I'm 60 plus and very active- and dare I say, reasonably fit. My friends, fellow participants in my activities, are dropping like flies- previously strong, healthy older people suddenly coming down with a health collapse- often serious enough to have them leave the sport they love, to join the ranks of the "I used to (insert activity)" brigade and disabling old age.

When news is heard of this- I feel it's insensitive for me to point out my previous conversations about the jab- but at the same time, feel I'm being stopped from speaking out by politeness.

I think I might have found a way round- today, in conversation of yet another conversation about someone's health collapse and why it happened- I commented that "the only thing we can be 100% sure of was that it wasn't caused by the covid jabs"- to my surprise, instead of the usual denials and mocking- one previous jab fanatic replied " don't even go there"- suggesting, at least, that they are being to suspect an elephant in the room.

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No one likes to admit they fell for a con job...

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So far, the clot-shot takers I know have escaped serious damage. I am hoping they have all received the placebo clot-shots (30% in Europe and U.S. is what I've heard). But if someone I know developed a neurological disorder, I'm thinking I could say, "I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I just read about a study that showed about 30% of people who took COVID vaccines have developed neurological problems from the shots. But I've also heard there are some helpful treatments now..."

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Yes i agree BabsieP...it is still quite a banned topic. Those of us who chose not to take the "death jab" have to be careful not to offend any friends we still have left. I am still slightly stung by people who didn't want to sit near me or invite me to their gatherings because I was not "vaccinated"....So glad I stuck to my plan. But I was confident from the beginning because I was supported by giants like Dolores Cahill, Dr. McCullough Sucharit Bhakdi and Mike Yeadon....brave heroes all....who have been publicly eviscerated for their courage and honesty.

I love and revere these strong and valiant "truthers"....who had so much more to lose than I did by taking a stand for truth and saving peoples' lives....

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My psychotherapist is a big fan of vaccines. He works with Johns Hopkins and earlier treated AIDs patients and wrote a book about his treatment using dream therapy. This therapy is quite healing. HOWEVER, because he works with psychiatrists at Johns Hopkins and because he is TERRIFIED of Covid, he needs to believe that social distancing, masking, lock downs, and vaccines are the consensus response to the "pandemic." Also he lives in Australia.

In 2020 it soon became apparent we were on opposite sides of the coin. In 2016 we both enjoyed bashing Trump. In 2020 I was terrified of vaccines, and was terrified of Covid. I'm 81 and have suffered terribly from medical doctors gas lighting me, dismissing my complaints, telling me I should take anti-depressants. I have had so many severe reactions to drugs and procedures, that I've stopped taking any of them. I haven't had ANY vaccines since I was 20.

In 2020 he was terrified of Covid and so was everyone around him. He's 76 and type B blood--a perfect candidate for Covid heart and clotting problems. He is also a perfect candidate for mRNA cardiac/stroke problems--but he believes the CDC who informed us that they checked VAERS and found all deaths reported were coincidences that could be explained away with pre-existing medical conditions.

In early 2020 he thought he would help me by showing that he wasn't going to reject me--no matter how crazy and wrong-headed my vaccine beliefs proved to be. He reassured me by offering to write me a Covid medical exemption and telling me that he agrees with me that vaccines would probably be harmful to me. However, neither of these offers made me feel better since 1)Only MDs/nurses can give exemptions--he has a law degree and is a certified Jungian psychoanalyst which doesn't qualify him. And agreeing that I, personally, don't have to get a vaccine (provided I get tested regularly!) seems a bad solution because it doesn't recognize my psychological vulnerability in a world increasingly blaming and rejecting the unvaccinated. And being encouraged to do so by their government, friends, employers and medical authorities.

But we agreed to trade our views--or rather I agreed to do so at his suggestion. But this "trade off" proved to be an empty exercise in "He says/She says" Not everyone dies from Covid vs Covid is an existential threat to humanity, and we need to lock up everybody.

My housekeeper doesn't need to wear a mask when she comes to my house to clean. vs. He leaves his house when she comes and forces her to wear a mask--even when he's not there.

I don't wear a mask when I go outside vs. I wear an N95 mask on airlines, and He punches a hole in it so he can drink "safely" through a straw during the air flight.

These disagreements are shocking and upsetting, but we are not allowed to discuss them. He does ask for my emails giving him links to anti-vax opinions, but often rejects them as representing Republican conspiracy theories. (anti-Trump--remember?) The dream analysis might be great--except I've developed killer anxiety and insomnia, so I no longer dream.

At one point, I learn that Ivermectin can cure Covid. Over 30 or 40 peer reviewed medical journal articles showing that it not only treats--but also prevents infection. FANTASTIC! Even better than vaccines that can only prevent--not treat once you are infected. Only Remdesivir can do that.

But when I happily present my latest findings, he rejects them immediately. Merck has stated that Ivermectin cannot be trusted since we do not know if it is safe and effective. It was never tested with a large randomized double blind study. (Which only pharma can do but won't do because it will increase vaccine hesitancy if the results are not what we expected.)

As soon as my emotions plummeted from joy/connection to shame/rejection, I found myself screaming at him, "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!!" We were both shocked. By mutual agreement, we did not speak of this incident.

I often tried to get him to "analyze" my resistance to vaccine jabs and over reaction to threats of vaccines. He would immediately stop the discussion. "Let's not go there," or "We're not going there." I felt like a sinner in a perfect world. A perfect world. Just not for me.

You may ask, "Why don't you leave him and stop complaining. Find somebody else who treats you better."

Reasons for staying

Nobody connects like this analyst. When he listens to you, he listens with his whole body. If anybody can help me reconnect or connect with other people he can do it. He treated my recently deceased husband. We often saw him together. He helped me keep nursing my husband as Dick died from cancer. I never doubted his emotional support.

I'm getting better. Previous therapy had me CONTROL my anxiety and physical symptoms by hiding them so I can appear normal. After sessions with my therapist, I don't need to do that--because my anxiety is starting to disappear without the need of will power.

Glad you stuck to your plan, Kathleen. Unlike you, I'm not "slightly stung," I'm emotionally devastated. It's funny that I'm supposedly "unconnected" and "unattached," yet I connect to every negative reaction to unvaccinated persons. What would I do without the ability to vent in these substack web spaces? It has been a life saver. Perhaps literally! Let's continue to enjoy this caring community.

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Someone we know developed OCD, but it was attributed to postpartum depression. Seemed like the taking of the jab was pretty close in time to the rather sudden development of the OCD.

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My daughter has neurological issues from the rabies series - she has twitches that are so violent they wake her up at night and have been documented on sleep studies.

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Is there anyway you could share a link of a dozen (or more) studies from highly regarded individuals or institutions, indicating problems arising from the COVID vaccines?

I do not ask this out of skepticism about the studies. Instead it would provide a valuable resourse for those who swear by the vax.

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Three things... 1) why did it take TWO YEARS to publish.

2) this was a neurological study and on page 13 they dismissed myocarditis totally yet as a neurological study they didn't even look at it. Maybe they need to go back to the data base and see just how many of those people ended up WITH myocarditis ?!!!

3) They say this is REASSURING to the continued use of covid vaccines.

Someone needs to give them a brain transplant.

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Peter and all,

Thank you for all you are doing to stand up for humanity!

We the People are being attacked on a thousand fronts everyday!

It is great that doctors like you and other scientists are trying to right all the public health wrongs that have happened the last 3 years BUT…

There are MANY wrongs that must be righted in America (COVID, election, border messes, etc) and serious address of this 1 critical issue MUST happen BEFORE we have serious wins on all the other corruption fronts…Constitutional NATURAL BORN CITIZEN DEFINITION!

All serious patriotic citizens must learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…


Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization in America…


Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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Our Founders looked to Louis Vattel's Law of Nations for their definitions of the various sorts of citizenship as those were generally accepted, so more easily "interchanged" as people moved around: what constituted a natural born citizen here also did in most European nations for each nation, etc.

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Thank you for you comments!

The Law of Nations used to be taught…all the important things were taken out by the teaching ‘scholars and experts.’

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I know. Things I learned in history, siblings a few yrs behind me did not; they were already "erased", in the late '50s- early '60s,just as an example. Fortunately, our Dad was a history teacher before WW II ( the Navy firmly planted his feet in the clouds & there they stayed 'til '75) insured we did learn history.

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W.H.O open to liability per STOPTHEWHO and other freedom websites.

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I'm curious... When it's known that neurotoxins from at least 2 deadly snakes,as well as snails, spiders and others are among the ingredients used in the jabs, why are neurologic adverse events surprise? Indeed, why are we not surprised there are far more of them?

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A little allegory might have some effect.

Do the Right Thing —

(How to... or maybe how NOT to) A Short Allegory on red-pilling.


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I am taking Plavix 75mg daily and 81mg aspirin. Can I safely take your spike detox supplements?

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Nattokinase is a natural blood thinner. You can book an appointment at McCullough’s twc.health for a reasonable price I think. Better to get some advice from a professional.

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