Of all the unspeakable crimes against people that have happened during covid, the urging, coercion, forcing of pregnant mothers to take the untested jab is the worst imo. Followed closely by jabbing babies and young children. It is astonishing in its horror. As a daughter still affected 70 years later, whose mother took DES, given by her doctor in 1953... . I also remember the thalidomide tragedies that took, what, 7 years to be taken off the market? Yet now is available again in Brazil etc. We never learn.

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Why is the CDC et al trying to destroy the lives of babies?? We know the number of babies that die shortly after birth, the increased number of miscarriages, and the damage to women. 50 years ago when I had my children we weren't supposed to take an aspirin!! We weren't supposed to drink coffee and to take a drink of wine or any type of alcohol was absolutely verboten!! So now it's just fine for women to participate in an experimental vaccine that has proven to be neither safe nor effective -- as promoted -- and run the risk of death or damage to themselves or their unborn or newly born babies?? Are you kidding me??

Fortunately, a young woman friend of mine was told the truth by her OBGYN, who told her under no circumstances should she get the experimental vaccine. She didn't and she and her baby are fine. Thank goodness there are some brave doctors out there who are willing to speak the truth!!

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Ob Gyn residents at the Univ of Fla give Pregnant women the Poison Death Shots without batting an eye. This is so insane that I can't understand it. In my 34 years of Primary Care Practice, I wouldn't have dreamed of doing this.

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My niece fell for that narrative that getting the jab would protect the baby, and it did - it is now guaranteed to be the only child, as mom can't get pregnant again, and yes, the baby was born months early and has several developmental problems.

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"COVID-19 Vaccination Before or During Pregnancy Did not Influence Babies Testing Positive with Omicron"

I love you Dr. McCullough but can we please dispense with the bullshit idea that this was ever supposed to be helpful?


At best it did nothing and frankly I don't believe for one second those who escaped unarmed actually received the active ingredients. I'll bet my house they received placebo.

It was never supposed to benefit anyone except those who gained power and financially from it.

So can we please just call it what it is?



There isn't one benefit to having taken this thing! Not one Dr. McCullough. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Name one positive this thing did to people other than waking then from their ignorant slumber to realized there are very bad people who want them dead.

Just one!

I'll wait right here.

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Yep, the criminal faux-vax cartel wants to make money killing and sterilizing our babies along with the rest of us...turning the babies who survive into lifelong patients requiring expensive drugs to treat their "mysterious"

chronic illnesses that are for sure caused by Climate Change. It's pathetic, embarrassing, and tragic that some women buy the bovine manure and gladly get the clot-shots.

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Are there follow up studies or even anecdotal data on these young children? One friend was vaxxed at six months and her son has behavioral anxiety off the charts. Seems that’s the next potential issue or not?

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Meanwhile in Canada. https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/live/

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I think back in the prehistoric development of humans, curiosity was low on the list of survival traits. (After all, it “killed the cat.”). These days, I think it’s humanity’s most important, yet underused, trait. What a shame.

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