When real science is polluted by political science, millions die, trillions are wasted, public distrust and disgust soars.

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One would hope. But with the level of brainwashing today, physiologically as well as psychologically, and the fact that, most Americans at least, are quite thoroughly brainwashed, the "distrust and disgust" aren't soaring, or soaring enough, just as social engineering designed. The PsTB have successfully convinced most Americans, at least, that all truthtellers are "crazy" "conspiracy theorists", "dis/misinformationists", etc., to call them every name in the book, and to literally think of them as "threats to society" (history being repeated). Thus most people don't listen to truth. Most are already loving their "matrix control and enslavement grid 'reality'" too much, don't want their fantasy world disturbed, and certainly don't want to come out of it.

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For me the issue is not so much about real or false science but more about the domain to which science is applied. Science is really great at describing and predicting the behavior of balls on a pool table but not good at musical appreciation or explaining history. The living human body is a mystery - not the proper place for science.

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Primary would be to remove all financial incentives that create & promote harm, starting at the top. There are just far too many conflicts of interest, within our federal health agencies. Speaking of the Flexner Report, from 1910, here is a great summary of what occurred.....https://principia-scientific.com/how-rockefeller-created-the-business-of-western-medicine/ Also, according to Dr. William Makis (a Canadian oncologist who has been keeping track of this kind of information), (46) soccer players, world-wide have died suddenly between June - November of this year. This information appeared on his substack today. He has also been keeping track of all of the Canadian physicians (who were all mandated to be jabbed) who have died since the roll-out. The number is staggering. Dr. Makis is a medical freedom fighter who has recently joined the Canadian division of the Wellness Company. His substack is very telling & worthwhile.

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Thanks for posting the Rockefeller article. That the government at the time allowed him to do that is beyond comprehension. But since then all governments have given more power to the pharmaceutical industry including holding them accountable to injuries and deaths. Reagan, Bush, Obama and Trump have all done their part in making us less safe from their products. And our health agencies make sure that they get to keep doing it.

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A pure administrative comment. Please, all podcasters must start mentioning the date of the interview, IN the interview. The video will end up who knows where and when, and the date is important and is lost after migration to Rumble Bitchute etc.

I point to the morass of M Yeadon interviews, where stuff from mid 2020 is mixed with no distinction from his most recent. Just an unnecessary complication in trying to find relevant material in the ever changing landscape of what is known concerning eg this substack jab information.

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Grant - thanks for pointing this out! I see videos and even written articles with no date for reference. This is very important.

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Most physicians today are 'owned' by corporate/hospital entities. The medical 'profession' as a profession, could have stopped this! Just the banning of the off-label use of HCQ and ivermectin should have raised red flags in the mind of every physician! Instead physicians surrendered the standard of care, their training, their oaths, their authority, their autonomy and worst of all....their patients health, to keep their jobs and a paycheck. It is not an exaggeration to say this was COWARDICE and MALPRACTICE on a global scale!

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Absolutely right. How did millions of doctors suddenly believe that early treatments that had worked in the past were no longer effective? Especially giving antibiotics to patients that had pneumonia? Damn right that it was cowardice and malfeasance.

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Blame yourself. YOU vote? YOU want cheap/free healthcare. In fact, as a former physician YOU probably spent your entire career milking MEDICARE back when they actually paid physicians, and now YOU complain. YOU want government involved to give you your care when you are old. YOU accept the "government/corporate/hospital entities", that make multiple times all-physicians income, with bigger lobbying and the shake-down threat of closure of local hospitals, if they don't get what they want. Government/Hospitals that will put physicians in jail if they even start to talk about a coordinated effort, while YOU remain passive, ignorant and now freed of your prior profession. I don't see YOU out there protecting even the few physicians that did exactly what you ask (and you should have the most insight to their plights), those leaders paid (are paying) a huge price. YOU get what you deserve. Physicians don't have a "seat at the table" to make a difference for YOU (although in your prime, you probably did, and then you left everyone high and dry), governments/hospitals (and by your inaction, YOU) don't want it.

YOU still took an oath, you still can practice, get off your butt and make a difference. Apparently people needed you! And you now complain. Quit your whining, you self-absorbed, warped personality.

YOU blame physicians, which YOU (or most) don't pay, accept only government/hospital representation for medical system decisions, and then complain and wonder how this happened.

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When Pediatricians are paid a big Pharma bonus, as much as $400, for each child in their practice ‘up-to-date’ on the CDC schedule of vaccines and provided at least 63% meet this goal, there is an obvious conflict of interest. So if 400 are vaccinated = $160,000, 500 = $200,000, and 1,000= $400,000.

A MONEY incentive leads to ignoring that some kids should not be vaccinated. Some offices kick out unvaccinated patients from their practice. There is also widespread non-compliance with providing true informed consent. When a young patient is sickened by a vaccine, doctor says it is a ‘coincidence’....right.....sure it is. Money distorts the goal of first do no harm. God help us all.

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For the most part all “vaccines” are not safe. In order for the “vaccine” to stay in a healthy body there must be an adjuvant in it. That is there must be somethng toxic in the “vaccine” for it to stay in the body a few days. The body is designed to take in nutrients and eliminate waste. “ “Vaccines” are inherently unsafe.” A lot of times the adjuvant is a heavy metal. “Vaccine” companies would not be in business if the '“stuff” only lasted a few days in a body.

With that being said I agree there is no informed consent to new parents at the pediatrician’s office.

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Thank you for the excellent work and this interview. As the world gets darker, the light shines brighter. As an allied health care professional, I'd love to work with those in the same mind and passion for the life saving health science and practices. It seems obvious we are in great need to create the counter culture and system where we can practice independently from those who think own the world. I wish to have more accessible networks of the primary health care physicians, specialists and allied health care professionals not only across the world but also locally where we live. Truth will set us free.

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Part of the problem in american medicine medicine is that most physicians are not educated as scientists. They are capable of memorization and are selected for willingness to follow rules. This results in a selection bias for a personality type which has been described as "judgemental". One characteristic of this personality is that they would rather have a rule than than evidence. Following the rules is more important than attempting to solve a problem. The vast majority of physicians would rather have a rule than attempt to solve problems. This mind set is basically anti-scientific, and as long as the the people entering medicine are emotionally incapable of trying to solve problems the covid response will be replicated

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The medical schools and teachers have been dumbed down. They are not critical thinkers just memorizers and protocol followers. Protocols created by corporations and pharmaceutical companies. Changes in transparency of what school taught who and the record of adverse events and lawsuits against physicians should be made available easier to patients and caregivers!

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I agree. Our society has embraced this idea that intelligence = ability to memorize. It’s really easy to test people’s ability to memorize and it’s also apparently fairly easy to brainwash people who memorize well, as evidenced by the pandemic response as seen in the medical field. They must drill “trust the public health agencies” into them for years on end. All the while, the public health agencies are basically a revolving door of financial conflicts of interest.

I wonder what percentage of income medical schools get from pharmaceutical companies, public health agencies or otherwise invested entities? Seems like the education system just prepares doctors to be “yes men” for the pharmaceutical industry. You could literally click on the remdesivir studies posted on this NIH website and read how deadly it was! But few doctors must have read the studies before administering it to patients. Very ironic situation.

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This is full of sound reasoning and intellectual analysis of our situation. The bit about "building great institutions" and then having them lost to "bad people" intrigued me, however, because of what was NOT said. Simply put, our "core values", our morality, has only a Godly basis. When He is not recognized as the Creator of this "complex system", the ability to navigate rationally and beneficially within the system is crippled. Those "bad people" referenced are animated by a spirit that is in constant opposition to God; and that spirit, tragically, now has much better, more motivated, and committed disciples.

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I really don't think the host or guest touched on the very issue that's most important. Medical ethics. These medical professionals should be prosecuted for their coverups. Let's just start by defining safe and effective. These medical ethics boards are the first place to start. The hospital board at Sarasota General is a good starting place.

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You’re over the target, but the big “middle” was not duped. They knew better but they looked the other way. Unpacking this phenomenon opens up the bomb sight

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It was really a first class interview.

Our problem lies in the realm of a lack of understanding of what it actually means to be a virtuous human. Confusion over 'virtue signalling' as opposed to being virtuous lie at the core of our western societies rollover to giving up rights for safety. And so quickly!

I will rewatch and ponder. But if your education system no longer makes a point of Orwell's 1984 well what's a young person to think? Whatever they are told apparently.

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Grant - Mr. Leake’s description of virtue signaling vs. actually acting with virtue really resonated with me. Whenever I see the virtue signalers, my first thought always is, “but what have YOU done today”?

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'Medicine' (hospitals, their employee physicians) rolled over like dying cockroaches....for MONEY!!!!!

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Outstanding discussion, especially profoundly important is the starting point of complex science. In the early 1990s, the US EPA changed the starting point of climate change science to "all climate change is anthropomorphic."

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What if laws were created to disallow the Constitution to be disavowed by any Government or associated authority for any reason and if this thing like the plandemic would happen those involved would be punished severely with the guillotine sitting in the open center of the court yard! Reverse the process of fear control to thwarting our Constitution and government thus causing significant harm is seemingly necessary! Human nature is inherently easy to corrupt despicably!

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We simply must not allow ‘emergency declarations’ to be declared, as it has been very clearly demonstrated that this is used (misused) in order to subvert our Constitutional rights. So, if we’re changing laws, let’s just eliminate the newer laws about (so-called) ‘emergencies’. Let’s not keep ADDING layers upon layers of laws; instead let’s eliminate the ridiculously bad laws which were created to bypass our existing ones. Life is an emergency. Stuff always happens.

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I fully expect the Biden regime will declare some sort of emergency between now and the election in 2024

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If enough people refuse to comply (this is unknown, sadly), I wonder ... are there enough willing “just following orders” law enforcement officers and military to overpower those who refuse to fall in line?

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Part of the equation, the most important part IMO, in this disaster we are witnessing in the medical industrial complex, is the individual responsibility of the patient.

While the medical profession has many, many problems, it really is not the doctors job to ensure patients are taking care of their health. The vast majority of health problems today stem from poor diet and lifestyle issues. There is no good way for doctors to treat diseases brought about by poor diet and lifestyle choices, there is only symptom management. It is primarily the patients responsibility to care for their own health and only seek care when all else has been exhausted. Doctors can support patients in making diet and lifestyle choices that lead to good health (they generally don’t because it’s not taught to them in medical school) but the everyday actions and decisions that keep people out of a doctor’s office (on average) are up to each individual.

Most people know that smoking, drinking, being sedentary, doing drugs, eating processed food, etc. is bad for human health but people still choose to do those things anyway. When people make poor diet and lifestyle choices, there is very little a doctor can do to reverse the consequences of those choices. By the time disease has set in, it’s difficult to reverse and most people prefer the “easy button“ answer anyway, which is to take a pill or have surgery/chemotherapy. This inevitably leads to even poorer health. Doctors aren’t generally trying to stop this horrible cycle (because the cycle is profitable), but neither are most patients (because it is hard to make good diet and lifestyle choices).

While doctors have to shut down their critical thinking skills in order to go along with the big pharma business plan, they are also very limited in what power they actually have over a patient’s general health. It’s a two way street and the overwhelming power in this situation actually lies in the hands of the patient, whether they choose to accept it or not.

Imagine if the majority of people took control of their health and ate well, managed stress in a healthy way, got adequate sleep, spent time moving etc. The system would mostly crumble, except for emergency care. Not all diseases are easily cured by diet and lifestyle choices but many are. Even the public health agencies estimate that about 80% of chronic diseases are due to poor diet and lifestyle choices.

I was once suffering from chronic disease and finally, after hundreds of thousands of dollars spent, I took my health in my own hands because I realized that the only person who could end my disease state was myself. I realized that I was literally making myself ill from poor food choices. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but I haven’t had to see a doctor in over a decade. I don’t even take over the counter medication (because it is also toxic). THIS is the way to reform the system. The medical industrial complex is probably the biggest industry in the world but it could be different if we all took back our power and helped our children and grandchildren grow up healthy and strong.

As it stands now, the pharmaceutical industry is swimming in money, which they use to control the politicians, the media, academia and more. Why are they swimming in money? Because most people in industrialized nations take multiple prescriptions!! If we get healthy, we starve them out. Getting rid of big pharma (by putting them all in jail or by regulating them to death, and not addressing the real issue will not solve what needs to be solved. A massive sustained movement to embrace good health is the only true cure for the problem.

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*****Bravo!***** and thank you ~

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This is full of sound reasoning and intellectual analysis of our situation. The bit about "building great institutions" and then having them lost to "bad people" intrigued me, however, because of what was NOT said. Simply put, our "core values", our morality, has only a Godly basis. When He is not recognized as the Creator of this "complex system", the ability to navigate rationally and beneficially within the system is crippled. Those "bad people" referenced are animated by a spirit that is in constant opposition to God; and that spirit, tragically, now has much better, more motivated, and committed disciples. *(And then, at around the 50-minute mark, Dr. Gonnering went there. Bless him.)

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