These are crimes against humanity. Nuremberg 2.0 trials need to happen. Humanity deserves justice.

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Here is Dr. McCullough's full interview with JSlay. It's worth watching.


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It will, in the not too distant future at a place called Har Megiddo, but it will be a slightly different method of judgment. Already, the Euphrates is drying up to make way for some of the participants to arrive on time. This judgment will also be executed on the spot, no appeals. Humanity will get justice, but I suspect the majority will whine "Foul!" over the justice meted out there.

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Thank you for being brave enough to say atrocities have been committed, Peter.

I consider my Substack a dossier of crimes against humanity and encourage people to reference and share it for their own justice-seeking purposes as desired.

My Anthem for Justice is my most distilled, bird’s-eye view synopsis of these crimes:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

And this is a more comprehensive docket sheet, which I dashed off while preparing for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation last year:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

And here is all of my content organized by category for easy reference:

• “Wake-up Toolkit” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/wake-up-toolkit)

For a list of perpetrators, Katherine Watt’s list of war criminals is a great starting point:

• “War Criminals” (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/war-criminals)

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Thank you.....Excellent....mistakes were not made......agreed.......

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No, they were not "mistakes", there weren't "missteps" taken, each and every one was carefully plotted and executed with great intention! Evil? Absolutely. Destructive? Without doubt. Accidental? Not a chance! This agenda did not pop up in the past few decades; it goes all the way back to a fellow named Nimrod, in the plains of Shinar (modern Iraq, in the region of Babylon's ruins), millennia past. It was orchestrated then, as today, by he who is known by many names, including "the father of lies", and it grows more savage as it finally nears its climax. The reason many have become aware of it in recent decades is that it was already too late for us to reverse it's trajectory,. It's not just his plan unfolding around us; so, too, is the plan of our Creator, both of which will come to a climax in Har Megiddo.

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Dr. McCullough

I listened to your entire interview with JSlay on Rumble. It was excellent.

You handled his questions well. Thank you for that.

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At the end of the Civil War slave master and Indian fighter Andrew Jackson’s Democrat Party campaigned on unity and prominence for Party members. The war, like all wars was a proving ground for advancement in numerous fields. In politics, Slave master Jackson’s Democrat Party went after union workers, especially railroad workers which had grown exponentially to carry supplies to army’s. The image of “working for the little guy” and “unity” in Lincoln’s messages at Gettysburg were hijacked but that Democrat Party because it’s what they do, without shame, as Republicans without awareness give Democrats the answers they need to hijack. This is why the uniparty hate Trump, he does not telegraph his punches. The Democrat idea of a white man being middle class as long as he isn’t black or Native American was born with Democrat Jackson. The Party of slavery, unionized wink and nod crony capitalism, genocide of anyone who does not tow the line will be caste as being unpatriotic to the cause of the Party, like Communism, and use of hierarchal mindset of force over one’s own members as in cannibalism to survive. The cause of self justifies the means in a twisted military mind that mocks the honor of reason for being, as rank and file Party members learn to step back from individual heroics of principle, but step up to gain Party accolades. “To hell with the country, the people’s morality, the Constitution, for fools, it is all about me surviving”. That is appealing to those struggling without privilege. It has only taken American’s nearly two century’s to wake up to the Democrat Party’s fraudulent basic ideals of hijacking others property and lives to suit one’s Party, and understand how it has metastasized into a monster leaving a “trail of tears” of little guy’s. “Take the jab for the good of the Party of the little guy”, or your grandma that was forced to die alone.

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Behind the Democratic Party were the Freemasons, under the leadership of Albert Pike---who started the Civil War, assassinated Lincoln and founded the KKK (Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity--Evidence That the Masonic Lodge Has a Secret Agenda by Ralph Epperson).

Behind the Freemasons is the Luciferian Brotherhood. This is important: when you understand that the ruling class worships interdimensional demons, it all makes sense.


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The Freemasons didn't plan, or execute all that alone; they are but 1 leg of the 3 legged "stool" on which the entire structure of the agenda was built, LONG before there was an "America". It as formulating in the half century following the discovery of the Americas, which was also the early portion of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, which threw the Roman Catholic church hierarchy and the monarchies they controlled, into chaos as well, so the church responded by ordaining a group of priests called the Jesuits, under Ignatius Loyola, with a 2 pronged mission: destroy the Reformation, and destroy the Jews. Loyola's plan was diabolic; he found a well to do Jewish by blood, but religiously apostate family with a large ambition and larger bank account, to finance and support his mission, the Rothschild's, and they 2 aligned with the Freemasons, in the mid-16th century, intent upon accomplishing that mission; it's still their on-going mission, necessary to establish their true master's goal, the 1 world order of gov't, economy, and religion. That goal is now in their sites, and they will do anything and everything to achieve it: lie, cheat, steal, even murder. This is to whom the Democrat party chose to align itself, from very early in our history... And yes, inter-dimentional demons are, indeed, a part of that cabal, as servants of the same master.

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Yes!!! Very true...

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Dr. McCullough

Congratulations to you, your wife, and your son on your sons graduación from Medical School down at UT Houston. That was special getting to place his robe on him.

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I can't but remember a Saturday Night Live skit in which Bill Murray and Jane Curtin play parents whose son, Timmy, is on life support after an accident. Steve Martin plays a doctor. He claims Timmy is brain-dead and convinces the parents to let him unplug Timmy's life support. But just as he manages to pull the plug out of the socket, Timmy springs to life. When Murray rebukes the doctor for "almost killing little Timmy," Martin delivers his classic line, "Well, EXCUSE ME!!"

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I still find it hard to believe doctors and our so called leaders perpetrated intentional homicide on the world. The only way we will get justice is if we can find sane lawyers and judges to up our cause, most have been captured by evil demons.

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Doctors for the most part have long been expunged, replaced with corporate “practitioners” that do as they are told, see as many patients as their corporate functionaries demand and prescribe in collaboration with pharma edits. They are rewarded on the back end of Socialized medicine by kickbacks from pharma , drags, and in the case of the big winner sweepstakes of Covid received as much as an extra $130 per patient if the met the mark of 70% jabbed in practice as corporate hospitals going broke caring for open border immigrants got super sized $37k for documented Covid, and $130K per ventilator treatment. Since the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialized medicine and his dopey sidekick on a hot mic said “this is a big f..ing deal” about Medicaid for all Obamacare, the days of Medicare are shortened to be expunged totally as the Boomers demise within 8-10 years. Many doctors are quietly prescribing alternate meds to offset the many negative outcomes of corrupted medical practice of jab medicine for all. Good luck, stay awake, ask questions, dissent, it is your civic duty.

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I have lived 71 years with great health, my last jab was when I was 10 years old, I had no adverse reactions to them. I came into this world with God's DNA and I plan to leave that way, no one will be cranking me up with a bioweapon injection.

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Ate the pharma kickbacks fir the number of drugs prescribed to patients?

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You may want to look up Pfizer’s history. This is actually not new. They have spent billions in settlements over the years for bad drugs they got on the market they knew were going to cause harm. Or look up Vioxx and how it killed hundreds of thousands with heart attacks before it was taken off the market.

What’s happened with doctors over the years is they have joined large medical groups or worked directly for insurance companies instead of being in private practice. The pharmaceutical companies in collusion with the insurance industry set up “guidelines” for multiple illnesses and doctors were mandated to follow them or be told they were not practicing “within the standard of care” and get fired and blackballed. Of course, these guidelines mandated certain drugs be prescribed when certain lab abnormalities appeared. Insurance companies would only pay for certain drugs, and/or had you buy an extra pharmacy plan. The fix was in and one hand wiped the other.

Fauci had doctors in every pharmaceutical company supervising the research. If things did not go well for a drug, they altered the research protocol or removed the control group. The guidelines and new drugs were promoted by medical journals, again financed by Fauci. You could not get published without getting past his henchmen. So this has been a pervasive part of the medical world for many years. Doctors were already conditioned to walk in lockstep.

Then in 1986, Ronald Regan was conned into signing a bill giving the pharmaceutical company complete immunity over adverse effects of vaccines. Big Pharma responded by making new vaccines and adding them to the CDC immunization guidelines. Kids now get over 70 injections in childhood. They just added RSV for babies. It’s totally unnecessary. I treated this regularly in the Emergency Department and sent kids home. Few were hospitalized.

They are also giving newborn babies Hepatitis B within 24 hours of birth unless the mother has the sense to refuse. There is no reason to give a newborn baby the Hepatitis vaccine other than kickbacks. The only people who need this vaccine are health care providers who come in contact with blood. If you read RFK’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” you will read horror stories about him and Bill Gates forcing vaccines on people in India and Africa. And horror stories about AZT.

So, for decades, the scene has been set for a massive fraud of this magnitude, doctors were already following like good sheeple and the general public was more interested in Instagram than a shot being put in their body.

Yes, we need justice. But more urgently, we need more doctors like Dr. McCullough to speak up fearlessly and educate people seeing as they are planning to start playing the masking game again in the fall. Many people have woken up, and many are refusing boosters, but there are still people out there who are wearing masks and drinking the Kool Aid. They don’t understand what is really going on.

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Hiw could Reagan be conned over the Bill he signed?

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Same way as anyone else is: find the weak spot and threaten it.

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That goes back to how they were brainwashed in med school.

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I don't think we'll find the Judges. A recent Germany case reversed and gave a two-year PRISON term (suspended) to a Judge who had held masks could not be required.

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There is an uncorruptible Judge, Who will be presiding in this case. He IS righteousness! And He can't be conned, fooled, or bribed. His name is Yhwh.

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I find it nauseating, but sadly all too believable. Doctors have been being brainwashed in our med schools forever a century. Lenin called such people "useful idiots", History shows us those are generally executed as soon as the goal of totalitarian control is achieved. Justice WILL be wrought, in the not too distant future,; it's stage is already being set now, but it will not be in a courtroom, or meted out by humans, and it will not just be these criminals on trial, it will be the entire global cabal.

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Paragraph 1 says that Biden said he "may REQUIRE EVERYONE" to get a new vaccine.


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Recommend was the word used, thank God!

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No, read at the FIRST PARAGRAPH.

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That's fine, but I'm not wrong. I said rhat the article, paragraph 1, from Fox not XTwitter says what I said. Read paragraph 1. Sometimes the writer hears a comment outside of tapes like you saw on XTwitter.

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Fox noted that they changed the headline from “required” to “recommended” and thank God!

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AGAIN, I am not referring to the headline. I am referring to paragraph 1 of the written article right below the headline.

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I understand. It should have been corrected in the article too.

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Only the author can tell us that. Headlines rarely say everything.

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Does anyone have the link to the full interview? I can't find it.

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The link is in his bio at the top, Warrior M.B.S. (Mind, Body, Soul), J

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I checked that and I thought it went to an interview from awhile back and this one is from two days ago, but I could be wrong.

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Same here...

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Thank you Dr. McCullough.....you are a hero.....God Bless you....

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