John writes, "The people who run this country—whoever they are—need to start thinking very hard about what is killing the young and fit, and then at least try to do something about it." The irony in this sentiment is stunning. It put me on the floor crying and laughing. The people who run this country know darn well what is killing the young and fit - they created it! They mandated it. Please recall Bill Gates prancing about gleefully on a stage proclaiming his desire to kill off 15% of the population. Let's all sober up and understand full well that those who have hijacked this country are out to kill and enslave the population. We have to come to grips with the upsetting idea that there is evil, Great Evil, in the world and we must bear witness.

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Agree, but there's nuance. Many of the individuals "who run the country" (which can include a lot of people, however that's defined, across all branches of government, and also the private sector) are not in on it, but got conned themselves. Just like a lot of "normies" all across the world, they fell for it, and now they don't want to see the evidence that they were devatstatingly wrong to have taken the jabs, and wrong to have pushed and even mandated the jabs. Those who mandated this shale literally assaulted and murdered people. And those who censored the information about effective early treatment for covid, and who censored the information coming out about injuries and deaths, are also responsible for an atrocity of atrocities. Now, of course, they don't want to be held accountable.

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"Joe Biden" officially got 5 of the mRNA jabs, and he sort of looks like he did, so it may be real in his case.

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It’s a big club and you ain’t in it-George Carlin. If Zuckerberg knew enough to tell his employees not to take the jab and the pharmaceutical employees weren’t “mandated”, it seems to reason that those further up the ladder also didn’t take it, no matter the spectacle they made of themselves, to convince the populace that they did. It’s a good con and excuse for not being held responsible for what they did, while also recommending the next line of pharmaceuticals (poisons, experiments) that they are supposedly taking to cure themselves. Think King Charles and his daughter-in-law..push, push 💰💰 Imo, Biden is suffering from nothing less than “feasting at the king’s table”. Best to beware of those pushing more experiments to cure the previous experiments..McCough, McCough…

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Biden wasn't capable of being President to begin with.


There was partial reason for the BioNano Attack as a False Flag Operation to provide an excuse to ALLOW HIM TO BE IN THE BASEMENT as well as the eugenicist plans towards Depopulation/Mass Murder, Disability, Sterilization and Cyber-Digital Slavery.

A nice little ancillary benefit was to push unconstitutional Election Regulations as the Uniparty Nazi's have sought to place into U.S. Govt.; now so saturated with the TREASONOUS, forever in our lifetimes...

And, to cover the evil now exposed making its membership more and more clear by the day.

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I agree. I think he did get it, and it could be contributing to his cognitive decline and his Parkinson’s as we can see. I think this notion that the elites somehow didn’t take it is untrue. I think they believed in it. I think they drank the Kool-Aid; a good handful of them anyway, maybe not the ones in the DOD and the NIAID but I think a lot of them took it and took it happily, because although we may think of those people as elites, I think the real elites just see them as expendable puppets!

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Biden was showing cognitive decline before the jabs became available.

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Indeed, by several yrs!

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Honestly I have also been wondering if he did too contributing to a pronounced cognitive decline.

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Dementia is one of the common side effects.

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Ye sir, but early signs of that were already showing during his years as VPOTUS, well before covid, and the mRNA jabs. The jabs did likely exacerbate the decompensation.

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From the pharmacy worker who gave the jabs, up the chain to the doctors that recommended them - do they want to know the truth of what their actions caused? The misery & death? Or the parents who lined up their kids because the pediatrician said they should. Can any of them handle the truth of the evil perpetrated upon them, causing them to unknowingly participate in the death scheme? On their most precious loved ones? a hard pill to swallow. Easier to live in La La land than to accept you were a tool to such evil. The censorship that disallowed & squashed legitimate information that would have allowed informed consent ( or not) & saved lives was the worst. Best for them to fall on their knees, ask for forgiveness & do all they can to help right the wrongs.

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IMHO the Wollensky and Cohens of the World aren’t sharp enough to ever catch on. Cohen likely really is still jabbing her kids.

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I have that impression, too.

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100% on 🎯

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From the pharmacy worker who gave the jabs, up the chain to the doctors that recommended them - do they want to know the truth of what their actions caused? The misery & death? Or the parents who lined up their kids because the pediatrician said they should. Can any of them handle the truth of the evil perpetrated upon them, causing them to unknowingly participate in the death scheme? One of the useful idiots, a hard pill to swallow. Easier to live in La La land. Best for them to fall on their knees, ask for forgiveness & do all they can to help right the wrongs. Tell the truth.

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There was NO "nuance", just as mistakes were not made and the only ignorance was willful and self-serving; enough evidence was there from the beginning but so was the collective stupidity of the masses!

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I'm not so sure they 'need to start thinking very hard...',

The people, whoever they are, who are running this country know what's going on.

It's the people who live in this country and live in denial who need to do the hard thinking. Unfortunately, don't hold you breath. Do enjoy the breaths you take.

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This was all by design, those who think this was an accident need to wake up.

Most in the US, walk around with trillions of nanobots, self-assembly polymers, nanotubes, self-assembly microchips etc in their body. Courtesy of Covid vaccines, vaccine shedding, dental anesthesia, certain medications. Humanity has been poisoned, by design.

Here’s a good start:

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD


David A Hughes, Academic and author. Listen and download his book for free here.


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Agree & well said!!

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25 years ago I was on the East River in NYC. On a sea wall I saw drawn boldly in red "Eat the Rich." Who knew?

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Guess they should have thought it through... the rich are going to eat us. Though, yes, the revolutionary spirit is build into mankind.

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I'm thinking a lot of us are done with getting eaten.....

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I think I would get indigestion...

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You channeling me? That was what came to my mind, too,almost word for word!

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P.S. See "Who Has the Power to Kill the World?" the latest article in Due Diligence and Art, a Substack publication. It will answer questions.

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It is so hard to let go of the Conservative point of view, not "Conservative" in the sense of adhering to traditional values, but in the sense of identifying with the "elite" and not being able to let go of the attitude of instinctive respect for it, the mentality of fealty to the lord of the manor.

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Was it only 15% or did Billy Goat mean 85%??

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Very well said! And exactly right about EVIL in the world and that humanity has always possessed the potential for both and COVID was the ultimate excuse to bring out the worst; far too late to start thinking when we need to take action to stop the genocidal killing; and the powers that be couldn't care less about what McCullough has to say or about his Wellness Company!

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Agreed. I consider us on Team Reality to be in a full fledged war. And I ain’t losing. I pity those who are still sleepwalking.

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There was no COVID crisis. However, there is an attempt to reset Western civilization and capitalism. We've known these facts for quite some time now, yet we seem entirely powerless to stop this agenda. Why is that? We know exactly who these criminals are, but none of them are being indicted or prosecuted, even amid the ongoing genocide. When will Mr. Gates donate his own body to science?



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As far as I can tell, your statements are third rail for PM. He and Leake can rant all they want about jabs, but they can’t say there’s no virus and no pandemic.

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Right on target. We cannot be certain if there was truly a COVID virus, but we can be sure about the C19 depopulation vaccine regimen.

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The common cold and the flu are not considered pandemics although they both are caused by viruses so if the "pandemic" subtracted all the iatrogenic deaths and false PCR test results and mislabeled deaths (due to the cash being offered for covid treatment and deaths) you end up with a virus that caused fewer deaths than the flu does. Thus Covid is not a pandemic but just another endemic viral infection. Also I believe it was Substack Author Ben writing US Mortality who tried to duplicate the sequencing of the Covid 19 virus and could not duplicate the original registered DNA sequence. The tails would not match up. So bottom line is the virus, whether man made or natural was not pandemic grade.

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Great comment, except that we still have not reached endemicity with this virus due to mass vaccination during circulation of this highly changeable virus. Putting intense pressure on it to mutate away from every already outdated injection they rolled out will ensure we will continue to have an endless stream of “summer surges” and “winter surges.” We will not ever likely reach true endemic status like Africa has, all because of the greed and stupidity of the healthcare “authorities” and Pharma robber barons. Shameful.

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Perhaps my thinking about survival of mutations is naive however my expectation is mutations would occur with or without the jab so we can expect covid to continue to mutate in the unvaccinated as well however fortunately viruses tend to become less lethal as they mutate. Much like the annual flu.

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Thing is, you don’t even need an endemic “virus” to stage a pandemic. All you need is a nucleotide sequence and a bogus PCR test. Then you can synthesize it and put it wherever you want and “detect” it (in sewers). In fact, for most of 2020, they were finding the exact same sequence on all four corners of the globe. That can’t happen with RNA unless you are putting it there.

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While there's a great amount of truth to that everyone can say RNA molecules do not have replication fidelity to pandemic and there is no biology to support the idea anymore than CRISPR wings on a pig can make it fly. They can also use terms all virology & vaccinology have used in labs for decades. mRNA jabs are TRANSFECTION.

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I saw PM’s interview with Jay Couey. I’m sure you did too. Why isn’t it being said?

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The reset is well on its way in Europe.

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"Dr. Peter McCullough has been trying to awaken the powers that be for almost four years. It is high time that these fools wake up. The following paper is a good place for people to start. "

Abso-frigging-lutely and big time kudos to Dr. McCullough for objecting to America's insane childhood vaccines as well. One thing that would help public education is to start calling these gene therapy products by the name used for 20 years in labs.. They are mRNA TRANSFECTION failed cancer therapy product repurposed for failed immunization products.

It has been said that without the vocabulary we cannot fully grasp a concept it's well beyond time to use appropriate terminology for the public to grasp the potential harms of transfection.

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We have some friends whose daughter is due to give birth in August. Her doctors are encouraging her to do in utero vaccination for RSV and one other one that I’ve never heard of. They are telling the doctors no. I thought the childhood vaccinations for my kids were extreme in number when my last child was born almost 14 years ago. Now, you are being encouraged to get them while pregnant? Ridiculous.

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She needs to steel herself for the extreme coersion that will be put on in the delivery room to inject the newborn before they even leave the room

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You are so right! My son and DIL went to deliver 2 years ago, and wrote instructions for hospital staff to NOT give ANY vaccines to their baby. They try to give newborns Hep-B (a sexually or drug use transmitted disease). Insane! And yes, they tried to vaccinate the Mom while pregnant (RSV) and she refused.

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She should definitely not go along with that crazy idea.

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That is a true label but very long to say. People are impatient we need a pithy description. I use clot shots, but that doesn't cover all the harms.

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Three syllables is hardly a legitimate hurdle to naming conventions and one single word that accurately describes a scientific method is hardly more challenging than the fancy footwork employed by the soft sell & disingenuous "novel vaccines" or "gene therapy products" that use more words but confuse a clear methodology easily found in PubMed search. No question if these were rolled out as TRANSFECTIONS not vaccines the misplaced trust in the vaccines would not have been exploitable.

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The Pluto rats doing this are not going to be the ones to fix it.

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The government knows what’s killing the young people. They created the situation purposefully for depopulation. And they will continue to kill all life on earth including the young. I have done lots of research on Dr M. So have many other people. What we found out is not pleasant. I’ll leave it at that.

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What better way to completely change America than to replace the electorate with illegal aliens. Then the Dems can change the constitution, change the Supreme Court and pack it, etc. I think, which I have no knowledge that it's true, the Dems want to implode the US and depopulation of the citizenry is part of the game plan. Then the biggest threat to the stability of the world will be gone. All hell will break lose.

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Looks like the game plan

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Great point on narcotics and satan.

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Great quote: "It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people cant be governed at all. Or if they could I never heard of it."

The following one on satanism was good too. I've never been religious, and still am not, but no sensible person can fail to see the potentially off-world evil all around us. What's that smell?

Last evening I was trying to figure out the beautiful lead guitar solo from Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young's "Ohio," and I can't help apply the now ironic last words of the song to the present. "Four dead in Ohio. How many more?" Where are the artists, other than Five Times August, singing about the vax genocide? Four more? How many millions more?

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Corporate MURDER is usually glossed over in America because it most often involves politics and/or politicians and MONEY. And even when it is revealed and prosecuted, a fine is levied and it's forgotten in a week. No individuals are ever held accountable. ACCOUNTABILITY is what is so sorely lacking in America. Why? Because corruption and lawlessness is pervasive in the culture of our contemporary, powerful and monied elites.

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His Covid vaccination of course.

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I regret that your appeal that people in power "wake up" is misplaced.

It assumes that somehow they do not know.

They know. They know very well.

That is why there is so much censorship.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

"The people who run this country - whoever they are - need to start thinking very hard about what is killing the young and fit, and then at least try to do something about it."


Respectfully, John, this absolutely has to be the least credible sentence you've written this year, if not in your lifetime. I simply will not be persuaded you do not understand a) the Trans National ruling class is running this country and b) they have done -are doing - this as warfare.

This is beneath you. Come on man.

Perhaps you, and anyone else who doesn't know who is running this country -indeed the world- should read D.A. Hughes' "Covid-19", Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy. A pdf download is available on Merly Nass's Substack.

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The willful silence and denial of the abundantly documented cardiac harms — esp to men within a certain age — is mind-boggling.

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I recommend reading every McCarthy (my favorite author) novel as each is unique in its own way - but especially Blood Meridian

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Actor’s age at time of death was 35. Doctors dumbfounded.

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Not knowing the accuracy of this report, in Nazi Germany, 1/3 of the population backed Adolf, 1/3 didn’t, and 1/3 were apathetic, waiting to see what happened. Sitting back and watching, writing about it, making ourselves scarce hasn’t removed any of the active threats like Gates, WHO, UN, WEF, Pharma, GOF, terrorist cells, the scum in DC, captured agencies, Congress or the WH.

Humans are acting like insects, scurrying towards cover, depending on clueless leaders, while the exterminators are gleefully marching forward.

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Extremely well said!

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