Majority had Pre-Pandemic Common Coronavirus Infection
Four Seasonal Colds HKU1, OC43, NL63, 229E, May Explain Why Some Faired Better than Others
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Approximately 30% of common colds are caused by four seasonal human coronaviruses identified by Spike proteins HKU1, OC43, NL63, and 229E.
A detailed serologic analysis by Majdoubi et al from British Columbia found that June 19, 2020, when <1% of the Vancouver population had clinical COVID-19, >90% had evidence of prior infection with one of the four human or natural coronaviruses.

Because of the common structures between the strains, the question arises: did levels of prior immunity provider greater or lesser degrees of protection for soon-to-be COVID-19 victims? It was interesting that we did not hear about high mortality rates among children, daycare workers, teachers, and healthcare workers who would have had frequent and routine exposures to one or more of the common cold coronaviruses. Instead it was older more secluded adults with comorbidities who were at highest risk.
If we have learned anything, natural immunity and its proxies including frequent contact with respiratory viruses played a large role in how we should have managed the pandemic. The Great Barrington Declaration, originally published on October 4, 2020, and celebrating its fourth anniversary was right from so many perspectives. Only frail seniors needed special protections, others should have gone about normal life without lockdowns or restrictions and we should have treated high risk cases in the community with the McCullough Protocol.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
Before I learned that most doctors and professionals are complete idiots with 0 critical thinking skills yet very good liars, I asked that same question over and over in the beginning ( virologist friends, doctors) . Wouldn't certain prior colds give partial protection? And could those silly tests even determine between different coronaviruses. I got shut down each time I asked until I quit asking and realized I was on my own and that everything was a big lie. I agree with Allie. Yes the older one much more vulnerable but I think we should have treated them the same as the rest of us. With common sense things and of course early treatment With repurposed drugs which was forbidden.
Those injections combined with deadly hospital protocols killed and maimed tremendous numbers of elderly and young healthty and everyone just wrote it off to, " Oh well, they were old and had conditions"....shameful, evil, diabolic, tragic. Yet as Allie says, many are still lining up for their boosters
As a seasoned citizen living in a Continuing Care Retirement Community in an independent living apartment in the same building with a skilled nursing unit and long term care unit, I would wonder what that “special” protection would look like. I moved here after the pandemic but other residents tell me how they were confined to their rooms during the pandemic. They had their meals delivered to their rooms and they were allowed out only for medical appointments. Some told me that they would park their car off campus and sneak out after dark. And a great many of the people here are eager to get their next COVID booster. I don’t want any of that “special protection.”