Will you be revising your protocol, Dr. McCullough to reserve Paxlovid for those with baseline immunosuppression or wait for further confirmatory studies? Will you also inform your patients that Paxlovid and molnupiravir were developed using cell cultures derived from the harvested kidney of an aborted healthy baby? I’m still a big fan and admirer of yours but this last question is of great importance to me.

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Thank you for writing so clearly and for interpreting where readers are likely to need it.

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Dr. McCullough,

As you are very up to date with research literature re: vax injury, are you seeing anything about retinal tears associated with the experimental injections? My husband's sister and her husband have both had retinal tears in the past 3 months - his just 2 days ago. What are the chances of that? We know they have had the shots, but as it's an off limits topic (including the encouragement to detox the spike protein), we don't know how many shots they had or how recently.

I have seen the Substack/paper link you posted about micro-clotting in the retina that you posted some months back.

Thank you.

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Enjoying the brief articles, but not the inserted shill that inhibits sharing.

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Unfortunately it appears the heavily vaccinated are destined to be super spreaders of consequent illness, and gene modified pathogens of unknown consequences to public health. it is a vicious cycle that is creating new circles of illness concentrated in certain geographic circles initially, but then moving worldwide.

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