Miraculous Recovery of Hypoxemic COVID-19 Patients with Ivermectin
Unhooking Spike Hemagglutinated Red Blood Cells
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The past three years have generated millions of case vignettes of patients with COVID-19 respiratory illness. The most dramatic cases include critically ill inpatients with severe hypoxemia despite maximum respiratory support. By far, the most notable cases of survival have occurred with the administration of ivermectin. Former NIH researcher David Scheim, PhD, early in the pandemic proposed that SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein was acting like a grappling hook pulling together circulating red blood cells into long chains and clumps in a process called hemagglutination. This explained why the red blood cells could not carry oxygen normally and was congruent with the finding of micro blood clots in the lungs. Recently, Boschi et al have provided additional support for this mechanism.[i] In a spectacular publication, Stone et al, describes the prompt improvement of oxygenation in patients with ivermectin.[ii]

The published oxygenation curves from multiple studies clearly show this physiological effect of ivermectin occurs so rapidly, it must be explained by a direct anti-Spike protein effect of ivermectin. An anonymous video of a critically ill man demonstrates the very effect that Scheim, Stone, Hazan, and Babalola have described in the Figure.[iii] So for the next critically ill patient with COVID-19, if the opportunity presents itself, push for the administration of ivermectin. This is the only published therapy for COVID-19 that improves oxygen saturation while the patient mounts a recovery. As in this man, it may be the critical factor for a turnaround and a chance to walk out of the hospital.
[i] SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Hemagglutination: Implications for COVID-19 Morbidities and Therapeutics and for Vaccine Adverse Effects Celine Boschi, David E. Scheim, Audrey Bancod, Muriel Millitello, Marion Le Bideau, Philippe Colson, Jacques Fantini, Bernard La Scola bioRxiv 2022.11.24.517882; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.24.517882
[ii] Stone, J.C.; Ndarukwa, P.; Scheim, D.E.; Dancis, B.M.; Dancis, J.; Gill, M.G.; Aldous, C. Changes in SpO2 on Room Air for 34 Severe COVID-19 Patients after Ivermectin-Based Combination Treatment: 62% Normalization within 24 Hours. Biologics 2022, 2, 196-210. https://doi.org/10.3390/biologics2030015
[iii] This well constructed case demonstrates recovery from COVID-19 respiratory illness and advanced hypoxemia with inpatient ivermectin.
Amazing. And our corrupt CDC used propaganda to tell people it was "horse paste". Crimes against humanity. Thank you Dr. McCullough!
Wonderful. If only the hospitalized patients had had it.