This is foolish.

Gaza an autonomous, self governed territory whose government, Hamas, used its armed regulars and citizenry to organize and perpetrate an act of war against Israel.

The response by Israel is against the government of Gaza, which IS Hamas.

The idea that Hamas is just a terrorist entity in Gaza is beyond naive - it is Islamic propaganda. Hamas is the accepted and supported (according to every poll of Gazans) government of the population.

Every honest observer of any war effort knows civilian deaths are unavoidable. But every sentient citizen knows Hamas lies, at all times, because it is the Muslim Brotherhood. Any "death toll" reported by Hamas is, of course, questionable.

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The problem I have John is that I've seen no comprehensive description of what has been destroyed, both in terms of the percentage of Gaza leveled as well as the number of people killed (other than reports from known partisan sources). The images, like the one you presented here, are reminiscent of the images I saw early on in the Ukraine war. I believe we all want the truth, but we're constantly being bombarded with propaganda.

I also believe most Americans would want Israel to go to great lengths to avoid killing Gaza civilians, while not placing their own military in greater danger.

As far as the oddity of how Israel missed the invasion, sure, did seem odd. But, as anyone who's ever worked in the military or government knows, bureaucracy is almost never efficient, nor responsive. To think that their bureaucracy would be to any degree different is, in my opinion, placing too much credit with Israel.

Can you elucidate what you would have Israel do differently (i.e. more specifically how a "law enforcement" response would look like materially? This is the problem I have with Glen Greenwald. I have yet to hear what he would have Israel do differently.

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They are not punishing Gaza people, they are trying to find the terrorists and their hostages, unfortunately terrorists are so embedded into civilian population. As you are an intellectual, I find it strange that you discard/not informed enough about urban warfare?

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I guess the Israelis could have issued summons to court to the perpetrators, you know, like the ones being given to illegals breaking into our country. The rate of compliance with them is less than 5%. If you really want to see destruction on a massive scale, look at drone footage of what our Iraqi, Kurdish, and Christian allies did to Irbil, Haditha, and various other cities in Iraq and Syria, with much help from us, when destroying ISIS. Not even close. Hamas has broken 15 truces: the Israelis, none.

Lastly, if we do into an exchange with the Russians, remember we provoked that war after 30 years of warnings from three different Russian leaders not to bring Ukraine into NATO (the EU was fine by them). Again, no comparison

Danny Huckabee

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There is a binary choice in the Israeli issue. Your either okay with evil and it’s stated desire and goal of killing all Jews and destroying the state of Israel or your on the side of Israel and humanity and peace. It’s that simple. Israel has to destroy the Evil which is Hamas if there is to be peace. Hamas can end this tomorrow and save thousands of lives. They have chosen to do otherwise. There is zero moral equivalence here. There is only one measure that matters. Israel wins and Hamas loses. Pick your side. There is no middle ground. War is hell but Hamas picked it. Israel will finish it. The most human thing Israel can do is to defeat them as quickly and completely as possible. All civilians deaths are on Hamas just as all civilian deaths in Japan and Germany during WWII were because of their leader’s.

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Compare and contrast:

"Since 1966, thirteen Israelis have been awarded the Nobel Prize, the most honorable award in various fields including chemistry, economics, literature and peace. Israel has more Nobel Prizes per capita than the Germany, United States and France. It has more laureates, in real numbers, than India, China and Spain. Israel is 11th in Nobel prize per capita, just after the United Kingdom at 10th. If only scientific laureates are taken into account, Israel is 13th in Nobel prize per capita, just after Germany, 11th, and the United States, 12th."




Page after page after page of them, not just in the Middle East but throughout the rest of the World too, bombings, hijackings and atrocities from Japan to Argentina and everywhere in between, recently excelling themselves on 07/10 by burning babies alive in ovens, tying children together with wire, pouring petrol over them and setting them on fire, all the while filming themselves and finding it highly entertaining.

So while Israelis have been contributing disproportionately to the sum of human knowledge - the Intel processor was designed in Israel in 1972, for example

"Palestinians" have contributed only blood and death and terror, their most significant contribution being the child suicide bomber.

Which would YOU support, a nation that in has contributed massively to humanity over millennia or a gang of pre-Medieval savage filth that believe it is clever to burn babies alive in front of their mothers, tape over a pregnant woman’s mouth, cut her breasts off and play catch with them, cut out her baby and behead it in front of her while she was still alive, all the while laughing and joking and filming themselves to put it on the Internet?

I know which side I’m on - and it sure as Hell isn’t the “Palestinian” savages.

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Hilarious lack of self-awareness to repeat TDS media talking points all the while professing the dangers of doing so. TDS is like HIV. Most people who have it aren't even aware they do.

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My wife suggested Sound of Freedom. I was moved to tears watching the movie. I googled it afterwards to learn how much was true. This was opening weekend. Google was littered with attacks on the movie. I was speechless. Someone in the office recommended it. A supervisor ended up sending out a blast email urging everyone to boycott. They work for a looney bin level left company. Amazing.

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I am horrified reading all these anti-Semitic comments. Scripture tells us anti-Semitism will increase in the end days, but it’s shocking to witness just how distorted the thinking is here. Hamas put babies in ovens and tied up their parents forcing them to listen to the screams of their infants slow, painful, torturous death. They burned people alive and forced their families to listen to their screams. They beheaded family members right in front of each other. They so brutally raped little children (boys and girls) to the point of breaking bones, tearing their insides apart and even rape until death...TO BABIES AND CHILDREN. It is literally in the Hamas charter (available online) to annihilate the entire country of Israel and all the Jewish people. (Christians also). To not see that Hamas cannot continue to be a threat to the nation of Israel is truly to be on the side of Satan. Hamas has committed to never wanting peace with Israel. They only want their death. They cannot coexist in one nation together. You either want annihilation of the Jews, or annihilation of Hamas. Many on here have made clear the side they are on.

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So if you are not listening to the reporters that are from their i.e. Amir Tsfarti, a Major, reserve now, in the IDF your theory would be correct, we need not throw the baby out with the bathwater. What is the truth is that most Arabs living in GAZA are infiltrated into this area and have been for. years helping the Hesbollah to build tunnels and under and around hospitals and schools ...most of who you call the collateral damage, besides the hostages, were helping these demonic group and not just helping they are part of them. They dress as civilians and hide behind children ~~No Isreal needs to do what Isreal is doing and we all need to get out of the way lest WE incur the wrath of GOD

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The hostages were and are being held in ordinary Gazans homes- starved, assaulted and licked in rooms. Ordinary Gazans. Women , children and men came over the border, stole vehicles, shot the men , kidnapped the women and children. These people were not conservatives Hews but ones that thought they could live in peace with the Arabs. They would ferry sick Gazans to hospital, leave peace symbols on the fences and general try to be good neighbours. They no longer see the western mistaken differentiation between Hamas and good Gazans. This will be my last comment on your site. This is all very ignorant to not understand that the Arabs want what the Nazis wanted - complete extermination of the Jewish people . Then who will they come for? After Saturday comes Sunday. The west has facilitated the murder of the Jewish people with its vacuous support of Iran and Qatar.

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Israel was the victim of something horrible and justice was forthcoming.

However, a horrible act of terrorism should not be a license to commit genocide and to carpet bomb an entire population. There is no justification for what is currently happening, the way it is happening. You can’t just claim there were military people in an area and destroy an entire city. At least you should not do it. That is a war crime.

In the US, the left got their war. Now the right has their war. The war mongering has got to stop. People are dying while others make massive profits and we just keep shoveling money to fund more wars. Is this leading to peace? No. Take the money out of the equation and see what happens. I would wager if we cut all funding to foreigners wars, there would be a lot less of them. Even if not, at least we wouldn’t be going further bankrupt by funding violence around the globe. Let other countries fight their own wars. We can focus on defending our people and fixing our troubles. We can not and should not fund the entire world’s endless wars! The Military Industrial Complex wants us to believe otherwise.

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The Israelis settled on a strip of unimproved desert land and created what might be called a quasi garden in that desert - after it had been part of a vast desert for eons. Why does not one praise their constructive efforts? Why did not the indigenous peoples observe and learn from them? What am I missing here?

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Genocide is genocide no matter who commits it. Call it what it is. Indiscriminate mass murder. It appears the Israelis learned nothing from the Holocaust. To wage war on the citizens of Palestine for the actions of 1 in 200,000 shows how patently false their reasoning is. There are many followers of Judaism who are as appalled as we are at the atrocities being. How are the murders of 20,000 innocent men, women and children in any way rational? You are entirely right. If we don't all come to our senses this type of behaviour could easily lead To nuclear war.

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John, I believe you are way off on the Palestinian situation. It did not start on October 7th. How about October 6th Zionist Crimes against Palestinians and back 100 years. Those Occupied like the Palestinians or the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto in WWII have a Right, and arguably a Duty, to Resist the Occupation by most any means necessary. The Occupier has no rights. Because of the Illegal Occupation of Palestine the Palestinians have been Ethnically Cleansed, Genocided, Mass Child Sacrificed and Apartheid for for many decades. Terribly many Jewish Israel's were murdered too but at about a rate of 100 plus Palestinians to 1 Jewish Israeli.

The Palestinians have no Air Force, Navy, Standing Army, Artillery, Iron Dome to protect them and Zionists control their access to food, water, fuel, electric, gas, medicines etc. All Financed and Supported my most all Murderous US Governments for 76 years!

Many Zionist Leaders Openly Call for and Preach in the Media ETHNIC CLEANSING, GENOCIDE, MASS CHILD SACRIFICE AND APARTHEID!


Please utilize your huge skills, energy and intelligence to investigate it deeper and 911

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With all due respect, is there a way to receive email updates from only Dr. McCullough's posts? If Mexicans came across the southern border and raped, tortured, kidnapped, and/or killed over 1000 people - and this is crucial - with the consent, support, and protection of the government of Mexico - I don't think you would be advocating a "law enforcement response".

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