100% John. I lived on Kauai for 12 years. There are 8 of the 11 climate zones of the world on Kauai. We could take an hour's drive from Koloa, on the south shore with 20 inches of rain annually, and be in a rain forest on the north side. The NYT is a communist rag. All they do is lie. Peace.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

Great comment, but, just as a side-note, I always wonder about the free use Americans make of the word "communist". I actually thought the NYT was 100% pro-capitalist. Isn't it? Are they deadly enemies of Wall Street banks, as "communists" should be? If you use the word "communist" so... liberally, I guess Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are "communists" too. Sigh.

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Communist, capitalist, fascist. They all have the same core: greed for control of more.

As far as 'Wall Street' goes, it is merely a platform used to capitalize on ignorance. In 1709-11, France lost over half it's wealth speculating on a scam called the 'Mississippi Run', where French citizens of all walks of life invested in a "Go Fund Me" type of speculative market. Investors were promised immense wealth multiplication when their investment in 'infrastructure' began to bring gold and jewels back from the newly acquired (claimed) Louisiana territory. I don't need to tell any American how little gold and jewelry came form that area of the world, ever. But the money dumped into the enterprise bankrupted and entire nation.

It is why Americans were able to buy the Louisiana territory so cheaply-the French were desperate to get $omething back.

Of course, the same families that duped the populace into the 'investment' came out wealthier than ever, since they 'handled' the money.

If the lottery is a tax on the stupid, wall street is a tax on the greedy.

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I agree. You are correct. Thanks for the feedback. Peace.

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Interesting. The communists worship money. As Christian Rakovsky said at his trial in 1938 "money is power" to communists. He emphacized how important money was and how communist leaders became very comfortable when they received huge sums of money from international financiers. Trotsky was supported by international financiers from many countries to include USA's NY City where big name banks gave him lots of money to destroy Russia.

That is very sad- how for hundreds of years these communists kill everyone in their way. In 1790s France the commune killed for fun because they were psychopaths. What they did to Louis XVI and his family was horrific. The revolutionaries were well supported with money from the international bankers.

The ends truly justify the means. They all loved money. That is why I call communism a cult- a diabolical cult. So much for the "workers". The disciples of Lenin , Trotsky , Stalin - so many were liquidated and the Stalin plotted to get rid of Trotsky and so many more.

The NY Times has many financiers who play both sides of the fence. The Times will do whatever the shakers and movers behind the scenes command them to do. I see the NY Times as a Communist tool.

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Yep, all the main Hawaiian islands are like this, wetter on the east/northeast sides, drier on the west/southwest sides.

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How do we SAFELY reverse the course which these corrupt centralized entities have us on?

We build new systems that make the old ones obsolete- ones 100% controlled and built by the people - then plug them into the system with decentralized leadership.

We feel like we are down a rabbit hole and found a fix for all of the corruption and most of our problems, but can’t scream loud enough for others to hear us. We need to build better Swarming systems, and plug them into our current broken systems using leaders who decentralize their own positions. We implore you to read this and understand the importance https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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While we're on the topic, is it time that we stop all forms of weather manipulation?


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Thanks for this valuable link!

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The best link with all the patents, current videos and the documentary, “The Dimming ,” is at


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What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

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That would be good. Learning a modicum of Earth science couldn't hurt either. "Climate change" s what Earth does, and has been doing since day 1. That was what it was designed to do,, in concert with solar and lunar cycles that causes all manner of local weather phenomena. The El Niños last winter and already setting in for this winter, n the Pacific have their impact in warmer and drier conditions, which lent to more fires. Poor wild lands management lend to accumulations of dry fuel as well. Those were common problems in AZ too, relating to fire season.

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Thank you for this Substack message. We may just annihilate ourselves with these mad “scientists”.

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Many dirty politicians are pocketing money or “misusing” funds that are supposed to go to clearing brush & fire prevention measures.

The Climate Change Cult will blame every fire, arson, flood, drought, hailstorm, snowstorm, etc... on Climate Change...🙄

If the Deep State goons really can control our weather...🤔

What about the story of police officers blocking people from trying to flee the fire???

What about no water in fire hydrants???

Is it just me or does many things stink about ALL the recent fire (arson?) stories lately???

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Excellent points, Sheila. Watch for the NYT to state that police were simply dehydrated from climate change, therefore disoriented. That whole narrative in NYT is like listening to three 7 year old boys offer up excuses about who hit the ball thru the window.

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Well said!

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Virga (rain evaporating before it get to the ground) is climate change or geoengineering? Who would go to that effort just for Lahaina?

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Police Chief since 2021 was also in charge of the 2017 Las Vegas 'Mass Shooting' at the Music Festival, and the subsequent cover-up. Eye-witness testimony that police stopped traffic exiting Lahaina during the fire. Water was turned off, but electricity stayed on. Some people said their cars suddenly stopped, and doors and windows locked, inexplicably. They had to break the windows to exit their cars. The Emergency sirens were not sounded; the schools had been closed in the morning, and children sent home, unbeknownst to the often working parents. Intense fires burnt homes to the ground, and melted parts of cars, yet left adjacent trees untouched, as well as plastic bins.

This 'fire' was not caused by Maui's microclimate, but by at least in part Directed Energy Weapons.

The people of Lahaina wouldn't sell their properties to investors, so they were literally burnt out, in a mass murder. Not the sort of thing the NY Times or the BBC, or apparently Courageous Discourse, will be printing.

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I agree that Directed Energy Weapons are the only answer that makes sense given the videos of houses having been burnt to a crisp and the trees around and between them undamaged. The electricity, grasses, etc. certainly didn’t help but were not the primary cause. Until people realize that a few globalists (Oprah, Hanks, Soros, Schwab, et al) want a private enclave for themselves while they implement their global destruction agenda in the rest of the world, “we the people” are being exterminated capriciously. Why don’t people recognize that the government of the USA is engaging in terrorism/genocide against their own population?

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Lahaina was small beer to them. Remember the mass depopulation of the Bioweapon jab, still with a lot more intentional sterility and deaths on the way. I wonder what's causing SADS, and increasing SIDS? Jonas Salk was a Ghoul, not a hero - but the truth is well concealed.

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The “scamdemic” goes without saying. It’s what woke up a lot of people, but with Maui there seems to be a lot of amnesia concerning the government’s latent agenda. They are only going to continue the genocide and the results will be even more outrageous.

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Over the past 6 years all has been planned such as the riots done when Trump became president. Under Biden we have supply line problems, inflation, release of criminals form jails and prisons, destruction of families, children. We had an engineered Pandemic with use of masks, lockdowns where it was fine to shop in a crowded Walmart but a crime to keep open a mom and pop store.

The same things have been done in the past by communists and similar groups when they wanted a takeover of a country and /or destruction of a government.

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And open borders! Free flow of Fentanyl and other destructive drugs. All of this was planned in order to destabilize a country and destroy or radically change it.

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If that ever happen, push the windshield out with your feet.

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I would say it is becoming Cowardice Discourse, at least Mr. Leake’s half of this odd combo. Sad to see because McCullough has been


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I was worried about saying this.

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The important thing now is for the people of Maui not to give in. I hope they get good advice.

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We were just in Maui last September. We stayed on the west coast of the island in Kaanapali. The reason is the same as why the majority of visitors stay there. Thats where the resorts are, which is why there is now a water problem in Maui. The rain, caused by the west Maui mountains rarely is seen until it hits the mountains. Same goes for the Lahaina area. Back in the ancient days when there were kings, the tribes that controlled the west side of the island and up the west mountain controlled the fishing and water supply. It wasn't until western control over the sugar cane that the land was destroyed by depletion of the soil, turning the west side into dry, worthless land. There are signs all over the island that tell these stories. Maybe the NY Times should read up on the history rather that writing their own like they usually do.

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The NY Times still has subscribers. I guess hateful people like the propaganda from dirty, hateful NY TImes writers.

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Thanks for this.

Message to readers of the NYT: please, already, get a clue.

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No chance of that happening. I have relatives that read it every day. They are so brainwashed it is impossible to carry on an honest conversation with them. They blather on using NYT's narratives and refuse to listen to anything else. It is a religion, and if you don't follow along, you are an apostate human.

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Don't beat yourself up over it. I still find it tough to see how stupid people are. The hell with them. If the shit really hits the fan they have themselves to blame.

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They have a clue; their birds need cage liners!

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When there is no more TP, just cut it into little squares.

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What you say here might very well be true, but as a matter of formal logic, the existence of one set of explanations does not rule out the presence of other contributing factors. That is actually a very difficult feat to accomplish under any circumstances, and it is particularly difficult with spotty information. So I can agree with everything you show here, and even as a committed climate change denier, I am forced to say that this does nothing to defeat what the NYT might be saying unless they disagree with the specific points you make. I don't know, because I haven't read the article.

People instinctively look for coherent, overarching explanations that tie similar events together (which, by the way, is not an unreasonable approach). Climate change gives people a coherent narrative because it explains Maui, Canada, Greece, and the many other global fires that, collectively, indicate that an unprecedented something of some type is going on. To accomplish the same thing with your approach, which seems to be that everything is due to ordinary, mundane, albeit tragic events and mere human carelessness, you would have to fly, I suppose, to the locations of all the blazing fires (including Syria, which has important information to contribute to all of this), and demonstrate that we are looking at what I would call an unprecedented global coincidence that makes the WEF players look like the luckiest dogs on earth. (Do you deny the overwhelming evidence of a Maui land-grab?) In my opinion, the climate change narrative is cover for deliberate acts that, to a growing extent, involve the the destruction of children, families, homes, communities, our ecosphere, and our food supplies by, inter alia, fire.

When I read the comments that were written in response to your last post, I see a disturbing increase in the antagonism that is being expressed toward anyone who, as these commenters see it, is stupid enough to fall for the siren song of deep state technology when the simple and complete explanation that you provide is right in front of their nose. I am not drawn to fanciful explanations for their own sake, thank you very much. What I am looking for is sober-minded realism based on my experience in seeing how fraud is covered up. I use the word "DEW" as a short cut for coordinated human technologies that include chemtrail seeding of compounds that enhance the effects of fire, microwave weaponry, and broad-based weather manipulation - not even necessarily to start the fires, not necessarily to propagate the fires, but to work in conjunction with KNOWN natural causes TO BE SURE THEY DID THEIR JOB TO THE EXTENT DESIRED AND IN THE TARGETED LOCATIONS AND NOT OTHERS.

If I were to put myself in the shoes of the globalists, the first thing that would come to mind for cover (in additional to the conveniently available corruption of individuals in government), would be to pay arsonists. I would also make sure the power companies looked negligent and then attempted to cover their tracks (Have we not learned that nearly every corporation with a significant role to play on this earth is now following the directives of the WEF to achieve an objective that is much more important to them than short term profits, or even their own survival? And, further, keep in mind, that the fate of the executives is in no way the same as the fate of the corporate entities.) This is all such obvious cover that if I can think it up, I find it very hard to believe that the globalists could not.

What are people here going to do when the language used by the climate change experts exceeds their technical expertise? Will they resort to additional ad hominem attacks, so that everyone will look to the right (deep state technology) and look to the left (climate change) and just build an insular wall of ignorance against both, so they become incapable of addressing any argument that takes them beyond the most simplistic analysis?

To make a constructive comment, I don't believe that anyone is capable of addressing any of these issues intelligently until they are familiar with, and can can refute, at a technical level (if necessary to support their position), the work that has been done by Dane Wigington at www.geoengineeringwatch.org. I have not seen any references on this substack, to his work, although it might have escaped my notice.

I am also concerned that the data provided in this series of substack entries does not, to my recollection, integrate the nature and temperature of fires with the temperature necessary to fully cremate human remains. Or do we have the remains? Or do we still not know? I personally find any analysis that overlooks what is by far the largest, most glaring and unspeakable loss of this entire event to be deficient - morally deficient for those who care about evil, and logically deficient for those who don't.

It has been my experience that it is way too risky to claim to have a comprehensive explanation that rules out other potentially simultaneous contributing factors to an event when major questions remain unanswered. And we have a huge question that remains unanswered: Where are the children?

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I don't think many here are claiming to have a comprehensive explanation. But there are lots of unanswered questions--obvious questions. Geoengineering has been mentioned many times in this conversation. This reminds me of the hours and days and weeks and years following 9/11. Mentioning the possibility of it being an inside (government) job was akin to attacking motherhood, the flag, and apple pie. As someone who grew up in the M.E., it was obvious to me on 9/11 that it was an inside job and I said as much. There is so much forensic evidence I am not going to get into an argument about it. In my experience over the past 65 years, the more outrageous the behavior, the more likely deniers pop up. When too much evidence to continue denying is provided 20 years later the response is "Oh, that was 20 years ago and has no relation on the present."

The children are dead. If their bodies cannot be found, they must have been incinerated, just like the "missing" of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Cremation requires a temp of 1400-1800 degrees for 3-4 hours. And you still have enough to fill a large baggie (for an adult). Even a stillborn fetus produces a sandwich baggy's worth of bones. Total incineration would require a tremendous amount of heat. Or perhaps their bodies have been found and there is a cover-up of how extensive the death toll really was.

The fires in Canada were not due to global warming. They were a combination of geoengineering which leaves nanoparticles of heavy metals on the crowns of trees, and simultaneous arson which would require state actors. Storm patterns have shifted quite a bit in the past few years but thunderstorms usually go north around the Great Lakes and dump a lot of water on the very areas where lightning strikes supposedly began these fires. All year. Winter as well as spring, summer and fall. And the Canadian government is not trying very hard to put them out. The air quality in the eastern third of the US--at least in the northern half--has been horrible since April because of those fires. Smoke will lower temps on the ground by obstructing solar radiation.

Temps in Europe have been extraordinary. Canada hasn't seen temps comparable as far as I know. I don't think it is possible to separate effects of global warming from effects of geoengineering. Both are real. And it's not a hoax. Every time there's a bad thunderstorms in the east, 4,000+ flights are canceled. Jim Lee says it's not cows--duh--it's flights and the change in jet fuel composition which since 1996 has been kerosene-based and not very filtered so it contains a tremendous amount of heavy metals. Please stop flying for frivolous reasons. Freighters are much more fun if you really have to leave home. It's just Westerners' excessive consumption.

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Yes, thank you. I do get the impression that John sees little possibility of deliberate action and is attributing Lahaina to natural events and normal although incompetent and insensitive behavior. I was addressing that. And also the insulting comments by some who have posted in response to John's previous essay. Thank you for providing all this additional information.

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Mental illness is alive and well under cover of climate change.

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Mental illness is alive and well under cover of multiple agendas. The psycho's have seized the wheelhouse and are purposely steering us toward the rocks.

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So is pure evil.

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Not sure if you haven't been seeing my responses to your Maui reports or if you are preferring not to consider what I've been saying.

Let me put this to you for your consideration:

You say that at the time of the Lahaina disaster, conditions were dry & windy.

I understand.

You say that also at that time, a downed power line started a fire.

I can understand that too.

And most recently you said that the fire ignited highly combustible objects - fuel tanks, automobile tanks, etc.

I can understand that too. In fact, I'd be surprised if those things didn't explode.

And so, if I understand you correctly, it is those things that explain the Lahaina fire, rather than, at the least, common arson, and at the most, a weapon of some kind.

Well, like I said to you before, all of those things are perfectly sensible ...


Have you taken any time at all to look at it from another perspective?

What do I mean?

Well, let me give you an example:

Think about the 9/11 collapse of the Twin Trade Towers:

Yes, jet airliners did crash into those towers.

Yes, there were fires that were ignited by the jet fuel.


The crashing of the jet airliners was *not* the reason why the towers collapsed.

Do I make sense to you?

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climate change not . -- evil conmmunist demonicrat governmentally ILL -DERANGED- psychopath nimrods happening

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I moved to Hawaii in '76 and worked in research at the University of Hawaii. Our main project was on Maui. I was fascinated by the "micro-micro climates". You can get caught in a rather heavy rain with nothing but clear blue skies overhead!

The trade winds push humid air up the mountain slopes. When it gets to the top, it mixes with very cold air at altitude, and churning clouds form instantly. Then just as quickly they dump rain and the clouds disappear. Since that rain can only spread as far as the wind can push it, rain only falls within a very few miles of the summit. In many places you can see a very clear "green line" where the trees and grass thin out dramatically.

"So bring your umbrella and your sunscreen lotion (today and every day this week) It is going to be a rainy day, under clear blue skies. " ;>)

So I just learned that I can safely place the New York Times on my "Permanently Blocked" list. ---as if I didn't already know that! ;>)

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Causes of the fire and the whole tragedy included high winds that are known to occur at times, not new issue; water reservoirs not being filled and the water czar not giving permission to fill water reservoirs until the fire was too advanced and it was not possible; letting weeds take over and become a fire hazard and doing nothing about it over a period of years; investing in green energy to the point of not caring and not funding electric company doing upkeep on power lines, power poles, and dry grass & weeds where a spark could ignite; having warning sirens but not using them; having capability to send warnings by text and not doing it; sending children home from school but not texting or warning parents in any way so that kids were home alone with no help; after it was over, FEMA staying in 5 star hotels doing diversity training and people not being helped; authorities with roadblocks not letting parents get to their children until children burned to death; FEMA turning away locals who had organized food for distribution. RIght, every bit of this was global warming, right? Not allowing water tanks to be filled? No warnings? Not doing anything about dried up weeks and dry grass? Not attending to damaged or aging electric lines and power poles? Right every bit of it, all global warming. The government had nothing to do with it at all. Nothing whatsoever.

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Even with all your excellent information on fires I’m still leaning towards the DEW and other weapons such as microwave weapons. Plastic piggy banks and other items were found in the rubble of completely burned homes, the trees that burned from the inside out and all the blue colored houses and trash cans that survived the fires. If you put metal in a microwave it burns whereas, plastic doesn’t burn. There’s lasers that only Target certain colors and trees don’t burn from the inside out naturally.

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You have articulated well that mass energy weapons were not needed. But simple old fashioned arson clearly can not be ruled out correct?

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Multiple power poles and lines down in gale-force winds arcing and igniting the copious dry grass. Many videos out there since day 1.

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For sure...and still doesn't rule out arson

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IMO even an airborne blue laser would be arson. In this case mass murder

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It is arson, just done fancy.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

Please see Hawaii Real Estate YouTube channel for locals stories of the truth. Fema and RC onsite and denying help to residents with renters insurance so they can't get any govt assistance for temporary housing. They need some serious help over there to deal with the choreographed catastrophe.


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Eric West has done a phenomenal job! Thanks for spreading the word!

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Defund FEMA and most of the government. They are worse than useless.

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Then you'll be completely on your own. Stop talking about defunding the government. You have no idea what social chaos looks like. You would not survive.

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

Americans did well for 200 yrs without FEMA, signed into existence by Jimmy Carter in 1979. We got through Great Depression, World War II, made it as a nation till 1979 & no FEMA. Historically, neighbors helped neighbors & religious organizations and churches came together to serve during disasters, like Samaritan's purse which still does., plus local & state government. We didn't have societal collapse prior to 1979 when we got FEMA. Where is proof that government bureaucrats are the "best" to take charge of local disaster management? Local Hawaiians had already organized food to be delivered to local people in need & were blocked, hindered & turned away, food in hand, by FEMA. Federal government in charge of everything is not better than local management. Re overall concept of "Defunding" that has become popular these days, I am NOT in favor of defunding local police; I think that is a very grave error and I am not in favor of defunding the military. But to have the federal govt come in to have complete authority over local residents is a bad idea. If read carefully, you will see the FEMA is not your friend in my opinion. I also did not say defund the entire government, but I said most of it. Writers of our Constitution never envisioned a society in which unelected bureaucrats in Washington would come into every local village and tell parents how to run their schools. The Constitution did not create all these agencies & we did not have some of these federal agencies until less than 50 yrs ago. Besides FEMA, Dept of Education was also created in 1979, signed into law by Carter. Think of all the people who learned to read before we had a Dept. of Education. The people who got us out of the Great Depression & WWII learned to read before we had a Dept of Ed. We had a more stable society before the federal government was in charge of so much of our lives. The Constitution gave 3 branches of federal govt & a clear separation between the role of states and the role of the federal government. When I read about FEMA workers staying in 5 star hotels, unable to help till they finish diversity training, but disrupting & preventing locals from helping each other, I stand by what I said. I do not think the US would be worse off without FEMA. Obviously the governor of Hawaii must have wanted FEMA there, so good, but the people might have done better themselves if given the chance. States should be the ones having the leadership role in managing what goes on within their own boundaries, not Washington based bureaucrats. As far as social chaos, there was a lot of that after Hurricane Katrina, and FEMA as well as local agencies were widely criticized, leading to resignation of the FEMA director as well as resignation of the local police superintendent. Still, I do not think the federal management is best. Having central government control of local farming has repeatedly led to mass starvation in more than one Communist country, and having non-local people come in from far away to run everything does not in my opinion lead to optimal outcomes.

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I understand your rage. For reference, my mother's family has been in the U.S. (and part of its founding, actually) since 1630. I don't know as much American history as I do about World history, but I know plenty. My grandfather kept neighbors alive during the Great Depression. If you will remember, or maybe you won't, the Great Depression was a combination of farmers being pushed to buy internal combustion machines on credit that they couldn't afford and foregoing horse/mule farming as well as digging up the prairies creating multiple Dust Bowls, etc. California is populated by the descendants of destitute people from the South who traveled there on foot and in falling apart jalopies in the 30's I could go on. Our education system was begun long before Carter because Carnegie wanted partially but not very well-educated workers to work in his factories and make him richer. The Carnegies of our times do not need workers. They have robots, AI, etc. People in STEM who don't look beyond their own nose or paycheck who will be used by their employers until they have served their purpose. They are no more secure than you. The billionaires don't care if you live or die. In fact they would rather you died. Stop electing populace dimwits. Trump is a ventriloquist's dummy. And so is Biden. The billionaires own the government. For the time being we still have a little bit of social stability in this country. You can't just throw that out and hope your neighbors like you. That's not a serious plan. Actually, the billionaires are afraid we will eat the rich. I doubt we need to do that. How about stop giving them money? They are dependent on us for their wealth.

What is your alternative to government? Developers aren't some kind of bodiless entity. They are your neighbors, too. We need laws. Without laws it's a free-for-all. And we need someone who will make sure those laws are followed. How do you think you would do in a free-for-all? I agree that community is the answer. But where is the Lahaina community? Are they in Lahaina? Are they out there removing all that toxic sludge? I hope not. I want them to survive. Do they have bulldozers and some idea of where to put that crap?

Instead of arguing over abortion, for god's sake, or white supremacy or buying Chinese goods, the right to own guns, or prayer in the schools--HOLY COW--we should have been protecting the Constitution. But did we? No. A lot of people who you rely on to work with you, help you, voted in a sociopathic baby who brought us a bioweapon which resulted in a MASSIVE transfer of wealth from the working poor and middle class to the upper middle class and super rich and the destruction of god knows how many small businesses which are the backbone of our economy, and stuffed the Supreme Court with ideologues instead of serious lawmakers.

This isn't 1776. The society is a lot more complicated. Every society on the planet is a lot more complicated. I do NOT trust FEMA at all. I don't trust the billionaires. I don't even trust the Supreme Court anymore. And with the Tea Party and all the damage it has done to our polity, I don't trust Congress. Israel controls the Democrats. The Democrats are an incredible outrage, and I'm a Democrat. Or used to be.

How do you expect to fight a direct energy weapon with a fucking AK-15? Give me a break.

Stop blathering the same old tired slogans. You aren't willing to do what needs to be done. That involves a lot of violence and personal privation. And I'm not sure if we can. Unless it means turning on our military, National Guard, the whole surveillance industry, etc. Shaming and shunning everyone in those institutions. None of these governmental organizations exist without people. Your kid, brother, father, sister, mother, aunt, uncle, grandparents, neighbors. Oh! There's those neighbors against. The kid you're so proud of because he's earned an engineering degree. What is he doing with that degree? What is your relative doing in IT? I have in-laws and cousins in IT. I know what they're doing. I try to explain the long-term consequences and all they see is a fat paycheck. Well, someone's going to take the job so it's okay if I work on super computers that will allow governments around the world to surveil you to death. Literally. Everything we do matters and contributes to the whole.

I have lived through a Revolution and also several civil wars. Do NOT throw out the old without having something good and strong to replace it. Nature hates a vacuum and you don't want chaos to replace what we have now. You won't be better off. Citizens United has to go. The godalmighty dollar floated (and bloated) this country and it's going to kill it, too.

My grandfather warned us to stay out of debt and be self-sufficient. Raise your own food, hold onto your land, control your water if you can, educate your own, value how your grandparents and great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents lived. Learn from them. Stop glorifying capitalism. Yes. And help your neighbor no matter who they are. We have a tremendous number of mentally ill in this country, which the billionaires are encouraging. That's what the trans ideology is all about. And the Proud Boys et al. And opioid addiction. In fact the opioid problem is the tip of the iceberg. How many pharmaceuticals do you take? The entire healthcare industry has been weaponized. All these institutions are hand-in-glove. And the problem has been globalized. And our government is driving this vehicle. What do you think the stupid Ukraine war is about and all the crap with Russia and China?

Maybe we need to speed up the fall of the US dollar. Maybe that's our only hope.

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