Does this surprise anyone?

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Nope BE AND it makes me nauseated 🤮

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Maybe the Republicans need to draft a very stern letter

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That should do it, all right.

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Let's all post memes on social media.

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“A major question that’s come up in recent years is why the Democrats are so much better at playing “hardball politics” than the Republicans”. Answer? MORALS. SEE THE DIFFERENCE? When you start with an expectation of improvement versus a determination to destroy, it becomes obvious

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I wouldn't be so bold as to imply that a typical republican's morals are of a much higher standard than those of a typical democrat. Most elected republicans in the legislative branch are prostitutes to the military/industrial complex and/or the pharmaceutical/industrial complex, as are the dems; they're all fascists. The blood of tens or hundreds of millions are on their hands and they probably sleep just fine at night. They are, with perhaps a handful of exceptions, accessories to mass murder and genocide.

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Okay. 👍🏻

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The key. Why sink to the murky depth that the opposition inhabit?

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If you’re comparing riches, the answer is extremely evident.

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As many of you are likely aware, at the dawn of our republic, dueling, often to the death, was not only considered an acceptable practice by some "gentlemen", and was, in places legal, it was also a way some politicians decided to settled disagreements.

As I am nearing 69 years old, I've recently taken to saying: "The old ways were the best ways."

My saying this is evolving from being tongue-in-cheek, to increasingly serious.

If Merrick Garland were to duel Mike Johnson, what's to lose? Regardless of outcome, We The People win!

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Jun 16Edited

I'd root for a sudden death tied second-place finish.

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I'm with you.

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Doesn't the House have a "Sergeant-at-Arms"? Just sayin'...

And a change in Presidents, could lead to changes at the Injustice Department, as well.

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A change in Presidents would be too late for Navarro and Bannon.

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Yeah, definitely. They're sacrificial lambs.

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Why are Republicans feckless, that seems to be the question? The people who have audacity, guts, have real lives to lead and have no money to win a public office. The entitled, well-connected are the only ones who can run in this world. We vote to set themselves up in this cushy public life. We are the fools. We are only in the Republican party because the other party sucks. Our representatives humor us by allowing us to think that we are voting in a republic. Even by commenting on this Substack, or any other forum , the peons believe they have a say. We don’t have a say in shit.

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Can anyone with a straight face deny that America is now become the Roman empire 2.0?

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I suspect the Roman Empire had a lot more positives than The United States. It certainly managed to last a lot longer than we did. Our republic failed after less than ninety years, and the shell that remains, which some still insist is "The United States" isn't likely going to remain intact much longer.

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It's not a two tiered justice system, it is three or even four tiered (Genocide Joe Biden).

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The answer is we have uniparty.

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“When God judges a nation, he gives them wicked leaders.” (John Calvin)

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Ladies and gentlemen, hold your cards, we have a bingo!

It certainly looks that way to me, but of course if you, me or anyone else were to list the abominations this nation is collectively guilty of, we would be hissed and booed and ridiculed by many, perhaps most, because we are one of those people who have "an imaginary friend in the sky".

I'm 68, and the. atrocities now common in our society that maybe get a slap on the wrist, would have been cause for prison, or worse, when I was born.

Some very foolish people think that we've advanced as a society; we're "enlightened" you know. Of course, the exact opposite is true. Our society is decaying, rapidly. We've got some dandy bells and whistles we didn't have in 1955, but we most certainly are decaying.

Unfortunately, too many people are deluded to the point that they couldn't recognize truth if it smashed them in the face.

I'm disturbed by the number of people who claim to believe in God, but really have no clue, but I do know this is in the prophesy. Jesus spoke of it in Matthew 24. Too many church-goers have been too lazy to learn God's word. They go to some phony church where they think the clergy tells them everything they need to know about the Bible, and the clergy doesn't discourage that mentality. I'm related to some of these types. When I try to talk to them about God's Word, they say silly things like "oh, that's just figurative." or even "Well, that's just a myth." Some of these people have been attending their church regularly for many decades and they couldn't tell you the difference between Genesis and Revelation.

Of course we are commanded to pray for everyone and love them, and I do, but I'm thankful Jesus didn't tell us we have to like them.

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Brilliant, thank you 🙏🏻

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Well, thank you! My comments have been called many things. Brilliant is a new one!

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Why, John? No balls.

And 🌽 nyn wants to be next up in the Senate? What a joke. McCarthy was a sell out. Johnson is not much better. R leadership is a deep state sellout.

Thank the Lord MAGA is a populist movement.

From the beach...


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Cornyn is Cocaine Mitch's "mini-me"; not a good person. I'm a Texan, and I'm ashamed that our state is "represented" by the likes of Cornyn.

Johnson is worse than McCarthy; he's slicker. He's got that natural studious, trustworthy look and that calming school teacher voice; makes it a lot easier for him accomplish his treachery and get by with using lame excuses for it.

Funny how Johnson had a pretty solidly conservative voting record until he got the opportunity to really hit the jackpot. Johnson is a traitor, just like 98%+ of the politicians and bureaucrats.

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Amen, John. Concur with your narrative. I swing back and forth between Texas and Brasil. Austin is as bad as DC.

From the beach...


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Gene, If I owned Austin and Hell, I'd rent out Austin and live in Hell.

A few months ago, I joined the Texas Nationalist Movement, aka TEXIT. Until recently, I never took the movement seriously, even though its been around a long while. After a few months in, I believe their aims are genuine and noble, but considering the diversity of Texas residents now, due to the incredible influx of people over the past many decades, I'm not optimistic about TEXIT's success, but it's worth a shot. I'm not a native but I've been here most of my life, and although I'm an old geezer, I'd be willing to endure the hardships that would likely accompany session from the United States. I think the negatives could far outweigh any positives that remaining a state might provide - not that any come to mind.

Some folks might view the idea of a state baling out on the U.S. as wrong or even treasonous, but contrary to Abraham Lincoln's notions, there is nothing in the constitution prohibiting states from leaving. Additionally, Texas' agreement with the U.S. on annexation in 1845 provides for the lawful departure of Texas from the U.S. Regardless of all that, a number of years ago, even before Mr. Magoo's regime came to power, and before Trump, I began speculating that the U.S. could very well fracture into a number of independent nations. I believe, considering the polarization we now have, and the fact that this former constitutional republic is completely dysfunctional, it just might be more likely than ever, and maybe not be such a bad idea, for anyone except the Fascist leaches in the cesspool known as Washington D.C.


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Well stated, John. I take no exception to your narrative.

Where are you located? I am in Central Texas. Belton. When not in Brasil.

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Well thanks! I don't get a lot of positive feedback on my comments on some other platforms. There seems to be some serious polarization. "Your either with me 100% or you're aggin me!", kind of talk. And I get it - we live in extreme times.

I'm in Tyler now; been here for a year, after traveling a lot for work. Do you know where Cameron is? It's not far from Belton. I had an address in Cameron for about 15 years, but with work travel probably wasn't actually there for more that 3 of those years, and much of those 3 years was because of the Scamdemic.

I've lived or had lengthy stays in Tyler, Longview, Houston, Seguin, Lufkin, Midland, Plainview, Pampa, Brownsville, Padre Island, Cameron, and Upshur County; still looking for the perfect spot! LOL.

What's happening in Brazil? I read where they're getting washed away down there.

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Happy Father's Day, John.

I am familiar with Cameron. Tyler, too. Land of the big pines!

Arrived Texas in 1975. Houston followed by Fort Worth. Central Texas since 2003.

We have a home in Brasil near the Equator. Year round temps in the 80's. Lots of sunshine and beautiful beaches.🌞🌴🌊🏖️

We cycle back and forth. Are in Texas presently until mid September.

Yes, flooding in far south Brasil ear the Argentina and Uruguay borders. Rice production decimated.

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The only thing worse than the Texas Republicans like Cronyn are the people the opposite party runs.

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Democrats don't care about the law more than Republicans.

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Why would they? They’re the problem! That would be like allowing the fox in the chicken coop.

Oh the stories, the human suffering and the deliberate slaughterhouse of what we use to call our DOJ, FBI and CIA plus others have a “bone to pick” with the “Useless Eaters” of humanity!

They mustn’t let anyone or anything stand in their way of LOL, “Justice”!

As in President Trumps multiple concocted felonies, Stalin’s henchmen said, “Find Me The Man and I’ll Find You The Crime”!

The world we live in will eventually become,

“Live under Tyranny or Die Under Freedom”!

Choices to make? Yes we have a few and with each passing day, fewer.


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You have to wonder John. . . Are Repub's, in general, more . . . moral, ethical, thus subject to weakness in this regard?

Do the Dems have a number of insiders(DoD, RINO's, White House, NGO's) in the pocket of influence? . . . or have dirt on them to force compliance?

Something that most rational and moral people are less likely to do.

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I think this is the reasons--especially the RINOS & White House. Why did the video of AOC being interrogated by Jim Jordan questioned about was it true that AOC slept with Hunter. And questioned did she send Hunter nude photos. She said yes to both questions. The title to the video was AOC slept with Hunter but after a month or so the actual footage disappeared. I was NOT the only one who saw the actual video before it disappeared. Perhaps the reason she slept with Hunter was to cement relations with the Bidens?

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I've stopped using the term RINO. It's a misnomer.

At this point, it should be obvious to all that almost all republicans qualify as RINOs.

Someone should come up with a catchy term or name for the tiny handful of politicians who actually represent those who elected them with a reasonable degree of honesty and integrity.

And no, AOC didn't bang Hunter because of any political agenda. She's just a slut.

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Oh man my brainstorming hat is on fire.

* RINAAs: Republicans in Name and Action!

* RFTPs: Republicans For The People

* TPRs: The People’s Republicans

* PeepReps: The People’s Republicans

* RWIs: Republicans With Integrity

* WW4U: We Work For You!

Man I could sit here for hours brainstorming.

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Some of these look pretty promising. You're far more imaginative than I.

Old Timers Disease, I guess.

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I love it! “ She’s just a slut”. Nailed it

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Not nice, I know.

I have nasty habit of calling things as I see them. I'm working on toning-down the rhetoric, but I still slip up some.


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Bigger question is did she make him wear a condom. And hopefully two. Let’s be real, he’s probably got more going on down there than Mick Jagger.

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Right on! It calls to mind that silly scene from the movie The Naked Gun, where Leslie Neilson and Pricilla Presley are wearing the full-body condoms.

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Well, I am just guessing from pictures that they let out of her college days, and the fact that the only job she could find after graduation was as a hooker, oh damn, did I really just type that, I really, really meant to type barista ( but who knows what else she was serving on the side?). Anyway, back to my original point, I don’t know who would’ve had the more diverse genital flora & fauna in that hook up.

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🤣 good point! Also, I’m really glad the Internet and social media were not a thing when I was in college because I would’ve been in big trouble. Can you say slutty sorority girl? Ha! Ok, still not as bad as AOC

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"A major question that’s come up in recent years is why the Democrats are so much better at playing hardball than the Republicans."

MY 2 cents....Democrats believe in "by whatever means necessary". That means lying, cheating, stealing and then accusing Republicans/Conservatives of committing those very crimes. They get away with it because our leftist cheerleader media is on their team. They've abdicated their role in holding all politicians accountable.

Republicans/conservatives on the other hand hold certain core values of honesty and integrity, expect it of themselves and look for it in others, even their opponents. Republicans don't have the indecency to play hardball at the level it is brought by the left and mainstream media. They get away with it because about half the voters want to believe the untruths they are fed, and love to heap scorn on anyone who challenges them.

These are generalizations. There are some honest democrats somewhere just as there are dishonest Republicans. But in the game of deep political hardball, Republicans are at a disadvantage.

That has further repercussions. We all have witnessed the two-tiered system of justice in which persons or groups favored by the left pay little to no consequences for doing things like rioting, tearing down statues, burning cities, destroying evidence, and knocking off witnesses. On the other hand, Trump can barely utter a sentence without it being twisted, misconstrued intentionally and presented to the public mob as another opportunity to pile on and condemn him. That is why his supporters don't give a flying fig about a lawfare based conviction in an obviously biased court. They know he has been constantly wrongfully accused. They're sick of it and ready to call out the dishonesty of the system.

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I take issue with one part of your statement “While the Dems are deadly effective at taking out their opponents, the Republicans always seem to be fecklessly flailing around,…..” the “seem to be” part needs to be replaced with “are”!!

Republicans are spineless!

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