Dear Mr Leake, Dr. McCullough, and readers -- there is big news out of Japan. A distinguished professor who is also the director of a major medical research center, has just filed a lawsuit against the Japanese Ministry of Health! https://infogame.substack.com/p/japanese-professor-files-lawsuit Professor Fukushima's lawsuit is demanding all the data Pfizer and Moderna had submitted to Japan's regulatory agency, and he is also demanding FULL DISCLOSURE of all the vaccine contracts, in addition to compensation to the covid vaccine injured.

I would really hope that Dr. McCullough, Dr. Risch, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Kory, Dr. Seneff and all the other brilliant investigators can get in touch with Professor Fukushima to assist in any information that may help. Unfortunately there is a big language and cultural barrier between Japan and the world, so certain data that has been covered among the English speaking critics may not have been fully disseminated among their Japanese colleagues. In the previous conference he hosted, Prof Fukushima actually referenced the paper by McCullough and Seneff collaborated on in early 2022 ("Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9012513/ ). However he only referenced it in Nov 22, 7 months after the original publication. There is no time to lose like that now. Therefore information sharing and collaboration will be pivotal to taking down this global attack on people's bodies.

Similar to the Thailand situation with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and the Thai Princess, perhaps this can be another huge domino to fall this year, which is why I hope fruitful international collaboration is possible. This is the professor's research gate website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Masanori-Fukushima He is a professor at Kyoto University so perhaps you can reach him through that as well.

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I live in Japan and the Japanese news outlets do not carry this, we are fed the Covid lies of the US leftists in power via US ABC, CNN, etc. I have had to search Substack writers to learn of Professor Fukushima’s valiant testimony to the Japanese government policy makers. Anyone who expresses opposition to vaccination is ostracized. Here, metaphorically, the nail that sticks out is pounded down. Recently, the Japanese government has reapproved/encourages the HPV vaccination for adolescents despite dire consequences here in the past. Please help Dr. Fukushima free Japan.

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It would be interesting to know how the HPV vaccine was reapproved in Japan when the risks of it outweigh the benefits. Why this new “trust” in pharma especially when Japan found contamination in the Covid vaccines early on in the pandemic?

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...and it would be interesting to know why vaccines in general are approved at all when there are no benefits, only risks.

Well, I should have said there are benefits to big pharam which makes lots of money, but not to the masses of the people who get injected.



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Exact same situation in Canada. But have several new media organizations providing

the truth but most do not know they exist.

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Thank you for the information 🙏

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People find what they want to find. Things are moving. News doesn't give everything, experience and talking to people can bring you into the same energy of change.

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Hi, Henry! Can you please provide the alternative media covering this in Canada? I would love to check them out. Thank you!

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Here is something you may enjoy, this is the guy that may take Anthony Fauci 's old job at NIAID. God help the ignorant.


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Hi Alessandra, It depends on the subject but here are few links. Some are paid, some are focused on the pandemic or climate science etc.

The Epoch Times Canadian Edition: https://www.theepochtimes.com/

The Western Standard: https://www.westernstandard.news/

Bright Light News: https://brightlightnews.com/

*Canadian Covid Care Alliance: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/

*Dr. Byram Bridle: https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/

Dr. Trozzi: https://drtrozzi.org/

Peckford: https://peckford42.wordpress.com/

Friends of Science: https://friendsofscience.org/

The Expose: https://expose-news.com/

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Two that I know of and follow are True North and Ezra Levant's Rebel News . Rebel News has affiliates in other countries, most notably Australia with Avi Yemini, who you may have seen in hundred of alternate media clips the past 2-3 years.

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Another would be BrightLite News.

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One that I follow online and print is Epoch Times

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There is NOT "a BIGlanguage and cultural barrier" re Japan. There are many expatriates from a number of English speaking countries, who can help with those areas.

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So now we have South Africa, Thailand and Japan 💗. The train has left the station🥰

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Great comment. Unity vs division

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VIDEO - Japan - Press Conference from Japan's "Vaccine Issues Study Group" - "Unprecedented Side Effects" from COVID-19 Vaccines (Jan.11, 2024) https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-japan-press-conference-from

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Everyone should pay close attention to this. We must avoid further degradation of individual freedoms and rights from the elites across all nations.

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"Everyone should pay close attention to this." Very close. Fool me once...

I for one find Russell Brand very sketchy. js.

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Yep, he used to pal around with the likes of WEF-sidekick Noah Yuval Harakiri (or whatshisname) – very bad choice!

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Noah is another demon possessed soul. He made his choice, now he will have to live with it. Did you know he is a jew (from Israel)? So I heard.

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Yes, he is. Wherever he is from he is evil

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Feb 6, 2023
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I don't think Noah is one of God's people? I think he is satan's people!

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Feb 6, 2023
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Except that Yuval Noah Harari is a fake Jew or as is written, one those who say they are Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan. They give true Jews a very bad name.

Harakiri is Japanese for dissembling suicide. Possible quite suitable in Noah's case given what he is trying to do. I would like to think though he did this to himself. Get rid of an evil useless eater.

By the way the term should be anti-Jewish as anti-Semite is the wrong word. This is Satan's ploy to deceive, one of his old, old tricks, the oldest trick in the book.


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He is a Jew so I heard🤐

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He did?

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me to

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Controlled oposition

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Feb 9, 2023
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Quite a lot but not all from my researches over the last 3 years.

Its ALL about Manipulation and Control. These Psychopaths' HATE humanity as they never have been emotionally human. It appears to happen when very young 2-2.5 years roughly. That's why its impossible to change them as they think ghey are superior beings and ALWAYS right. that shows you art of the reason why they suddenly change their view point when no longer can they say something is right with too much evidence against their stance, so they twist and turn the truth and without much substance and their PR keeps avoiding all those facts for them with wafty floaty language.

Any of the Doctors who are STANDING UP and being Counted always put links beside their claims- and many are being wiped from the Internet by those who "think" for the majority of the human race.

These beings feel some weird sort of emotions when they see the majority of the human race being humiliated and belittled.

You can see these Sociopaths and Psychopaths' doing this (the behaviour patterns) in everyday life.

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Feb 9, 2023
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Having real problems with finding this particular post of Dr McDonalds.

He has many different subjects-posts and many of them.

Is it possible for you to copy and send this particular posting to me?

Not wasting your precious time but really would appreciate if you could do this.

Parenting, we learn about History (some of it and sanitised) Maths, languages, but we do not learn basics about the most important life subjects.

I have been waiting and waiting to see an authoritive comment on this aspect I mention as it is so vital to humanity to learn about crucial development stages of raising a child.

The old saying " GIVE ME A CHILD TILL HE IS SEVEN (7) and I SHALL SHOW YOU THE MAN" TRUER THAN EVER, especially with all this nonsense of gender and so much else thrown into the mix- VITAL to know far more than people do to raise children, and in choosing to have them.

Best of health,


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Feb 11, 2023
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Feb 6, 2023
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Can't wake people against their will.

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It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled.

Mark Twain

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Feb 6, 2023
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I am no longer a "conspiracy theorist", because ALL MINE CAME TRUE!

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But really it is an IQ test to see who thinks straight and who does not. We do.

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There is a White Rose group in the UK where I am from.


Of course Wikipedia is compromised but in giving it a page promote it too. There is no such thing as bad advertising. Criminals are so dumb sometimes (unless this is a cunning plan by the good guys to see who has the brains to work out the truth).

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He will need all of us. Where do we sign up?

We need to harness tools like technology, decentraliztaion, transparency, and this:


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Finally, a comprehensive, well thought out path forward/ alternative to tyranny by the WEF. This has the makings of what common sensed people can get on board with. Jordan Peterson organizes thoughts into actions as well as anyone. And he's just one of many to be involved in creating and implementing a vision. The starting point (London fall of 2023) includes those of like mind and capability of team work. Hallelujah!

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Here here John L. Hopefully Jordan's vision of an alternative body takes hold to run roughshod over those mfers in Switzerland. Hit me up when you get back should have a new facility going.

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Where do we sign up for this counter-culture movement to the WEF? Jordan is exactly right to do this. We need to be solution-minded and have visions, and lay them out together. We wrote about this in November:

“Klaus Schwab is Right: We Need to Define The World We Want To See.

The founder of the WEF's vision for totalitarian Orwellian control can be stopped only with one of the opposite: A vision for decentralization, transparency, and freedom from corruption.”


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Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari.com and the community there have tremendous resources, ideas, intelligence, creative brainpower, etc. etc. Cannot recommend highly enough!!! Also Children's Health Defense is a power house of leadership, resistance, and sanity.

James Roguski (substack) is also absolutely exceptional and top notch in strategies for fighting back. These are three national treasures that everyone should be following and supporting because ALL OF OUR LIVES and THOSE WE LOVE hang in the balance.

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Agree whole heartedly!

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Thank you for the references. Will check them out although CHD is already one I support.

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Agreed. I feel that the biggest failure has been that we did not value educating our children with WHY freedom is a good idea. We were not taught to read, know, and understand the constitution in school or why it was created as such in the first place, and what it was fighting/remedying in the world. I mean, we learned about it, but it was never a strong emphasis. Perhaps we in the USA just ASSUMED (with totalitarianism being “so 1770’s” aka, super long ago) that everyone would naturally think freedom was a great idea and would preserve it.

But our founding fathers knew better. Benjamin Franklin himself said they gave us...“A republic, madam, if you can keep it.” And now we understand. Keeping the idea of freedom is not automatic, it must be taught and passed down. Because once we forget WHY it’s important, we become vulnerable to repeat the mistakes of totalitarianism. And this is where we are.

Where we thought everyone would agree that totalitarianism was a bad idea, totalitarians actively worked to win over the hearts and minds of our society, overtaking our institutions. Where we did not make the case for freedom to our children, totalitarians preached their messages across the airways and in our classrooms, in our businesses and in our government. We left a great vacuum and the totalitarians filled it with their ideology. Their voice gained power in the ears of our children and through indirect authority, convinced them. This is why they are winning right now. We need to tell the story of freedom and why it’s important to keep, and why it’s a better story than the one the WEF and the global oligarchs have to tell.

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complimented by STRATEGIES to implement these visions and a common meeting place in communities and broader, and the World. People who have been aware of what is going on long before this PLandemic, still find themselves typing away and limited in ways of getting involved in more practical ways. a few people here and there but.....

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The greatest danger to humanity today as it has always been is the partnership between church and state where chuch dogmas have been legislated and enforced by powers of the state. We have seen it during the COVID crisis which was only a trial run before the real thing. Humanity is broken beyond repare and there is no systemic solution to its malady without turning to God and His written word individually.

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If you are not a child of GOD whose child are you? Satan! These miserable mad humans are demon possessed. Satan is their father. ....and his written word individually. I like that (...his written word.) It is a message straight from GOD. KJV with Strong's and Vine's to help with old english. Good post!

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“The greatest danger to humanity today as it has always been is the partnership between church and state where chuch dogmas have been legislated and enforced by powers of the state. “ And thus the reason many fled Europe to establish a place of religious freedom. It is critical that the separation remains.

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Sybil, what is the church?

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True, honest believers spread throughout various groups in the world. And I purposefully use “groups” because there are true, honest believers who are not part of an organized congregation because they don’t like what they see. It’s a deep subject. Thanks for the question.

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True, honest believers.....The Church of Jesus Christ is made up of each believer (that have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior), not a building, a society, but each person in Christ make up his church whom he is the head of. Ephesians 1:22; Ephesians 5:23,24; Colossians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; and especially verse 27. Hope this helps. I am not part of a group nor do I belong to any org.. I teach the Bible (KJV) at a little building out in the country (very rural place in south central North Carolina. A friend of mine built the building as a place of prayer. He ask me would I teach, and so I have for 4 years. I get no pay down here so I can have rewards up there. If you get paid down here do you get rewards up there.??? Do these (socalled preachers) who say they preach and get $ Paid, they have their reward down here they get none up there. To do something for Jesus Christ it has to cost you something. This is long sorry. But, I am a 74 year old proclaimer for Christ!

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we agree, that is good!

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It is time to have this discussion.

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“I’m against the aggregation of power.” -Aloysius Barton

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I like this idea.

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Decentralization may offer the best route to weaken Big Brother and restore some of our freedoms.

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That is exactly why they are coming up with CBDCs. To make it effectively impossible for you to decentralize.

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I do not trust JP since his 'get the damned vax' video. We need heroes in this war on Humanity. Millions are heroes by standing up against the lockdowns, the censorship, the masks and the jabs. I don't believe one of them is JP.

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He was misled like many many others.

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He hasn't convinced me.

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Frying pan into the fire? I have long considered that an alternative 'narrative' or 'proposition' has been required, which is why I have been system mapping the entire UK Government, and will include both micro and macro economic factors, in order to comprehend the fullest measure of confounders, so that any 'alternative' would have practical application.

From what I have heard so far from Jordan, his gathering of 2,000 is likely to be somewhat esoteric, but above that, I can guarantee it will include certain 'players' that will raise question to my mind. The prime example is that we will be being persuaded that this new 'forum' will be an antidote to WEF, and the likes of Gates, at the very same time as including Bjørn Lomborg, who is frankly just a Gates funded lackey, and whose 'propositions' always rather conveniently include some form of Gates product line (PC Tablets for kids, and 'medicinal' tablets for pregnant women - nothing sinister in the track record there?!).

Then I have to consider the scenario I consider to be playing out, which is a slightly more complex version of the 'Divisionary War Theory', whereby the masses are disrupted to such a degree that any 'White Knight' will be deemed the 'saviour', as opposed to the intent all along.

It is not wise to be overly cynical, but it has proven wiser to be cautious and critical of thought. Let's see the end line up to determine whether we see friend or foe, and then lets hear the 'message' to determine whether there will be substance, or yet another layer of guff which can easily be pulled back to reveal the exact same prospect.

Point being, get your plans 'C', 'D' and 'E' at the ready.

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He also says every bit of responsibility you abdicate will be usurped by tyrannical power. Here is his speech to the inaugural class of Ralston College, at Ephesus. It was just after this they came after his license. It might be that this speech is what made them want to burn him like Galileo rather than the ostensible offense of his tweets. It is a powerful and inspiring speech. J. Edgar Hoover, after the murder of Martin Luther King, said "No more black messiahs" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7AON-Fz9P0

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Any new model must question NGOs and their place as unelected power structures in bed with corporate interests.


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NGOs are non-government organizations that have become quite the choice tool of subversion, destabilization and domination for the US-led New World Order. 2016 https://thefreedomarticles.com/ngos-choice-tool-subversion-nwo/

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Since his return from Israel he's calling for the regime change in Iran because of "women's rights". And, no, I'm not saying that there are no issues with women's rights in Iran, but that kind of change is fishy - at least to me.

Besides that, I don't know if you knew but he was speaker in one of the meetings of Trilateral Commission that was held in Slovenia in 2018. https://newsbeezer.com/sloveniaeng/you-should-be-more-than-200/ ...

"All this will be done behind closed doors, predicts Čoklova: " For the first time meets this global private lobby group of the most influential companies, politics, media … in Slovenia. Former President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, former President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy is expected to arrive in the country. Nigel Higgins by Rothschild & Co from London, Jacob Frenkel JPMorgan Chase International, Chief of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger, Former Secretary General of NATO Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, a globally oriented psychologist Jordan Peterson ... "

Or as Lenin said. The best way to control the oposition is to lead it yourself.

I hope that I'm wrong, but if I'm not, all of what you've done in the last three years, for which I'm humbly grateful, might implode and sabotage all of you and all of us who stood by you.

So, all of what he said at Rogan's podcast was right, but it is said by the wrong person.

Be very cautious.

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Exactly. I just commented the same in a much less eloquent way.

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