When are we going to accept that humans cannot beat nature.
We are so good at beating each other (up), that we believe we can bend the laws of nature to our will.
Dr Charles Hoffe in British Columbia - a freedom fighter who faced all the usual approbrium - memorably said that covid may make some people lose their senses of smell and taste, but it has had a devastating impact on common sense.
Did it occur to anyone that the disaster that was the Covid 19 response went according to the plans of the Cabal, Deep State, WHO, etc. So my question is what is next in their plans to destroy Western Civilization and usher in their ultimate plan?
It is abundantly clear, to those who have not been brainwashed, that this was a carefully crafted, multi-pronged, long thought-out plan to harm &/or eliminate as many as possible, either by means of omission (blocking & discouraging the use of early out-patient treatment) or by commission (dangerous, poorly tested experimental gene-editing injections, Remdesivir, ventilators, social isolation etc.) Even with all of the excess deaths world-wide since the roll-out, many deny it is happening. Watch MP Andrew Bridgen's discussion yesterday on this topic in the UK Parliament...https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-andrew-bridgen-in-uk-parliament
"The massive waste of government interventions driven by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex will go down as the largest sinkhole for money and public health efforts in history."
If that were the only problem we could probably survive it. What was worse were the insane lock-downs and forced closing of so many "Non-essential" businesses and then the endless printing of money to try to make up for the loss of economic activity.
We have yet to get to the bottom of that madness. It is behind the horrible inflation we are experiencing, the high interest rates that are being used to try to stop the inflation they created and the spiraling down of our commercial real estate market which is destroying our large cities.
All of this was entirely predictable and so unnecessary, except for its intended purpose to remove Trump from power, get more business for the war machine and destroy the middle class. Mission almost accomplished!
Each state's governor chose to think critically or follow the masses of government control. Freedoms were confiscated. Humanity was controlled by the non-elected "medical elite" and those that financed universities, and government salaries. The absurd became obvious. 6 feet? Young children wearing masks? Open liquor stores? Closed gathering places? Schools online? Churches, private schools, the individual minds of critical thinkers or rebels, they chose a higher authority. I recall being asked in a superstore by an veteran who was wearing his mask below his mouth, how I was able to shop unmasked. I smiled as I knew from his gesture that this was all ridiculous, and said, I wear a mask as I come inside and then take it off as I shop. Then selectively wear it to appease the controllers. (Not many employees want to be a mall cop, none that I encountered.) I also have a medical exemption, my own.
What made covid so contagious? There are many aerosolised infectious diseases that never even come close to the “spread” of covid. Surely, after nearly four years of study of this plandemic, it is known how covid spread so quickly around the world.
The name might resolve this question. SARS. Severe acute respiratory syndrome with no vaccine ever to prevent it. Near to a common cold and resembled flu-like symptoms in otherwise healthy individuals, even pneumonia. Colds do not escape from a lab, bio weapons do. Altered pathogens can alter symptoms. If we are listening, Dr. McCullough and many others are giving directions to PREVENT SARS like viruses even able to sell a medical emergency kit for future use. When the medical cabel take this away?
P.S. Patriotic Americans are under attack…isn’t it time we support each other???
FOX NEWS NETWORK cancelled all ads for My Pillow, a employee owned company selling pillows and all kinds of high quality products.
FOX NEWS was paid up for the advertising and My Pillow has spent millions advertising on FOX for years now. The only reason FOX NEWS cancelled My Pillow ads is they have targeted My Pillow and Mike Lindell for total destruction, in concert with THE DEEP STATE determined to continue strealing elections....
Mike has spent MILLIONS of dollars of his own money helping the MOST important 2024 issue…free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!
Thanks to the True Exposure of these Psychotic Predators by the Courageous Dr. McCullough, John Leake and many others we know the Truth. Covid and the Bioweapon Jab were a long time planned Department of Defense/CIA/WEF Program for many nefarious reasons including the culling of humanity and Round 2 and Round 3 are much worse.
It seems there is and will be a bit of a show going after middle-management like the rat faced Fauci but likely that is it.
They’re Hell-bent on killing us, and they are determined to find a way. It seems every day is a struggle to survive their madness. I recently stated I had surgery and was grateful I didn’t receive a transfusion because I was terrified of getting vaxxed blood. I had cancelled this surgery about the same time last year because I was hoping someone, anyone would stop us from getting vaxxed blood transfusions. I know there are Rats on The Hill who know the danger of the jab, but yet once again they’ve done nothing to protect us. How many people on The Hill got COVID or died or were jab injured? I heard John Kennedy say he got COVID bit took HCQ, but are we supposed to think they didn’t get the cures? Joyless Behar supposedly got COVID. How did she survive it at her age? There was no word of a hospital stay. What cure did shet get? This time around, instead of two preop visits, I had four. Two of those visits were for lab work and ekgs. This is how the burden of illegal invaders affects us. We have to take on the burden of paying for their free healthcare. How do you put a cost on that? It’s incalculable like their court costs. After my surgery, the doctor came out and informed a family member how I was doing, but he said something strange. They did two sets of X-rays, last year and this year, and asked which hip I wanted done, so I said left, the one that was bothering me the most. He said after he came out after surgery that the right hip is worse than the left, and I was shocked. Why didn’t they say anything ahead of time? I would have questioned it. So now I’m really scared and thinking are they going to give me a transfusion the next round to stack the bill? Why did he say that? So in a month or two, once again, I will have to fear my doctor and the hospital. By the way, I said I didn’t want a transfusion before surgery, and he didn’t say anything, even after my sister said they won’t let us give our own blood.
Totally agree with you on natural immunity. The problem with it is that our airway defenses are not up to preventing viral entry. You write in Chapter 44 (I think) about the use of xylitol in a nasal spray. That does not kill the virus, as implied, it just optimizes our defenses so that we prevent its adherence to us and allows--as seen in Africa--more natural immunity without being sick.
When are we going to accept that humans cannot beat nature.
We are so good at beating each other (up), that we believe we can bend the laws of nature to our will.
Dr Charles Hoffe in British Columbia - a freedom fighter who faced all the usual approbrium - memorably said that covid may make some people lose their senses of smell and taste, but it has had a devastating impact on common sense.
Did it occur to anyone that the disaster that was the Covid 19 response went according to the plans of the Cabal, Deep State, WHO, etc. So my question is what is next in their plans to destroy Western Civilization and usher in their ultimate plan?
It is abundantly clear, to those who have not been brainwashed, that this was a carefully crafted, multi-pronged, long thought-out plan to harm &/or eliminate as many as possible, either by means of omission (blocking & discouraging the use of early out-patient treatment) or by commission (dangerous, poorly tested experimental gene-editing injections, Remdesivir, ventilators, social isolation etc.) Even with all of the excess deaths world-wide since the roll-out, many deny it is happening. Watch MP Andrew Bridgen's discussion yesterday on this topic in the UK Parliament...https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-andrew-bridgen-in-uk-parliament
Fred, didn't you receive your Davos invitation??
No so that prompted me to rat them out.
"The massive waste of government interventions driven by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex will go down as the largest sinkhole for money and public health efforts in history."
If that were the only problem we could probably survive it. What was worse were the insane lock-downs and forced closing of so many "Non-essential" businesses and then the endless printing of money to try to make up for the loss of economic activity.
We have yet to get to the bottom of that madness. It is behind the horrible inflation we are experiencing, the high interest rates that are being used to try to stop the inflation they created and the spiraling down of our commercial real estate market which is destroying our large cities.
All of this was entirely predictable and so unnecessary, except for its intended purpose to remove Trump from power, get more business for the war machine and destroy the middle class. Mission almost accomplished!
Each state's governor chose to think critically or follow the masses of government control. Freedoms were confiscated. Humanity was controlled by the non-elected "medical elite" and those that financed universities, and government salaries. The absurd became obvious. 6 feet? Young children wearing masks? Open liquor stores? Closed gathering places? Schools online? Churches, private schools, the individual minds of critical thinkers or rebels, they chose a higher authority. I recall being asked in a superstore by an veteran who was wearing his mask below his mouth, how I was able to shop unmasked. I smiled as I knew from his gesture that this was all ridiculous, and said, I wear a mask as I come inside and then take it off as I shop. Then selectively wear it to appease the controllers. (Not many employees want to be a mall cop, none that I encountered.) I also have a medical exemption, my own.
What made covid so contagious? There are many aerosolised infectious diseases that never even come close to the “spread” of covid. Surely, after nearly four years of study of this plandemic, it is known how covid spread so quickly around the world.
The name might resolve this question. SARS. Severe acute respiratory syndrome with no vaccine ever to prevent it. Near to a common cold and resembled flu-like symptoms in otherwise healthy individuals, even pneumonia. Colds do not escape from a lab, bio weapons do. Altered pathogens can alter symptoms. If we are listening, Dr. McCullough and many others are giving directions to PREVENT SARS like viruses even able to sell a medical emergency kit for future use. When the medical cabel take this away?
Yes, I have my McCullough medical emergency kit💖💖
An excellent book that clearly demonstrates with numerous graphs, the utter uselessness of these measures is, "Diary Of A Psychosis" - How Public Health Disgraced Itself During Covid Mania, by Thomas E. Woods, Jr., PhD...https://www.amazon.com/Diary-Psychosis-Public-Health-Disgraced/dp/B0CPCZC4V8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ALAFXFIPXRZ9&keywords=diary+
Peter and all,
Please address the definition of a PANDEMIC?
My understanding is the last 4 years does not fit that definition?
Thank you!
P.S. Patriotic Americans are under attack…isn’t it time we support each other???
FOX NEWS NETWORK cancelled all ads for My Pillow, a employee owned company selling pillows and all kinds of high quality products.
FOX NEWS was paid up for the advertising and My Pillow has spent millions advertising on FOX for years now. The only reason FOX NEWS cancelled My Pillow ads is they have targeted My Pillow and Mike Lindell for total destruction, in concert with THE DEEP STATE determined to continue strealing elections....
Mike has spent MILLIONS of dollars of his own money helping the MOST important 2024 issue…free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!
Fox news is no better than c n n or m s n b c at this point.
Sadly true
You are completely right!
Thanks to the True Exposure of these Psychotic Predators by the Courageous Dr. McCullough, John Leake and many others we know the Truth. Covid and the Bioweapon Jab were a long time planned Department of Defense/CIA/WEF Program for many nefarious reasons including the culling of humanity and Round 2 and Round 3 are much worse.
It seems there is and will be a bit of a show going after middle-management like the rat faced Fauci but likely that is it.
Would "worthtless sinkhole" be redundant. What about "economic black hole"?
They’re Hell-bent on killing us, and they are determined to find a way. It seems every day is a struggle to survive their madness. I recently stated I had surgery and was grateful I didn’t receive a transfusion because I was terrified of getting vaxxed blood. I had cancelled this surgery about the same time last year because I was hoping someone, anyone would stop us from getting vaxxed blood transfusions. I know there are Rats on The Hill who know the danger of the jab, but yet once again they’ve done nothing to protect us. How many people on The Hill got COVID or died or were jab injured? I heard John Kennedy say he got COVID bit took HCQ, but are we supposed to think they didn’t get the cures? Joyless Behar supposedly got COVID. How did she survive it at her age? There was no word of a hospital stay. What cure did shet get? This time around, instead of two preop visits, I had four. Two of those visits were for lab work and ekgs. This is how the burden of illegal invaders affects us. We have to take on the burden of paying for their free healthcare. How do you put a cost on that? It’s incalculable like their court costs. After my surgery, the doctor came out and informed a family member how I was doing, but he said something strange. They did two sets of X-rays, last year and this year, and asked which hip I wanted done, so I said left, the one that was bothering me the most. He said after he came out after surgery that the right hip is worse than the left, and I was shocked. Why didn’t they say anything ahead of time? I would have questioned it. So now I’m really scared and thinking are they going to give me a transfusion the next round to stack the bill? Why did he say that? So in a month or two, once again, I will have to fear my doctor and the hospital. By the way, I said I didn’t want a transfusion before surgery, and he didn’t say anything, even after my sister said they won’t let us give our own blood.
The Vaccinated Have Lost Control Of Their Bodies.
Just As
The Purveyors Of The GMO-Vaccine
Have Lost Control Of The Narrative.
- And It Just Kills Them.
Hypocrisy They Can Live With.
- Only Humiliation Destroys Them.
So Humiliate Them You Must.
Totally agree with you on natural immunity. The problem with it is that our airway defenses are not up to preventing viral entry. You write in Chapter 44 (I think) about the use of xylitol in a nasal spray. That does not kill the virus, as implied, it just optimizes our defenses so that we prevent its adherence to us and allows--as seen in Africa--more natural immunity without being sick.
Don’t You Get It ?
The Sky Is Falling .
One of the best posts I’ve seen. Short. Clear. Validating. Thank you