Earlier today I posted Jordan Peterson’s interview with de-transitioned Chloe Cole, and my reflections prompted a few readers to post some critical comments about Dr. Peterson and his interview. Over the years many people have asked me why he has amassed such a large and dedicated following. The answer, it seems to me, is that—whether you agree with him or not—it is clear from his speech that he is carefully thinking about what he is saying. He tries to address the complexity of things instead of reducing their complexity to conform to an ideological schema or fashionable assumption.
Much of the time when we hear politicians, academics, activists, actors, and journalists speak about a difficult subject, they use the same formulations, phrases, mantras, and slogans. This, it seems to me, is an indication that they are NOT thinking, but imitating what has become the fashionable view of the matter. They’ve heard other people of favored status use certain phrases and formulations, so they parrot them.
Orwell noted this in his famous 1946 essay, Politics and the English Language, in which he remarked:
As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.
Consider the World Economic Forum’s mantra,“Build Back Better,” which was propagated by its “Great Reset” agenda in 2020 and parroted by politicians all over the world. Note that, though the phrase has a catchy consonance and a positive association due to the word “better,” it doesn’t mean anything.
How did the guys at the World Economic Forum induce all of these people to parrot this meaningless phrase?
"How did the guys at the World Economic Forum induce all of these people to parrot this meaningless phrase?"
Gosh, I don't know. It wasn't that they were guaranteed a lifetime of protection from ALL evils and uber major $'s. Right?
Your missive (Tucker/Dowd) earlier today was so good. I hope everyone reads it and understands it.
A snippet, which 98% of the population doesn't understand. It's so important as to why vaccines do NOT work against ID/CD ... and are very dangerous.
First my words: you cannot vax away a coronavirus (or any 'disease'); either on an individual basis nor a herd immunity basis. It's impossible. And yet, very dangerous for the people who choose this. End of story. At the very least, don't get flu nor Covid vaccines.
Your words from earlier this a.m.:
"A major feature of the immune system that is almost always omitted from discussions of vaccines and blood antibodies is the powerful role of mucosal immunity. When someone is exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the wild, the virus enters the body through the nose, and it is there—in the nose—that the body mounts its initial immune response. Mucosal immunity is the body’s first line of defense against the dangerous spike protein. Contrast this with the mRNA gene transfer injections, which induce the body’s own cells to produce, in uncontrolled amounts, the dangerous spike protein, which goes directly into the blood stream, unimpeded and unmitigated by the initial, mucosal immune response."
The correct way of writing the alternative to The Great Reset, New World Order, One Health Pandemic Planning Policy and Fourth Industrial Rev is:
6uild 6ack 6etter
As for pandemic planning policy, p is like an upside down, mirror of 6. Apt to see it as 666 as with Public private partnership are both FASCISTIC. As per Mussolini’s definition.