Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

"How did the guys at the World Economic Forum induce all of these people to parrot this meaningless phrase?"

Gosh, I don't know. It wasn't that they were guaranteed a lifetime of protection from ALL evils and uber major $'s. Right?

Your missive (Tucker/Dowd) earlier today was so good. I hope everyone reads it and understands it.

A snippet, which 98% of the population doesn't understand. It's so important as to why vaccines do NOT work against ID/CD ... and are very dangerous.

First my words: you cannot vax away a coronavirus (or any 'disease'); either on an individual basis nor a herd immunity basis. It's impossible. And yet, very dangerous for the people who choose this. End of story. At the very least, don't get flu nor Covid vaccines.

Your words from earlier this a.m.:

"A major feature of the immune system that is almost always omitted from discussions of vaccines and blood antibodies is the powerful role of mucosal immunity. When someone is exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the wild, the virus enters the body through the nose, and it is there—in the nose—that the body mounts its initial immune response. Mucosal immunity is the body’s first line of defense against the dangerous spike protein. Contrast this with the mRNA gene transfer injections, which induce the body’s own cells to produce, in uncontrolled amounts, the dangerous spike protein, which goes directly into the blood stream, unimpeded and unmitigated by the initial, mucosal immune response."

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The correct way of writing the alternative to The Great Reset, New World Order, One Health Pandemic Planning Policy and Fourth Industrial Rev is:

6uild 6ack 6etter

As for pandemic planning policy, p is like an upside down, mirror of 6. Apt to see it as 666 as with Public private partnership are both FASCISTIC. As per Mussolini’s definition.

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Because over the last 30-40 years we have regressed into a society of slogans, powered by hollywood-worship and incessant marketing around us every waking minute be it product or political.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

I adore Jordan Peterson. He is passionate about speaking the truth as he sees it in both sharing what he belives is the best recipe for a meaningful life and to reveal, as you say, the many complexities that surround every single topic. He is the most passionate free speech advocate as he belives it is fundamental to avoiding tyranny and I agree with him.

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‘Build Back Better’: it means they took the wrecking ball first - and obviously it is better for them not us, every Western leader parroting it and calculated to make us feel powerless.

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Bravely point out these critical points of tyranny and censorship as even those who think themselves open minded as substackers attack JP. Please. He is the very poster child of intellectual free thought even as he is being forced to reeducation camps. Imagine that. One of the greatest minds of our time. Hmm. Irony. So much irony.

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JP sometimes interprets the bible differently to how I do. But that is OK because I always listen with the assumption that the speaker (any speaker) has something important to tell me. JP always gives a clear and logical affirmation of the rightness of God, and the bedrock of God’s version of legal and ethical rightness. That’s a comfort when I look back at the history of the changing sands and tides of man made ethics. What is correct now Re gender is a new thing. Have the ancients of the past 6,000 years really been so wrong all along? Must we comply with every new wind of doctrine without at least talking through the consequences?

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What a hoot and holla build back better.What a load of imbiciles nitwits so funny as if we would fall for that

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I wondered about that when it happening,.....((build back better)) was practically reverberating around the world. And with all the same diction and tone. I thought it was some attempt at black magic!! Lol

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Build Back Better is what you do after decades of bombing, austerity, and IMF debt.

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"How did the guys at the World Economic Forum induce all of these people to parrot this meaningless phrase?"

Leverage. Blackmail. Threats of exposing their vile habits, proclivities and fantasies. Proof, undeniable visual, audible and tangible proof of the evils they keep hidden from public view, with their cloaks and curtains of unfathomable illicit riches.

That's how you get emperors to parrot that drivel to their dependent serfs.

Pull back the curtains, expose their evils, embrace the truth and break free if their chains of convenient, instant gratification placebos.

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Coca-Cola is the most recognizable brand in the world. there's a reason. people love to say it.

Jesus says to seek the glory of God not the glory of men. Many people seek the glory of men.

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I've been on a poetry buzz lately.

Writing a couple a day. Sometimes I write them spontaneously to others posts as a comment.

This time I won't.

But it makes me think a lot about the symbology of words.

I have had an interest in NLP and hypnosis for a number of years and these repetitive phrases, slogans definitely sink in when used and repeated.

"Money makes the world go round"

"In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes"

"Safe and effective"

Those messages, rightly or wrongly, sink in and seemingly become gospel.

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Like Darmok at Tenegre.

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It's what psychopaths do. It's why they were chosen as puppets.

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