The divide and conquer strategy is succeeding. Vax v Antivax, Black v White, Woke v Hate, Climate v Hoax, Trump v Biden, Trans v Women v Men, Virus v No virus. When will the gullible wake up? The only war that counts is Elites versus Everyone else!

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Stop it. This has almost nothing in common with the religious wars. It's Communism with race, not class, this time. We are not going to defeat this vile movement unless we have the courage to call out what's happening, and who's behind it. Hint: it ain't the Catholics. People need to read Solzhenitsyn to learn the group of people behind the Bolshevik atrocities last century. The same group is responsible for stoking anti-white sentiments in the US.

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And JR is very model of a modern racist AA DEI Major General (how did I know that his fat ass would be black before I Googled him?)

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Our constitution has been completely Trampled by the likes of presidents Lincoln & Roosevelt.

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Beyond time to procreate you youngster snow roaches! Good people have got to keep having plenty of babies just to keep up with all of the bad people having babies. Love, hugs, and PERSEVERE yall!

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Open borders can’t be helpful. I recently discovered there is a UN group titled IMO - international migration organisation, funded primarily by by the US and UN . The flood was f migrants is funded by this organisation, and are given maps and money to travel.

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Thrice corrupted then, your Republic. Which particular arm has NOT been infected by the Woke mind virus? 🤔 Which is not owned by WHO? (sic) and I ain't referring to the Abbot and Costello baseball routine...

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One of Huxley’s most famous quotes is ” The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain others are human”.

But his 1958 interview with Mike Wallace was so chillingly prophetic as to be inexplicable. He predicted in painstaking detail where we were heading if we didn’t make the effort to stop it. We didn’t and he we are, entering the “Brave New World”.Enslaved . A tyrannical CommunoFascist post-human technocracy.

The interview begins with Huxley describing overpopulation as a means to the installation of a despotic regime necessary to “ restore order”.Usually in third world countries.The dictatorships he describes are Communism, brutal fascistic fundamentalist theocracy and Nazism.

He goes on to describe the increasing power of the Pharma industry, corporate/government entanglement , constant war and the advent of technology.

Most interesting though, is his philosophy on overpopulation in Third World nations. What better way to create a Third World nation rife for government control than a migrant insurgency?Biden has allowed, in just over three years, an influx of roughly ten million people from 126 countries( at least). Most are non-English speaking with an increasing number from regions and cultures antithetical to Western values. Everything happening in the US and EU is by design. To create chaos, distraction, disharmony and divide. Setting the stage for the “ Great Reset”.

Pitting neighbor against neighbor. Orchestrated mob violence without recourse,constant mass protests of intimidation ( BLM, Antifa,Pro~Hamas), hatred of norms and the larger population( White people, heterosexuals, Christians, families), antisemitism not seen in the West since the Third Reich Nazi regime, hatred of pro~American , high achieving , assimilated minorites(Chinese,Japanese,Hindu, non-radical Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics)- anybody who refuses to conform. Mass surveillance, persecution/prosecution of polical opposition or dissident voices, fear peddling, dumbing down, targeting, indoctrination, AI, warmongering and a usurpation of our Constitutional and individual rights. A government that is larger than the private citizen.The Plandemic was key to the Fiefdom. We obeyed.


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Wow the war we are facing is demonic control. We need to unite the clans at Remnantnewspaper.com go there read and watch Many articles about what the Catholic Faith is not what you think it is . Traditional Catholic’s are under attack by our Marxist Pope. I will pray for you. You are sooo wrong. Beautiful young Traditional Catholic’s Families are NOT the problem!!!!!! They never have been. Being open to life. Beautiful

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Nice, another Catholic hater out there. What's new? #Unsubscribed

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All seems correct in the facts. But my conclusion is that Jesus Christ taught us to love our neighbor as our selves. He advocated peace within the soul. Purity of heart. People who murder in the name of religion or Communism are doing the work of the devil. The latter is the source of the evil. He is the real enemy. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ, fully known and followed, can transform people and society. Nothing else.

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I'm starting this further back. This is my theory. The history books taught some of us to be collectively narcissistic. It taught some of us to be collectively compensatory narcissistic. Either way, it's divide and conquer. And, possibly, we could grow a bit of a thick skin and not play into it. Because divided we're falling. The future they're planning is a eugenisist one, and they will throw any group of us under the bus, because they are not human.

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Great historical warning. I recall this from youth history classes. These details were noticeably left out.


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This supremacy thinking is quite common among blacks who have been raised to hate but was contained until the DEI beast was unleashed under Obama and now gives permission for their supremacist war on whiteness.

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The Legislative Branch certainly hasn't helped. If anything, many elected members pour gas on the ideological flames.

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Religious wars...what an oxymoron if there ever was one. Tells you all you need to know about religions. Most religions have nothing to do with spiritual endeavors. No wars are religious, no wars ever solved anything for very long. Look at the last 5,000 years...are we done warring against each other yet? Hardly. I am not anti-religious, but anti religions who would use wars to further their agendas. Those agendas have nothing to do with God or any Gods.

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