May God be merciful and enable these men to deconstruct these deceptive sacred cows asap.

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You could say that God has been merciful today in the UK as both the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and Gary Lineker are gone.

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Please elaborate.

Who are these characters? What have they done making it a blessing for them to be gone. Where did they go?

Honestly, really wish to know.

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For many months now we have followed the money and the patents and the "flow" of information and processes leading up to the beginning of the Covid-19 debacle --- knowing that there was a missing piece. 

We knew, and any astute observer should know, that the World Health Organization and the WHO, Inc. shadow affiliate were not in fact the beginning nor the end of the problem.  

The actual problem is NATO, but that was a very closely guarded secret until this past week, when the Dutch Government officially exposed it. 


It was in fact a military operation and illegal Act of War by NATO against civilian populations worldwide. 

Read that again. 

Our health system has been weaponized since the Civil War. 

A distinction was made between private physicians and "medical doctors".  Medical doctors were licensed to act as "uniformed officers" as shown in Federal Code Titles 8, 11, and 31.  As such our doctors became conscripts under the control of the foreign British Territorial Corporation, and subject to its demands. 

A so-called "civilian military force" was born.  

This system was continued and expanded under the FDR Administration and the institutionalization of the American Medical Association (AMA). Our doctors, registered nurses, dentists, and other health professionals were thus subjected to the demands of foreign commercial corporations, and our health care was weaponized by and used to profit these corporations. 

In plain terms, they've used our doctors, nurses, and dentists as soldiers for a long time, but we have been unaware of this and have continued to innocently view them as trusted and trustworthy health care professionals --- when, as a group, they are not free to uphold their own professional standards and personal conscience.  

As a group, the medical and health care professionals are civilians who have been press-ganged and forced into "civilian military service" by a process of licensure. 

If they don't obey, they lose their license, so they are forced to do what the evil corporations responsible for all this tell them to do. 

They are subject to an unseen conflict of interest, and because it is unseen, they have been forced to operate as clandestine mercenary soldiers without the public knowing any of this and without suspecting them of any conflict of interest. 

This is how NATO engineered, caused, commanded, implemented, and executed a clandestined Act of War against civilian populations worldwide. 

In each country, the playbook was the same.  Licensed medical professionals were given a choice -- either inject and sell this shit, and get a nice kickback, or lose your license to practice medicine. 

The hospitals and hospital administrators were placed under a similar carrot v stick scenario by the same evil and out of control quasi-military "treaty" organization, operating in multiple countries at the same time.  Remember that hospitals are "licensed", too. 

As for the vaccines themselves, this is not the first time that they have been adulterated and deployed and resulted in devastating damage to civilian populations.  

Adulterated polio vaccine, polluted with SV40 monkey DNA which causes soft-tissue cancers, was the first major "break out" event. For a full and very knowledgeable recount of how over a hundred million people were injected with a "vaccine" known to cause cancer, and how that "mistake" has been repeated and expanded upon with Covid 19 --- listen up:

"Decentralized Medicine |Jack Kruse | Assembly 2023" 



The polio vaccine given to children in this country up until circa 1956 was adulterated with SV40 Monkey DNA which causes soft tissue cancers.  This was covered up by the politicians and doctors and researchers responsible, and this same "mistake" was repeated in the Covid 19 vaccine.  To which we say: 

Mistakes Were Not Made

The SV40 polio vaccine scandal was buried to prevent liability for the vaccine industry.  They knew what they had done.  They knew that a huge spike in cancer cases was coming.  They knew why.  And they did nothing but gin up a multi-billion cancer research and cancer treatment industry to bilk the victims and their insurance companies.  That was their response. 

What do you think their response will be to the new and even larger spike in cancers caused by continued SV40 adulteration of the mRNA vaccines?  

They are trying to cover it up, of course.  They are denying the FACT that Kevin McKiernan found massive pollution of the mRNA vaccines with the same SV40 Monkey DNA; they have been trying to twist and spin.... but then, Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults confirmed it, and it was independently confirmed again: 






They are endangering us all and killing us slowly for profit. 

The same foreign commercial corporations that commandeered our healthcare professionals for use and abuse as "civilian military" officers, created NATO, and now, have used NATO to pull off this gigantic genocide and deployment of cancer and other disease causing agents throughout the general population. 

These corporations and organizations have to be dismembered and defunded without further adieu; and NATO has strayed so far from its stated mission that we must regard the "North Atlantic Treaty" as a whole voided and defaulted.

This is not a defense issue.  This is an offense, an Act of War, against innocent civilian populations, resulting in mass and continuing genocide. 

Everyone who promoted and enforced the Covid 19 injections and protocols is a criminal by fiat.  The government corporations that are  members of NATO are criminal by definition.  

It's up to the rest of us to determine what we are going to do about it. 

Let's begin by sharing this information with everyone we know in every corner of the Earth.  Let's follow up with letters to Trump, RFK, Jr., the State of State Surgeon Generals, and everyone else.  

Then we repeal the Bayh-Dole Act that allows researchers including those whose research is paid for by the "government" corporations to profit from patenting their discoveries -- one of the principal ways that medicine in this country has been turned into a for-profit industry. 

We are pleased that the WHO Medical Tyranny Treaty has run aground and failed.  It needs to fail its way into history as yet another Bad Idea soundly defeated by the common sense of millions of people who, among other things, don't want unelected bureaucrats using the coercive powers of government to dictate their health choices. 

Nor do we want self-interested healthcare corporations secretly promoting disease in order to profit themselves, which has clearly been going on here ever since the Polio Vaccines were found to be polluted.  

There is a reason that our Federal Constitutions -- all three of them -- don't mention a word about health, public or otherwise.   Health is a private matter and it needs to remain so.  

NATO needs to be disbanded; it has been endlessly dishonorable, and in the current instance, criminal, in word and deed.  That a membership organization of corporations (NATO) has been allowed to commit Acts of War against civilian populations is outrageous; that the Perpetrators should escape unscathed behind a corporate veil is unthinkable. 

Any corporate veil covering NATO's rump needs to be removed and full liability invoked. 

The Bayh-Dole Act needs to be repealed. 

Covid 19 vaccines need to be withdrawn from the market, immediately if not sooner, and all insurance companies need to be informed of the research findings, so that they begin fighting back. 

The banks that have been funding all this criminality need to be tied down and excoriated in public and fined into oblivion.   

The practice of licensing healthcare professionals for purposes of coercion and forced duty assignments as members of any "civilian military" must be stopped, and the foreign guild system imposed by the American Medical Association must be destroyed.

The politicians that have allowed this and who counted their obligation to make profit higher than their obligation to the living people of this planet need to be arrested, tried for their crimes, and executed along with the NATO Generals who gave the orders. 

Especially those members of the U.S. Congress who promoted mandatory injections for the Public, but exempted themselves and their families need to be forcibly injected and then hung in public, as these individuals have demonstrated their premeditated criminal intent to profit from the suffering and death of others. 

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Something! Need to be put clearly. Loudly. Permanently. into the Constitutions, with much detail, that no one can force any medical treatment into anyone.

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This situation originates for higher in the Hierarchy than the NATO NETWORK...Although, there is no doubt the operation was implemented by it and poisons distributed through tentacles creating an International Crime Syndicate.


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Its horrendous. And we need to be very alert.Yet. Regardless what tricks, what crime, what evil. What trials. We can rest that Jesus is still our Savior and No man can ever take that away. He is The Leader and Completer. The Alpha and

Omega. And No man cometh

unto the Father except by Him. And He is coming soon!

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Just FYI, RFKjr said last night he would not touch vaccines, and supports vaccines.

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WOW! Well Said!!!🙌

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Spot on.

We are coming into our own guillotine moment, a day of reckoning that won’t readily be forgotten and dismissed by the new leadership that will develop after the old leadership has been dispatched.

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I’d be very happy to no longer be involved with UN, NATO, CDC, and a whole host of other “lettered” agencies and organizations and destroy the FED. They are corrupt and do not have the best interest of humanity as a whole in mind. God help us to be free!

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check out a you tube video by dr john campbell..new global health body

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Will Kennedy even get a position in the Trump administration? If he does, will that position have any power to do anything?

Probably not wise to get ahead of events on this. It would not be the first time in history that Trump has not delivered on a "promise".

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Health and human services secretary is the plan I believe. Follow RFK jr to see what he is saying about that.

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Are you serious? Would RFK Jr. even be a blip on the screen if not for the MAGA conservative movement that got behind President Trump. I assure you Trump knows his base and they will not be denied.

My Boomer generation and their offspring have been insidiously propagandized over six decades with tandem demoralization and censorship since the first Boomer was born into the fertile soil of freedom and security Post WWII. That became the planting fields for the 8% of the academically inclined university Boomer of the 1960’s, the clever “chosen”, academic Marxian and Fascist idealist that has lead to today. You know all the names but still think Trump is the orange Ogre they “painted for you 24/7 for nine years.

If you want perfection keep going with the “democratic” mob democracy that the Founders of this Constitutional Republic warned about. The small insular 8% that can capture media to convince the electorate that will naively destroy themselves, convinced they are not the tyrants. You want absolute expert academic perfection that absolutely corrupts, take more Jabs and blame the villain they painted for you.

I know you from the tulmultuous 1960’s, the one who watched your neighbors “Johnny” march off to war and when you see the snap shots and sound bites and the war goes sideways you blame Johnny.

Take your TDS meds regularly, the real doctor says they work better.

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He’ll be an absolutely sensational leader in that space. Can’t wait to see what he does Cb.

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The reason Obama didn't activate Budapest Memorandum defense of Ukraine was because he got caught red-handed fomenting a coup:


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Great analysis preceded by a photo of two of the world's emptiest, scummiest necrophiliacs (bedfellows perhaps?).

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It is my belief that, perhaps, Trump can be successful in defeating both of these. What I’ve read about Gorbachev was that he expected to be embraced into Europe and the west once the Soviet Union was dissolved. However, the powers that be wanted Russia to remain the bogeyman so that NATO had a purpose for its existence. Therefore, he was rebuffed. Think of how great the world would be if they had been accepted. NATO would be gone, there would be peace between Russia and Ukraine and we’d have another nation as a potential ally.

As far as repealing the vaccine liability law, I think it will happen. The pharmaceutical industrial complex overplayed its hand with the Covid vaccine. More and more information has been disseminated to the public, and they’re mad as hell. If what we are reading in books such as RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci and Turtles All the Way Down plus all of the literature on Substacks, it has to go down. I am praying for both to happen. God bless Trump, Vance and Kennedy and keep them safe!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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There was talk of a peace dividend. The squandering, in fact destruction, of a glorious opportunity for a better world for everyone is beyond description, though evil seems appropriate enough.

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I do believe they must and will. NATO is entirely the arm of the U.S. and just as deadly as the WHO. Let's not forget the position taken by the Bar association of India about the WHO and ivermectin. They were sited for 'CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY" for two reasons: 1) failing to confirm that ivermectin was in the "home medicine kits" that were distributed to every household in Uttar Pradesh, which ended the pandemic - during the Delta variant, in less than 3 months time. 2) They also failed to deliver ivermectin to every country on the planet. Their former research analyst Dr. Tess Lawrie, when asked to review possible treatments for Covid before a vaccine could be completed - very early on - her recommendation was to send ivermectin to everyone around the globe to end the pandemic. They ignored her recommendation. The scientific information was repeatedly sent to the WHO by multiple sources as well as to each of our federal public health agencies. Everyone ignored it. IF an acceptable treatment had been found, they would not have been able to secure the EUA for the vaccines. The was the beginning of the end for any chance to save millions of millions of people from Covid but it launched the mRNA platform. What a horrifying price we paid for a platform that failed, for over a decade to produce a safe and effective vaccine. And after billions of dollars spent and lives lost - they're no closer to a safe and effective platform.

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Covid was a complete scam. It was nothing but a fabrication, a tool used to get the vaccines into the arms of the entire world. The deaths attributed to Covid were nearly all avoidable with proper treatment, which could have been largely outpatient treatment. The hospital deaths attributed to Covid were mostly hospital murder protocols against the unvaccinated and the elderly and vulnerable. Sedatives + Remdesivir + Ventiator + Starvatiion/dehydration = death with a hospital bonus. They were not deaths due to Covid although that’s what they were attributed to, by design. They needed to greatly inflate the COVID death counts as an inducement for people to get vaccinated. It was the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated in the history of the world.

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I praise you for your narrative.

I traveled to Brasil shortly after the nonsense commenced in the US. Consultation with a local female physician, Yale trained MD,MPH. I tested negative to get on the plane. She tested me upon arrival. Negative. Been on Ivermectin prophylaxis ever since. Over the counter medicine here. Very inexpensive and widely available at any pharmacy.


"I would like some Ivermectin please."


" Very pleased to assist you. How much would you like?"


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There is a reason Jeffrey Sachs said recently, "No one should trust the Americans!" Not one inch east of Germany! Right. Guess how many NATO countries today are east of Germany. A Baker's Dozen.

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Hope so!!

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ANSWER: NO THEY WILL NOT. Both are part of the whole plan to enslave humanity with transhumanism.

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They will be lucky to make it through a term. What may come from their time will be an "outing" of the controllers..... off planet beings that are now willing to make themselves known.... not in a positive way!

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Trump for some reason has never disavowed Operation Warp Speed. I don’t know why. I suspect if Kennedy pushes too hard he may be gone and Trump may turn on him.

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I wish they do it because vaccine are the worth existing in the earth, when you know the base of every vaccine and what we inject inside our bodies, you will be scared!! I still remember an article inside a medical review, who was explained that if you inject to an animal a vaccine base in human fetus, he will die immediately after injection or during the next few hours. And when you know they base for decade all the vaccine by fetus of chicken, cow, pigs, and recently with human placenta call, and spike protein, and so many adjuvant inside =, like aluminum who create neurological damage and who it s proof, are involved with Alzheimer and many others diseases. After concerning the NATO, I am sure less people know that all the chief from NATO were Nazis and all the chiefs after the first one were Nazis too. If you want to search by yourself (it's better) do it, I had this information from a source who work inside the BND in Germany.

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Just the fact that all of us know what you're talking about says a lot

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As Abbie Hoffman remarked, "Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger"

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Unless you live in India. They’ll kick your a** if you snarf a burger!

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