You are right on John.

I'm 90 years old, a Republican Precinct and State Committeeman, and the editor of a local Conservative Republican Organization's newsletter.

The Bureaucratic (unelected) 4th branch of government that the Funders didn't account for when writing the Constitution has had over a full century to establish and entrench itself. It will take a combination of Executive Orders, Legislative Actions, and SOTUS Decisions to dismantle this massive network.

We can only hope that:

1. We get control of our borders,

2. The Armed Forces are restored sufficiently to deter would be aggressors, and

3. The economy is restored and inflation is tamed.

Any more is just gravy.

Thank you for your work.

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Gravely is this one, too: The Preaident of the United States has been tricked into a false and devastating and harmful public health response. It is a matter of serious crines against humanity. Criminals ought to be brought into justice and measures taken against any repetition of these atrocities that affected the entire humanity, odered and paid for by the U.S. Adminstration.

See Nature 2015: A SARS-Like Virus Shows Pontential For A Pandemic

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The Jabfather needs to face some extinction rebellion - Gates as well. "To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace." [Confucius] More extinction rebellion!

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Why these? Are they still around? Thought they would have gone [first name].

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A primary tool of the deep state, 4th branch, or shadow government, whatever one wishes to call it, is unconstitutional but accepted administrative law. Here is a great treatise on its proliferation in American culture and politics. Trump needs to attack its tentacles with extreme prejudice and fervor.


"Rather than being a modern, post-constitutional American development, I argue that the rise of administrative law is essentially a re-emergence of the absolute power practiced by pre-modern kings. Rather than a modern necessity, it is a latter-day version of a recurring threat—a threat inherent in human nature and in the temptations of power."

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Governments can't profit from self-sufficient people. Just as the medical industry isn't there to help you - but to make permanently-sick customers. None of it is by accident. This is a controlled demolition - you can't replace Capitalism if it's working so you make the people dissatisfied by debt-spending (hyperinflation) and oppressive regulations/taxation... the limb has to be diseased in order to be amputated. So they fuck-up the limb to excuse the amputation. We have a society trained to function at socially acceptable levels of insanity... how many have lost friends because we tried to help keep them from being genocided? It's an Omni-war waged by a transnational ruling class - through control of the means of production and especially the money supply. They (TPTB) must collapse Liberal Democracy and fuel totalitarian technocracy - Corporate Socialism a form of Collectivism - by creating massive oligopolies taking control over the entire economy by service corporation governments and their oh so liberal-and-loving private/public 'partnerships'. When asked how Fascism starts, Bertrand Russell once said: "First, they fascinate the fools, then they muzzle the intelligent."

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I can now take down my 5 by 5 ft garage wall graphic dart board of JRB in perpetuity

A spring bon fire awaits it ashes and ashes dust to dust rising into carbons.

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Right years your junior but concur with your narrative. Thank you.

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No one is coming to save us.

None of the provided heroes have our best interests at heart. They serve only to distract and prevent us from taking meaningful action ourselves—the only way we will ever address the calamities forced upon us by the ruling establishment.

Gates, Bezos, and the other self-anointed elites hold power only because we allow it. As for Trump, the idea that he’s simply “being careful” or “playing 4D chess” is absurd. He is no different from the rest—a puppet playing his assigned role to keep us pacified and distracted. If he truly opposed these monsters, he would act decisively, but he doesn’t because he can’t. He is not on our side.

The most important realization is this: no one ascends to the position of Prime Minister or President in any Western nation unless they are already compromised.

Look no further than Romania, where nationalist candidates are being actively prevented from running simply because they oppose the ruling establishment’s agenda.

It’s naive to believe this couldn’t happen in North America—it already has and will continue to happen until men organize and take action grounded in the principles of the Second Amendment.

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If Trump is not more on the side of good, how do you explain the assassination attempts, or the coming together with RFK? Do you fully understand what he's up against? Almost total control of every government and their departments across the world, unlimited monetary resources including our tax dollars, local and global NGO's, the medical and military industrial complexes' and of course MSM. Trump and his people are basically forced to tread very carefully and cautiously. Of course, the best thing for the cabal, would be to witness divisiveness among the people.

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Those are great questions! We have been fooled to believe that one side has our best interest more than the other so we are divided over identity politics and turn against each other rather than the powers that be.

In 2016 I was 100% on the Trump train as he was making comments that were aligned with what I was preaching as a Nationalist. Eventually, I realized he wasn’t who we hoped or needed him to be however, it was still an improvement over the previous administration so we accepted it and supported it even though it wasn’t everything we wanted or needed.

I do believe the assassination attempts were legit and it’s simply because there are two ruling factions competing for top position of power. On one side you have the Democrats, who are controlled by the communist Jews who are more domestic tyrants, and the other side we have the Republicans who are controlled by Zionist Jews, who are more international tyrants. This is simply a generalization, there are politicians, senators, and governors on both side who are highly bribed by AIPAC. For public record of their payouts, you can go to AIPAC tracker on X.

While they may have a little internal family wobbles at the end of the day they all stand shoulder to shoulder when it comes to our collective demise, they just want to screw us in a different way that benefits their group.

So as I previously stated the most important thing to take away from all of this is that “no one would ever be allowed to ascend to the throne of president or Prime Minister if they were not already captured”

Think about it, if elections were really that meaningful, they would not allow us to vote. We fully witnessed them cheat and steal the last election, you would have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that Biden got more votes than Obama.

The first time Trump campaigned he got elected because he spoke about sensible immigration policies, which is the number one problem on virtually every multigenerational Americans list! But he no longer talks about those issues in the same way, and has given extended support to Israel, who has just committed the greatest war crimes in the history of the human race.

There are several documentaries showing the lineage of Trump borrowing money from Jewish conglomerate and when you borrow money from them you are in their debt for life not to mention his grandchildren are Jewish. So if you really think the billionaire with close ties to Israel is on your side then I imagine the next four years will be very disappointing for you.

Believe me when I tell you, I sincerely hope I am proving wrong this one time, however past behaviour and results dictate otherwise.

If Trump apologizes for operation warp speed, then I will be the first to admit I was wrong.

My point is the left right paradigm has long since being hijacked and we are pitted against neighbours rather than the ruling ((establishment)) that owns the banks, 94% forms of Media, HollyWood, immigration policy, big Pharma, search engines and holds sway over the judiciary.

Have you ever actually sat down and calculated how many members of government and the CEOs in charge of policies regarding Covid or the pharmaceutical industry have dual Israeli citizenship? It is truly mind-boggling and I’m open to hear a counter argument however, in the 30 years, I’ve been directly involved in this type of activism I have only found increasing evidence to support the truth, and until these facts change, no amount of elections or activism will make a dent in our collective suffering.

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This one is irrefutable


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This one I cannot prove however, the evidence is compelling and certainly in line with what we observed.


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I understand exactly where you're coming from, Jason and know only too well that the leading instigators of the global malfeasance are money/power addicted, 'bad' Jewish people. It couldn't be clearer. Some of my close friends are Jewish and they 100% agree. Fortunately, 'good' Jewish people far outnumber the 'bad'. It also couldn't be clearer that Trump is very much aligned with Jewish people and it does concern me a little. BUT, I do believe Trump will do all he can in the name of good. Of course, whether that will be enough to make a noticeable difference to the deteriorating quality of life for citizens, is yet to be seen.

I don't think there's anything more we can do other than stay united and give him and his team a chance. It will become evident in a fairly short space of time if the whole Trump agenda is a complete sham. I think a lot will depend on whether Trump can inflict some 'learned, Jewish guile' upon his 'Jewish masters'.

I've been on this planet a long time, experiencing and observing many, many things. One thing that stands out above all, is the existence of a natural 'balance' on our beautiful planet. For example, when a plague of vermin reaches destructive levels, mitigation arrives in the form of heavy rains, drowning the vermin, enriching the soil, ensuring bumper crops for the following year. Then, there's another form of natural balance, often referred to as 'Karma', or 'what goes around comes around' - or what a growing number of people now refer to, as an 'act of God'. I can't count the number of times I've witnessed people inflict suffering upon others - then the aftermath when the inflictors become the sufferers.

I'm absolutely convinced that the 'inflictors' responsible for our suffering have already felt the wroth of the 'natural balance' - and the 'plandemic' was the beginning of what will eventually turn out to be their complete undoing. The plandemic was the big wake-up call that has alerted billions to this global malfeasance and it's been exacerbated by the Gaza genocide and the Ukraine War. It's no coincidence that the 'antisemitism card' is being played out across the mainstream media world. The 'bad Jews' are very much under the spotlight - and they know it only too well. This time, greed took them too far.

We now must stand side-by-side with the many 'good Jewish' people and remain staunchly together, regardless of whether Trump turns out to be friend or foe. As one, we are a giant too powerful to be defeated by this ultra-evil cabal - and I'm super-sure which side the greatest power of all will be on...

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I can rub a McDonald's tomato ketchup wrapper on my ear for you. Will you make me King?

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"I can rub a McDonald's tomato ketchup wrapper on my ear for you. Will you make me King?"

Precisely, the assassination attempt was most likely an enactment.

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"Gates, Bezos, and the other self-anointed elites hold power only because we allow it."

That is the money shot.

Excellent points, all.

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Agreed. Xi dealt with unappreciative billionaires. There are always ways to deal with

business leaders who are pursuing interests counter to the peoples interests. Do any readers here drink Bud Lite? How about taking the jabs now that the truth is out. You can help pull support from Bezos and Billy Gates. I wrote an email to Amazon and helped get a book put back on their shelves. Trump is creative and has better advisors this time. And if a plan becomes a lemon then count on Trump to make Lemonade.

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Most appear to be "former democrats," and most are involved in pharmaceuticals, specifically mrna/bio pharmaceuticals. He's meeting with gates. Last time that happened he swept the whole vaccines are dangerous right under the rug. I hate to say it but we're doomed.

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I stopped using WinBlows at home in 2006.

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I about 2000.

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I have only bought used computers with windows on them since Win 3.1 except for win 10 for a UHD monitor. Same with WORD and Excel, I buy used.

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Trump is no different from the rest is bs. Demtard talking point!

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Well said. I too have noticed murmurings among 'friendly' Substacker's which sounded alarm bells ringing in my head. The last thing we need is more 'divide and conquer'. Our war against an evil that's been building for over 100 years won't be won overnight. There's going to be many ebbs and flows involving many things - and our most effective weapon will always be our numbers, which will amount to nothing if we don't stand as one. Give Trump and his team some space, they know far more than we outsiders do.

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My sentiments exactly. Give the man a chance. We are not privy to the back room meetings and strategy. We will see soon what directions Trump is moving in. I am optimistic that he will come through the best anyone can.

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"Secrecy in government is repugnant in a free society... " [JFK]

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Exactly what I’ve been telling worried friends.

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"Recently I’ve noticed several of my fellow Substack authors expressing concern that President Trump is apparently getting too cozy with Bill Gates and other billionaires. While I share their concern, I also doubt it would be wise for Trump to shun guys like Gates, Bezos, and Altman. They are too powerful and have too much money to be simply ignored."

And there lies the crux of this country's problem...rapacious megalomaniacs with too much power..

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Gates of Hell

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Reminds me of that old film "The Kingdom of Heaven" which was of course the usual anti-Christian nonsense but it nonetheless had that good quote from King Baldwin .... " When you come before God you cannot say that virtue was not convenient at the time!" Trump always seems to find virtue to be inconvenient which is why he mixes with evil people like himself.

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They're kissing the ring to make sure he doesn't go after them for their past horrendous sins. He won't. He never has. As soon as Trump is gone and a Lefty is back, they'll go back to their home stanchions.

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Sad but true

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I'm still going to wait to see what Trump does, but I'm very upset with a lot of the appointees, and very in love with the good ones who are far fewer than the Lefty toads he's chosen.

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Righty/Lefty two wings of the same demon. It's not 'Left vs. Right' - it's the State vs.You.

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Absolutely true, other than a handful of Congressmen who are hated by the Stalinist Dems and the Trotskyite Republicans.

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"Handful" - you're being far too generous. Ron Paul was the last. Politicians are decided upon (selected) by whom will be good for the homo-satanic deathcult.

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"wait and see..."

Wait to see what???

Trump just filled the Swamp, AGAIN.

He's still LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaxxine is safe, and to take it.

New Trump agenda, same as the old Trump agenda.

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... silly statists - Trump's Presidency has been planned for a quarter century.

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Your enemies close would be your own government the DOD pentagon big pharma the industrial military complex’s biological weapons labs and warfare programs along with the United Nations the WHO HHS FDA CDC the hospitals medical establishment doctors have broken their hypocritical oath of do no harm they have committed pre meditated murder genocide crimes against humanity Nuremberg 2.O the WEF all of them are your enemy they want you dead by 50 years old

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And not a soul talking about the nano, graphene, hydrogel & other ☠️ in everything now without consent to those consuming it!!! Dental anesthetic, soft drinks, beer, insulin, Botox & cosmetic fillers & on and on. All for that biodigital convergence/transhumanism agenda. After extensive dental work this toxic concoction set off a time bomb in my mother and she died Aug 4. It’s beyond evil!! https://open.substack.com/pub/unhackableanimal/p/ask-your-dentist-if-nanos-are-right-f92?r=ypqu3&utm_medium=ios

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And yes she was unvaccinated.

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She who?

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Her mom.

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My mother. I guess it didn’t attach to my comment before it

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I see.

So sorry that happened to her.

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The Truth will set you free. There is NO defence against the Truth. "All that is done in secret with be made known."

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"Truth is the most important thing in life." [Plato]

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Yes. It will keep us from harm unless we choose to die for He who is the Epitome of Truth which brings a crown of gold and entry to exist under the floor of the Great Throne Room to talk to God. (as it is written) Enoch walked and talked with God. All martyrs who died for Him exist in the same place.(the Crown of Gold represents the Crown of Eternal Life with Him)

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Bernie Sanders correctly pointed out, change starts at the bottom. People are slow to observe that.

The point isn't that Trump is awesome, the point is THAT WE ELECTED TRUMP even though we were not given permission to by the media, the Deep State and all their lackeys.

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Even prisoners still have to eat the prison food.

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They both have one thing completely in common: They are both ardent Racist Zionist Psychopaths who supported the Genocide of Defenseless (No Air Force, No Navy, No Artillery, No Army, almost no: Medical support - food - water - energy - sewage treatment) mostly Women and Children. Gaza is destroyed and many tens of thousands of civilians were Holocausted and at least double that maimed.

Trump Bowed to Zionist Adelson and others $$$ and gave them many things in his prior presidency which emboldened the Mass Murderer Netanyahu, and now Trump bowed to Adelson's wife's $$$ and promised them more things - none of which are Trump's to give.

Trump said he would MURDER anyone who talked bad about Israel or the Jewish people, but the Zionists can GENOCIDE AND HOLOCAUST. All of you who kept silent about or worse openly supported it are complicit! This is supposed to be Courageous Discourse NOT Cowards Discourse!

Netanyahu and many of his Insane Ministers directly spouted Old Testament Bible passages (MURDERERS LIKE THEIR FATHER) which call for the Genocide and Holocaust of the Palestinians and America just kept supplying missiles, armaments and $$$$$$. AIPAC OWNED Cowards!

I was a Huge supporter of Kennedy until he supported this Zionist Holocaust with his boyfriend Shumely, who is a Smut-Merchant with his DAUGHTER. BOTH ARE DISGUSTING ZIONIST BLACKMAILED PROSTITUTES!

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And yet—still better than “the other team.”

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It's called a Uniparty for a reason... "if you refuse then be clear about it, for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance. Do not accept half a solution. [Kahil Gibran, The Prophet]

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My senior senator is the poster child of the Uniparty, so believe me when say “I get it.” But I am a realist who wouldn’t be inclined to vote for Mr West or Ms Stein when clearly there was the ability to stop the component of the Uniparty that explicitly wanted to end free speech. That became my top issue.

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Biden/Harris/Obama were a disaster in their move to Communism One World Order, which the usual Left/Right Paradigm now leads to the Technocratic Plutocracy Fascism Trump/Musk One World Order.

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Yes this is the Whitney Webb (techno-feudalism) view of the future to which she sees us heading. I think she’s a very smart young woman and I voted to make sure we could still hear her voice.

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"First they fascinate the fools - then they muzzle the intelligent." [Bertrand Russell]

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Agree 100%. There are instances in the Bible when something similar unfolded. Diplomacy is much more efficacious.

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You are not thinking of the proceedings of the Synedrion, aren't you? What is it? I'm honestly curious.

Holding counsel, and hearing even the opposing voices after inviting them in? Yes, absolutely, until their unforgiveable transgression is being thoroughly established and their dealings finally terminated.

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"Tyrants care nothing for discussions that are to end only in discussions. Discussions which do not interfere with the enforcement of their laws are but idle wind to them." [Lysander Spooner]

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True statements - best to see what happens rather than assuming the worst.

The Trump/Gates thing struck me as MSM spin obviously designed to sow dissension in the ranks. However, it is also consistent with Trump's ongoing support of OWS.

Trump is a lot things - most of which are not particularly good. He also knows how to get things done if he really wants to. Time will tell who this is all a trap for.

Someone wise once shared one word with me: patience.

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President Trump is brilliant. This is part of his chess game. Just like he did with Gaetz. Just wait and see, trust him. He knows as well as anyone that a leopard does not change its spots.

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... sarcasm does lack some punch on paper. ;-)

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I’m hopeful but so many 🚩s now. The “freedom cities” he so joyfully spoke of recently gave me such bad vibes. I wish I was as excited about tomorrow as I would have been months ago😞

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