The more doctors start loudly speaking out, the greater the opportunity for this information to get to the masses. Bravo to all the courageous docs.

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Who cares what he or any ‘expert’ thinks if they went ahead and took these injections. There were red flags popping up every 5 minutes in 2020 that this crap was not necessary and not fit for human consumption. There were a millon questions about the mRNAs before the rollout but no satisfactory answers. People like yeadon , bhakdi and wodarg had speculated about potential harms but this info was suppressed and ignored.

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On the one hand you're correct. The number of red flags was absurd. However, this newer "acceptance" is at least an avenue for the broader lemmings to be dissuaded from the "safe and effective" narrative. For sure, the harm is already done but maybe this will prevent more? At least, that's how you can choose to view it if you need some optimism for a day...

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I take your point. Maybe I am too sceptical but I feel anyone waking up now because of aseem’s change of heart is probably forever lost and even if they accept they have been scammed with these injections they will be easy pickings for the next scam.

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Maybe not so easy pickings. Once a person has been successfully educated it's like Pandora's Box. You can't unlearn what you know even if you would prefer to go back to sleep. The information is still in the consciousness even if buried. The red flags were out there for people who had already moved out of the programming. But anyone who has gone to school - public or private - in this, or any country for the last 100 years or so has been programmed to accept the definitions of science; it's proper protocols; its authorities; authority in general. Since the '70's minds - especially the young ones - have been really hit with socialism and climate change issues and set up for everything that is happening. You cannot unprogram someone with proofs. The psyche won't allow it because that could lead to dangerous self-destructive behaviors as the internal dissonance reverberates. Personal traumas like Malhotra's is about the only thing that can break into the programing. The psyche then has something to grasp outside of itself and people to blame outside of its own gullibility. That is why this is so hard because we are getting people like Malhotra and all the rest one at a time. Those of us not programed or out of the programming by the time this all started knew it was wrong. Desmett thinks that might be about 30% or so of the population. Maybe less based on my own circle of influence. We have to welcome folks as they wake up and learn the truth and support them. It's a terrible thing to wake up to and as the data flows into the opened mind, it gets worse and worse. Be patient. Be kind. Keep speaking up.

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Very well said.

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The scope of damage from this campaign is going to be a real hard reality for many people to accept. 2023 is going to be a year like we have never seen. I've never wanted to be so wrong about anything in my life.

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Fetal thymus gland

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The researchers at that UK University should be CHARGED with gross negligence and whatever else associated with covering up their results that the vaccine increased cardiac events. They were afraid to lose their funding. Disgusting.

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Yes they should, but that really has to be done worldwide, as UMCs worldwide have been bribed for DECADES.

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"Leading" is rather misleading

Malhotra pontificated at a public meeting in London (@ £10 a pop) on Monday 14/11/22

we're still waiting for contrition....

Anna de Buisseret, ex-army, lawyer: https://t.me/AnnadeBuisseretUKLawyer/5267

Abi Roberts walked out of the meeting having given him a piece of her mind!



AM at the APPG


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It is good that leading cardiologists are speaking out. It raises the awareness.

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Dr McCullough is what I see as a "leading" cardiologist - and a warrior. He's been like a rottweiler from the beginning and he's been censored and deplatformed. He's made exposing this scam his life's work. I very much admire him.

Malhotra can learn a lot from him. Hope he does.

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Despite how much those of us are aware and appreciate him, the propagandists have truly destroyed the perception of him in the minds of the indoctrinated. They vehemently attack his name as a quack without their having looked at any of his work. So how do we set the record straight with those who've been brainwashed to believe the ad hominem lies? 🤔

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Re-reading your comment: are you talking about McCullough or Malhotra. The following is in response if you meant Malhotra. Otherwise, ignore.


Who said "quack" - his work was being on daytime TV selling the jabs and "treating" the vaccine-"hesitant"

No one says he's not a heart surgeon or written tons of papers on this that and the other.

My question to you is when the time comes to arrest the perps, where is the line for the GPs? the nurses? the heart surgeons? the tv "doctors" - all those who were the pushers for pharma. Where is the line.

So he woke up. Marvellous. Now apologise for all the people who damaged themselves on your say so.

Don't spout nonsense about "propagandists" "destroying" the perception. Not a perception - a reality on live TV.

"brainwashed" "ad hominem lies" - are you from the BBC? or maybe 77th?

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I followed your links, Mrs H, hoping to see more evidence-supported discussion of a similar quality to Dr. McCullough's substack site.

What I ended up reading about was a woman who attends Malhotra's meeting, doesn't seem to be able to understand the significance of what he is conveying medically ("people are too fat") and then calls him a "c*nt" and runs out of the meeting, pleased with herself. I'm afraid I don't consider that a good use of my time.

By way of comparison, here is a link to a recent article by Malhotra: https://insulinresistance.org/index.php/jir/article/view/71/224 This article is only part one. I, personally, don't need an apology from him if these are the actions he is now taking.

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Then you didn't watch the link to the APPG - All Party Parliamentary Group meeting, set up for the injured and bereaved to discuss with MPs how they can get medical help and compensation and an inquiry into the "safe and effective" injections. If you listen you'll hear that Malhotra spoke the whole way through and the injured/bereaved who had travelled long distances, left unheard.

This is not about science, viruses and evidence based anything. This is about having the courage to say you were wrong. And in that meeting to have put the damaged people before his own need to pontificate and name drop.

Abi Roberts is a hero! She said what a lot of us have waited 3 years to say.

I can only put forward links I myself appreciate. I can't guarantee your interpretation.

If you want to spend your time wading through data feel free. We're about to be hit with the globalists next ploy - starvation, freezing and the worst financial crash ever.

Welcome to digital ID and the social credit system. Nothing to do with the flu.

Malhotra's not "conveying" anything new. He just woke up after 2 years on prime time tv pushing jabs and preaching to us about why we might be vaccine hesitant.

p.s. Yeadon and Malone signed up to her substack - can't please everyone, I guess.

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Wishing you the best!

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My grandpa just died of congestive heart failure. He lived a very active life, considering he was getting ready to go on his daily walk when he collapsed. I 100% believe it was vaccine related as he got all shots + boosters.

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Thank you for this post. Exposes one of the biggest hypocrites of the scamdemic in the UK.

Shame it took the death of his own father to expose the killer jabs.

As a major & in very public view, he was one of the leading cheer leaders for the death shots.

Despite his Damascene conversion.

His name will remain on the list of the GUILTY.

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Dr. Malhotra is a great addition to our lines. He is every bit as charismatic as Dr. McCullough.

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I have friends who have had the vax and boosters.

Getting to the point , how can someone reverse the bad side effects of the vaccines.


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There are also alternative practitioners using biologicals to help the body detox and restore itself. You live in a state that should be pretty saturated with practitioners of this sort who can help. But if not you might start with Dr. Mercola and his website. Otherwise, the FLCCC folks really have a good handle on things from a conventional medicine standpoint and some of that is mixed with neutraceuticals as well.

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Go to FLCCC.net and look at the recovery protocol, get a telemed visit there too. There are more and more docs/NPs providing recovery help all the time.

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Thank you for sharing the video. I noticed it has been updated (according to the link you provided in the Substack).

NEW link:

“Until Proven Otherwise”— Featuring Cardiologists Dr. Peter McCullough + Dr. Aseem Malhotra

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Published November 4, 2022

* https://rumble.com/v1rl1kk-until-proven-otherwise-featuring-cardiologists-dr.-peter-mccullough-dr.-ase.html

OLD link provided in this article:

“Until Proven Otherwise” —Two of the Top Cardiologists in the World

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Published November 3, 2022

* https://rumble.com/v1rcdjm-until-proven-otherwise-two-of-the-top-cardiologists-in-the-world.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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I want to share this on Twitter but I worry about being censored or attacked. What do you all think?

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I'm not on Twitter, but you should post it as a test for Elon Musk's free speech. Would you really worry about being censored on Twitter ? Join the list of all the others that have gone down that path! There are other platforms available to express your views.

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Thank you Corageous Discourse, Dr McCullogh, Dr. Malhotra and every leading specialist, doctor, nurse, journalist who has spoken out since the beginning.

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The Oxford AstraZeneca viral vector DNA 'vaccine' is being given a get out of jail free card here. It too has resulted in recipients developing very serious heart and circulation problems. It's not JUST the mRNA vaccines. AZ was just as bad, if not worse.

"The myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) has been reported so far with the mRNA CoViD vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), however, the MHRA’s adverse event report lists many cases of myocarditis, suggesting a strong signal for both AstraZeneca (viral vector) and Prizer (mRNA) CoViD vaccines [8]. The MHRA adverse event report including data up until 2nd June 2021 listed 31 cases of myocarditis (1 fatal) with AstraZeneca and 34 cases with Pfizer. Moreover, there were 55 cases of pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) with AstraZeneca and 26 cases (1 fatal) with Pfizer. In addition, there were 330 myocardial infarctions (55 fatal) with AstraZeneca and 123 with Pfizer (24 fatal) [8]."


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I am worried that the hearts of the vaccinated will be successively damaged with every reinfection for some time to come.

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Do you have experience with vaccinated COVID-19 patients? Then I would appreciate your 2 cents on this article:


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God bless & protect all our Hero Whistleblowers. 🙏🏼

Praying more will become as brave & that so many come forward with the truth that we can stop our governments & the UN & WEF from taking away our Medical Freedom, lying to us, using us as their Guinea pigs & possibly planned depopulation!?!


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"The Covid mRNA vaccine has likely... (Key word in the whole post, "likely")

See how they qualify there unsubstantiated hypothesis in the very first sentence, in writing this is called a tease to keep the reader, reading. They really don't know, have no scientific or medical proof, but they are speculating it's the primary cause.

It sells a lot a subscriptions and keeps the you coming back or attracting new followers, but answers no question to the biological, genetic, or organic cause and effect other than rate to ratio statistics of the mRNA toxic genetic cell therapy.

As a society who took this at the whim of the government and big pharm, we want answers, not unqualified speculation.

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Where there is smoke, there may be fire...

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You might even say there is likely fire.

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Shared on The Jonathan Kogan Show podcast! https://share.transistor.fm/s/f1fc9655?t=11m0s

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