The divide and conquer strategy is succeeding. Vax v Antivax, Black v White, Woke v Hate, Climate v Hoax, Trump v Biden, Trans v Women v Men, Virus v No virus. When will the gullible wake up? The only war that counts is Elites versus Everyone else!

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Confessing to be perplexed by the byzantine or labyrinthine quality of this globalist system of domination, I don't think anyone who is side-tracked, at least temporarily, by one of the fake battle-lines engendered by said system (and your summary of those battle-lines strikes me as accurate, Robert Smith PhD) can be called 'the gullible' out of hand.

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Stop it. This has almost nothing in common with the religious wars. It's Communism with race, not class, this time. We are not going to defeat this vile movement unless we have the courage to call out what's happening, and who's behind it. Hint: it ain't the Catholics. People need to read Solzhenitsyn to learn the group of people behind the Bolshevik atrocities last century. The same group is responsible for stoking anti-white sentiments in the US.

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You’re correct.The only religion seeking world domination is Fundamentalist Islam and when combined with atheistic Marxism, the merger creates the Red/Green Axis. Two seemingly antithetical ideologies united in tyranny.

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Islam is running our government and corporations? That’s new!

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Absolutely ridiculous sleight of hand attempt to point AWAY from the REAL problem.

We are noticing.

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The “ real problem” is that our vaunted government” hates “ We The People”. All of us, regardless of race, creed, religion or lack thereof, sexuality,cultural heritage, ethnicity, immigration status, socio-economic bracket, educational, level, military service.. the most hated are the independent thinkers. The dissidents who dare question the narrative.

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There is obvious preference shown to other races. So much so that I find your comment bizarre. Affirmative Action in and of itself shows the obvious bias. Lenient criminal punishments against blacks opposed to very lengthy stents for whites is obvious.

And its not just the government. It is the ones pulling the government levers. Mayorkas. Blinken, Garland, Sherman, Yellen, etc. These are but a few people who are controlling "Government". Have you ever wondered what their particular problem is?

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Yeah this post stinks a bit of controlled opposition, throwing Catholics under the bus and ignoring the obvious culprits. But that group also LOVES to scapegoat Catholics.

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Yes, if you are going to talk about Elizabeth I, you had better da** well talk about her atrocities against English Catholics, the number of innocents who died accused of “fomenting Popish plots,” and the horrors of life as an Irishman for hundreds of years. Far too many atrocities to sit well upon a “civilized ruler.” She might as well have been Hitler. Poor analogy for Mr. Leake.

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Some ideologies are simply incompatible. Just look at France and those who never assimilated / integrated creating a time bomb. When the welfare gets cut, it goes off starting in the "No-go" areas.

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Is there a particular work of Solzhenitsyn that you recommend in this regard?

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200 years together..

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was not only a Russian novelist and noted historian, but also a survivor of Stalin's Gulag. His Gulag Archipelago remains an International Classic. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1970 and was finally expelled from the Soviet Union in 1974. He has been honored by some of the top universities in the West.

Towards the end of his life, some of Solzhenitsyn's more controversial "anti-Semitic" writings never saw the light of day in the West. In "200 Years Together", and other essays, the great writer cryptically alludes to a worldwide Jewish conspiracy behind the Bolshevist takeover and oppression of Russia

Quotes by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"You must understand that the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse."

"More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their blood stained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time."

"The fact that most of the world is ignorant or uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators."

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I simply read this to mean satanists.

Whatever name they give themselves or are given them, that is what “they” ultimately are.

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Published in 2002, it’s never been translated into English by any publisher. Which is quite odd. But there are English versions on line.

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I have come to believe that we 'snow roaches' (WTF!) are being set up for genocide.

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I fear that you are correct.

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The Catholic Church is corrupt and always has been. Pedophilia is rampant and they are big contributors. We are indeed in a religious war between good vs. evil. Globalists have been talking about a one world religion for years.

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Oh, there most definitely is a powerful religious/cultural group behind this evil, that's for sure. Thry despised Cjristianity from the beginning, and continue to do so today, even though 80% of college-educated do not believe in God.

I most definitely agree that homosexual priests are a big problem.

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Faithless priests are the real problem. Faithless priests and career/spineless bishops.

Lord, have mercy on us.

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Most homosexual priests do not molest children. Why are they a big problem? Yes, some of them do have sex with other men but so what?

Many of the leaders in the Catholic Church placed all the blame about child molestation on homosexual priests in order to cover up for the pedophiles that these leaders have been protecting.

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But most of the molested children are *boys*…. So you’re saying???

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Psychology today is a liberal publication. Which means it’s full of lies. One cannot deny the rampant child abuse taking place in the Catholic Church. Homosexuality is evil as well, look at the snowball effect it had on our society young children getting their private parts chopped off because they’re confused about their gender identity. Please do not say “so what“. It’s cruel of the Catholic Church to deny anyone from the freedom in the right I’m getting married and having a family. And it’s not biblical. They make up their own rules.

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Oh, Psych Today… hmm, reputable source of entirely left-wing perspective. Try again, friend

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Deny the Catholic Church, the Catholic Faith, has produced more good works in the world, more Saints in the world, more life-giving light than ANY OTHER institution!

And Who is the Source of that Light?

Where sin abounds, grace abounds more.

Where grace abounds, the devil is sure to prowl!

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I think catholicism is false religion. The Catholic Church operates on their own man-made set of rules don’t don’t exist in the Bible. It teaches to worship idols like the pope the Virgin Mary and the rosary. Man made practices that do nothing to further the kingdom. Giving up chocolate for Lent makes you no more closer to God than anyone else. Someone does my need to have a confirmation at age 13 to be a Christian. The Bible never instructed priests not to marry. These false, unbiblical practices lead to sin, which drives people away from Jesus.

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Honestly, you’d do yourself a favor to educate yourself on Catholic faith. No offense but you sound like an ignorant backwoods bigoted idiot taking like this. CalledtoCommunion.com

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“[You] think”… and? They don’t “exist” in the Bible? XD

Where do you think the Bible came from? Thin air on a high mountain, like the Koran or teh Book of Mormon?

No…God entrusted it to men who followed Christ in the direct line of His Apostles… but whatever!:

The Bible “never instructed priests not to marry”?? What Bible are you reading? St. Paul spoke numerous times about the value of not marrying to devote yourself to the things of the Lord, never mind the Lord Himself accaliming those who are able to not marry for the sake of the Gospel!?

Read your Bible again!!

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Hello She Has… I am sorry but I stand by my statement. The Bible that I read never forbid priest from getting married. Paul did point out that a single man or woman has more time to devote to the Lord. Paul is just stating the obvious, Single unmarried people without families tend to have more time. I think what Paul is saying not to worry if you haven’t found that special someone. You have a purpose too. But God never took the freedom to choose whether you want to be single and celibate or married. I find this man made rule cruel and barbaric of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has gone against God‘s natural order for living. And of course when we go against Gods way and make up our own rules, the results are always catastrophic. God Bless

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“Not to worry If you haven’t found that special someone”?

What is the Bible?

A Hallmark movie?

You can defend your personal interpretation all you want, and speak it as nicely and kindly as you can,

but it doesn’t mitigate you’re plain WRONG!

St. Paul said what he said, and the Lord Himself said what He said, about choosing singleness for the sake of the Kingdom!

“Tend to have more time”— he is speaking about the time to SACRIFICE your ENTIRE LIFE FOR CHRIST! What are you taking so lightly, millions of heroic Christians took very, cry seriously.

Do not mitigate this in any way!

Countless souls heroic in faith drained their last drops of blood for the sake of the Gospel.

Is it cruel and barbaric for God and the Church to expect Christians to hold fast to Christ in the face of torture and crucifixion and death??

God did NOT “take away” anyone’s freedom to marry — (although technically no one is entitled to a spouse and a happily-ever-after with their soulmate, either, now are they???)

You are FREE to become a celibate priest for the sake of His Kingdom— if given the grace to make that choice!! And may God richly reward those who do and give them all the grace of perfect fidelity to that call!

Warmly, I say, DUH, friend! God bless you too!

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The Old Testament is a wonder of timeless wisdom. The New Testament if you read it carefully was all about control and obedience to the aristocracy. Check out the Borgias while you're at it. The hierarchy of the Church is nothing more than organized crime.

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This is nonsensical. I see you’re really off now, Peter, stuck in your own ancient hatred. Lord, have mercy on us all.

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The crucial expression here is 'this time' (line 2 in *). If you want to stop it 'this time', 'it' being the current factions, then sooner or later you'll have to take stock of what preceeded the divide-&- conquer battlefield and the various battle-cries filling it, which will be replaced in a few years, months maybe (without our bidding). To understand how communism might ever merge with race, you must look at the CHRONIC conditions underlying our semi-totalitarian mess.

That said, reading Solshenitsyn might be a splendid idea.


* In response to John Henry Holliday, DDS, John’s Substack,

7 hrs ago [prior to my post]

Stop it. This has almost nothing in common with the religious wars. It's Communism with race, not class, *this time*. We are not going to defeat this vile movement unless we have the courage to call out what's happening, and who's behind it. Hint: it ain't the Catholics. People need to read Solzhenitsyn to learn the group of people behind the Bolshevik atrocities last century. The same group is responsible for stoking anti-white sentiments in the US

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And JR is very model of a modern racist AA DEI Major General (how did I know that his fat ass would be black before I Googled him?)

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JR's skin colour does not really matter (much). He seems to be a cog in a (originally papal, by now global/imperial) system of domination. For any 'culture' (national, political, ideological, racial, religious... any coherent set of practices) to 'detox', it is necessary to consider some documents 'sacred', at least more sacred than others, especially those documents that aspire to be grounded in natural law or in universal principles such as the 1776 constitution and that do not target any category of people (the fact that many of the 'Fathers' were slavers notwithstanding), the Neurenberg Code (drafted to avoid repetition of eugenicist medical practices, which meant that some/many of these bad practices went underground to resurface as transhumanism/medical tyranny), and the UN human rights charter (even if these rights were meant or weaponized to re-introduce New World Order ideas).

The above paragraph is a feeble attempt on my part to acknowledge the complications/ traps of the divide & conquer regimen that sways the world; an acknowledgement which is well-nigh impossible to accomplish or even fully comprehend, since humans have been transmogrified by fake universals (WHO's "one health", for instance) and transwokified by banal speech-policing that impedes any attempt at profundity (the mere mention of all things Ukraine in any argument will automatically be perceived as targeting the/a/any 'wrong' [or utterly correct] category of people, unless the hub of madness has moved on to Gaza).

Wokism feigns to critique mainstrain narratives by creating ever more battle-lines (filled with fake, i.e. dehumanized, enemies, as brilliantly satirized by C.J. Hopkins). As a young person, I tended to believe that the Reformation of the 16th Century had in some way been a force for Good/ Freedom - which it was, if to a very limited extent; and... instead of swallowing such assumptions whole, I knew I had to patiently take stock if I wanted to get to the bottom of things). Learning that Michel Servet/Servetius was burned at the stake in Geneva, at the behest of John Calvin, I at least grasped that many historical phenomena happen by stealth/ behind closed doors.

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Wokism itself destroys the endeavour to study history in any meaningful way. That said, anti-wokism, reasonable as it often is, may be (or become) merely the other side of the same battleline that someone or something powerful (a club you ain't in, maybe haven't even heard of) has erected. Never target any group of people, not EVEN THE PERPETRATORS who either desire to wage war with us the people or "merely" suppress & cull us. So, know them by their deeds [if I may end on a Biblical note] or outcomes [David Icke, bien etonné(s)...]

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Our constitution has been completely Trampled by the likes of presidents Lincoln & Roosevelt.

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Beyond time to procreate you youngster snow roaches! Good people have got to keep having plenty of babies just to keep up with all of the bad people having babies. Love, hugs, and PERSEVERE yall!

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Unfortunately they mostly procreate virtually, with the side-stick in one hand and the joystick in the other.

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Lefties don’t have babies. They educate yours.

(At least until we started fighting back.)

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Can Trannies have babies????

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Open borders can’t be helpful. I recently discovered there is a UN group titled IMO - international migration organisation, funded primarily by by the US and UN . The flood was f migrants is funded by this organisation, and are given maps and money to travel.

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Thrice corrupted then, your Republic. Which particular arm has NOT been infected by the Woke mind virus? 🤔 Which is not owned by WHO? (sic) and I ain't referring to the Abbot and Costello baseball routine...

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One of Huxley’s most famous quotes is ” The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain others are human”.

But his 1958 interview with Mike Wallace was so chillingly prophetic as to be inexplicable. He predicted in painstaking detail where we were heading if we didn’t make the effort to stop it. We didn’t and he we are, entering the “Brave New World”.Enslaved . A tyrannical CommunoFascist post-human technocracy.

The interview begins with Huxley describing overpopulation as a means to the installation of a despotic regime necessary to “ restore order”.Usually in third world countries.The dictatorships he describes are Communism, brutal fascistic fundamentalist theocracy and Nazism.

He goes on to describe the increasing power of the Pharma industry, corporate/government entanglement , constant war and the advent of technology.

Most interesting though, is his philosophy on overpopulation in Third World nations. What better way to create a Third World nation rife for government control than a migrant insurgency?Biden has allowed, in just over three years, an influx of roughly ten million people from 126 countries( at least). Most are non-English speaking with an increasing number from regions and cultures antithetical to Western values. Everything happening in the US and EU is by design. To create chaos, distraction, disharmony and divide. Setting the stage for the “ Great Reset”.

Pitting neighbor against neighbor. Orchestrated mob violence without recourse,constant mass protests of intimidation ( BLM, Antifa,Pro~Hamas), hatred of norms and the larger population( White people, heterosexuals, Christians, families), antisemitism not seen in the West since the Third Reich Nazi regime, hatred of pro~American , high achieving , assimilated minorites(Chinese,Japanese,Hindu, non-radical Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics)- anybody who refuses to conform. Mass surveillance, persecution/prosecution of polical opposition or dissident voices, fear peddling, dumbing down, targeting, indoctrination, AI, warmongering and a usurpation of our Constitutional and individual rights. A government that is larger than the private citizen.The Plandemic was key to the Fiefdom. We obeyed.


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Great historical warning. I recall this from youth history classes. These details were noticeably left out.


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Wow the war we are facing is demonic control. We need to unite the clans at Remnantnewspaper.com go there read and watch Many articles about what the Catholic Faith is not what you think it is . Traditional Catholic’s are under attack by our Marxist Pope. I will pray for you. You are sooo wrong. Beautiful young Traditional Catholic’s Families are NOT the problem!!!!!! They never have been. Being open to life. Beautiful

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Who but faithful Catholics and other Christians are bearing and raising in numbers the next generation of faithful productive American citizens? No wonder they are under attack!

Anti-Catholic conservatives, be wary of the preconceived bigotry you harbor!

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As my wife told the priest who came to the house and told her by not going she was being sinful. How can you preach to me about sin when after you are finished you go back and screw the altar boy? Then you tell me to confess my sins? The priest, red as a beet hung his head and slinked out of the house. That was almost forty years ago. To this day she faithfully says her rosary and prayers but will not set foot in what she believes to be an evilly subverted organization. So, who are the sinners?

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We are all sinners, Peter.

Jesus ate His Last Supper and gave His Body and Blood to 11 sinners sitting around Him (not even counting Judas).

When Jesus returned to Heaven, His Body and Blood were broken and distributed to more sinners by sinners.

Yes, I am disgusted by this heinous sin and faithlessness in our Church’s shepherds.

But NO ONE has the right to say he or she refuses to EAT WITH SINNERS.

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Prayers for you Ave Maria

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Nice, another Catholic hater out there. What's new? #Unsubscribed

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Well, you missed Mr. Leake's attempt at fig leafing this column with this morning's followup.

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I missed it too. I look forward to it!

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Speaking truth about a historical fact is not hate. Catholics who have studied their history know this is true. I’m Catholic. My whole family is Catholic. We understand that evil deeds are not confined to one group of people. We were all born in sin. We all need redemption & speaking truth is a good start.

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If Mr. Leake is going to talk about Elizabeth I defending herself from Catholics, he’d better make certain to mention her ungodly massive atrocities against countless innocent Catholics both English, Irish, and Spanish while enjoying the acclaim of the whole civilized world to this day.

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All seems correct in the facts. But my conclusion is that Jesus Christ taught us to love our neighbor as our selves. He advocated peace within the soul. Purity of heart. People who murder in the name of religion or Communism are doing the work of the devil. The latter is the source of the evil. He is the real enemy. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ, fully known and followed, can transform people and society. Nothing else.

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I'm starting this further back. This is my theory. The history books taught some of us to be collectively narcissistic. It taught some of us to be collectively compensatory narcissistic. Either way, it's divide and conquer. And, possibly, we could grow a bit of a thick skin and not play into it. Because divided we're falling. The future they're planning is a eugenisist one, and they will throw any group of us under the bus, because they are not human.

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That’s it. This is an ancient battle. It’s the original battle. No amount of weeping & gnashing of teeth will help us through. Most of us respond in a rational, human way, which is counterproductive since we aren’t fighting against flesh & blood.

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This supremacy thinking is quite common among blacks who have been raised to hate but was contained until the DEI beast was unleashed under Obama and now gives permission for their supremacist war on whiteness.

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The Legislative Branch certainly hasn't helped. If anything, many elected members pour gas on the ideological flames.

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Who do you think have sold their souls. They're not helping because they're part of the problem.

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Religious wars...what an oxymoron if there ever was one. Tells you all you need to know about religions. Most religions have nothing to do with spiritual endeavors. No wars are religious, no wars ever solved anything for very long. Look at the last 5,000 years...are we done warring against each other yet? Hardly. I am not anti-religious, but anti religions who would use wars to further their agendas. Those agendas have nothing to do with God or any Gods.

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Religion is the carrot to get the public to support and fight in wars. Patriotism is also a religion, and the same reason is used to stir up the population to fight or sacrifice for war. Only a small number of individuals start wars; they are the leaders of nations. These leaders need the masses to fight. Therefore, they use religion and patriotism.

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