Right on!! - I worked in the medical device field for almost 20 years. Spot FDA inspections to assure GMP compliance were commonplace. So when the FDA assured the public the vaccines were safe I believed they were. Myself and my wife got first 2 plus first booster. At least for now we seem to be in the group of lucky to be adverse reaction free.
BTW - we both got COVID anyway since the “vaccines” are not sterilizing and should NEVER been labeled vaccines in the first place.
God Bless the doctors who stood and are standing up to this evil and misguided global Marxist cabal.
I know of two otherwise healthy military men who developed problems immediately after the pfizer covid shot. One developed myocarditis and the other a strange rash in his hairline that did not go away. I also know of two sudden deaths, one of which is almost certainly a result of too many shots and boosters.
Please also contact in Germany Prof.Dr. Matysik. he has recently filed a lawsuit agianst the German PEI, Paul-Ehrlich-Institue. whihch was and is responsible for the tests of supplied mRNA Vaccines. a total mess which was done in that Institute.
thank you so much for your input. I am myself a covid patient with troubles.
my brother in law got Diabetis 1 out of a sudden. got 4 vaccines as he did work in a social institute.
sportsguy.....no weight problems , healthy......BUM! Diabetis 1! none is making here in Belgium any link to the mRNA vaccine........ a MESS from A to Z!
They need to go on a spike detox immediately! The things Dr. McCullough recommends, plus I would include Ivermectin. And in some Type 1 diabetics the beta cells aren't dead but just dormant. Clearing out the spikes and reducing inflammation AND if they are overweight or have visceral fat accumulation in the pancreas, that also shuts down the insulin-producing beta cells, so they can try fasting for a few days and repeat until abdominal circumference-to-hip size normalizes. They just need to VERY carefully monitor blood glycose and reduce insulin accordingly. Homeopathic remedies may help, also. And all the nutritional support— vitamin C, vitamin D, high-potency B Complex vitamins, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, and perhaps copper.
Calli's story is so similar to mine! I'm much older than she so of course they tried to blame it on my age, even though I wasn't on a single medication and took a 52 ft motor yacht from Louisville Kentucky across the gulf to Galveston Texas prior to my jab! I was in excellent shape, weather for my age or even half my age and after one single Pfizer jab, I almost died and I'm still struggling to get back after 2 years. I'm in healthcare, so I was mandated! I got it not because I wanted to, but because I needed to work. Now I can't work, because of the jab! I'm hoping that after my 6th surgery in a couple of weeks I'll be able to go back to the career I love! This should have never happened and Pfizer, Moderna and other pharmaceutical companies involved in this and every one involved in this genocide need to pay!!
Thanks again to Prof.Dr.McCullough and his fighters for Justice.!
thanks also Ms Callo Varner to stand up here and testify her situation. Chapeau and big Hug to your courage and may justice take palce here.
to get ridd of this Spike Protein, Prof.Dr. propose Bromelain 500mg qd,Nattokinase 2000 FU bid and Curcumin 500mg bid. I was told that the use of Curcumin is only in combination with fat. fat food or almond milk or other fatty liquids. than the curcumin is working...just water seems not suffcient.
Its a desaster, that people have been injected to death and nearly death. those who are incharged and knew about that , are STILL not even NOW installing help for those in depts. we all have to Google and find our own way out of the mess. its time to bring those to court , who did that!
The sadness is immense. Again and again, from the very beginning, these FOLKS are suffering the injuries from an unavoidably unsafe non- licensed nor approved medical products. They need to be heard and treated with dignity and great concern as their experience is dire and deadly!
It isn't just sadness. If is fear that the other shoe can drop at any time. talked to a very nice woman, 62, yesterday. She had 4 shots. No problem with the first 3 and then wham with the fourth - developed whole body severe arthritis symptoms and her right knee just ballooned up. Went to her doctor and told him this was caused by the shot. She said "He looked at me like I had three heads". Needless to say, no more shots for her and that includes this years flu shot.
It was courageous for thus young woman to share her story. Lots of mandated folks WERE coerced with deaths and injuries similarly inflicted.
Thanks Dr. McCullough. Sept 17, 2021 was my last day of work prior to the shot#1 deadline for our company mandate. There was no testing alternative. No provision for NI (I was delta recovered ... neither was it a big deal at age 70). The 20,000 employee hi-tech company followed the CDC narrative to the letter. We had the cleanest stair banisters on the planet. Two weeks later was news of the first dead colleague, the day before the shot#2 “deadline.”
I am a mandate retiree. I never suffered. Both children caved to the shots (union memberships in stage and TV production) even though we were always opposed to vaccinations. How are they? We don’t really know.
How many more dead colleagues were there? Don’t know. What I CAN say is that the company MENTIONED NEITHER the blank package inserts NOR DOD sourcing of the shots. The shots ARE NOT a Pharma product as statutory cGMP stipulates quality control for public safety.
The FDA can suspend Pharma product quality control if they feel like it but it was CRIMINAL to withhold public notification. Our company in effect suspended pharmaceutical standard manufacturing practices BY FAILING TO NOTIFY EMPLOYEES whose jobs were leveraged to force compliance with the mandate.
This AFFIRMATIVE MISREPRESENTATION by the company was unilateral violation of consumer protection laws common to 50 states and failure of informed consent carried out behind the veil of “company private.”
I can merely supply my knowledge of what the company told us. It’s all captured by internal records anyway. Don’t take MY word for it.
How many more extra judicial killings of employees were there? I wrote to the PA-AG: just open up company records in an investigation to find out.
Maybe they will if/when public opinion forces the issue.
Concerning the malfeasance by corporate medical advisors, DOD sourcing of contaminated shots with unknown vial contents and no safety data and failure of informed consent: I recall a comment from Dr. McCullough that “did not know” is NO excuse in the face of “should have known.”
BTW metal particulates in the shots were reported by inspectors in Japan in August 2021, a month before I lost my job. Imagine employee notification about low quality manufacture of DOD sourced shots and the actual lack of safety data. What level of compliance in that scenario? Maybe 10% instead of 99.9%. A change in company policy would have been on the table.
Where does the company get off violating consumer protections on its own volition? Does the State have no interest in mysterious employee deaths? What do group life payouts show for 2021/2022?
I submitted proposals to four prominent law firms but they would not even grant me a PAID consultation. I’ll give you MONEY! After all, I lost income. Not my life. But it’s my legal standing to complain.
I got no response from the AG. But, the weather is cooling off. Hell will freeze over soon, so we can expect some action when that happens.
Sad. The very institutions that coerced Calli and millions like her also say that chloride dioxide is too dangerous to use. Really? Where are the bodies?
I thought I’d share this true story. Christine Kotlar, someone I know, posted a heartbreaking account in August 2023 on her personal blog. She details what her husband Yuri Turchyn, a musician (once an original member of Kinderhook Creek), has been dealing with after he took his second Pfizer shot in 2021. I hope you read her latest post on October 21, as well as her first post entered in Spring 2021, when their saga started.
Christine is a gifted and compassionate writer, a true artist, and a devoted wife, who is doing a phenomenal job as Yuri’s loving full time caretaker.
This spring she set up a GoFundMe account which I donated directly to her. Their savings are depleted due to Yuri’s ongoing medical condition. It‘s humbling to understand the heavy crosses that so many decent folks like Christene and Yuri carry. Please offer a prayer, if you can’t contribute. They will appreciate it. 👇
Please consider the use of NAC. It is a binding agent used in ERs for Tylenol toxicity. We told our three sons not to take this gene therapy. My reason was simple and it was that even if efficacy could be determined there was no way to show safety because only time could determine that. Given that my sons are young I could see no benefit to them. As more info. keeps coming out they have been using it prophylactically.
My wife and I were never inclined to get vaxed from day one. We each got sick (probably COVID) but it was like a mild flu. One of my clients is an ortho surgeon and he strongly discouraged us from buying into the corrupt COVID narrative. Very thankful that we listened to his advice! I do not trust govt and now I will never trust main stream medicine. Sad situation for this young lady.
There are MANY wrongs that must be righted in America (COVID, election, border messes, etc) and serious address of this 1 critical issue MUST happen before we have serious wins on all the other corruption fronts…Constitutional NATURAL BORN CITIZEN DEFINITION!
All serious patriotic citizens might want to learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…
Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization in America…
Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!
Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!
It’s the incentives! The system does NOT reward practitioners at any level for positive patient outcomes. They ALWAYS treat the symptoms, never the root cause thereof. That way, we patients need more medicines, more care and more tests And the costs keep going up and up and up. And we keep getting sicker and sicker. But because there is max incentive to keep making us sicker, we do. But don’t worry, we’re told. It’s covered by the insurance. But the insurance companies are in on the scam. Indeed, they’re giddy that the business model is working so well, and that so few have a clue what’s going on.
Right on!! - I worked in the medical device field for almost 20 years. Spot FDA inspections to assure GMP compliance were commonplace. So when the FDA assured the public the vaccines were safe I believed they were. Myself and my wife got first 2 plus first booster. At least for now we seem to be in the group of lucky to be adverse reaction free.
BTW - we both got COVID anyway since the “vaccines” are not sterilizing and should NEVER been labeled vaccines in the first place.
God Bless the doctors who stood and are standing up to this evil and misguided global Marxist cabal.
I know of two otherwise healthy military men who developed problems immediately after the pfizer covid shot. One developed myocarditis and the other a strange rash in his hairline that did not go away. I also know of two sudden deaths, one of which is almost certainly a result of too many shots and boosters.
Dera Prof.Dr.McCullough,
Please also contact in Germany Prof.Dr. Matysik. he has recently filed a lawsuit agianst the German PEI, Paul-Ehrlich-Institue. whihch was and is responsible for the tests of supplied mRNA Vaccines. a total mess which was done in that Institute.
thank you so much for your input. I am myself a covid patient with troubles.
my brother in law got Diabetis 1 out of a sudden. got 4 vaccines as he did work in a social institute.
sportsguy.....no weight problems , healthy......BUM! Diabetis 1! none is making here in Belgium any link to the mRNA vaccine........ a MESS from A to Z!
I also know of people getting type 1 diabetes and one of them was not vaxxed but developed it after the infection.
In the US ? Whats their treatment? U know ? Thx B
Yes, in the US. I don’t know their treatment. I assume similar to people with type 1 who monitor insulin.
They need to go on a spike detox immediately! The things Dr. McCullough recommends, plus I would include Ivermectin. And in some Type 1 diabetics the beta cells aren't dead but just dormant. Clearing out the spikes and reducing inflammation AND if they are overweight or have visceral fat accumulation in the pancreas, that also shuts down the insulin-producing beta cells, so they can try fasting for a few days and repeat until abdominal circumference-to-hip size normalizes. They just need to VERY carefully monitor blood glycose and reduce insulin accordingly. Homeopathic remedies may help, also. And all the nutritional support— vitamin C, vitamin D, high-potency B Complex vitamins, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, and perhaps copper.
Calli's story is so similar to mine! I'm much older than she so of course they tried to blame it on my age, even though I wasn't on a single medication and took a 52 ft motor yacht from Louisville Kentucky across the gulf to Galveston Texas prior to my jab! I was in excellent shape, weather for my age or even half my age and after one single Pfizer jab, I almost died and I'm still struggling to get back after 2 years. I'm in healthcare, so I was mandated! I got it not because I wanted to, but because I needed to work. Now I can't work, because of the jab! I'm hoping that after my 6th surgery in a couple of weeks I'll be able to go back to the career I love! This should have never happened and Pfizer, Moderna and other pharmaceutical companies involved in this and every one involved in this genocide need to pay!!
Blanket immunity must be legislatively destroyed. Rule of law-liability MUST be restored.
Thanks again to Prof.Dr.McCullough and his fighters for Justice.!
thanks also Ms Callo Varner to stand up here and testify her situation. Chapeau and big Hug to your courage and may justice take palce here.
to get ridd of this Spike Protein, Prof.Dr. propose Bromelain 500mg qd,Nattokinase 2000 FU bid and Curcumin 500mg bid. I was told that the use of Curcumin is only in combination with fat. fat food or almond milk or other fatty liquids. than the curcumin is working...just water seems not suffcient.
Its a desaster, that people have been injected to death and nearly death. those who are incharged and knew about that , are STILL not even NOW installing help for those in depts. we all have to Google and find our own way out of the mess. its time to bring those to court , who did that!
The sadness is immense. Again and again, from the very beginning, these FOLKS are suffering the injuries from an unavoidably unsafe non- licensed nor approved medical products. They need to be heard and treated with dignity and great concern as their experience is dire and deadly!
It isn't just sadness. If is fear that the other shoe can drop at any time. talked to a very nice woman, 62, yesterday. She had 4 shots. No problem with the first 3 and then wham with the fourth - developed whole body severe arthritis symptoms and her right knee just ballooned up. Went to her doctor and told him this was caused by the shot. She said "He looked at me like I had three heads". Needless to say, no more shots for her and that includes this years flu shot.
Maybe invite her to begin the Peter Mac detox protocol. The sooner the better.
The replication is the problem now with SpikeXXXX.
It was courageous for thus young woman to share her story. Lots of mandated folks WERE coerced with deaths and injuries similarly inflicted.
Thanks Dr. McCullough. Sept 17, 2021 was my last day of work prior to the shot#1 deadline for our company mandate. There was no testing alternative. No provision for NI (I was delta recovered ... neither was it a big deal at age 70). The 20,000 employee hi-tech company followed the CDC narrative to the letter. We had the cleanest stair banisters on the planet. Two weeks later was news of the first dead colleague, the day before the shot#2 “deadline.”
I am a mandate retiree. I never suffered. Both children caved to the shots (union memberships in stage and TV production) even though we were always opposed to vaccinations. How are they? We don’t really know.
How many more dead colleagues were there? Don’t know. What I CAN say is that the company MENTIONED NEITHER the blank package inserts NOR DOD sourcing of the shots. The shots ARE NOT a Pharma product as statutory cGMP stipulates quality control for public safety.
The FDA can suspend Pharma product quality control if they feel like it but it was CRIMINAL to withhold public notification. Our company in effect suspended pharmaceutical standard manufacturing practices BY FAILING TO NOTIFY EMPLOYEES whose jobs were leveraged to force compliance with the mandate.
This AFFIRMATIVE MISREPRESENTATION by the company was unilateral violation of consumer protection laws common to 50 states and failure of informed consent carried out behind the veil of “company private.”
I can merely supply my knowledge of what the company told us. It’s all captured by internal records anyway. Don’t take MY word for it.
How many more extra judicial killings of employees were there? I wrote to the PA-AG: just open up company records in an investigation to find out.
Maybe they will if/when public opinion forces the issue.
Concerning the malfeasance by corporate medical advisors, DOD sourcing of contaminated shots with unknown vial contents and no safety data and failure of informed consent: I recall a comment from Dr. McCullough that “did not know” is NO excuse in the face of “should have known.”
BTW metal particulates in the shots were reported by inspectors in Japan in August 2021, a month before I lost my job. Imagine employee notification about low quality manufacture of DOD sourced shots and the actual lack of safety data. What level of compliance in that scenario? Maybe 10% instead of 99.9%. A change in company policy would have been on the table.
Where does the company get off violating consumer protections on its own volition? Does the State have no interest in mysterious employee deaths? What do group life payouts show for 2021/2022?
I submitted proposals to four prominent law firms but they would not even grant me a PAID consultation. I’ll give you MONEY! After all, I lost income. Not my life. But it’s my legal standing to complain.
I got no response from the AG. But, the weather is cooling off. Hell will freeze over soon, so we can expect some action when that happens.
Sad. The very institutions that coerced Calli and millions like her also say that chloride dioxide is too dangerous to use. Really? Where are the bodies?
I thought I’d share this true story. Christine Kotlar, someone I know, posted a heartbreaking account in August 2023 on her personal blog. She details what her husband Yuri Turchyn, a musician (once an original member of Kinderhook Creek), has been dealing with after he took his second Pfizer shot in 2021. I hope you read her latest post on October 21, as well as her first post entered in Spring 2021, when their saga started.
Christine is a gifted and compassionate writer, a true artist, and a devoted wife, who is doing a phenomenal job as Yuri’s loving full time caretaker.
This spring she set up a GoFundMe account which I donated directly to her. Their savings are depleted due to Yuri’s ongoing medical condition. It‘s humbling to understand the heavy crosses that so many decent folks like Christene and Yuri carry. Please offer a prayer, if you can’t contribute. They will appreciate it. 👇
Please consider the use of NAC. It is a binding agent used in ERs for Tylenol toxicity. We told our three sons not to take this gene therapy. My reason was simple and it was that even if efficacy could be determined there was no way to show safety because only time could determine that. Given that my sons are young I could see no benefit to them. As more info. keeps coming out they have been using it prophylactically.
"I cited medical literature that clearly demonstrate the COVID-19 vaccines cause stroke"
This link is going to the WRONG place— an article about RFK, Jr.-s intruder instead of the medical article.
My wife and I were never inclined to get vaxed from day one. We each got sick (probably COVID) but it was like a mild flu. One of my clients is an ortho surgeon and he strongly discouraged us from buying into the corrupt COVID narrative. Very thankful that we listened to his advice! I do not trust govt and now I will never trust main stream medicine. Sad situation for this young lady.
Does anyone have the link to Calli Varner's video testimony?
Her testimony starts at 1:50 in the video supplied at the top of this article.
Peter and all,
There are MANY wrongs that must be righted in America (COVID, election, border messes, etc) and serious address of this 1 critical issue MUST happen before we have serious wins on all the other corruption fronts…Constitutional NATURAL BORN CITIZEN DEFINITION!
All serious patriotic citizens might want to learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…
Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization in America…
Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!
Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!
It’s the incentives! The system does NOT reward practitioners at any level for positive patient outcomes. They ALWAYS treat the symptoms, never the root cause thereof. That way, we patients need more medicines, more care and more tests And the costs keep going up and up and up. And we keep getting sicker and sicker. But because there is max incentive to keep making us sicker, we do. But don’t worry, we’re told. It’s covered by the insurance. But the insurance companies are in on the scam. Indeed, they’re giddy that the business model is working so well, and that so few have a clue what’s going on.