The organizer of the International Bird Flu Summitt and Dr. Syra Madad have effectively shamed themselves with their censorship demand. Ironically calling attention to their untrustworthiness in the process of their efforts at concealment.

Well done exposing them.

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As President Reagan said sarcastically “we’re from the Government here to help you”. When a slug ends up at the top of a dung pile government agency one should realize with rare exceptions they are pawns. Until individual citizens realize big government isn’t your friend or savior- it is the enemy.

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Post the video and damn the torpedos!

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Like your SPIRIT❤️❤️

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The video like everything once posted is perpetual. Not even their threats of cyber insecurity can now expunge it. Bits of truth promulgate, or carry water for propaganda. That’s been their inversion tool of “democracy” for six decades to denigrate the unique American independent Constitutional Republic by the lunatics of The New World Order. But altruistic truth eviscerates the lie.

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With all do respect, I understand your frustration, but frustration must be controlled in combat, it will get you killed, and dead soldiers cannot kill the enemy.

We patriots that believe in the American ideal and faith, aspire to Making America Great Again, as we knew it could be post WWII before it was hijacked, captured, and the demoralization process began the work of ripping the American ideal out by the roots of this land. It began in earnest in 1960’s university academia, where Communism always freely lurks in the dark wood.

Those at the helm of all things government, academia, corporate that Eisenhower warned about in full context (not just the military) now running America aground made Marxian theory popular on campuses, rioted, burned, looted, murdered, and bombed while vowing to “march through the institutions” under the ruse of “democracy”. Their claim is the same today as their chaotic offspring grandchildren tried the same to fool their generation.

They are caught, yet still refuse responsibility in their bipolar, schizo neurosis's.

However, from my combat experience and understanding, and that captured media is serving the perps as accomplices, I believe the Courageous Discourse team made the correct decision here. It is wise sometimes to temporarily comply, allowing the enemy the opportunity to entrap themselves before the ambush.

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BFS...another disinformation and medical terrorism summit. Promoting fake fear and irrational action. Ignore.

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What they have to hide is the truth, John.

They killed people.

Peter tried to save lives with his early treatment protocols.

His employer, Baylor Scott & White, Dallas, Texas corporate, fired him .

The tight ass blue suits at BSW legal could not take the heat. Executive leadership and the Board are culpable.

From the beach...


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I imagine Peter Hotez may have played a role in Baylor's stance as well?

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"Kitchen sink approach": throw all off-patent drug suggestions in the sink and quickly flush with water. Now, let's try some Xxxyznmtril and Rszxgumab, shall we?

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My thoughts,exactly. She’s a liar!

Great comment.

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Sounds legit 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Fine, then play the presentation in front of the building where the conference is.... Where everyone's walking by it can watch it

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My heart is singing. Good news for a change. You are so smart in publishing the transcript. You would not be defeated!! The arrogance and cruelty is so blatant. Not that we needed to be reminded in these stormy times. Poor woman. She obviously has no heart.

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Same story different day. We did not get the true one from Covid and it's side effects and the same goes for the kill shots. Until we move, as a country, to bring Big Pharma and the people who helped with the treason being committed, this isn't going to change

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Because we don't do anything about it.

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Antivirals against influenza work very well, when started on the first day of symptoms and help somewhat on the second day of symptoms, but are of no appreciable help if started after that.

Cheap, generic amantadine used to work well, but influenza strains became resistant to that around Y2k or so.

By the time a person is sick enough to need hospitalization, things are very different. Calcifediol, immediately bioavailable vitamin-D, was very helpful treating patients hospitalized with COVID in Spain, though it is not easy to get in the US. High dose vitamin-D3 by mouth should be given, but takes days to become activated and get blood levels up.

This "useful bureaucrat" is "not a clinician", and desires anonymity, which is understandable.

Authority without accountability...

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"I'm not a clinician, I'm a bureaucrat. Stop asking me medical questions."

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LOL all the while telling you how they will manipulate the medical situation!!

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Dr. Syra Madad must be another Pakistani phone scammer!

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PROSECUTE, BANKRUPT AND IMPRISON THE CORRUPT, LAWLESS, CRIMINAL, TRAITORS IN WASHINGTON DC and all government in general, or nothing will really improve long term!!!

These scum said it themselves…”NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW”!!


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Wonderful John! The Psychotic Predator Psychopaths abhor Truth and do everything to stop it - which Exposes them! Live Free or Die!

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Ivermectin seems to work well for many illnesses if taken early and inexpensive, too. Whoops! Wrong thing to say! LOL!!!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

ALL of these bureaucrats have their noses up one another's ass!! And WE PAY THEM for their incompetence, lies and fraud....and all the while they are being funded by Pharma as well.

Medicine, AS A PROFESSION, must learn from the Covid scam, admit their failings and stand together as one to reclaim their autonomy, authority, oaths and patient's health, all of which they so easily surrendered in their mass self-serving cowardice. I call upon ALL physicians and nurses to reject corporate control of medicine!! Damn the hospital administrators and their avarice!!!! Physicians....TAKE BACK THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE !!!!!

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We did. We as in the xray/CT techs and lab techs also.

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It is vital for the biopharma complex to keep the public misinformed BUT it is also extremely important for their goals to keep DOCTORS and NURSES misinformed, as well. As long as they are misinformed - and they are obviously too terrified and controlled by the licensing boards to bother doing their own research - then when they are interviewed by the propag...er...media it is easy for them to avoid giving any real information.

Medicine is all about information and experience. Notice that the emerging talking point about covid mistakes is becoming universal: It was all so new. It was a crisis. We didn't know. It is easy to look back now and second guess but we did the best we could. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? HUH? PEOPLE WERE DYING!!!!!!!!

It's pathetic. I really do think the next plandemic will go full totalitarian and the lies cemented about covid - the death rate, what worked, the misinformation of "anti-vaxxers" - will all be used to justify serious violence. God help it, the health insurance companies and hospitals need to go completely broke. At the very least laws should be created to force trauma centers, cancer treatment centers and infectious treatment centers to be separated. Trauma will be profitable, cancer can probably break even and the infectious centers can be exposed for the frauds they are.

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Agree with you there.

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