Actually, the mere fact that something so horrendous and against natural law has to be heard in the high court tells us how far we've slipped from truth and life.

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Next they'll say penal laws discriminate against criminals and should be banned.

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What’s the matter with Justice Barrett for, again, siding with lefties to not hear another case claiming that parents in WI have no standing where schools are secretly transgendering their children?

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one thing is becoming certain. Its like Dr McCullough says: This is being orchestrated as faith. As a spiritual platform. This is how they are succeeding. This is not the works of government alone, it is the work of the devil's genius.

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"Thus it appears likely SCOTUS will uphold statewide bans in Tennessee, Texas, and in 25 states in total. This will not impact rare adults in making their choices to live out their lives in the fantasy as the opposite gender.”

Freedom without moral (pretending YOU are God) and ethical (medical profiteering off of gender madness) boundaries, yes BOUNDARIES, is living your life as an amoral “fantasy".

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you make a great point concerning freedom of conscience in the adults.. this doesn't affect them but you can bet that such truth will be well concealed in the liberal media and censored wherever possible. Dr McCullough believes this has ties with the whole covid debacle. I agree. If gender isn't true there is not much remaining that is and people aren't willing to even dig for truth anymore.. why? Truth begets law and people want to turn freedom of conscience into the freedom from owning one! There is nothing that certifies more that this is 100% a moral issue that should be amplifying moral absolutes.

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Exactly, which is why it's wrong to pretend "adults" of any age can consent to this barbarism. If we accept that "gender identity" can be true for adults, there's no reason it can't be true for children too, which is how we got to this low point. There is no such thing as a "transgender" person. There are mentally ill people, even though many are very high functioning, who believe a lie that has been perpetrated by a greedy industry and perverted doctors.

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then one sees the very real actions of a president Biden and his son and other family members. What's with the hair sniffing? Photos of his creep son Hunter naked with a kindergarten aged girl .. One might not think the hair sniffing would be meaningful until you see this stuff with his son and the fact that he pardoned him.. We are living in prophetic times.

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Excellent interview! Thank you!

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I'm so glad you pointed out that the vast majority of youth who seek these treatments are autistic [or they may have other mental health comorbidities]. However, it's not just children who are autistic and mentally ill, but the young adults who are caught up in this social media cult as well. These "adults" are incapable of "making their choices to live out their lives in the fantasy as the opposite gender." This is all experimental medicine; autistic college kids can no more consent to something like this than they can to a lobotomy. It needs to stop for the mentally ill of all ages, not just those under 18. After all, turning 18 does not cure autism.

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Alex Newman's reports are always professional and full of common sense like Dr. McCullough. I was delighted when Dr. McCullough mentioned Jim Haslam's new book "COVID-19 Mystery Solved." We are learning so much from it, things that you can't find on the mockingbird media. Thank you, Mr. Haslam, for a well-written and thoroughly documented book.

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Dr Nedley. Dr DeRose. Michigan Conference. PLEASE TAKE A LISTEN! Truth is truth. Truth is what sets us free - especially freedom of conscience. This is so important!


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"Thus it appears likely SCOTUS will uphold statewide bans in Tennessee, Texas, and in 25 states in total."

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Dr McCullough believes this has ties with the whole covid debacle. I agree. If gender isn't true there is not much remaining that is and people aren't willing to even dig for truth anymore.. why? Truth begets law and people want to turn freedom of conscience into the freedom from owning one!

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