Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Fleming's SPECTRE is today's WEF. So in today's world, British Intelligence and the CIA work for SPECTRE. SPECTRE believes that nation states are a thing of the past, and that nations and everything in them, especially minds, must be controlled by evil billionaires that hate human life. If Bond were tortured as he was in Casino Royale, it would be Klaus Schwab breaking his balls, while Bill Gates injects him with spike protein, and Yuval Noah Harari explains that testicles are no longer needed in a post-human world.

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Except they bring a gold in women's boxing! Hehe.

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"I had to pick a side, George. And the West has become so very ugly". How is it, that so very many people still haven't noticed this.

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Yes, it's true; we're now the baddies.


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I hadn't seen that before! "Are we the baddies?" What a classic. SO GOOD!

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I love both the character ideas. Instead of an allegiance to a country it would be to an idea, like the original ideals of our founding in America, and the enemy is not a country but the WEF and their new world order/Davos/Council of Foreign Relations evil doers.

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You should read "The Matarese Circle" by Robert Ludlum, really interesting how much the villains resemble the WEF.

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Agreed. Like a MAGA spy working against the deep state/globalists. Only way. But i like the Black pianist with Japanese wife idea!

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We never voted for this, did we?

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Actually we did. Whoever we have voted for, has been part of the DC Swamp and therein lies the problem.

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The word 'cis' provokes a revulsion in me due to its closeness to 'cyst' and worse, wokeness. I suspect this is not entirely accidental. I read the word and picture hoards of women and 'women' with bad hair and borderline personality disorder infecting the entire West with their chronic victimhood.

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The politically correct woke types who appear to work for the secret services would be absolutely useless as spies! I happen to know of a few people who work for the spooks and they are completely politically indoctrinated in the world of DEI, trans, globalism, anti-Russian sentiment that they would stand no chance in the real world. They loathe America, they love the EU, they dislike most British people but they also hate the Russians, fear the Chinese, despise the Middle East. They don't have any original ideas at all!

Anyway, my suggestion for the new world order of spies would be Harry Palmer as written by Len Deighton and played by Michael Caine. White, working class, competent, ruthless, cynical. Perfect!

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I loved this posting. I grew up reading those books and Tinker Tailor. Soldier Spy was an amazing story that just took you completely out of your own reality. I love the movie too, Gary Oldman was wonderful to me. Might’ve been his best movie. Wasn’t Bill a closet gay, making him practically the quintessential mole? You almost described him as one of your replacements spies. I’m divorcing myself from the current governmental debacle and thrusting my mind back into a wonderful spy story because reality is just too much sometimes. Thanks for the memories.

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Replacement for Bond? Kammy Kochek. Ticks a lot of "woke" and "DEI" boxes and that's what it's all about. Talent is rated fifth, at best.

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I so much wish you were wrong.

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Ah, the good old days

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A modern assassin's best tool would of course be his mRNA Spike Protein soaked sperm. Given that every boosted male & every boosted female have intensely spike infected testes & womb. AND it will spread infertility to one's enemies as well, bonus! 👏

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Le Carre was the best!

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You are right, "The west has become so very ugly". We all are so intent on controlling the narrative with one sided views, even radical far polarized. Government allows this polarization, when they should be focusing above the fray and provide real security for all, and the opportunities required for a safe, boringly stable country/community where there is prosperity not drama/anxiety and even violence.

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" . . . if an old Italian friend who lives in Moscow is to be believed, the Russians now seem far more interested than the West in preserving Western Civilization." Love of country/nationalism, defending traditional sexual mores and the value of children, and standing against Islamification, to name but 3 hot-button issues, are key to that preservation. Russia's investment in all 3 render it anathema to the utterly corrupt WEF/O'Biden/NATO/EU "west." A US spy with the character of C.J. Box's game warden, Joe Pickett, would be snuffed by the current CIA/FBI.

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Everyone has to go to wikipedia's page on Accelerationism to understand the self destruction in the west. It began as a leftist thing, approved by Marx, that allows unbridled free market capitalism to kill itself at a great pace - like a cancer kills its host. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerationism

I know this because two days ago the Director-General of our spy agency, ASIO, associated "accelerationism" to neo-nazism, such that neo-nazis hope to speed society to its death. I was surprised because I thought that was the objective of the monied new-techno-totalitarian Left.

The ASIO D-G was also (apparently) unable to understand the commonalities between left and right where they meet in the political circle on the opposite diameter to the Monied interests.

So if James Bond was a master spy in ASIO he would be working on chaos creation and confusion. He might be a bit thick - not sure. He would definitely believe in the status quo, despite the growing difficulty of living the status quo life, given food and housing prices. I think he would be a tremendous hypocrite, serving his own interests with impunity. He would be in a swish suit, feeling like he was doing cool work, but, in that young sort of way, limited. He would be having bisexual relations, for sure, not because they are his preferences, but because it's cool.

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