Ya well it's all irrelevant...no one, no city council, no county admin, no Democratic rep will be held accountable. Here's the kick in the d!ck tho - I will bet you my mortgage Democrats get voted back in up and down the state...

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They only get voted in because of election fraud. If the Trump administration cleans up the elections, California can be rescued.

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I tend to agree with this. There is no way that the majority will continue to vote year after year for the same pitiful, ignorant, unqualified people. And now that the polls are clearly showing that Hispanics are more conservative than the Dims ever imagined, yeah, it's definitely fraud. Hell, in 2020 even Harris County in Houston, Texas got caught manufacturing 220,000+ votes. The fraud is way more the problem than the citizens.

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Agreed. There should have been a red wave in 2022 after all the BS caused by FJB’s idiotic inflation causing policies. The wave didn’t happen because of relentless voter fraud being committed.

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but there was, it was smothered by the demorat cheating machine powered by mail in fraud and illegals voting... for a nice fat bribe... blame your state reps for not dealing with ILLEGAL immigration suckers.

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but wait, they got those cartel dollars.. so .. no need to blame em. Blame yourselves for being demo rat liberals!! And not cutting down the corruption (hint whose house mortages got paid off by whom?)

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Clean up the elections for a few years, Trump is gone in 2029 and it's back to the same sewage of leftist rot.

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Yep! Unfortunately people never wise up. Just look at every run down city, they never get better until they get a republican in there. New York City for instance. The republican mayor really cleaned the city up.

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Joe made the right decision to leave CA for good!

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Many of our neighbors near us moved out as we did more than 4 years ago now.

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Smart move!

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The persistent misconception that societal challenges are resolved through governmental intervention or monetary allocation reveals a profound misunderstanding of collective responsibility.

Solving community problems isn't about throwing money at things or waiting for the government to swoop in. Most people default to this "someone else will handle it" mindset without realizing how broken that approach is.

True transformation emerges not from institutional structures, but from communal initiative—a concept now nearly extinct in an era of technological isolation. We're living in this weird bubble where everyone's so locked into their own little world that coming together and solving something collectively seems impossible.

Think about it—there's enough wealth in these communities to create real solutions, but instead, people would rather renovate another bathroom or upgrade their personal tech.

Everyone's too busy being "busy" to actually do anything meaningful. We're running on these endless hamster wheels of brainless activity that go absolutely nowhere. No time to think, no time to reflect, just constant motion that accomplishes nothing.

The result is a society of deliberate blindness—where inconvenient communal matters are systematically ignored, but then act surprised when things fall apart. It's like we've forgotten how to care about anything beyond our own tiny bubble.

Then, when crisis strikes, instead of grounding ourselves, we dissolve into panic—transforming challenging moments into a choreography of mass dysfunction—where the very act of fleeing creates more peril than the threat itself.

The stampede of vehicles, each driven by individual terror, becomes a perfect metaphor for our societal breakdown: a chaotic system where individual survival responses multiply systemic vulnerability.

Our panic isn't just an emotional reaction; it's a symptom of a deeper malaise. We've lost our primal connection to the rhythms of life, becoming like parasitic organisms disconnected from their natural ecosystem, who amplify chaos instead of containing it.

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It’s funny to me that the Left wants to “find their own Joe Rohan”. They’re gonna have a tough time of it. The difference being that Joe is actually searching for the truth. The Left is searching for a way to gain control. Truth is not very high on their list, and often is an impediment to their higher goals.

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My dad was a Navy Corpsman stationed in San Diego, Port Hueneme, and Muir Island from '44-'45. He said there were always fire east of those 3 metropolitan areas and each time, the military would round up 10's of thousands of loose Marines, Navy, Army, CB's and any other personnel they could find, of which there were hundreds of thousands, and send up into the hills to fight, and eventually extinguish, the fires. As there were almost no people in the hills, these episodes received very little notice and served to keep the settled areas to the west safe. They had plenty of water from the various reservoirs, so that was never a problem.

Jerry Brown's dad, a lefty, governed CA in the 60's, thereabouts and he built major infrastructure projects, which catapulted CA ahead, with dams, aqueducts, pipelines and reservoirs being top priority. Unfortunately, there hasn't been a single acre foot of reservoir built since the early '70s. In the meantime, CA population has more than doubled, plus many dams have been destroyed, with the reservoirs behind them drained out to support the effort against global climate change.

So, as you point out, the entirety of CA is very susceptible to fire hazards, in particular, the LA basin area. However, over the last 50 years or so, all the Democratic leadership has ignored history of the state and its location in an eternally dry, desert environ, and not taking the hundreds of billions of $'s they had to ensure they were prepared for the #1 threat to persons and property: fires.

Danny Huckabee

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Diamond Valley reservoir was built starting in the late 1990s and completed by 2005. It’s inaccurate that no new reservoirs have been built since the 70s.

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Thanks for the correction . But it doesn't offset all the acre feet that was removed after the dams were removed.

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We need to ensure that Newsom sees and hears Rogan’s report! Newsom is one pitiful example of what needs to be “house-cleaned” from a US state and possibly re-housed in one of the US penal accommodations!!

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He is Gruesome Newsome for a reason and really resembles The Wolf of Wall St. doesn't he???

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This Joe Rogan video clip ends with a eight color wheel symbol or icon of UN agenda, 21 and agenda 2030? Or is that just a coincidence? More likely this video channel source, clip, has taken the bait and become cuckold to you and agenda 21, 2030

Black Mirror NetFlix Nosedive green energy Eco future smart grid cities Agenda 21 2030 Cram pesky human slaves cattle goyim serf into tiny boxes Feed GMOs Insert MicroChip 666

track trac database Bilderberg group eat ZE bugs Klaus Schwab Founder CEO world bank WEF WHO NWO TPTB


SMART LA 2028 Technology for better Los Angeles California step 1

Smart City Paradise California Fire 2018

Smart City Lahaina Maui Hawaii Fire 2023

Step 2 “accidental” wildfires destroy

Step 3 1984 George Orwell Brazil matrix Mad Max Hunger Games Brave New World Dystopian Future

Electric charger powered by a diesel generator. We are the stupidest species on the planet…


Tweakers, crackheads, crystal meth, addicts fund their habits, often cutting charging cables off the car stations to fund their habits

Did I mention fentanyl?

Electric vehicles fail, and all three time zones of North America, USA upon attempting to drive through 1 foot of floodwater

Electric vehicles fail in all tie, three time zones of USA in cold temperatures where use of heater or air conditioner drains battery and mileage drains significantly. People die freezing in their electric vehicles. This may or may not be good for the environment. Your results may vary.

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Yes thanks for showing the utter stupidness of the peeps and total manipulation being perpetuated on the population of stupid people... who ALWAY believe in the Uniparty um I mean the 2 party system... If voting could solve things, you would not be allowed to vote.

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It was clear, years ago, during the Woolsey fire, that the mental shortcomings of California leaders was a grave danger to my life and the lives of my family. Once that stupidity also gave rise to silly draconian COVID responses, it was clear that such mental deficits were reaching a crisis stage. I joined the U-Haul Wagon Train to Texas, where I had previously enjoyed time spent editing a film I directed, the fundraising film for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Natural disasters are one thing. Disasters born out human arrogance and ignorance are quite another. You can count on the latter to ruin your life eventually.

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Agreed. See my comment. From a different vantage point, strikingly similar observations.

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I so wanted to live in Pac Pal upon retirement! My favorite place ( second favorite place— Pasadena) in the whole world. But husband, who is factory worker - skilled, educated, intelligent, albeit “working class” and all his co worker colleagues with decades of experience in safety, construction, maintenance, etc., (IOW how to build and make it work), given their disparate experience interfacing with CA regulators and rulers, knew this was going happen. And worse, they knew prevention was not an issue for these Neros who fiddle while Rome burns.

Upon retiring we moved out of the state. I weep for many friends who have lost their homes.

But. can’t help but mentioning that these men, and yes they are virtually all older, experienced white, men who care deeply about delivering a good work product, were pretty much ignored by their rulers as to their take on “ how to make things work”

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Invite the 3rd world, be the 3rd world. Look to South Africa to see the outcome and where WE are headed. Leave the country in retirement and get your kids out to Asia, Russia or otherwise (not Europe). We are in destruction mode and all WHITE people are targets of hatred of the other(s). NOT your local so called African American, but your invited in colored peoples from the South Americas, from the Middle East etc. They envy you hate you and will destroy you.

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The prioritizing of Defense Department over bloated spending with the help of both major political parties has short changed all of our many other important tasks as a people. Many may not know that the USA spends many times more on our military proportionally than any other nation including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran all combined.

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newsom, like most "officials" is not in charge, makes no decisions on his own, and like 99.9% of the rest is little more than a cardboard cutout image the machine puts in front of the cameras.

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Gods warning

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Or earthquake

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Wait till the flood washes it all away.

Heavy rain soon

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You can't tell me Rogan's not a savvy guy.

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Many cities throughout history failed to come back after a huge disaster like the ongoing one. Would surprise me a little but not a lot if LA shrinks permanently after this conflagration.

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I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which I rebuild ... my home, my business, my whatever ... under the current circumstances. Even if I'm made of money, why am I going to set myself up for another disaster in X many years? I know Californians are very attached to their once-beautiful state, but I'm pretty sure I'd trade a little less beauty for a town and state that is relatively well-managed in terms of natural (or man-made) disaster mitigation.

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