The costs will be pushed off onto those (citizens/taxpayers) who don't support this radical change. If someone has to pay for a service or product themselves, then they will consider whether it is worth it, i.e., opportunity costs. Sort of like the cost of university-education has risen dramatically once financial loans (Federal) became available.

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A horrifying confirmation that our government seeks to destroy society to strengthen its own power.

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This is not healthcare. It's crime.

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Someone has to shine a light on this insanity.

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Excellent analysis. The transgender FAD is driven by taxpayer money. This is a huge and growing business.

We need a Hyde Amendment equivalent.


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Give me a damn break! My husband considered surgery to correct a deviated septum a few years back because he snores and often is pretty congested. THAT was considered elective! But you can choose to do this kind of nonsense and have society pay for it?!

Whatever happened to the valor of learning to accept your natural self and make the most of the hand you were dealt?

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Sorry fellas, if you want to be a woman, the penis has got to go

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Thanks for highlighting this!People generally don’t think about this critical piece of the debate. With lots of available money, there’s more promotion and less hesitation! A successful, budding industry!😖

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I think many taxpayers would be cut up to hear about this!

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Another form of massive wealth transfer from taxpayers to the pharma-medical industrial complex. Human bodies are the last frontier if predatory capitalism. In every way possible, our bodies and the bodies of children are being exploited for profit from abortions, to pregnancy and childbirth, to diseases created by industry to drugs and chemicals in food, air and water and then our body parts after death.

Capitalism is a ghoulish economic system that acts as a parasite wherever it discovers a host. It doesn't care about morality or dignity or basic human decency and the sacredness of life. It perpetuates and enables all sorts of evil. It is diabolical. It reshapes civilization into a monstrous entity consuming al that lives into dead matter leaving behind a wasteland. Look around. It's eating us alive just as effectively as communism.

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Thank you for this. I agree that this surgery should not be funded by public money. Few people wanting the surgery are suffering from actual gender dysphoria, a rare condition, but are victims of a social contagion. I am sure most everyone reading this would agree.

If one is curious about the number of people seeking funding for top surgery (terrible term) via Go Fund Me, plug in the URL below. Currently, that number is about 12,000; most are in the U.S.

Abigail Shrier, in her excellent book "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters," provided the reference in her footnotes.


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Here is the obvious end result: anyone with private insurance will be paying higher premiums. “Gender Dysphoria” is not a disease process requiring a surgery, it is an elective surgery, just like breast implants and rhinoplasty. Patients who electively get plastic surgery pay cash unless it is a cleft lip which insurance will pay for. So by spreading lies that a “man can become a woman” or vice versa and demanding “gender care”, the medical community is forcing ALL Americans to be on the hook for the costs. This is not just the surgeries which are around $100,000 when all is considered, but life long injections of dangerous drugs. Also these patients have 19 times the incidence of suicide attempts. Looking down the road, I do not expect the majority of them to be gainfully employed, so we better also consider the expense of putting young people on disability as if Social Security wasn’t already in trouble. So the left wing created a problem and as usual, has no plan on how to deal with it.

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ACA would not exist if not for Roberts of SCOTUS going along with the nonsense.

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It would appear that the numbers don't add up. 82.1% masculinizing and 27.9% feminizing = 110%. ?

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O’s transformation of America, same as taxpayers paying for abortion via health insurance; kill the babies, mutilate those who live. Disgusting & Evil. I despise this degrading crap.

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How can good ever triumph over evil when evil plans so many years in advance, with a few strokes of a pen, to destroy the innocence, beauty, and joy of youth?

For the brutal truth about these godforsaken surgeries, watch this video from WHF (What's Her Face). Heartbreaking.


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Sadly, the people who SHOULD watch this won't. This issue has become so polarized, propagandized and censored, that tens of thousands or more adolescents will suffer the horrific fate by the time the house of cards comes crashing down. I've been kicked off FB, Twitter, Medium for merely suggesting that these people might simply be mentally ill. Anyone I speak to shuts me down or threatens me. One of my best girlfriends got caught up in the gender cult at 45 years old and lost her children, husband and home. It was heartbreaking to watch. These people pushing it are pure evil.

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