Yes, and if somehow Putin fails to be their boogey man, there’s always the war in the Middle East to ignite.

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It is the deepest of ironies that US and Russian permanent status on UN Security Council incentivizes war-for-profit whenever without repercussion. Same for China, France, and UK.

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Gotta create the boogie man first....in order to beat one up in the name of liberty and freedom .

Like all those nations we liberated from all those evil

ones we gave all that arms money to to begin with. 😈

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They just got to keep the war, armaments military gravy train rolling.

After all there is no money to be made from peace.

Putin tried several times to broker peace talks but he was blocked at every step.

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I lay the war in Ukraine at Joe Biden's stumbling and shuffling feet.

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More accurately perhaps the blame is on Obama's aggression years ago.

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Obama, Victoria Nuland, NATO, Soros, et al ran the coup that overthrew the elected pro-Russian government of Ukraine in 2014. As even the New York Times just admitted in the last week, the CIA was there from day one.

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Or perhaps the blame is on Obama's nefarious actions years ago. 😀

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Obama's pulling Biden's strings. He cannot find his way to the lecturn without guidance!

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Would love to know all the reasons why Russia became the enemy after WWII when they were our allies against Hitler. the US has their hands in so many illegal wars and regime change, but constantly with 'Russia is the enemy'. I know the US needs an object to keep fear going, and clearly the MIC, but it's unbelievable really. Can the US just be content with NOT causing issues in the world??? Is this really all about the US et al against Russia and China? God I wish I knew what the real truth is regarding our horrible foreign policy.

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Lots of us would be happy to offer up our *opinion* of the real reasons. Russia was the enemy until Germany attacked them. At that point we needed Russia to defeat Germany so they became the "good guys" until Germany was defeated. It's all stupidity! Dumb humans making excuses to kill each other.

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Um, no, it's the GREG B.'s, the Global Ruling Elites & Global Bansters, pulling the puppet strings of the MIC - Military Industrial Complex, through "world leaders", like Biden AND Trump, Putin & Zelensky, Netanyahu&Hamas, etc.,....

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This is really impressive Bill Bradford....you summed up the horrifying merry-go-round that comprises the layers of malfeasance now profiting from war, disease and poverty. You left out the "doctors" who really just push drugs for Pharma---Pharma being a branch of the Global Elites, I suppose.

Human beings are better than this. Why are these monsters running our world and what can we do about it?

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Psychiatry is a pseudoscience drug racket and social control mechanism. It's 21st Century Phrenology, with potent neurotoxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, FAR MORE HARM than good. So-called "mental illnesses" are exactly as real as presents from Santa Claus, but NOT more real. The DSM-5 is a catalog of billing codes. // Why? Why are these monsters running our world? Why ask why? Why not? Who cares? What difference does it make why? They just are, ok? LOL! // And, what we can we DO about it? Besides THIS? Visit:


Read, research, study, write, share, pray, smile, relax, do yoga, love your neighbor, but avoid that dangerous crazy guy! And, be careful, be forewarned.... The evil is deeper, older, and more pervasive than you want to know.....Do NOT underestimate the power of faith, hope, and prayer....Their power LIES in your fear and obedience.... Hope this helps, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK....

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The only reason Russia became an allie during ww2, was that Germany attacked Russia, remember Hitler had signed a agreement with Russia earlier on, that would have made Russia and Germany aligned together.

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Not clear your point. Please to be more explicit. Seems you mean that the Russians, going back 60 years, have been our implacable enemies? Always were, still are? Is that your position?

Honestly, I react to your posts because they are simplistic narrative talking points I expect to hear, more beautifully spoken, from my friends at the US state department or the bastion of truth the NYT. So I react.

If you are actually a live human being, free on the earth, and believe in the simplistic cartoon version of history you show in this thread, well Im sorry I doubted.

Perhaps we are aligned, that is we would agree the CDC are pretty much corrupted and the jabs are unsafe and ineffective. That would be my minimum to consider you an ally. How it is.

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Yes, Russians are enemies, their cruel domination of the satellite countries for decades, their invasions of sovereign countries, the Ukraine invasion where they target civilians, rape, torture, murder, even though the United States isn't directly involved, we've always stood up for the victims of crimes against humanity

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I'd be inclined to also say again that there really isn't any good and evil in wars. It's all evil. {grin}

Politicians (national leaders and those controlling them) push their agendas and often they choose a war as the best way to push their agenda. So the common people always lose. The leaders alliances are very slippery and change on a whim depending on what is viewed as best for them at the moment.

If you look at any war, the official "triggering event" usually has a long history of previous insults that led to that event. So the aggressor depends on at what point in time you choose to analyze the situation.

Did World War II start when the Japanese invaded China in 1937? Or was it 1931 and the Mukden incident (was China at fault?)? Or when Germany annexed Austria? Or when Germany annexed the Sudentenland? Or the rest of Czechoslovakia? Or was it due to the end of World War I when these territories were taken from Germany? Or was it the invasion of Poland? Or was it the British and French declaration of war? Or in the naive USA viewpoint was it Pearl Harbor? (or from the Japanese viewpoint the USA embargoes before Pearl Harbor?)

It gets very fuzzy, very quickly!

So who is the enemy? Whomever the politicians wish to blame!

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Brilliant! All of the above - nothing but hungry

Ghosts running their bewildered populations into the ground!!

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The atrocities committed by Lenin and Stalin are well known. Khrushchev's saber rattling didn't help. The United States was always opposed to the brutal Russian dictators and their equally brutal domination of the subjugated satellite countries. We're always opposed to brutal tyrants taking away the freedoms of innocent people and keeping them locked up behind walls, (Berlin). Even today, Putin is a dictator, the so called election is a scam, he murders his political opponents.

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Go to Russia - ask the people - they don't want war - they would like to engage co-operatively with Westerners - not military industrialists and covernly politicians. - they are not stupid! But lately they feel threatened - I wonder why?

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Yet some polling indicates they support Putin? Propaganda? Lies?

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Oh please all ready. You sound like cnn in a hurry. Commies bad, 'beacon of light for the world' US good.

It would be nice it were so simple. Its not.

Who are you? Odd you literally relay the talking points MSM re Russia? What are your views on the jab? Were they safe? Were they effective?

I ask because while I dont expect to agree with my allies on even half what they might believe, its odd to run into someone so fully in tune with MSM views on Ukraine. So I ask your views on an area of focus this substack. Were the jabs safe? Were they effective? Should we stop them? etc. Some things are key. Ukraine is not, jabs are. My view.

I post because looking this thread you are working pretty hard to get a view out there.

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One expert estimate is 110 million killed by communist democide from 1900 to 1987, so STFU about commies are the good guys. 17 million have been killed by the jabs, and it continues today, those who falsely claimed "safe and effective" when they knew it was a lie, they should all be prosecuted and jailed.

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I apologise for even bringing it up. I see we are aligned on other more important matters (my view). Peace

If we met at a freedom convoy or jab protest we'd find we are allies. With sharp differences about some stuff, re current events Ukraine. We would be aligned on the pyschopathic brutality of Stalin and the Soviet regime.

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'he murders his political opponents'. how much do we really know about Putin? I think the US kills opponents too. i also think our CIA kills leaders all around the world for 'democracy'. We need to stop looking at US = good, everyone else = 'bad'. It's unintelligent and untruthful. Who is actually dictating? The US via army intelligence, CIA and Navy intelligence bully the world into submission and Russia seems to be the patsy in a lot of our crimes. I don't pretend to know much about the world, but it seems to me that they are all a bunch of liars and thieves trying to get their way for one reason or another. it does seem like Putin is more protectionist though, and the US instigating and meddling everywhere.

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If it isn't Putin himself murdering all his political opponents, then who else would it be? Putin has succeeded to kill 500,000 people with his illegal Ukraine war, so we know that he's a homicidal maniac, megalomanic, with delusions of grandeur to rebuild the USSR. He's KGB, a thug murdering psychopath. All that we know. The US has killed some who we were at war with, and much of it was in our self defense, while Putin kills his fellow Russians.

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So you say...or so others say. Not trying to defend Putin, but much has been propagandized. That at least you must admit to. And the US has been in and has started illegal wars as well as been privy to and instigated murders of their own. To think you think the US only acts in self defense. Wha?? Thats just kinda funny. You have to be kidding. Just look at COVID. Our leaders have much blood on their hands.

if Putin going to war in Ukraine is illegal, what exactly IS legal war??? Highly self-righteous is that comment. A leader has a right to defend themselves and he clearly thinks that is what he is doing, and by many accounts, that IS what he is doing.

Either way, to draw such black and white lines regarding Putin is untruthful. The US regime....look at what is going on in our country right now!?!? Self defense my a$$. We are in full on war with our govt right now and the propaganda and atrocities HERE completely negate what you say. Our govt is not our ally until we get these global elites from controlling it. At least Putin isn't anyones puppet. And how may wars has Putin started? Seriously.....And again, I am not defending him, but perspective is important in this discussion. The US are bullies across the world using their corporate and political might to thrust their ideology while scooping up resources. Ahhh...democracy.

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Untruthful is a lot of what you're saying. Putin "defending Russia against Ukraine" ?? Since when did Ukraine attack and invade Russia, and why would they? Some of our war efforts have been misguided, but they were defensive, Iraq was the WMD threat, Afghanistan was reacting to 9/11, even Vietnam was defending the South Vietnamese from aggression of the North. There probably isn't a definition of a legal VS illegal war, but the United States hasn't invaded another sovereign country to take it over and subjugate it to our rule like Putin is trying to do. Putin had nothing to fear from Ukraine, he's only killed 500,000 people by being stupid. Please name one instance of the United States "scooping up" another countries resources. The only "ideology" thrust on another country was when we set up the Japanese government after WW2. What's going on in our country between the American citizens and the government is the Democrats trying to install Marxism and their one party state. Their plan is to replace the Caucasian Christians with illegals who will vote Democrat for life to get lifetime free everything while bankrupting the country. All of that is another issue and problem.

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Here's the latest for Putin being brilliant, threatening the world with nuclear holocaust, and for what end?

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Read my post please.

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Washington never accepted the fact that the Russian contribution to the success over the NAZIs far exceeded that of the US. The US military hierarchy was/is deeply disappointed that they did not get to Berlin before the Russians and so the Cold War began. What is not widely known today is that the Russian Army occupied Austria and Vienna but withdrew in favor of an Allied Occupation Force in 1945.

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The CIA always has a couple of wars in the pipeline. If one fails - no problem - they will find or create another one.

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Is this from China Daily or the Socialist Worker?

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The west has lied through their teeth about NATO expansion for decades. They even rejected Russias overtures to join NATO FOUR times!

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The only reason for NATO to exist is to deter Russian aggression. Why would they admit them to membership?

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Hi Duane, Russia has a very long border with Europe, and in many ways they’re an extension of Europe and it’s culture. Putin lived in Germany for many years and admits to loving their culture and admiring their creativity. Prior to the conflict, Russia had massive trade with Europe, and its citizens holidayed here each year. I know because I’ve met them. They’re amazing people. It doesn’t make any sense to suddenly put an end to all the prosperity, cohesion and goodwill, and in the blink of an eye too. There is so much more to this than anyone knows. A quick thought exercise…”who benefits”. I could be wrong, we’ll see in time I guess.

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What would be the cause of "putting an end to all the prosperity, cohesion, and goodwill"???? What put an end to this is the illegal Russian invasion, that's what. Ukraine wanting to join the EU is for their betterment, and the considerably better trade other than Russia makes sense. You paint a rosy picture of joy between Russia and Europe, but Russians still remember the German invasion of WW2 and the resulting thousands of deaths, Ukraine still remembers the Holodomor in the 1930's when Stalin starved to death 3.9 million Ukrainians. Most of Ukraine even before the war, highly resented the Russian domination.

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Oh, and Stalin, etc. were the USSR. That no longer exists. We are dealing with Russia.

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You mean the Russia that just sent 100,000 troops in and bombed Kiiv and continues to annihilate Ukrainians. As an MD you would know paranoia.

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And if Zelensky had the means, he would bomb Moscow.

Explain to me why Russia invaded Ukraine on Obama’s watch and now on Biden’s watch—OK trick question, I know—who knows whose watch it is now, it certainly isn’t Biden calling the shots (or I hope not, but that may explain a lot.)

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Since we now know that the CIA per the NYT (& others—Lord forgive me for citing the NYT as a reliable source, but even a stopped…) orchestrated a coup in Ukraine, ousting a legitimate pro Russian government, dozens of bio weapons labs, and rampant corruption & money laundering, I am skeptical of any attempt to put all the blame on Putin: I do think that Biden has some blood on his hands, trying to protect his 10% for the big guy, not to mention the web of bio weapon labs that Fauci is complicit in. Putin is no angel, but Pogo’s assessment from ~1961 I think is over target: ‘We have met the enemy and it is us.’

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Most of what you're saying is mostly true. But, "tip of the iceberg", as far as the TRUTH.... just sayin....

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Follow the money. Nothing new under the sun.

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Yes, and if he didn’t exist they would need to invent him. Oh wait, they have. And there is a whole enabling gift-basket of enemies the U.S. can bomb, through NATO, or independently. War is good business!

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Oh my goodness! How true! Thank you for this insight!

Great job on you substacks, generally, John. I love reading them.

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Putin can stand for now, but the Western clown world can gaslight anyone.

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No wonder Donald Trump told the Europeans to step up their contribution. There is weaponry to worry about in Eastern regimes.

Russia and the US promised that Ukraine could safely give up their nuclear weapons. Didn't work out well.

After WW2 the US taxpayers set Europe up for mutually beneficial prosperity via the Marshall Plan. The Soviet Union built a wall to keep their population ignorant of the freedom and prosperity in the West. Russia began the Cold War.

Right now the US is not very warlike. The military is down in numbers and not much weaponry is being made. The real problem is from the Pacific area from a regime determined to eventually defeat America.

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You're right! They always need a BOOGEYMAN to steal our money without revolt.

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Russia is a great enemy. They were communists. They were the heart of the Soviet Union whose major flaw was defeating the mighty German Army in WWll. We all learned as children to fear communists, the Soviet Union and indirectly Russia.

Now the Soviet Union is no more and with it communism. However, no matter, hate and warmongers have forgotten the Soviet Union, but still think communism exists in Russia. Thus, Russia is a perfect enemy to convince our people that they are an existential threat worthy of nearly one trillion a year defense budget. It would appear a tough sell, but with a bought government and outright ownership of the press it’s easy.

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They have Nuclear weapons while Putin has been re-writing history to paint the West out of WW2 and restore Stalin as a great leader. Russia has been in multiple conflicts with it's neighbours and 'friends' such as Syria. In addition the Wagner group has been 'busy' in West Africa and it won't be helping to build stable and peaceful nations. While Russia is not Communist it has all the characteristics of it's long term history, which was several hundred years of Mongol rule, followed by several hundred years of autocratic Tsar rule, followed by 70 or so years of Marxist/Leninist totalitarianism. It is hard for a Leopard to change it's spots, but for the possibility of a peaceful and prosperous future for the Russian citizen, and thereby everyone else, I hope they can.

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I hope they can too. I agree with the Russian Foreign Ministry that they found that impossible with the US withdrawal from the INF treaty, coupled with the training and equipping a Ukrainian Army with intentions to placing Ukraine in NATO. As the US found Soviet missiles in Havana an existential threat and red line in 1962,Russia finds bordering a hostile country with intermediate range missiles in NATO a non negotiable threat and so warned, Russia treats Ukraine in a manner somewhat similar to our Monroe doctrine, but much less inclusive but just as seriously. Ignoring their warning, the US has found how serious the Russians

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What provoked the US to withdraw from that treaty? There have been several examples in history where treaties with tyrants end up being used as ways to abuse and humiliate the non tyrancial side. e.g. When the US tried to negotiate trade in the Med with North African Muslim countries that were capturing and enslaving US sailors. That ended after when the US attacked Tripoli and put and end to being consistently humiliated. In more recent times there was Chamberlains attempt at being reasonable with A.H. and then Stalin's Molotov / Ribbentrop pact and then the various 'treaties' 'agreements' with Sadam Husain before and after the 1st Gulf War. Some think that we are all equal and everything can be discussed and agreed upon. The reality is that it is only possible to get agreement with any tyrant if one is physically stronger - it's a biological thing. Putin has assassinated opponents in Russia and outside with 2 attempts taking place in the UK. Corbyn wouldn't condemn the Salisbury attack and tried to make out it we did it. Putin is not short of space being the President of the largest country by area on the planet, and yet under his watch Russia has invaded or meddled in just about all of his neighbours, such as Chechnya, Georgia, Dagestan and Syria, meanwhile projecting onto the West that it is the US that makes wars. There have been a lot of anti war films, often supported vigorously by the left, and culprit in most cases will be the US and the West. Meanwhile the only capitals that hold full scale military parades are all Marxist, while Marxist agitators will promote the violent overthrow of countries not yet Communist.

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Well, NATO needs a "boogeyman" it really doesn't matter who it is. We "need" to be afraid of a country that is a fraction of our military power. {facepalm}

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Russian aggression was no myth, they dominated and ran the satellite countries of their "Soviet Union" and were consistently advocating additional conquests. No wonder NATO came together. But I agree, Russia is a paper tiger, they can't even defeat Ukraine, at least not yet, but they've succeeded in killing 500,000 people in the conflict. Had Ukraine been a NATO member, there wouldn't have been a invasion

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Boogeymen are used at every level of govt. Emotional blackmail.

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Why am I a secret supporter of Putin, when I am a product of UK empire and US force.?

Something wrong there in contrast to my lineage of supporting King and Empire, old and confused in the last stages of this life in Australia.

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Taking you at face value - I would say yes, how confusing it is to be at the end of things, and pondering who was ever the good guys?

I spent decades assuming we were the just and the right (as a patriotic Canuck actually supportive of the king and empire), now I look around and huh? Objectively, factually, its not so clear who the good guys were. At any point almost. Even the only 'just war', WW2, starts to look murky you start pondering the upper level money interactions from the 30's. All we held true exposed as lies? Is that it?

Folk still hold out hope King Charles is a live human being, free on the earth. And he might be. Cancer.

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Its as obvious as the nose on your face - if Russia was admitted to NATO 20 years ago as requested then by Putin then the US and Europe would have no "enemy". And the innumerable millions of USD that has been GIVEN to the US military industrial complex could have been spent locally to develop and maintain the US national quality of life rather than witness the disastrous decline in US living standards and social harmony that we see today.

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