I also found it shocking as my old friends took this product without questions. One family was among the first certified organic farmers in our state of Texas, back in the '70's. It was painful to see fear at work so powerfully. Others were certain of their moral fortitude, saving others from harm supposedly, and we all know how that went. It has been challenging to watch this thinning of the herd and some old friends will still not speak to me for not taking the thing.

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Fear of death is the strongest of all human fears.....

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You and me both on the 'friends'. I even had a friend with whom I spent a decade researching GM, including miRNA, knew how little we knew, and how loose and random such inventions were, and yet rolled up her sleeves, even encouraging others to do the same.

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This line... "It has been demonstrated that the expression level of numerous miRNAs is altered after COVID-19 vaccination [41]."

I didn't find anything about that in the reference (41).

However, there is so much that comes up on a google scholar search of "expression level miRNAs altered after COVID-19 vaccination".

This article in Nature, for example, suggests adverse reactions are negatively correlated with particular miRNA levels:

"Circulating extracellular vesicle miRNAs associated with adverse reactions, proinflammatory cytokine, and antibody production after COVID-19 vaccination"


And this one:

"The role of miRNAs in viral myocarditis, and its possible implication in induction of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines-induced myocarditis" https://bnrc.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s42269-022-00955-1

There's a lot of people doing this work.

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Thanks for the share. I’ve gone down the rabbit hole on EVs. Appears that mRNA vaccines are an attempt to hijack that poorly understood communication pathway. What could go wrong?

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I have no background on EVs. They are new to me in the last 6 months. Share a few statements?

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I’m not qualified to make a statement, but here’s something on the matter from none other than Robert Gallo…


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Since "day 1" of knowing about the development of these "vaccines", I always wondered how anyone in their right mind - especially medical doctors - could even think that injecting mRNA in your body (especially synthetic) could be a good idea.

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I know exactly what you mean

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It was impressive how enthusiastically people who wouldn't eat GMOs chose to become GMOs.

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Not me. I've been actively avoiding GMOs for over 15 years and there's no way I was going to be direct-injecting it. What were people thinking???

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So YOU'RE the one! ;-) Just kidding, I know more than one person who followed your path. But I can't help wondering about the others. How could they not see what you and I saw immediately? As for me, I don't worry much about GMOs, but there was no way I was going to take a genetic "vaccine."

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I have no idea! I wasn't going to let a pharmaceutical company hijack my cells. No GM plants end up better after the engineering than before. Rolling up my sleeve would've been akin to an act of self-harm or suicide.

Seriously... I think people just got worn down by the constant advertising.

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And the pressure. Where I live we were barred from getting jobs, going to restaurants, seeing shows, and a lot more without proof of vax. The vindictive quality of the campaign confirmed my decision to resist it. It was obviously a work of evil.

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Ditto. Are you from Australia.

First of all we had the frontline - quarantine staff and medical (the paramedics seem to refuse for a long time - I think they saw what was happening).

Then the care homes. The willing older people who thought covid was a risk to them.

Then the people who wanted to travel, go to the pubs, etc, and because they were misguided on transmission benefits, thinking they would be helping to "protect others".

By then I think people began to be worn down by the constant haranging (media/influencers/restrictions) - if they just got vaxd they wouldn't have to think about it any more. This is the point at which a number of young people at my daughter's work were getting vaxd.

Then the govt put out surveys to companies to see how it was going, and when they decided the time was right, enough were vaxd to make it work, they introduced the mandates. Such that when my daughter's company had a group meeting, and she raised the issues of risk/benefit/coercion it was too late - she was on her own.

It was completely evil. She was out of work for a year. Covid has been brought into our household twice by my vaxd husband, and she still hasn't got it, even though she's been working on the public face, in hospitality, maskless. I think of all those young people whose health/life has been endangered because they'd had enough of the haranging.

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Empirical evidence that holistic living is a status symbol and social construct.

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Blind trusting naive beliefs, along with a lot of coercion from the medical community. That’s why Dr. Mc Cullough is so unique!

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Yes, in my circle, the most careful all-organic shopper was also the first to get the jab. People went simply bonkers.

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Again, thank you for sticking to what you know best…science and medicine!

Scientists and doctors in mass EVERYWHERE are making a mess!

How did science and medicine get so politicized and how can we ever survive that?



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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The Conclusions drawn from this paper are all positive towards the further development of mRna type 'shots,' which leads the read to conclude the shots are safe and effective.

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It is the rule for all "peer-reviewed" medical articles today. They report a lot of negative aspects (biological mechanisms, reported adverse effects...) of these "vaccines", then ignore those and invariably conclude that the "vaccines" are "safe and effective". This conclusion appears to be a requirement to get the article published. I have lost all respect for medical "scientific" publications. It is a great disgrace.

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I used to call that line "the money line" - for the monied interests, or for the grant money, or just as an expression to indicate a line for different purposes.

But I read a piece from a publishing author who refused to put that line in (and the paper was rejected. She called it (from memory) the Disclaimer. She wrote about it in a style inferring that all researchers knew they all had to write it or they wouldn't be published.

The problem is that if one seeks to report the findings of risk/harm on social media some PR pharma troll will jump on and say "but the line". Actually in your first comment I thought you might've been misled by the conclusion.

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It's amazing. It moves from a discussion full of negatives to a "Conclusion" that could've been written by a Pfizer/WHO PR agent. It might've been needed to get it published.

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As I commented above, I agree with your that it seems to be a requirement to get the article published. Authors ignore their data (the proverbial elephant...) and will invariably conclude that the "vaccines" are "safe and effective". What a shame.

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Sorry - I missed something in your comment above.

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Dr McCullough--I would love to hear your feedback on the differential of cardiac amyloidosis. I saw a 42 yo with positive markers for myocarditis, ventricular hypertrophy, cardiomyopathy, cardiac remodeling and acute power failure. She eats clean with minimal carbs and she exercises daily as a fitness instructor. I can correct the power failure I am seeing on her MCG (multifunction Cardiogram), but I am perplexed by the other findings. It was Dr Jessica Rose that mentioned this differential in her recent testimony to the committee in Winnipeg. It has me thinking out side the box again.

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I think there’s a “ medical “ term for this : ASI - Absolute Selective Ignorance

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@courageousdiscourse I’ll try to read the paper but it may be a bit of a slog for me. Does it posit any potential mechanisms for he disruption of miRNA?

I’m curious if pseudouridine might have some unintended effects. Not that shunting TLRs was a good idea, even if intended.

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I was reading substacks by https://anandamide.substack.com/ yesterday. He has looked at problems with pseudouridine - my biggest takeaway was his hypothesis that it could be very sticky with the DNA generating plasmids annealing to it, with the DNA consequently ending up in the vaccines themselves.

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated,

Transfected ?

Think Again

… Transmuted.


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