Before I learned that most doctors and professionals are complete idiots with 0 critical thinking skills yet very good liars, I asked that same question over and over in the beginning ( virologist friends, doctors) . Wouldn't certain prior colds give partial protection? And could those silly tests even determine between different coronaviruses. I got shut down each time I asked until I quit asking and realized I was on my own and that everything was a big lie. I agree with Allie. Yes the older one much more vulnerable but I think we should have treated them the same as the rest of us. With common sense things and of course early treatment With repurposed drugs which was forbidden.

Those injections combined with deadly hospital protocols killed and maimed tremendous numbers of elderly and young healthty and everyone just wrote it off to, " Oh well, they were old and had conditions"....shameful, evil, diabolic, tragic. Yet as Allie says, many are still lining up for their boosters

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I read a couple of substack articles on the fact that having one coronavirus develops antibodies that then also provide some protection to other coronaviruses of the same family having similar construction. There was a proper name for this action that I cannot recall.

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Any time you catch a virus and recover from the illness, you retain antibodies that help fight off future infections. I found this in an article in medicinenet.com. The NIH says these antibodies don’t last very long, so I would look elsewhere for the truth.

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It is like getting over a cold. The antibodies persist for awhile and gradually reduce however my point is protection is not only provided for the original virus but some protection is also afforded against different viruses of similar makeup. This is what I have read elsewhere.

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I was shocked to find how few people actually have the ability to think critically! To me, it all seemed so obvious from the very start, yet there are so many people who will never agree or understand what they did to themselves, one of my younger sisters included. I’ve tried to explain that the majority of hospitalized covid patients died from maltreatment, not from the colds or flu they had. My sister had lived with multiple illnesses for 30 years so she believed that her comorbidities required her to get both Pfizer shots and the booster. I had been living with her due to her other conditions and she was improving with the physical therapy and the healthier diet I had assisted her with, but she insisted on the vaccines and each time she got one, her upward progress wasn’t as good as before. Six months after her first dose, she died, and the coroner had the audacity to write on her death certificate that she died OF covid.

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As a seasoned citizen living in a Continuing Care Retirement Community in an independent living apartment in the same building with a skilled nursing unit and long term care unit, I would wonder what that “special” protection would look like. I moved here after the pandemic but other residents tell me how they were confined to their rooms during the pandemic. They had their meals delivered to their rooms and they were allowed out only for medical appointments. Some told me that they would park their car off campus and sneak out after dark. And a great many of the people here are eager to get their next COVID booster. I don’t want any of that “special protection.”

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Faucci and his NIH/WHO gang of cut-throats derailed any sense of Science in both investigating, addressing its true lethality and mitigating this human conceived engineered virus/bio-weapon. Not only a fraud but a mass receiver of $$$ for his”work” destroying so SO many lives and people’s future yet he struts around like he did

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