The FDA has no authority. The US Constitution did not grant any permission for Congress to be involved in health. https://gumshoenews.com/the-fdas-authority-in-medicine-is-pure-bluff-but-recall-jeff-bradstreet/

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Trials & Executions.

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I knew in 2006 to not vaccinate my 3rd and last child AT ALL. Ask me how I knew it would be ok and how I successfully navigated the very restrictive California system.

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That child probably doing pretty good?

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There are very few things my wife and I agree on, but only one matters: No vaccines of any kind and as little Western Medicine as possible. When she was pregnant with our first child we took an online course in virology with Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD.

Here is Tetyana's letter from 2015 on why unvaccinated children pose no risk in public schools. Of course her work was silenced, marginalized and censored. Our education proved critical in our approach to health, public schools, western medicine.


The other little known fact about Western Medicine is that it's the third leading cause of death in the USA.

Here is the John Hopkins study:


The MRna vaccine was genocide on a scale we have never seen before. It is the Forest We Can't See for the Trees, but slowly, tragically, relentlessly the Truth is revealed. My heart goes out to every family who has has lost anyone to any vax, but especially those who lost children to this horrible MRna genocide.

And to all those people who say SIDS is not vaccine related and point to Wakefield 1998 lets remember that was 25 years ago. I believe the data is still relevant. Lets test it with 2023 testing methods and see.

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Thank you so much for providing a link to the letter from Dr. Obukhanych. I wish all parents had this information. Is it alright if I share it on my substack? Giving you credit of course.

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I would give the credit to Dr. Obukhanych, but definitely pass it on.She had a website and numerous course offerings at one point, but I sense the politics for her were very hurtful and she scaled back.

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Peter gets better and better at defining the real causes and shows his great expertise with all the EXPLANATIONS that the Medical Mafia's run and hide in the shadows from a 1986 unwavering liability protection. The Global Mind Hypnotic Hoax must be broken and justice established.

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Absolutely. He had measles (very mild) and chicken pox, both treated at home just like any other illness that kids get. He will be 17 next week, 6'2" tall, athletic, quiet temperament, no cavities, high IQ, never smoked pot etc. and he is on track to finish high school (equivalency) in the next 3 weeks. Also, he is not from a privileged home life. I have been the mom and the dad for the past 3 years and I make less that 3k per month.

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How long did he get mother's milk?

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2 years and 3 months😄. Then he just started running around outside a lot and it was over.

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That is why he is healthy.

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The FDA, and CDC have been captured by political bad actors that have a long term plan that most people are not able to comprehend.

At least, that seems like the only explanation that can explain all of this.

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Not a dry eye watching this, I want to thank all for their part in this. I also want all to know I'll keep the good fight up as well for them, I will not stop. No matter what. It's my duty as a Native American to the land and the people here. May you all be blessed and given peace when you so desperately need it. Thanks Doc, and to your team. Hiyhiy

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When do the Nuremberg 2.0 trials begin?

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After Jesus takes over.

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Thank God that amendment 116 passed in the House to prevent US taxpayer dollars from being used to fund gain of function research! Will it pass the Senate?

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Probably not. Higher percentage of globalists, there!

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Let's pray it does please 🙏

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Thank you for sharing this important video, Dr. McCullough. I salute you for your undying efforts to make people aware of the danger of the COVID vaccine and the childhood vaccine schedule. It appears your message is reaching many. I share your information widely. God bless you.

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I’m actually afraid to view this movie. I’m sure it’ll affect me the same as VAXXED, and many others. I will be again overwhelmed with sadness, anger & frustration. Will any of these stories ever affect change? Just reading up on the horrors of Thalidomide & lessons not learned there, leaves me without much hope. I’m just a visitor in this world & now 64. It soon will be up to our children to take over & mine are injected by choice... 😢🙏

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Can I share this with a friend who lost their healthy beautiful 37 year old daughter ( mother to 7 yo daughter) " died suddenly, cause unknown"?? Not sure if this beautiful video only works for subscribed members of Courageous Discourse. Thanks as always

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https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wjGMAjPskuRiivTrhdAmhwNsaL9SZNXtx6XpIsWe5Cub_2Vhegn0y625aCF0idstq_ANtoaF8ZSpxWj52-HrD4SLKD1ryvnfIGPNbncAMJ7qekmR70ODPEt6tMwmn-m4wQUsVHBatuvZcTuJ5ocwDgpUYrwyzs1tgmNwJJFJMIlO8k9b8fhBgsGFf3ghrscJ&c=xIYITooD9gveIXaNYkZYNvhwudCzFciQ2ruCo1SelLeT3H6EdUvsww==&ch=cjUjfj0j5am9Ozsljcc1TMx8dzVUIwmMMSv5tCPc03jlAdpVZCx_Ww== I want to point out this powerful movie Shot Dead is 14 minutes in Dr McCulloughs substack. The entire Shot Dead is an hour and well worth watching and sharing if it touches you like it did me. Here is a link above to full 1 hour version if I am allowed to post it.

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I did not know this thank you

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Hope that link works. Dr. Trozzi posted the full length. I accidentally realized there was a short and a long version

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Love your work, but…

I am very tired of the same information and/or evidence of the massive evil occurring in America!

Aware and awake humans like me are demanding…where is the SOLUTIONS phase to help end this massive evil?

Tell us about the serious solutions!

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The National Citizens Inquiry, sponsored by citizens of Canada, has plenty of EVIDENCE now.


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