I am so sorry this wonderful young woman is going through this iniquitous torture. How I wish I were able to help her. I cannot cope with the evil in this world today. I have been so lucky to get to my 70s and to have been able to avoid the evil injections. I pray for all the Victims of these satanic attacks.

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Yes the prime of your life coincided with America’s prime.

I miss those “boring” predictable days!!

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MAID is what socialized, government “healthcare” will get you.

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And in the US, abortion of a healthy baby is considered “healthcare.” And the use of body parts harvested from those healthy aborted babies in the development and testing of “vaccines” and drugs is also considered medical “progress.” How fallen this world has become!

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We really need to invade Canada and depose this tyrannical regime on our border and I'm not even kidding!

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Problem is Canada is the role model for this administration

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Take out crooked Joe too please.

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God bless you, Dr. McCollough, for all you do to assist patients like Kayla. Canada seems to have become the country that, instead of being innovative in treating patients who were injured, offers assisted suicide to get rid of the mistakes their medical community has made. My heart goes out to Kayla, and I pray she receives and progresses with the various treatments that were sugggested.

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Crown Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand remains unconscious more than one year after her collapse due to a heart attack - a highly competent, accomplished person, and a great loss for her country.

Crown Princess Kate Middleton of Britain, is now being treated for a serious form of cancer.

It is almost certain that both these young women were injured by the toxic Covid-19 "vaccines".

Princess Bajrakitiyabha suffered a heart attack soon after receiving the injection, and this is a common vax-injury that has been seen in many young people, mostly athletes.

Princess Kate almost certainly is suffering from a turbo-cancer, a new, increasingly common and very rapid form of cancer that is driven by greatly-reduced natural immunity, also caused by the same toxic Covid-19 injections.

The diagnosis of Princess Bajrakitiyabha was wrong for months, until Thai-German expert Dr Suchariit Bhakdi provided a competent diagnosis.

The problem for Princess Kate is that the quacks who are treating her are probably still pushing the toxic Covid-19 injections that caused her cancer. It is difficult to provide a proper treatment when you are utterly ignorant of the cause.

I pray for both these women, not because I am beholden to royalty, but because they are worthwhile human beings who were victimized by the Covid-19 genocide that has killed ~20 million innocents in the Western world to date, and vax-injured billions more, and that carnage is far from over.

Given the prominence of these young women, it is becoming difficult for the criminal elites and their minions in the media to maintain their BIG LIE - that the Covid-19 injections are "safe and effective".

More than 20 million dead people, killed by the Covid-19 "vaccines", say they are dead wrong.


THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull

Book 1 of the “Cull Trilogy”.


THE CLIMATE SCAM - Fifty Years of False Fears

Book 2 of the “Cull Trilogy”



Book 3 of the “Cull Trilogy”


Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary


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And also Prince Charles who has cancer. No one in the news has offered that it could have been caused by the Covid vaccines.

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The serum both shuts down a key cancer surveillance gene and also contains a sv40 tumour promoter.Now here they are investing heavily in anti cancer treatments,and expect us all to believe it’s all a coincidence.Highly unlikely isn’t it.Lets hope a critical mass of influence gets hungry for justice.

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I have two elderly neighbours who did developed transverse myelitis post mRNA covid injections. Both continue to be poorly two years later.

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Not only are these mRNA products not safe, they are downright dangerous. The only thing they effectively do is to maim & kill people. Yet, the government & federal health agencies continue to push them. That only translates to one thing: they not only do not care about anyone, but actively conspire to injure or kill you.

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The symbiosis under the “democratic” banner are going to save you by putting you on their plantation. All you need do is take this jab to keep you from getting sick. Both members of the Democrat hierarchy , Fauci and DC mayor Bowser two years ago arrogantly took their film crew to the poorest neighborhoods in DC and got face planted by the presumed uneducated poor people who told them to “stick it” in themselves.

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All Socialism equals cannibalism. Where sister Socialism goes, so goes Big brother Communism, corruption, demoralization, propaganda, censorship, repeat.

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Get it in your head people. Cutesy time has long past, tell your friends and family, and even if we manage to turn this around, give them no quarter for being the fool and laughing at you.

The home grown Tory’s of America and their Communist/Fascist/globalists have long decided the middle class, the stalwart of America is no longer useful.

Anyone from $0 to $500k annually (currently) must be totally Socialized. That is, that as they eliminate small businesses except those that corrupt the soul, gambling, drugs, sex, etc. must insidiously be expunged as non compliant like actual doctors. Socializing medicine does what Socialism has always done, take control through regulation using bureaucracy to expunge all autonomy and sovereignty. As was the trial run of Covid and its jab, it tested the viability of totalitarianism of mandated fear to create compulsory medicine (think masks) as an easy marker of compliance and complicity. Basically, they use medicine to harm you then use legalized voluntary genocide. I saw this coming nearly three decades ago as a caregiver for my wife. Age related usefulness was 60, but it has declined to any age, medical or any and all disability, beginning with “voluntary” but eventually under Socialism, “for the good of all”, mantra of every totalitarian State. This demise is so much larger than just the Covid jab, but multi faceted attacks on freedom, individuality, and sovereignty at every turn.

Post WWII when the American veterans came home, the Marxist/Fascist followed them home. Some sounded the alarm but were mocked by a joyous people weary of war.

By the 1960’s those who did not go to war but stayed home gaining from stock in war materials were those who felt no patriotism except to themselves. They were afforded to send their children (Boomers) to university. There they would make Marxism very popular, advantaging themselves with Alinsky sloganeering of a very tumultuous time of Civil Rights, assassinations, and war in Vietnam by hijacking those movements, hating on America, the military, and anyone in uniform. They vowed to “march through the institutions, (Gramsci) and indeed they did.

By the 1990’s these cabals had begun taking on other hate America factions under the “can’t we all just be friends” “inclusive” ruse as they had gained junior and senior positions in Representative government, academia, media, and banking determined now to take out their childhood nuclear nightmare Russia since Regan had worked to convince the USSR to “tear down that wall” in Berlin.

1990’s Clinton initiates the uniparty with a handful of RINO’s living off Reagan’s laurels. Immediately they made Communist China and Vietnam “besties”, simultaneously gutting middle American skilled jobs in manufacturing sending them abroad to slave regimes. Then two decades of bank bail outs and bubbles that the Tory’s loved. They see no fear of China, believing coming AI tech can handle it.

Then the ominous horror of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld (tough guy dolts) and their 9/11 and opportunity to refurbish military as Clinton had sold America’s old weaponry to Iraq, now Bush blows it up there, setting the Middle East on fire, as the globalist/Communists/ American Tory’s and WEF (circa 1971) collaborate to reduce world population.

2008 Trojan horse of Socialist of Medicaid for future illegals (eventually for all), all the while telling America he will change it, and grab those guns to the Bible’s. Can’t have competing things to the One Party State. America jokes. He meant everything in between but that would take conservative critical thinking to understand. Hillary was supposed to win in 2016 to begin the invasion but the Trump train delayed that, that’s one reason they still hate him.

2020 the lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar was installed in your face as your figurehead to demoralize the middle further, and they care not that you know. The hierarchy has the power and you do not. Then China “bestie” Wuhan gave us Covid, the jab and a good dose of the totalitarian power of Communism and Fascism in America trashing the Constitution as they had with the 2020 election. Forced jabs to begin the genocide, WEF gets a little ahead of their ski’s with hubris telling us of their plans of taking land from farmers and you will have nothing and be happy.

WEF’s super whiz guy Yuval Harari was asked “what happens to the middle people while all plans are being put in place, with a shrug and a sly smile he said,

“I don’t know, maybe video games and drugs”? More American hubris and laughter, mocking the idea, how absurd? Nothing in the MSM, right?

These are the lunatics of the current administration and their hate America collaborators. There are two things in their way that must be expunged. They have already emasculated men, beginning with the white, but going forward color won’t matter unless you are complicit and they can use you for a while. They hate your only defense, guns and truth, therefore the Constitution, guns, bibles, family, must go with free speech and individuality, they all compete with the One Party Democratic State. They did all this beginning in earnest six decades ago with my TV naturally groupthink Boomer generation who never saw it coming given we were so secure and free post WWII having it taken away seemed ludicrous and unbelievable. In the 1990’s the Democrat Party was captured and with it the fickle platitudes of the liberals virtue signalers and unionized workers, then medicine, as academia had captured itself six decades ago.

What say you, is it bad enough yet? If not, I dare you to walk through Philadelphia’s Market Street, NY, Chicago, Baltimore, Houston, LA, San Fran, any Democrat city alone. Don’t bother worrying about Social Security and Medicare, when the digital dollar arrives soon, all your assets will be on a government controlled EBT app, minus taxes, regulatory fees, fines and limitation deductions, no home ownership, therefore rental fees will be regulated by usefulness to the party, and for non compliant social credit scores. No ownership. You thought this was about some silly tweaked form of modern Socialism? Ha! Ha,ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Good doctors have been forced from doctoring, thus “corporate” practicioners” are in place temporarily. Going forward: Get Sick? Text symptoms to: 9876543210, (Global Health Alliance), Amazon delivers, you die. Have a Democrat.Gov great day.

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Brilliantly said🙏🏻

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Thank you.

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Moving forward from her tragedy, one thing is vividly crystal clear.

The Current models and technology of any and all Vaccines administered,

are neither "SAFE" nor "EFFECTIVE" as protection nor remedy from a virus.

The folks that are in denial about the injurious information are guilty of genocidal involvement and breaking every single rule in the known World of Medicine.

Please do your due diligence before walking into any medical facility and signing a contract for personal liability. You no longer have, once you sign the Documents.

This cannot be understated any longer. .GOV does not care if you Live nor Die!!

The proof is in the pudding! And etched on the head stones from Cov19 Jabs.

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The assisted suicide thing is frightening.

This week I read an article in Horse and Hound about a young women who was paralyzed in a riding accident. She was, I believe, in her 30s. She was clearly depressed and devastated that she could no longer ride. I get it. I ride and have for over 50 years. It's liberating in so many ways. I would be crushed if I could no longer ride. She chose assisted suicide and is now gone. Contrast this to the story of Amberly Snyder, also a young rider but in America. She was paralyzed in a vehicular accident. She cannot walk and her legs no longer function, but she has resumed barrel racing at a very high level. She did not give up and those around her supported her so she did not have to give up. I can't help but wonder if Amberly might also be gone had she constantly been told....'Well, you can always kill yourself and we will help.'

The world lost what seemed to be a genuinely unique person to assisted suicide in the UK whilst a person with almost identical circumstances is now thriving in the US. What was the difference?

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Assisted suicide is still illegal in the uk. Whoever helped her could be prosecuted. Not everyone can overcome a debilitating injury such as that she endured. Sometimes the hill/mountain seems too high to overcome, even with support.

I respect a person’s decision to end their life, but if I ever encountered this situation, I would do all I could to change their mind and offer positive alternatives.

I’m on the fence with legalising assisted suicide/ euthanasia. If someone has a terminal illness I can understand the decision (quality of life etc). But, and we have seen this over the past 4 years, those in power would use this nefariously. They would use it to prematurely end lives, and encourage others to do so as per the Canadian lady (abhorrent that!).

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Blessing to her on this glorious Easter Day.

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One aspect of Socialism’s idea of “free” health care is that the word free that entraps most people, that you get something that someone else is paying for spurs the endorphins giving you an immediate high, then one justifies that by deluding oneself that “well I pay taxes therefore I deserve it” but it’s a false narrative because people do not calculate two negatives off the top. One is a large cut of money goes to bureaucracy where workers work to make their boss happy and get raises and second, fraud. At that point as fund dry up because nothing is being manufactured but cronyism, there is no free market to compete but negatives that create downward spiral, then come the demoralization of rejection, rationing, and eventually big brother totalitarianism to defend sister Socialism.

We see it in everything big .Gov does and subsidizes, prices rise above the subsidies as cost inflate exponentially.

Subsidize universities, cost rise, further subsidies, cost inflate, government steps in (big brother) mandates to gift free tuition to certain groups which is inequality.

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Keep in mind the horror this young person is experiencing wrenching, but is not unique, aside from the deaths, the millions of maladies, consider that only 1/10 will report VAERS for a multitude of reasons, guilt, fear, embarrassment, patient/practicioner relationship, assuming maladies are age related which not coincidently starts in “practice” at around age 50 when you begin to be propagandized to believe you are starting to die and government Socialized medicine is your only savior.

Like all Socialism: People using other people’s money on other people. Neither cost nor quality matter, “it’s free” from the money fairy. You think your neighbor pays, and the neighbor thinks you pay.

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Please keep us posted on her condition, Dr McCullough!

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