I was also intrigued by this interview. Since the censorship has become so prevalent, I have gone back to purchasing hard copies of books I believe might be important in the future. This one will be here today. His explanation makes sense.

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Hardcopy is the only sure means of ensuring information ownership. Any type of ebook, cloud storage, etc., can be edited, deleted, manipulated. In these cases the information is not in your possession-ownership, but someone else's. As such they control it. The only other alternative I know of are USB drives.

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And USB is only good as long as that whole system works. I've moved a lot over the years and books are incredibly heavy and bulky. Ebooks seemed like a great idea. I still use them for lots of reading. Sometimes I start with an ebook and then order hard copy when I decide it's worth it.

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We all need solar chargers and storage cells. I have a multitude of valuable video interviews and articles that I have been cataloguing before the ramping up of censorship online!

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The Indoctrinated Brain is a must read and a hard copy keeper. My takeaway: The Plandemic and mRNA jabs targeted the hippocampus. Neutralize the hippocampus and now you have a compliant human being who is easily manipulated. Sadly, this compliant state describes most people I know.

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That was my understanding from the interview. I'm fascinated by how our brains work, always have been. This could explain at least some of it.

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Book is well worth the money...Outline wisely.

A boon of information leaving me curious at the reason his past research and published books to not be translated into English already.

Provides many unanswered questions pertaining to temporary or permanent Mental Health diagnoses of several types. In due fashion; it also raises many questions and this monumental research must be enlarged and expanded and not simply reproduced.

Also, in a personal vein; began with the 1mg Lithium 29 days ago and residual trauma from past tragedy beginning again in 2021 utterly disappeared the first week.

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I have done the same thing and now have a collection of twenty or more.

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Agree. Early on, read news that Amazon had ‘clawed back’ an ebook (or kindle, not sure which). Have always purchased hard copy books, reasoning that at any time revisionist history can infiltrate information. Even old sets of dictionaries preserve vital reference information. Along with purchasing current subject hard copy books, get thee to a used bookstore . . .

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Great idea on purchasing a hard copy.

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me too

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Good idea

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But don’t underestimate the Mark Twain syndrome “It is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled”. Not only are they complicit - and unwilling to admit they’ve been duped - they really do not want to think of the implications. This is before you get to any brain changing mechanisms or damage from the products.

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This is exactly it.

First, there is the tendency for a lot of people to believe in progressive fairy tales. Such as, thinking we can eliminate poverty by demanding private businesses pay an arbitrary minimum amount, while refusing to consider that this plan has predictable, negative economic repercussions.

Or, pretending that we can help the homeless or drug addicts by normalizing their conditions. Or that we can fix disability epidemics by pretending 1) it has always been this way, and 2) there is no such thing as a disability, only difference.

We can likewise cure obesity by claiming it’s beautiful.

Some elite people do this for power and money, but for most, I think facing the scale of these issues terrifies them.

But if the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that running from reality solves nothing and only gives license to evil.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Having learned of Michael Nehls' new book "The Indoctrinated Brain" only a few weeks ago, I immediately looked into it and read the sample pages on Amazon, then saved it for later ordering but for some reason had not yet pulled the trigger. Tucker's recent interview with Dr. Nehls was so full of bombshell revelations and connected so many dots I had to watch it twice to be sure I had not missed anything (took notes as well...). Just yesterday I shared it with several friends and watched it yet again with my wife last evening. So very glad you chose to bring it to the attention of your readers John!!!

In so man y ways I now consider Dr. Nehls' work the neurophysiological smoking gun evidence that explains what so many of us have observed with stunned amazement (and profound dismay I might add) in so many around us, family members and associates alike, who have been so diminished by both the fear campaign and the sheer med/pharma malevolence of it all. Have to say I also feel Dr. Nehls' insights provide the physiological/morphological/functional/dysfunctional explanation for what Mattias Desmet presents on the psychological front vis a vis mass formation, the psychology of totalitarianism, etc. Tucker for his part appears utterly gobsmacked at several moments throughout the interview, as would be expected on the part of anyone grasping for the first time the depths of evil and diabolical planning that went into all that has played out, and continues to to this day, i.e., the coordinated agenda to destroy the minds and identity of humans everywhere. "Heinous" does not begin to describe the underlying reality of this sinister agenda. .

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and it was the DOD all the way down. This is the fact so many do not want to face. It was ALL a false narrative and intentional harm.

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It looks like the whole Covid mess, the Ecohealth/Daszak/Fauci gain-of-function research, the China connection, the “vaccines” and the coverup were all orchestrated by the NIH, NOT the DOD:


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I love bad cat, and I've read that excellent article -- yes NIH is coming in to grab back some of the billions. Yet, the evidence and arguments presented by pfizer in their defense in court along with the numerous patents, and leaked audio from an AstraZeneca c-suite meeting demonstrate it was DOD creating this entire thing. There was no "health" reason to any of it in any way. The real powers behind this are spinning many diverting narratives that, while they can contain truths, shift the focus away from the massive Pentagon footprints all over the crime scene.


Audio recording leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified a national security threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020



(from above link:) The role of DOD: All covid countermeasures were ordered by the US Department of Defense (DOD), typically as “demonstrations” and “prototypes” via Other Transactions Authority contracts. DOD partnered with HHS in order to over-ride the OTA restrictions of both; the DOD and HHS. DOD oversaw the development, manufacture, and distribution of the countermeasures. Hundreds of contracts for covid countermeasures became available via FOIA and SEC disclosures in partially-redacted form. The contracts include the removal of all liability for the manufacturers and any contractors along the supply and distribution chain under the 2005 PREP Act and related federal legislation except in case of willful misconduct. While the DOD/BARDA countermeasure contracts refer to safety and efficacy requirements for vaccines and mention current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliance, this language in contract is designed to fool the reader as it is in fact unenforceable. To date (2024) no legal case filed against vaccine makers citing contractual obligation to deliver safe and effective vaccine has succeeded. These compliance items are explicitly carved out as “not in scope” of the contract and not being paid for nor ordered by the US Government. Judge Truncale agreed with this interpretation when dismissing Brook Jackson’s case v Pfizer under False Claims Act. The case is now being appealed.

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If you (and the source that you cite) are correct then the NIH doesn’t have a case and no royalties will be paid to Collins, Fauci, and the rest…..

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Does it actually, in the end, matter who funded it?

The damage has been catastrophic for all of humanity.

I suppose if we knew who was behind it we could at the very least hang the perpetrators…

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Was just thinking the same, that Dr Nehls added another illuminating piece to the puzzle, building on what Mattias Desmet postulated.

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Fwiw, I can heartily recommend the FLCCC spike detox protocol. I had endless brain fog and was constantly getting sick in various ways like I have never in my life. 75 days in and I haven't been sick with anything, energy is better and head is clearer. However, recovering has shown me that this had a deep affect on me, as I'm still 'not myself'. I can just start to tolerate exercise now, it's a very slow path towards my old self, who before the vax had taken up BJJ and was rolling with guys 6 inches and 50 lbs bigger and 20-30 years younger than me happily. I was in a renaissance period of my life, tbh, had reconciled getting older and let go of my past. Was really switched on an happy and then boom. Vax shot 1 made my BP spike, and get chest pains and some fatigue. I was monitoring my BP already cuz it was a lil high and i was exercising and dieting and making great progress, was down to 120/80 or better some days. That all disappeared after first shot.

I actually trusted my doc for reasons I won't go into here but I had good reason to do so. He told me to not take the second shot, and then over time went weak and told me he thought it would be okay. I was so filled with doubt but this is like Aug '21 and all the issues with the vax weren't clear yet, there was lots of conflicting reporting. Got the second shot, against every instinct and this time had a massive reaction. Of course more chest pain and BP spikes but then I entered into a fatigue unlike anything I've ever experienced. And it went on for a long time.

It galls me to no end that my doc and the rest of the medical community are useless wrt all this. I tell them of my maladies but they only treat symptoms. They've learned to nod politely when patients like me claim vax injury, I lost it on one doc at one point, and I was made to feel badly for doing so. I have no idea what's valid scientifically as a result, which is astonishing at a basic level. Does the U.S. medical community care about trust and being seen as worthy of what we grant them? I don't think so.

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The vast majority of doctors in the U.S. now work for big corporations that are "married" to the entire Big Pharma anti-health, anti-human money-grubbing scam of perpetuating illness and preventing anything that promotes health and healing from "seeing the light of day". Yes, there IS an agenda: DEPOPULATE and rip off people as much as they can while they do it!

Bottom Line: NEVER TRUST A DOCTOR, or Pharmacist for that matter! Sadly, we are on our own, except for the rare REAL doctors who stood up against the medical system and thereby demonstrated their motivations for actually caring about and for humanity. (But they total ony a few hundred out of the million physicians in the U.S.)

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Check out Tucker's statement about immoral, dangerous doctors and read what one of my local hospitals still has on its website in April of 2024! https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/every-day-is-april-fools-day

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Walgreens VM is encouraging >65 y.o. to get their booster. My local University based hospital is still pushing it as well. I guess not enough useless eaters have been terminated. And, it’s hard to give up those incentives!


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I was delighted to use Walgreens photo service to print my anti-vax, resistance handout. 😁 I actually wondered if they would print them. https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/my-first-paperclip-resistance-handout

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What do Clowns and Doctors both have in common? 🙃

answer: They both wear COSTUMES to work.

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Yes, and they both wear silly things on their noses.

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Got to listen to that inner voice that was telling you not to take that 2nd shot! So sorry for all your issues!

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People are on like 5,6, and 7. Outrageous

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Ya, it's insane. Many colleges are still pushing it on young people too. I find that many "Progressives" proceed as though everything the govt did worked, they will still mask and take their boosters etc. Without question. Doesn't matter how many people around them are getting sick, or even themselves. All that matters is virtue signaling that they are better than smelly MAGA types. It's so bizarre.

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Try reading Covid ID substack.

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Lots of us are struggling (spiritually) at the moment. Apart from the disturbing and permanent MK-Ultra like onslaught we are subjected to, the planet is going through it's own electromagnetic changes that also affect us deeply. Perhaps some of us are more open to it than others. But it is good to have faith that despite these dark times, it will lead to something better. Alejandro Jodorowsky states it brilliantly…  “Awakening is not a thing. It is not a goal, not a concept. It is not something to be attained. It is a metamorphosis. If the caterpillar thinks about the butterfly it is to become, saying ‘And then I shall have wings and antennae,’ there will never be a butterfly. The caterpillar must accept its own disappearance in its transformation. When the marvelous butterfly takes wing, nothing of the caterpillar remains.”

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In Astrology this is the concept of a significant Pluto aspect. America is now experiencing its Pluto return, which indicates a large-scale transformation of America. A Pluto return indicates that transiting Pluto returns to the natal position of a nation’s birth. You can trace this pattern of transformation /revolution through the Pluto returns of other civilizations—Roman, French Revolution, American Revolution—that occur in approximately 250-year cycles). Your quote is so apt and such an inspired contribution!

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Thanks, Alejandro Jodorowsky has such a great mind, is an inspiration to me.

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I shall read more on Jodorowsky! I must clarify—most emphatically—that Pluto returns are above all about honesty.America was founded upon the principle of the Individual. When I speak of “transformation “ I am most certainly NOT alluding to the same kind of “transformation “ that meathead Marxist Obama speaks of: I am referring to purifying and thus returning to the Founding Fathers’ principle of Individual rights!

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Jodorowsky is a crazy shaman-like healer, one can learn a lot. I'm not really an exact observer of internal US politics, only insofar as it intersects with the rest of the World. Which I suppose is substantial, it has it's fingers in (too) many pies. I think everything is going through transformation of sorts, the planet, mankind and correspondingly the systems we create. But I think it all begins with personal transformation. When we ourselves transform, put our own house in order, then the rest follows. The great reset, although cleverly packaged for the masses, is enslavement, the opposite of transformation.

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I apologize for the repeated comments, but you are so interesting, please allow me one question—do you believe the vaccinated followers will be attuned to this cosmic vibrational shift? Thank you!

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No need to apologize, appreciate your kind words. Interesting question actually. Some would say that they've cut themselves off. However, I think that although it probably makes it harder for them to make the leap, I wouldn't write them off. I have a lot of close family, friends that succumbed to the fakery and I think that maybe our task is to hold the light for them, by being there if needed. As TV cop Bosch used to say, "everybody counts or nobody counts."

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I was somewhat immune from the fear mongering propaganda because I do not have a TV.

But...not completely.

I get all my health care at the VA and felt the pressure to get the covid DeathVax. Emails, phone calls, and letters in the mail.

Right now, in a recent update (20 March 2024), the VA is still pushing the death jab "with an additional dose for veterans 65 and over."


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The government wants to kill off the Seniors so they don't have to pay for their care!

Plus, they don't want the veterans around, either . . . too many of them are Patriots and will oppose the New World Order takeover that our highly traitorous Criminal Federal Government is working for!

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The full interview is behind Tucker's paywall on his web site, but an 8-minute excerpt is on Rumble here:


From my own anecdotal evidence I started to notice a change in young people's behavior since I live in a college town. I participate in a Farmer's Market and find that students are less adventuresome and are not open to trying new things. I've always wondered if it was the vaccine, but of course the combination of repeated vaccines and now repeated Covid infections doubles the problem!

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It's worth the $9.00 for a month of Tucker.

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Probably, but I already subscribe to 3 Substacks, one locals and the Epoch Times. There is only so much I can afford!

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I meant just one time.

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You can't put a price on knowledge.

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Absolutely agree with you.

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The Tucker-Dr Nehls interview (all 2:39') is still available for free on Youtube (at April 4, today): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPQDFdYOeS8&t=10s

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Great! It is not on Tucker’s YouTube channel but I’m happy to watch it there

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Youtube had removed the video when I tried to watch it on April 5, 2024 but I found a repost of it here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BRGSAoncMjj9/

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BTW The pertinent part is only the first 48 minutes.

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Yes I found that out after posting my comment - thanks Corrin!

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Thank you! So glad to see this excerpt that I can send to a few friends and family.

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I guess the full interview is still available online see link in comment below

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Thank you - I subscribe so was able to listen yesterday, but I don’t think those not subscribed can listen.

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The full interview on YouTube:


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Thank you! So glad the full interview is available to share with others!

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I believe the full interview can be found here:


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Tucker interviews definitely worth the cost. Full interview here I think: https://tuckercarlson.com/the-tucker-carlson-encounter-michael-nehls/

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What has struck me the most about the Covid era is similar to your observations John. For me it seemed as if ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ fable had become real. People seemed to no longer to be able to see or think. At times I concluded that this phenomenon had arisen before Covid, perhaps long before, but was now brought into sharp relief by what had occurred. It was there before, but needed a contrast dye of sorts to make it visible. That was Covid. But I agree that there may be something more going on, something that has physiologically altered people’s brains. I will listen to the interview.

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The Emperor's New Clothes seems very applicable right now. Recently I saw a youtube short that visually showed a dog that looked very serious-even concerned. The song & lyrics to it were rattling on about "Happy, happy Dog". I considered whether it was a type of social experiment (test) to see how many people perceived the Dog as happy due to the catchy tune saying it was happy, when by all visual cues, the dog clearly wasn't. I suspect these days, many would say, that's a happy dog. It is those of us who still have discernment and the ability to assess a situation for ourselves that are an inconvenience to the agenda.

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I am hearing more and more discerners describe it as “lonely”. That fits for me. I feel increasingly alone around the normies that I am surrounded by and that include my closest friends and most of my family. Why is all of this hidden in plain sight to so many? It remains confounding to me, and lonely.

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Yeah, I've felt that too at times. It is then that I have tried to find an "awake" friend who can see the insanity that I too can see for a sanity chat! Otherwise, when out in public, and controversial subjects arise, it's quite surreal. I feel like I am keeping a secret from everyone, but know (from experience) that I would just be labled a conspirator anyhow. I post many controversial things on FB (the only social media account I have) and they are all down played or perhaps even invisible to most people I think. When I do try to tell people in person, and I get the "party line" back about, "Well I believe in the Science", I know I'm not going to get anywhere. Never known so many people to have to "believe" in the science as if it was Santa Claus! :-) ;-) Lonely, weird, surreal, traumatizing, yep, it's a lot these days. Perhaps the sleeping ones are the blessed! (but I don't really believe that or want to be one) Us folks have to stick together!

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Yes. I also thought people were a bit “dumbed down” before this Cvd attack. I assumed there was subliminal ( and,not so subliminal) programming occurring in ALL the media allowed us…

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Just woke up to this post, thanks for alerting me, I have been working on unique mental boosting material which I'd better get out there having worked on it for years!

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I could use a couple of your ideas if you would like to share, thank you.

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Love to share. I've just uploaded a quick useful video to bitchute. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DCKZBjfebscg/

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Merci beaucoup!

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I think, somehow or other, people are losing the ability to form and execute intent. I have neither had the vaccine nor (to my knowledge) covid but I am finding it extremely difficult to embark on any course of action, even as simple as housecleaning or yard maintenance. I go through each day habitually doing whatever few things I still habitually do, and the world is slowly crumbling around me while I can't seem to care--even though I'm aware I probably should.

I'm not doubting that spike protein could be a cause of this malady, but I've seen this worsening in the general population for a lot longer than that one cause could explain.

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I went through a period like that which I attributed to trauma. It might sound dramatic, but the constant mantra of hatred against the unvaccinated, even from family; the refusal of my church to acknowledge what was happening, even while I was watching church members die from pancreatic cancer or be sick for months, or have heart problems, or have to give up their international ministry and return to the US due to vaccine injury, etc. etc. was very difficult. I was told at one point not to mention the vaccine in a ladies prayer group because I was making the ladies uncomfortable. I offered Dr. McCullough's book to one of our Bible teachers who discounted vaccine injury and urged his class to get boosted. He refused it, saying it was divisive and he didn't want to get involved. After the prayer group scolding, I believe the Lord gave me the idea to write on Substack and that has been helpful. My husband and I now wear paperclips in an attempt to spur conversations and educate others. Here are my posts about that. Don't give up, trust in God!



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I firmly believe that the biggest cause of depression in modern life is that modern life is depressing.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

I think what you’re describing is absolutely trauma. I’ve felt since 2020 that I’m in a giant burning building full of people, half of which don’t know the building is on fire. The feeling of trying to warn family and friends and being rebuffed is devastating, knowing what some will surely face. Depending on the day, this feeling ebbs and flows. I hold onto my faith in God. It’s my everything. I also think that many of us may have some form of PTSD, although in many respects we’re still in the trauma, so not exactly “post”. Sadly I think we’ll be in this state for a long time. My apologies for sounding so gloomy. I found out yesterday that a good friend’s 40 year old paramedic husband has “sudden” heart problems. Of course he had to get the vax or lose his job. He’s the captain of several life-flight crews in our rural area. I wonder now if he will be considered healthy enough to hold onto his job. Probably not. As if not sad enough, he lost a 42 year old healthy and fit vaxxed friend to sudden death the week before. This friend walked into his house, picked up his young child, sat down in his favorite chair and died.

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I don't think you sound gloomy, just realistic. This quote describes the feeling: "An unimaginably dystopian nightmare all around us… while society seemingly carries on as normal." Dr. Pierre Kory

Like you, my faith in Christ is vital to me. We are told in the Bible that we will have trouble in this world, and we certainly have it now. I fear it will get much worse, but Jesus will strengthen us for whatever we face.

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Thank you. I have found exactly what Pierre Kory describes to be one of the most difficult things in all of this. Never could I ever have imagined this scenario.

I completely agree on faith being vital. I don't know where I would be if I couldn't lean heavily on it every single day.

I think you'll be comforted by this . . . my neighbor sent the link to me this morning of a faith flash mob at a Walmart in Massachusetts. So moving . . .


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Wow, incredible! We need to find ways to be more visible.

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I know, right?? It made me so happy to see and listen this morning. TRULY.

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I think I just wrote that paragraph for you. Lol I have a week off and I just can’t seem to get out and do the yardwork that I want to do, nor can I get upstairs to clean the upstairs. This is so not like me. I also didn’t have the shot. I wonder what my excuse is, I guess the same as yours- unknown spike protein forces exerting their laziness upon us. I started to take the Nattokinese , NAC, and bromelain again today. I was pretty faithful doing that for a while and then I just eased up. Started back up about an hour ago and then I read this.

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Dr.Nehls also gave an interview on “American Thought leaders” (The Epoch Times). I listened to it and I highly recommend it.

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A timely piece. I was on a zoom the other day with one of my best friends. She is smart, curious and has wonderful intellectual depth which always makes for a satisfying conversation. Or I should say she did.

Her family wouldn't allow her to see her grandchildren unless she was vaccinated and eventually she gave in (I should mention her ex husband is a doctor and he was one of the key proponents of vaccination, disregarding her well reasoned stance against them.)

The other day, she looked so lifeless! The conversation seemed to have bounds beyond which she couldn't go. And since the jab, she's developed health issues and has even been hospitalized several times. I am absolutely heartbroken that one of my favorite people has deteriorated to this sorry state. And to think that we need to multiply this by millions.

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That is heartbreaking to hear. And,yes,the full extent of the crimes against humanity are yet to be felt. I truly hope I am wrong. I’d be HAPPY to find out I’m just the “conspiracy nut” so many have called me….though,I rarely talk about this with my people because they can’t hear it. It’s only people like y’all that I can converse these subjects. Thank you!

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Great book and Carlson's interview allowed Dr. Nehls to speak freely and in detail. I actually learned some things that I missed when reading the book.

Buy it directly from the publisher; Jeff Bezos doesn't need the money: https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510778368/the-indoctrinated-brain/

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This might help explain the extraordinary number of examples of cognitive dissonance we have witnessed. Dizzying.

Just some examples: “peaceful protests” in 2020 are medically ok but don’t go to the beach or church or eat at an outdoor cafe in California; hormone replacement therapy is dangerous but ok to dose boys with estrogen; GMOs foods are bad/ need to be labeled but ok to force DNA injections; no tourist entry for unvaccinated Europeans for years but whoever is storming the border is welcome without any medical requirements; “silence is violence” versus traditional American values (silence is golden, you have the right to remain silent) etc

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excellent listing. Keep accumulating, then repost some day!

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Your use of the word "dissonance" is right on.

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Neuro-Warfare: Engineering Consent for a Totalitarian Future

The global war on humanity's mental immune system


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You can get the full article right now at his Substack.

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That is his substack..

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Yes, I meant to emphasize the "in full" part because you fill out some information to get it in full.

I think you should emphasize that he has a Substack, because, as excited as people are, I don't think most know that he has one. I subscribed to it and am looking forward to it.

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He’s done videos on The Highwire Del BIGTREE as well.

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The book just arrived today. My husband read the first few chapters. He said that Dr Nehls is so precise in his writings.

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