I guess this is what the CDC calls "mild" myocarditis?

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Unless you held to your intuition where there is risk there must be choice.

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Since damage to heart muscle tissues due to myocarditis is effectively irreversible, one wonders how the 20% in the cohort were shown to have resolved on later MRI imaging? That the 80% did not resolve is beyond troubling, and for these young people it is life-altering, follow up data are needed though the prognosis is not good unfortunately.

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The inflammation had subsided. The scars remain. I suspect we all have some scarring from various insults of life but tolerated reasonably well. The accumulation and degree of scarring is problematic. Continued inflammation implies scars aren't healing or there is a continuing process. Not an expert, just my opinion.

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Thank you for sticking to medical/science issues and your area of expertise! It is disappointing to see doctors and scientists not sticking to what they know best!

I was saddened to see you join a California Health Advisory Board…why? Newsome and his communist/socialist health and human service pals have that state locked down TIGHT!

I was also saddened because there appears to be NO Freedom Movement across the board!

I was hoping you would take the lead with other Leaders for ALL the country after 3 long years of war against The People! Distractions and division is all I see…

My general message today for you and all because I am thoroughly saddened and disgusted…

At this LATE date…I do not get it! You ALL have a full blown maniacal Communist Regime crushing America…

How come everyone is NOT focused on the BIG picture?

1. Future elections that do NOT matter because there is NO accountability, courts shutting down our voices in over 70 election fraud cases?WHY? Is it because our law/Justice system follows and teaches British Common Law instead of Constitutional Law since 1946?

2. Wide OPEN borders with NO accountability, many good border agents understandably quitting!

The Federal government has only ONE primary duty, and that is to protect the USA from foreign invasion, and defend the American Citizens from all enemies, foreign and domestic! It has NO other foundational purpose or duty! Isn’t your entire government run by enemies…foreign and domestic agents?

3. Continuing COVID issues with absolutely NO accountability. What is being done about healthcare workers with FAKE credentials working in your hospitals? Unsafe?

4. NO visible Freedom Movement because there is NO unity of The People! Shameful and disgusting after 3 long years of war against us by our government with staggering economic and health damage!

5. America falls…the entire world falls into darkness!


Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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The Health Advisory Board is for Children's Health Defense, run by Robert Kennedy Jr. It has nothing to do with Gavin Newsome, although it may oppose some of his moves.

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As human beings, we do not have the luxury of trying to get one M RNA, or DNA product banned at a time. There are hundreds of mRNA and DNA products in the pipeline to be administered to livestock or human beings in the very near future. We need to ban all MRNA and DNA products and the platforms that deliver them until this whole mess can be investigated. https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/now-is-the-time-for-a-ban-on-all

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Very disHEARTening results!

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This is very concerning. Could the production of nitric oxide assist in repairing the heart?

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Youtube's MedCram doctor Roger Sehult had claimed similar was a possible observation from unvaccinated as implied above; ". .antibodies to spike (S) protein but not to nucleocapsid (N) protein and negative nasopharyngeal swab..".

Unfortunately I can no longer find the MedCram episode making that claim. Perhaps he retracted the episode and/or the research papers he cited were also withdrawn.

It's very concerning that long term inflammatory cardia effects are possible due to the prolongation of mRNA, not breaking down and continuing production of spkike protein.

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Chilling. How to influence the pediatricians and internists? They are still flying in tight flocks.

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If a young male child [ or female] ... was vaxxed .... but did NOT show any adverse symptoms ... are they in the clear ..??.. ie; Can there be long-lasting - but silent - reactions ..??.. Should all vaxxed kids be evaluated with specific tests to determine any issues. ..??..

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From various articles put out on different substacks, teens and young adults are dying suddenly, some apparently with absolutely no symptoms until they suddenly drop to the ground.

So, based on that, it seems that for some percentage of people, feeling ok doesn’t mean they’re in the clear.

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I agree with Steve - who knows? So if you have a loved one that was vaxed I'd do the testing necessary to rule out myocarditis.

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Gandolimium contrast in MRI’s can be highly toxic!! Heart damage complicated by poisoning!!

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How do we find cardiologists who are open minded?

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Need to research for 'integrated cardiologists' ... can also ask your local compounding pharmacy if they are aware of any in your area. There are some who have taken extra training to become more 'functionally' minded and are able to practice in a more 'integrated' way.

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Considering the ability of xylitol to interfere with viral adherence, and possibly replication, as well as dampen inflammation could we get some of these cardiologists to see what IV xylitol does for this condition? Might have to do that in Europe where it's available.

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Thinking more on this topic ... wouldn't it be a very important - and beneficial - study to monitor all these kids that were vaxxed --- for the next 5-10-15-20yrs ..??.. Need to develop a 'study protocol' with specific measurable indicators so that parents and society as a whole can be kept informed. Are NIH grants given for studies like this ... ??..

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Think of the numbers we are talking about since thousands of college kids took the shot. Criminal

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Thank you Dr. McCollough for everything you have done to help people and share your knowledge! Dr. James Hill, MD wrote recently on his substack that you were leaning towards calling for amnesty for those involved with the shot. Is this true? I thought your position was absolutely no amnesty. Hav e you seen his articles on the Israeli intelligence colluding with the US on making this deadly vaccine?

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I have Hereditary Spherocytosis (that causes Red Cell Osmotic Fragility) and Howell-Jolly Bodies on my Pheripheral Smear. I haven't had a Poison Death Shot. If I get Spikes from someone else or from food, will my Red Cells have any Resistance to Spikes?

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