Many steps of the typical vaccine clinical trial process were shortcut or skipped altogether for these covid products. The REAL clinical trials started in December 2020 and continue to present day, with billions of test subjects on planet earth, and approximately a billion control group (unvaxxed) subjects. The jury is in - more people under 60 have been injured or killed by these products than from covid. And we haven't even sen the long term effects yet, so these numbers will climb.

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That was the NWO Official Blueprint. Crash test dummy Data is best when the largest set of test subjects would be measured in county morgues and hospitals. .GOV Labs too $$ bias.

And as a result of 1986 "We" became the "most able to be injured or die" subjects available.

And still are to this day of no liability or accountability. That is exactly what needs to be fixed.

This would have been classified as first degree murder in early 1980s. Pushing toxic poison's!

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“I wonder if the mRNA vaccine developers are aware of the findings by Castruita or if they even care?”


Given the fact that these “vaccine” developers rushed this “vaccine” to market without adequate testing is there any reason to wonder whether they care about anything other than the skyrocketing bottom line.

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Well one thing is certain. The catch phrase safe and effective has a special meaning in the big pHARMA marketing dept. "SAFE" as never be in any Courtroom to defend any aspects of it.

"EFFECTIVE" at making absolutely the most record breaking profits of all time!

Enough money to cover any possible hidden future side expenses if ever that time arrives.

Seemingly it looks like GD blueskies for .GOVs best buddies in medicines. Sigh.....

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Please cross-validate the accuracy of how the vaccine rollout was sequenced in this country, https://www.bitchute.com/video/IINEncLH3hk1/, with J&J, leading the way, then Moderna, then Phizer to run the table.

I took the same lot as my wife (one of the ten who didn’t make it past 48 hours) 1802070………..496 adverse Reactions 10 deaths 11 disabilities 15 life threatening illnesses. (https://www.howbad.info/janssen.html) We took a lot that was thousands of times more toxic than 80% of all the other lots. Was it by design and rollout as part of a broader experiment?

It may jumping to conclusions to say that the pharma companies knew of the disparities in batches and were conducting experiments using them. Let’s find out.

My attorney pulled the VAERS data from the HHS site, downloaded the 165 MB of data, and sorted the incident reports by batch number. It is true that some batches -- like mine and my wife’s -- had incredible numbers of reported adverse effects -- he counted 524 adverse effects reported out of my which is more than determined from the source above. There was only one reported adverse effect in the next batch number, followed by another large number in the next. etc.

This could be the result of poor quality control, which may or may not -- under the circumstances, be the result of negligence -- for which the drug companies are immunized -- as opposed to fraud, gross negligence, or wilful misconduct. If it was an intentional act of Mengele-style experimentation on the general public, the states require accountability that should pre-empt or at the very least challenge the 1986 PPA Act now -See:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lv2UKHiJxXJ4ZMK0_7MfmDCcRc1FMsrO/view?usp=drivesdk The proof may be in the backup data the CDC did not want the public to see for 75 years. As Congress and others plow through the materials from Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J, all those who lost loved ones should be checking their batch number to see where it shows up in that data. My hunch is the findings would lead to an EXTENSIVE ANALYSIS through the FOIA on the various batch numbers with the greatest number of adverse incidents. Hearings would need to include why the vaccine rollout continued since they had to know this was going on and it was hidden from the public.

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Your lawyer might have saved time via https://howbadismybatch.com/. My two jabs were quite low in terms of adverse effects. The fact that batches were shipped to different locations mutes any localization signals; no idea if that was the plan. Sasha has studies mfg practices and says QA is poor see https://sashalatypova.substack.com/. I heard that the FDA is not allowed - allowed?- to inspect the processes. Can't understand that.

We seem to be in a grossly managed experiment with too many officials hiding or ignoring data. Aside from great conflicts of interest and perhaps finances, I don't know why.

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Thanks. Now preparing for further evaluation Dr. Ryan Cole’s office - this info will help inform them as to the type of tests they will need to continue to provide to the American public, so thank you. If we do have a justice system in the USA worth fighting for - I believe it’s called the US Constitution - it would most certainly have to implicate, convict, and punish those behind this evil as committing FRAUD at a minimum and murder in many cases due to their proximity and knowledge. There’s clearly FRAUD here; we just have to clearly connect the dots to it - this is actually the perfect opportunity to cleanse and restore the balance of power to a federalist system over run by special interests whose influence MUST BE WEEDED OUT. BIG PHARMA is the clear culprit and perpetuator - though not all PHARMA is bad. We must take out the judicial and economic scalpels to cut out the cancer on our communities. Let us grow the frameworks to ensure that happens,

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Godspeed. The courts seem our only hope to reform our government. I do hope the Congress will see fit to reduce the huge conflicts of interest within the NIH. Amazing how we squander so many resources on those related to health care but have so little to show for those expenses. Meanwhile the Dr Atlas and Cole types are disparaged for trying to get change.

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What this means for the future of mankind is chilling - now they want to shoot all of this crap into babies and school children. Parents MUST SAY NO - our college students - millions of them. What are the long term effects?

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"Vaccines which are usually live attenuated or killed virus, or a harmless protein,"

"HARMLESS PROTEIN" being the operative word in that statement.

The spike protein of the gene juice jab is extremely toxic. Why would you use the most toxic part of a virus to create a vaccine?


Unless of course you intended to hurt and kill people.


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I knew from the summary before even reading the actual study that it would conclude with the catechism (1) "More study is needed" and (2) none of this changes that the vaccine is "safe and effective." This is the absurd, cowardly conclusion of nearly every "mainstream" study that comes up with findings suggesting vaccine harm, or increased potential for vaccine risk.

On a purely intellectual level, it is amazing how the "burden of proof" shifts depending on the finding. Find a 10% reduction of relative risk for an extremely low absolute risk outcome in a small sample group? Why then it's PROVEN this is "effective." Take a much larger group and find no benefit? Why there must be a flaw in the control group, and the study in "inconclusive." They've done this for vaccine risks, mask benefit, natural immunity, repurposed drugs, etc etc.

The same for the risk side. Find an ominous safety signal (like unexpected long half life of genetically altering treatment) well then "more study is needed" to know anything. etc etc.

And in this case, the "nothing changes that the vaccine is safe and effective" is even more obviously stitched onto the conclusion. Because after all, the study had nothing to do with effectiveness. So how can (or why would?) the authors have to add this? It's obvious. The conclusions of all these articles basically read like a hostage video.

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Does the phrase "GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER" apply here. Darn right it does!

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Dear Dr. McCullough,

1. Is the Johnson vaccine resulting in the same outcome as the other vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna)…cells instructed to indefinitely make synthetic spike protein? Friends argue Johnson is not an mRNA vaccine. I believe it is.

2. Re potential shedding…does shedding just temporarily bombard the victim w spike protein? Or does it cause the victim’s cells to start creating synthetic spike protein as well?

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The ongoing circulation of ANY FOREIGN PROTEIN (mRNA or not) is serious enough, but throw in some lipid nanoparticles & PEG (both of which can also cause some serious issues) to ensure it travels through EVERY cell membrane, is a biochemical apocalypse formula. Given there is NO 'off switch', this guarantees maximum continuous uptake, exponential risk and damage to the recipients. You could not come up with a worse biological design from a safety point of view, unless you were intending to harm as many people as possible, which appears to be the goal of the perpetrators of these biological agents.

This also explains why we are seeing a cumulative effect with every additional jab, with more liklihood of a severe adverse event or death as the toxicity increases. This is exactly what I have sadly observed clinically - most patients who escaped adverse events or had only minor reactions on the first one or two jabs, then had their significant event on booster one or two, especially with the mRNA jabs (Pfizer, Moderna). Insurance and data analysis confirms this cumulative toxicity - Josh Stirling, Insurance Research Analyst, confirms this:

"It is about a 7 per cent increase in aggregate mortality from U.S. data per dose. If you’re over the age of 50 and you took all five doses, that would be a 35 per cent increase".


Yes, I agree with many others posting here that the morbidity and mortality rates will continue to climb till this insanity is stopped, and also until we work out clinically effective proven ways to excrete all the foreign proteins/agents and repair the damage and regenerate the injured back to good health.

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This also explains why the CDC had to change the definition of a 'vaccine':

From Nov 2007 to Aug 2021, the CDC’s working definition of “vaccine” was: “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from the disease". (Clearly none of the CV-19 agents fit that definition)

The NEW definition, which weirdly can be found under the title “Vaccine Basics” on the CDC’s BAM! Body and Mind webpage, a classroom resource for teachers, became:

“A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”

I wonder what other biological agents they have in mind to fit their NEW definition????

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If you want to test the shedding theory I believe that after my 2nd shot and started having my adverse reactions I heartbrokenly effected my then 4 year old daughter who ended up in the ER 15 days later and who has been sick off and on for the past 19 months. In fact she even got the EBV that the vaccine reawakened in me at least 6 months after my second shot. I don’t know how to help her or myself but I am willing to try anything to get her and myself better. I let my elderly parents convince me to get the stupid thing to protect them and I would have NEVER done it IF I had known I could ever hurt my child. I knew it was a bad idea but I was trying to protect them. If anyone knows of any studies that are looking into shedding please contact me! Thank you Dr McCullough 🙏🏻

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In the sentence, “A report from Castruita…found mRNA …circulating in the blood for 30 days, which is as long as they had after injection”. What does the last phrase mean?

Thank you.

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On a side note: Columbia University sent out an email yesterday to the university community saying they will end their vax mandate May 11 when the US’s “health emergency” is “planned” to end.

I’m guessing other colleges who have held out this long will do the same.

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Dear Dr. McCullough,

If a friend of mine wanted to get tested to see if spike protein is still being created by his cells, and if spike protein is still in his testes, or elsewhere, is there researcher who could conduct such a test? If so, how could we arrange it? Thank you.

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