essentially, being blinded and gagged, as you say. But even the existing models, already dreamt up, point to the existence of black swans, miracles, chaotic twists (butterflies in Brazil), almost unfathomable complexities in how the world works, things we do not yet even know that we know we don't know (what the rest of junk DNA is) and aspects of life and being that we haven't even imagined yet. Futility and doom are circumscribed, knowable, if f**ked.
All these power psychotic control freaks in whom the divine is crusted over repeatedly and buried alive want to build edifices and monuments to themselves in the form of 15 minute cities, "eco villages" freedom cities, tech bro startups in Solano County, the Walmart Waltons with their Equitism settlement in the Southwest. Ours must be a new world of the imagination, which is not so utterly convinced of its own rightness (very left hemisphere) that it will drive us to extinction or torule by petty psychopathological rich tyrants just to fulfill our need for predictability.
...Come, my friends,
'T is not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
from Ulysses, Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Men may come and go but the Earth abides.
Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski explains so much and even provides suggestions on how to maneuver our way out
Executive summary: (?)