How are people not even CURIOUS how these guys are dying of heart attacks so young?? And of course, if you bring up the jab, you’re a conspiracy crazy person. Unbelievable!!!

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We MUST bring it up. Even if it makes others uncomfortable. This is insane on steroids.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

I bring it up by sarcastically saying " well, we know for certain that the Covid jab was 100% not the cause of this"- but only in respect of "distant" deaths- I haven't yet found a way to bring it up when a death or debilitating illness strikes someone closer to home.

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I agree wholeheartedly. You've really nailed it.

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To be honest I think it is because the writers themselves have been jabbed. They do not want to dig deeper into the sudden deaths and adverse events from the jab for that reason, they prefer to live in denial.

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It’s the path of least resistance I’m afraid.

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Or could it possibly be IMHO afraid of the TRUTH.

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Because people under age 40 have no idea that normal life expectancy is at lease mid 70s.

Reality is being manipulated.

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A tacit acceptance that the USA is no longer a "developed, 1st world country", so a LOWER life expectancy goes without saying (EYEROLL)

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Yup. In PSW class I was taught young old age begins at 70 middle old age is 80 and old old age is 90. And that you don't die of age it's always a disease process or injury that leads to death.

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I seem to remember headlines, not so very long ago, that 60 is the new 40. You could be fit and healthy forever! Young “intelligent” people are still offering up their arms in blind faith at the same time reading about their age group dropping like flies. Still, the vast majority appear to be unable to see any correlation. I just keep asking the question “do you think this is normal?”........

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I have taken to reminding some that the term New Normal was used for a reason. Eventually it's all going to come out!

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Actually, it's so bad your crazy if you don't! So much proof out there!

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How many will it take? It’s mind boggling.

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And many more to come, without a doubt.

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Or more....

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many, many more. Not everyone is noteworthy or in the public eye.

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I’ve been in frequent contact with Denis. I think he’s reliable & so are his teams output.

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Thanks Dr. Yeadon. I have been following your analysis from the beginning of the C19 fraud. As hard as it is to accept, I can't really come up with a better explanation.

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Henry, if you ever do come up with a better explanation, I’d love to hear it!

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They are killing half a bucket of two million right now in Gaza. The damage is done. The Gazan's have no hope now like it or not. They got the Zionists with the shot and now use them to depopulate the rest of the region.

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nah....they'd just argue and say it was UFO's or some other dreamed up derrangement...sortof like they bought into 'safe and effective'. There is no end to covering one lie with another and another....no end. So you have at least half of society with a truth issue, they do not know what the truth is b/c the truth is not in them...they follow their father satan.

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@KB I am afraid you are out of sync with the infinite wisdom of the mob. They blame his death on CLIMATE CRISIS. Anyone who doubts it will be publicly humiliated and jailed.

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They are hoping everyone. Depopulation

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That ship has already left the harbor!

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In the 70's and 80's, when we learned people had died before their time and cause of death was not stated, we assumed it was AIDS.

Now we assume.... well. You know. The thing.

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My brother died in 1996, blind and emaciated at 43. AIDS didn't kill him: AZT did. Tony Fraudci without a doubt is the most prolific serial killer that has ever lived.

(PS With the exception of monsters like Lenin, Stalin or Mao I suppose..🤔)

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My friend Barnett,& my friend Gregg too.

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some guy in Ann Arbor, I remember seeing him, at an Aids quilt display...now I anger...

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My cousin also died of AZT during that same time period as many other men I knew did!

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I second that! I'm sorry for your brother's passing.

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Capt. Roy, condolences for your loss.

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Thank you... but it was nearly 30 years ago...

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30 years goes by in a flash.

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Doesn't it just... 🤔

For me, 1973 wasn't so long ago...🤯

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to me, it still seems like it all happened a few months ago...

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so glad others are talking about this. almost everyone I loved in the '60s, '70s, and '80s was killed by azt. what was happening seemed obvious to me, however the constant refrain was, 'but it's all we have!' we lost the best and brightest from several generations, back then. I can't help but think that had it not been for fauci and gallo and this poison, the world today would be a much different and far better place.

I've spent decades pretending they all moved to paris, and we don't talk because of the time difference. the few times I've been in paris since then, I've pretended I wanted to surprise them, but they didn't know I was coming and went elsewhere for vacation. I know we'll meet again, one day, but that doesn't make it any easier...

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"All we have" 😈☠️💩 -- An experimental drug so toxic the original developer tossed all his work in the garbage -- for a disease, that didn't exist. Sound familiar?

Get RFKjr's "The Real Anthony Fauci": He devotes 3 entire chapters to the AIDS Fraudemic. That and "Covid" are by no means the only scams that sleazy little bastard pulled in a long and disgraceful... "career" ...

Truly: He deserves to be Burned at The Stake, for what he's done.

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'all we have.' yeah. my blood ran cold (and some form of ptsd kicked in) when I started hearing people say that about the covid shots. thankfully, those I now love most stopped after three and began taking me seriously. no major adverse events so far (knock on wood) and they're following a combination of protocols for 'detox.' I never bring it up but often think about the fact that they're 'two shots and a booster' in. everything old is new again. I can't believe anyone trusted fauci. he's such an obviously corrupt psychopath.

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I can’t like this, but there is no argument on this point IMO.

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Very sad for your loss! Yes, I call him Mengelefauci because with his Fauci’s Ouchies he has killed MANY MORE than that Nazi doctor Josef Mengele ever did!😡 I post publicly and freely on MeWe.

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Thank you, but as I told someone else, it was almost 30 years ago, and all my family has passed since. I'm the last one. As for Josef Mengele versus Tony Fraudci? He was a piker, even compared to our own Chief Provincial Health Officer, "Butcher Bonnie" Henry here in British Columbia, who has allowed children as young as 12 to take The Lethal Injection without their parent's or guardian's consent or knowledge, and has approved it for infants 6 months and up... How many other imbecile lunatics in positions of power must there be across The West, making appalling, grossly irresponsible decisions like this? "Scaphism": The slowest, most agonising method of execution ever devised, is still far too quick and merciful for them.

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So SAD for the complete loss of your family!😥

Well. . .Judgement by Yahweh against evil doers will even be worse!😮 Those He judges "lost" will burn in "The Lake of Fire" until consumed NOT in The Christian everburning Hell. They will burn because they rejected salvation through the Father and His Son and must pay for their own sins. Yahweh is the Name of our all-merciful Creator!😁

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Mom and Dad from old age. I'm certain my twin sister's Stage IV cancer out of the blue at 49 was due to childhood vaccinations, meanwhile my older sister? Well.. a "2-4" of beer, every day, a pack of smokes, every day, for about 40 years? Amazing she made it to 64 really... 🤔

BTW? If you read "Revelation" paying any kind of attention, it quite specifically states they'll burn there in agony, for eternity.. Not very merciful. Then again, I think of what those monsters did..

💣 https://www.unz.com/article/pizzagate/

💣 https://www.bitchute.com/video/ycekoIWC1hQb/

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I received all the free quackcines in grade school in the '50's. No beer or smoking for me. Translation in the KJV leaves MUCH to be desired. I have used The Holy Name Bible by The Scripture Research Association for decades! 😁

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Heard about the message in your first link. It was refuted and I hope that the evil events in it did not happen. Against Israel? The Bible says NOT to be! It's The Christian Vatican in Rome that wants (and will finally have control for a short time!) This has been its aim since The Third Century A.D. Benjamin Netanyahu publicly stated that he believes in the Bible. In Hebrew his name means, "Gift of Yahweh."

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You are exactly right. A nurse friend worked in an AIDS hospice back then and she has hated Fauci to this day.

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Very sorry about your brother.

I well remember those times. I lost many friends.

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Me too. 16 people died in my building.

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30 yrs later and people still don't know. Why do we think they will learn the truth about the vax?

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The truth about vaccination has been out since 1886 with "The History and Pathology of Vaccination" by Edgar M. Crookshank, MD. But the Covid Injections are not vaccines at all: They're experimental genetic chemotheraphy agents, designed to reprogram your biology at the chromosomal level. You take that injection? You're now literally no longer human, but genetic chimera, being devoured from within by trillions of artificial spike proteins created with CRISPR technology, said to be analagous to the spike proteins of the putative Sars-Cov-2 virus – but since that virus has never been isolated (iow "proved to exist"), I can't understand how they can say that... 😳 💩

The "Covid-19 Pandemic" is a fraud so monstrous it beggars believe, never mind comparison. 🤔💣

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So sorry Capt., I was witness to this too. Makes me want to burn the Aids quilt.

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I'd to take your partner's place on the dance floor Verve... alas, I have two left feet.. 🥲

From yesteryear:


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Denial....People who took the jab don't want to know....I guess in some ways, I can't blame them...ignorance is bliss, until it's not....

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just an fyi, because most people have no idea that this was the original saying: if you believe that when ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise, you are indeed a fool.

it was one of my grandmother's favorites, and remains one of mine.

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Thanks for sharing!

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you are most welcome! pass it on!!!

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Yep, the thing Joe Biden mandated every American take or lose their job.

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Yep. Biden said he lost "patience" with us. I can't believe I haven't suddenly become unalive since I never got the jab.

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Until the Supreme Court shot JOE down on that one. But, Roberts and Kavanaugh

went with the Leftists on the JAB for healthcare workers. What right does any

court have to decide about a person's health.

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Yes Brandon wanted us under ground…

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You mean that Died Suddenly thing!

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You know you are absolutely correct . The difference is that this time word is getting out

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

and fauxci was behind that one too. My uncle died in '94 and I'm still pissed b/c of the raging propaganda behind that scam too, it effed up my sexual coming of age for no reason other than a delusional fkr driven by greed and narcissism.

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Why will this time be any different?

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So glad I was not coerced into taking the poison death shot. Zelenko was 100% on target: poison death shot.

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Zen is a hero

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Zev …. Auto correct is my greatest enema!

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Great correction 👍🇦🇺😃

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It's going to get worse. All these young people, just hitting their stride. The women who can't conceiver or carry to term, as Wolf has documented, and the young males who can't father.

What a disaster.

Danny Huckabee

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And then there's the poor children who didn't have a choice in the matter....

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So sad yet disgusting!

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Just started Shot Dead The Movie and the first person on screen is talking about losing a child. The movie is on We The Patriots USA channel on Rumble.

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Thanks for letting me know, Jennifer. I'll watch it.

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Oh, Danny boy.. we're just getting started... 😳

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...even worse, a planned disaster. Nuremberg2 is past due.

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The perpetrators don’t see it as a disaster at all, but “a good start”.

They’ll definitely run another fear based campaign, almost certainly associated with injections.

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These are victims of zombieism... everyone I know that has been jabbed have lost all critical thinking... makes me sad, my circle is much smaller these days

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Beth, my fear is they lost critical thinking skills before the jab.

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It seems to me most never had critical thinking skills in the first place (and if so, then not when frightened by TV news).

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The moment you allow fear to influence you, almost by definition, you lose critical thinking. Your brain only thinks in primitive terms of fight or flight. Higher level cognitive functions are suppressed. They know this. They scare first, then offer a "choice" of sorts. Very hard for people to see through, by that point.

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Can’t argue to contrary.

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People (vaxxed and unvaxxed) can't talk about this because they are afraid...either of losing someone they love over the politics of the vax, or suddenly dying if you mention young people have fatal heart attacks every day for no reason. Either way its a non starter.

No one wants to talk about the vax except Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch.

Could you guys just shut up?

I tried to talk with my twin sister today. I explained how during the pandemic my family abandoned me because of my politics, and that I would not take the vax. Today they want me to forget all that and be my old self again. I am glad the vax has not killed them yet, but my hunch says it will. How dod you explain that.

I was across the table from someone at an event the other night and she explained she had been to the drug store and "just got my booster"....I moved to another table. If I had been wearing a mask I would have pulled it over my face.

Here is Carl Jung: “The great problems of humanity were never yet solved by general laws, but only through regeneration of the attitudes of individuals. If ever there was a time when self-reflection was the absolutely necessary and only right thing, it is now, in our present catastrophic epoch.”

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The Big Clue was that the poison death shots were pushed and then mandated by the same governments and political factions thqt were adamant qbout blocking our access to treatment and prophylaxis, which in the context of the covid 19 pandemic, is a deliberate attempt to have you killed. So, they try to kill us and then the same they want us to have a shot to keep us alive and protect our grandmothers? It really was that simple. Dr. Zev's family was on prophylaxis by March 2020, and he was telling us how to do it by April 2020, and by June 2020 his data was clear and convincing. But ohhh no. We supposed to wait for a vaccine till 2021.....People may not believe the vaccine is the poison death shot. Much harder to deny though that there were treatments known as early as April 2020 with very good evidence in support then and certainly by the summer of. 2020. Treatments that were denied to most people.

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Dr. Zev is now a saint in heaven caring for the poisoned souls victim to the clot shots. He helped me decide not to get in line for the kill shot. His protocalls are relevant today to block shedding

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I think you would enjoy my SubStack.... well enjoy is not the word... appreciate would be a better word here.... anyway... here is an example: https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/freezing-moments-in-time?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I talk about it all the time. A mere 200 interviews so far.

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Actually Ty and Charlene Bollinger with Everyone and Clay Clark on the Great Reawakening vs The Reset Tours Talk about All of this and MelK FlyoverConservatives TimeToFreeAmerica HISGLORY more platforms and True Godly Prophets Visionaries Five Fold Ministries.

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The cardiac arrest stories are bad enough but we are also going to have to count cancer deaths. In my rather small circle of acquaintances two friends, who were healthy and robust before the COVID injections, have been stricken by aggressive cancers. One is now dead and the other terminal. While one can't be certain COVID injections are to blame prior to this I've only had one friend, who wasn't elderly, die of cancer during the now numerous decades I've been on this planet. I strongly suspect the injections are killing by triggering deadly cancers.

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My father-in-law goes to MD Anderson for cancer treatment (he wound up with cancer we think from him being a pharmacist- every pharmacist he knew has died of cancer, probably from handling and inhaling drug dust, some of them quite young). He’s been going to MD Anderson since 2019 (we credit them with him still being alive) but at any rate, he told me that there were so many young people there this last time he went for an appointment. He said that was not the case until this time.

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Check it out!


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and Rick Simpson's Oil (RSO)! I've seen that stuff work miracles, for decades.

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Interesting, another veterinary dewormer that’s cheap, out of patent, and no one will ever study in humans.

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Was not familiar with this drug until hearing Dr. Makis discuss it and Ivermectin on a recent podcast show he was a guest on.

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There are cancer centers springing up for young people! This serves to normalize the abnormal.

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Cancer in children isn't new. Might be significantly increasing; to go along with the heart problems which, other than congenital, are almost entirely new. They'd better hope that fenbendazole work!

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Yup, the building of Heart Transplant Centers in Children’s Hospitals. Another HUGE money maker, at the peril of the innocent..

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Makes me sick as they likely get their hearts from places like the Ukraine and Gaza, at least if viable hearts can be shipped that far. Otherwise, illegal immigrants and outright child abductions.

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Do you have a Stack article about this? Odd, since pharmacists don't usually handle the worst carcinogens, leaving that to oncologists. (Point of reference, I'm allergic to sulfur mustard - HD.) I really doubt the trace of dimethylnitrosamine in omeprazole account for it.

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Maybe a hospital/nuclear pharmacist? Mixing up all those toxic infusions happens in the nuclear pharmacy of every major hospital or in the REGULAR IV room of every hospital without a specific nuclear pharmacy--admixtures for contrast imaging, chemotherapy etc. When I worked as a technician at a VA hospital it was only the pharmacists allowed to handle the more toxic admixtures (thank god) but as a pharmacist I have only worked retail and have never noticed a high rate of cancer in my species. Even now (personally) as far as I am aware anyway. And many of the ones I know are injected with the bioweapon...

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Yes, he was a hospital pharmacist for half his career, but he went to retail later. His pharmacy partner in retail died at 58 of metastatic bone cancer, she had never worked in the hospital. He has known several others all dead now of cancer. The dust from the drugs must get on the skin and is surely inhaled too.

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Your and Irunthis1's accounts differ significantly. I'll have to inquire how my pharmacist BIL's father died, but I hadn't noticed much cancer amongst pharmacists. "Chemotherapy" is why I mentioned mustard gas; precursor of most older such drugs. Nuclear, esp. alpha, has similar effects; Marie Curie harvested radium daughters every morning to deliver to hospitals.

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I had searched to see if this was a thing, and the only thing I found was that the rate of cancer was high in people who worked with cancer patients, probably because of the chemotherapy drugs. It could be a coincidence that every pharmacist he knew died of cancer- maybe they just drew the black bean. After all, n=1 here. Some people are more susceptible to cancer than others. But has anyone crunched the data or studied this? I don’t know that they have, and I can imagine why.

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Pharmacists also handle thousands of vials of modRNA injections & were around thousands of people freshly injected. A cancer cell is just an abnormal, defective cell, that is usually destroyed by T-cells, or at least kept in check. Any attack or disruption or programming & “printing” done to our normal immune responses, impedes the destruction of those abnormalities & boom. You are left defenseless..

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He worked in a hospital and handled chemo drugs.

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Strangely, cancer numbers are not appreciably increased. But maybe another year or 5 will change that.

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A 22 year old died in his sleep this week in my community. That is what the obit said. I was screaming into the wind. When...does...this....end?

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...and when will the people responsible be hung?

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Just like all the other sudden unexplained deaths, they know what killed these people but they aren't allowed to speak it. The evil that does this is a supernatural evil. Had some other unexplained death happened, they would investigate it to find out why but all you hear is crickets. No studies being done. They don't have to do studies, they know what's doing this. My sister died of a clot to her brain and she was injected. So, they said she had a blood clot. OK, but why? Then, my niece died of a heart attack and she was injected. Heart attack ok, so what, lots of people die of heart attacks. But, these two were injected so wouldn't it be wise to find out if this experimental injection had any causation since it is experimental and we were all lab rats. I didn't take it and never got covid even when my grandson and his wife were around me and they found out the next day they had it. They were sick but only like with a flu, not deathly ill. But, I didn't get it and I'm high, high risk!! It breaks my heart to hear about all these people dying because of this. I know a lot of them, some are family. But, Jesus said let no man deceive you and some people aren't taking that command to heart and paying a high price for it.

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If you pay for an obituary, you can write anything you want in it except threats, obscenity, and slander.

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Yes, but the doctors won't even tell the families what their loved ones truly died of. These politicians and their families know better than to say anything that isn't sanctioned by the party or the government line. The average person, like myself, was told our loved ones died of, in my case, heart attack, blood clot to the brain. However, they didn't even hint that it could be vaccine related. I knew it was though cuz I've been keeping up. But, when they don't even attempt at a report on what killed them, you can count on it's because they aren't allowed to.

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Just like all the families who were told their hospitalized loved ones died from Covid. It was not Covid that killed them. It was the hospital protocol, primarily RemDeathIsNear (my name for Remdesivir). Another Fauci approved drug.

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My very healthy 82 year old aunt (she walked all over our little town every day, hadn't had even a sniffle in years) took the shot, got sick a day and a half later, and died a week after that. It was from that stupid clot shot and nobody can convince me otherwise.

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Probably counted as being unvaccinated too then, because you had to survive at least 2 weeks after the 2nd shot, to be counted as vaccinated.

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I had forgotten about that, so thanks for the reminder. Also recall attorney Thomas Renz saying they ramped up the numbers of vaccinated by giving people who died in the hospital the jabs after death. Just to manipulate people into thinking a huge percentage were getting the shots.

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I can’t believe this non acknowledgment is still going on. Even the normies have caught on. I guess they will keep saying nothing until all of the jabbed are dead or disabled. Even then it will be #ABV. Anything But The Vaccine.

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Well, I disagree. Those of us who I speak with were stupid enough to take it in order to travel for family reasons and ARE acknowledging that we are PISSED to have been so coerced and pushed. We are the first Vaccination Generation, polio was our first in Grade 5 and we then had more. We are the kids born in the 50’s when Polio was a terrifying disease. Conversations ARE happening. We understand that mRNA is NOT a true Vaccine; it was sold as one. Pharma should be dealing with class action lawsuits on that. I make it clear to friends and family that I regret taking a shot to get on a plane - no excuse that it was MANDATED by the idiot CDN Government. I think back on that and am PISSED at myself for taking that shot. Should have stood up and said FU. WHY did people succumb to that insanity? The people I say that to, who have also done the jab, agree. We will never take anything forced by government or anyone else ever again. There is NO take-up on any vaccine at this time. Hope Pharma goes bankrupt, but they are now taking over all of the Natural Health, vitamin market. Bought it. God knows what they will be putting into our Ester-C and all other vitamins,

pro/prebiotics and ALL natural health products. Jeez, we are hooped.

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Ditto with a relative. Now they have stage four turbo cancer. All so they could get on an airplane for vacations and competitions.

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I suggested fenbendazole to them but they have opted instead for stem cell treatment. They are following mainstream medical advice all the way. This is why I don't expect them to survive.

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So frustrating and sad

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So sad to learn that.

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Polio? Did you mean DDT poisoning? Real polio declined significantly before the Saks vax. Then this short term paralysis showed up, after picnics, parks & beaches & playgrounds were being sprayed to “protect” the children from malaria. There was even nursery room wallpapers, embedded with DDTs & sold like mad. Then the definition & length of original polio was changed to reflect the shorter term symptoms from toxin poisoning, on came the polio epidemic! It increased demand for a vaccine & terrified the masses. That Time Life cover photo of lots of children in oxygen treatment tanks was a marketing photo, staged by the manufacturer & circulated as a real hospital. Then DDTs we’re banned, looking like they came up with the miracle to end that dreaded summer infection.

None, absolutely none of this insanity is new to the US Federal govt., who not only backed the polio craze, they protected the asbestos industry & the tobacco companies. Only COVID silver lining is people are getting educated. The National Vaccine Information Center has been around since vaccine injury lawsuits started skyrocketing in the early 80s. (Before they all received complete & never ending legal immunity in 1986.) Please read more & share: nvic.org

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I am using the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 personally for multivitamin. America Out Loud also advertises some additional products. I think these can be trusted, as far as vitamins go, for the time being.

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Thank you for that. There is a graphic I saw that shows all the Natural Health products that have been purchased by Pharma. I am looking for it and will post it here on Peter McCullough’s Substack.

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It's more than about vaccines. It Transhumanisim. Google Bio Digital Convergence. Then see Dr. Ana Mihalcea MD Ph. D. See the Nanotechnology that is flooding all injectables, sheading and causing changes in the blood on the Earth.😔 It's evil at a level never seen before. Is AI leading the way. Is it a new sentient AI playing with nature like a new found toy!?!? And psychopathic mankind is it's partner. My loved one is diabetic and her sugars are all over the place with the new insulin Canada brought in.😔 And she is very angry about all if it! So am I. I feel like screaming from the top of my lungs. But I'm not crazy.😶 This world has gone crazy.

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Have her go carnivore like the ancient Eskimo. They lived on meat and fish for centuries with no diabetes

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Thanks for the advice! I'm still trying to promote organics! It would be great to buy direct from a farmer. Grass-fed and finished cow sounds great to me!

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I saw a 31 year old man who was diagnosed with metastatic testicular cancer 5 months ago. He had bilateral nephrostomy tubes implanted due to blockage. He was very anemic, weak, has had blood clots and terrible lower extremity edema. He was in very bad shape and it doesn't look good for him. I thought of the turbo cancers I have been hearing about. I didn't want to ask him about the shots so I asked him if he had ever gotten COVID. He replied no but I did get two of the vaccines. I suspect that this could have been the cause of his aggressive testicular cancer.

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I hit the like button to thank you for posting-- but not because I liked it, it's ghastly sad, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Before covid I had a relative who died after having those tubes put in, and the lower extremity edema came on anyway. It's awful beyond description.

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I can’t ‘like’ this because it is so sad, but awesome how you asked the question. Time for people to NOT be as kind as you were, and to just ASK the question; did you have the Covid 19 shot? (I will never refer to it as a Vaccination, it is not.)

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Move along, nothing to see here.

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Every day more tragedy strikes. So sad.

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Nope, nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Oh, look over there, it's Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey! Aw, so cute.

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At this point, it is grossly immoral to NOT ask 'why...what if, and what is going on'? No one is curious about what is actually happening? There is a disconnect that rational, thinking humans who seem to be concerned about so many other looming, life threatening disasters. Like climate change, banning gas stoves and farting cows? Keep insanity as normal as possible and no one will make a peep?

Mind blowing.

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You said it exactly. Succinctly. So. None of us will comply with whatever comes next. We will just say NO. We will not comply. More of us than them, and we need to remember that.

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YES. And during this Thanksgiving and being aware of all the blessings in my life, having found this group of sensible, rational, intelligent people has made overcoming this madness very empowering. Thank you to each of you!!!

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