I live in NW Iowa and have a home HBOT which I purchased through a physician who sells them for many off label uses. They have been studied by Dr Paul Harch for 30 years (he has written a book if you are interested) The mHBOT centers are opening up all over if you specifically look for them. I think they are a hidden secret that big pharma/the media will never promote because it is cheap.

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Nice to hear, but frankly, how many people suffering from these issues actually have access to such a therapy??

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More likely to find such facilities in coastal cities set up to treat decompression sickness from scuba diving. HBOT is also used to treat certain wounds, so some wound care centers will have such capabilities.

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Even so, the protocol is “ five sessions per week within a 2-month period. The HBOT protocol included breathing 100% oxygen by mask at 2 atmospheres of pressure for 90 min with 5-min air breaks every 20 min. ”. I assume you’d have to be retired or unemployed in order to be able to do this 5 times per week for 90 minutes…..

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Even when used for wound care, it is no quick fix. Investigative treatments are not usually covered by insurance. On might consider finding a clinical trial to try to enroll in. One might check out ClinicalTrials.gov or university medical centers that offer HBOT.

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Why? You could do it during off duty hours, while watching TV, or listening to music, reading, etc.

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I suggest that you see how it’s actually done. Unlikely that you will watch TV while in a hyperbaric o2 chamber….. https://carbonwellnessmd.com/blogs/hyperbaric-chambers/hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-at-home

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How about you actually READ the article before "correcting" a comment not related to traditional chamber methods of hyperbaric therapy?

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Where does this say that this was not a traditional hyperbaric chamber? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38360929/

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For home use a soft shell HBOT chamber of 1.5 ATA can be bought for about 9000USD.

This was money well spent for a previously healthy athletic 38 year old man who was vax injured. He had microclots causing Covid toes and a TIA. Also extreme fatigue and post exertion fatigue, tremor and episodes of a movement disorder gaslighted with a diagnosis of FND by a neurologist. After inability to work and two years of illness a locum GP diagnosed POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). This was confirmed by a cardiologist and is likely to have been caused by autoimmune damage to the autonomic nervous system and explains the tremor and fainting.

After about 30 90 minute sessions energy is much improved and now for a week the excess tachycardia on standing is also diminishing, giving hope the POTS is not permanent.

Big Pharma and their captured regulators may be noticing that HBOT is effective. We have heard from the company that imports the HBOT chambers that in QLD Australia customs is refusing entry of the chambers.

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Yes that's a good sign, the refusal of entry.

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Meanwhile The Epoch Times reports that NIH has nothing to show from its huge grant to non-practitioners “studying long Covid” — not even a definition.

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Beware of HBOT scams. This is not a DIY treatment. There are safety concerns and risks to treatment and should only be carried out by properly educated professionals using equipment that pass safety inspections. Here is a link listing accredited HBOT facilities:


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My friend’s Dad ran Hyperbaric Medicine at St Luke’s Milwaukee (Dr Kindwall). He was a Navy diver. Next to impossible to get access to a good HBOT chamber.

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I'm still wondering about the significance of the breathed mix of gas during HBOT. How good has HBOT been (for purposes other than diver decompression) when the air breathed in the chamber is normal (though at increased pressure of course).

For whom is it beneficial to increase the proportion of oxygen? Why for 20min sessions? Why the 5min breaks? Why the 90min HBOT sessions? (90min sleep cycle?).

Again who benefits from HBOT with normal proportions of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc

How do the benefits compare between: 100% oxygen (brief sessions - how brief?) without HBOT, AND with HBOT?

In a tyrannical health system, I guess it's essential that the tyrants get profitably involved in a potentially relatively drug free therapy. (Horribly cynical)

Thankyou thankyou

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This is great news, thank you, Dr McCullough!

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