Nobel peace prize ? Obama - red line - Syria ? Beginning of the end to world sovereign nations. How many deaths at his hands? Peace? You know when Putin sounds more rational than most world leaders something is wrong in Denmark !

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I felt that way in '72, when Wallace started sounding more rational than the rest of the field; scared the crap out of me that 1st time. It's a little less surprising now.

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Vladimir Putin . . . note that the Christian leader of Russia makes a very important distinction between Russia and "Soviet." A distinction that the so-called West wants you to forget/ignore:



October 5, 2023 (need to scroll forward the next link)


The key is Russia, CHRISTIAN RUSSIA. The role of Mother Russia was announced over one-hundred years ago . . . an introduction to an important subject . . . one that the Freemasons in Rome want you to avoid (even more-so than McCullough avoids LIABILITY IMMUNITY):


Christian Russia, for all her faults, is key. Ukraine? Recent status review, one you won't hear from FoxNews or NewsMax or CNN or whatever:


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War in Israel, surprise!!! Again back to Obama , release funds to Iran, their money, why not?

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Once you realize the cabal that runs the world's goal REALLY IS to kill us all (the Georgia Guidestones told us this), awarding a Nobel Prize for the technology (poison) that has accomplished said goal makes more sense. Stop thinking of the Nobel Prize as doing something that benefits mankind. They give it to those that promote their ultimate goals. That is why Obama got one too. Are you awake yet?

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So do UN Agendas 21, and 2030, in very plain English. The WHO's Codex Alimentarius bak that up but it's a bit tricker to decipher.

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An award that has been ruined forever.

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What next? A posthumous Nobel prize for whoever invented Zyklon B? Or how about a Nobel for the congressional idiots who removed all liability from vaccine manufacturers for injuries or deaths caused by their products?

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The "BIGGEST BLUNDER" for USA product liability elimination in modern day legal History!

The 1986 total protection package for BigpHARMA and profit racketeering EVER!

Now entering over 3rd yr of marketed murder and mayhem for money. Taken to the BANK!

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Note, once again, Johnnie-come-lately McCullough is avoiding this LIABILITY IMMUNITY underbelly like the . . . plague(?!). He and all his MD pals are complicit (especially Harvey Risch!).


Next, notice the look on Julie's face when the medical doctor mentions zero liability:


5-year old Julie gets-it, but McCullough avoids it. Can you say 'Medical Malpractice Insurance' ? In any case, this headline captures much of the underbelly::


So, the health leaders in the world are not MDs like McCullough....but the are here illegally !

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“Johnny come lately”???? That idiocy makes it hard to read any further.

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Idiocy? Sycophants like you are everywhere. The fact that the Nobel Prize is no longer of any merit is not new-news. But trendy trolls like you have no real clue, and most likely never will. GET LOST.

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Paul, Dr. McCullough is a m e d i c a l doctor, not a JD. Calling him a Johnny come lately, was nothing but an unnecessary insult.

Thank you for pointing out the insanity of liability exemption for vax makers. Everyone needs to know about that. But I almost missed watching your video because of that pointless insult.

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There is no connection or relevance whatsoever between ANYONE'S status (JD versus MD versus proverbial common man) and the need to demand in the strongest terms the RETROACTIVE rescinding of LIABILITY IMMUNITY. Your post is absurd.

Of all the people the need to do this simple rescinding task (and forthrightly), it is the MD cadre in-general, McCullough in particular. Their silence in this regard is deafening and indicative of complicity.

In the alternative, those medical doctors that DID inject modRNA into their patients ARE covered by LIABILITY IMMUNITY (as a protected group under PREP). Do you think those MD criminals required a JD to undersyand/participate? Again, your post is absurd.

But since you're in the mood for an update, let's try a PATHETIC quote from early August 2020 (that's twenty-TWENTY):

"Antibody production after COVID-19 takes a few weeks to ramp up but wanes fairly quickly after several weeks to months. Thus, the hope is that a vaccine could instill permanent memory in antigen-presenting T-cells that would remind the plasma cells and B-cells to proliferate and restore antibody production more quickly in the setting of re-inoculation."

So here is this non-JD medical doctor declaring that natural immunity wanes, while the upcoming modRNA needle will not. The MD that made that bold quote above, in essence promoting the modRNA poison, will need LOTS of JDs in his defense when the time comes to explain himself. I wonder who said that?

McCullough is a Johnnie-come-lately on many fronts; such is a qualification, not an "insult." Contrary to your obvious and perhaps misplaced sycophantism, Peter is junior to me by several decades. Long before he graduated Med School. I had worked with both MDs and JDs (in court) . . . now, for over forty years :


McCullough's silence on LIABILITY IMMUNITY is deafening . . . as is that of his pal Harvey Risch. Your notion that their non-mentioning , and their lack of rescinding demands on LIABILITY IMMUNITY is somehow connected to having or not having a JD is patently ABSURD..

Not diatribe . . . mine is a criticism. By definition McCullough is connected-to and associated-with all those MDs who participated in and celebrated in the protections of LIABILITY IMMUNITY. . . . like Peter Hotez,, and Marc Boom, and Anthony Fauci . . . and . . .

It is time for McCullough to distinguish himself from those MD criminals. Your approach appears to be the 'sparing of the rod.' My approach indicates care for McCullough. Please consider the latter. Thank you for the segue.

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Take your pills and stop the auditory and visual hallucinations.

Your paranoia is off the charts

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Not to worry Paul. He will be called in one fine day for Congressional/Senate hearings.

He will be grilled and not so Unavoidably Quiet as a witness to more than Fraud and Mal-Practice and whatever else they can put in the sink prior to answers in his direction.

I hope to live long enough to see the Prosecutions of hired murdering thugs that profited.

And watch the amounts of discovery we had little idea existed for so long. Not Bullshit!

Watergate??? was a tv soap opera compared to this.

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Randall, thanks for the reply. Regarding my criticism (not diatribe) that McCullough is Johnnie-comr-lately, I endured this Nobel Prize farce FIRST HAND back in the early 1990s when I had to sign-off on hundreds-of-millions to convert our minivans due to the Montreal Protocol:


The criminal Montreal Protocol went into effect at the end of 1994. Shortly thereafter, Roland and Molina? The two so-called scientists that did the patent holders bidding (DuPont and ICI)? Well . . . would it surprise anyone that Roland and co-criminal Molina were awarded the Nobel Prize? It should not.

McCullough, et al., is also Johnie-come-lately in the following regard . . . the rest us us saw the current farce coming immediately after this earlier clown show....almost two years ago (!):



This is not rocket science. Thanks again.

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He has someone he trusts advising him as to how far his legal level may proceed.

I think he is told that it's not his "Role" to comment on some things, for recorded purposes to haunt him later.

What's the court room phrase conjecture and here say if placed on the stand and discredit him entirely. Most all of this is well above my paygrade and answering the logic, that has slipped away.

I am amazed that this has still gotten this far without product removal till proven safety. Clearly not gonna happen.

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So in addiction to the earlier name-calling by 'randall stoehr,' this same person is now trying to convince someone that he's a legal expert?! You now babble, quote:

"He has someone he trusts advising him as to how far his legal level may proceed."

Ad hocism does befit you. But to alleviate that assessment, tell us randall stoehr; tell us precisely who/whom and BY NAME is "advising him."

For example, you hedge your polemical bets by babbling, quote:

"I think he is told that it's not his "Role" to comment on some things . . . "

You now only "think" this-or-that? Uh huh. First you babble affirmatively that McCullough is relying on "someone he trusts," but in that same post/breath you now scurry to, "I think." So which is it?!

You continue that line of babbling, quote:

" . . . for recorded purposes to haunt him later. "

Oh, so according to our new legal expert ('randall stoehr,') a medical doctor telling the truth is later "haunt(ed)" ????? Clearly you will never be in a position to advise ANYONE. In conclusion to this part of your rant, if any part of your ad hoc knee jerk response was even remotely true , them perhaps you can explain the McCullough statements LIABILITY IMMUNITY in his book, "The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex." Oh, you never bought it, and you never read it...correct?

Then you ramble-on about the "court room," as if you have a clue. But, despite the grammar school level obviousness of this, we'll go real slow for randall stoehr: In a nutshell, you (and McCullough) have it EXACTLY WRONG . . . to be expected for sure.

By NOT telling the WHOLE TRUTH, by his ongoing LYING BY OMISSION (on LI), McCullough is in real reputational and legal danger.

At trial, the first thing they will do as defense attorneys (for criminals like Bourla), is interrogate McCullough on why, if the modRNA needle is so bad, on why he did not come forward on principle? On why, if anyone is to believe anything he says (now as Johnnie-come-lately); that his intellect and morality was/is so diminutive that he could not make a determination as follows:

ANY PRODUCT THAT IS SO TENTATIVE (such as the modRNA needles) THAT IT"S ONLY MODE OF WIDE DEPLOYMENT IS UNDER THE (criminal) PROTECTIONS OF LIABILITY IMMUNITY; HOW COULD HE NOT KNOW THAT IT WAS IMPLICITLY DANGEROUS TO HEALTH & WELL-BEING FROM THE VERY BEGINNING? While out of the other side of his mouth, before this judge and jury, declaring himself a medical expert?

I would "advise" the criminal defense attorneys to ask McCullough:

(1) What other industry that you benefit from, ranging from food to automobiles, is protected by LIABILITY IMMUNITY?

(2) Of the therapeutics that you and you colleague Harvey Risch are selling to benefit patients (who succumbed to COVID-19 infection and/or modRNA needles adverse events), which are covered by LIABILITY IMMUNITY?

(3) As an example of (2), if your SPIKE SUPPORT products are not protected by LIABILITY IMMUNITY, is that your not-so-tacit declaration that these are indeed SAFE & EFFECTIVE?

What will haunt McCullough and his MD cadre is NOT fulfilling his true "role."

You, randall stoehr, have documented, here in the public domain, that you are to be discounted (at best). Unlike the undersigned, you know NOTHING about the court room.

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We’ve been living in such strange and dark times.

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Our world has gotten so dark and evil with it increasing at a rapid pace. So many organizations worldwide have been corrupted to the cure. When the left speaks I take whatever they say as the truth to be the opposite. The left is destroying every institution, every organization, every corporation, that they can. In our own country that years ago upheld ideals that honored patriotism, core family values, and the sanctity of human life, our country has fallen into the pit of hell.

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Day one of this current Admin. JB on Nat TV telling the world "DARKER DAYS ARE AHEAD"!

He is making darn certain of this. He issued the green light of America's downfall. NWO/WEF is no myth. Prepare your family for your own life raft. Your New Frontier is here.

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I think this started before this current administration. This is Obama's third term as president and he's always hated the US. Biden is a non thinking puppet. The corruption via money is nauseating. The corruption of the medical profession is truly evil and scary.

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Holding Them Accountable:

No one has made a definitive list of what they didn't do.

- What should have been done

- At each and every crucial step

- But was not done.

Everything they didn't do that the scientific method demands.

No one owns that.

It seems like something that could start very small

- and let it build upon/unto itself.


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Exactly how do you propose t "hold "them" accountable? And which "them"? The laws and courts are on their side; the legislature insured that, and once it was added to the pedi schedule, it became "iron clad" untouchable!

"'Vengeance is Mine' saith the Lord, 'I will rcompens'." Best leave that to Him; He's better at it, in any case.

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The Nobel has become a prize for political influence. It has nothing to do with peace or science, or whatever label is slapped on the trophy. If you want to know what the global elite favors, watch who "wins" a Nobel prize.

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A key line from the Rancourt study:

"The measured all-ages vDFR of (0.126 ± 0.004) % implies that 17.0 ± 0.5 million

COVID-19 vaccine deaths would have occurred globally, up to 2 September 2023. It

appears that the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign was in effect a mass iatrogenic

event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living

persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths. "

It was done WITH INTENT to harm. It is the worst crime in history. The gene-therapy transfection shots DID NOT PREVENT ANY DEATHS and MURDERED OVER 17 MILLION PEOPLE.


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When you intentionally inject people with a cocktail of venoms and other poisons, and little replication factories, what other outcome could you rationally be expecting but their deaths? And that doesn't include the little critters in the solution that almost certainly requires into those peculiar fibrous clots no one has yet explained...just found and removed, mostly from dead victims.

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Giving antiquated Medals to the LARGEST GROUP of mistake makers has always been the cure and the methods of cover ups. This is psychological marketing to paint the "Rosiest'' picture possible for the folks that bought the "safe and effective" narrative still beating the drum beat from day one.

I have grown tired of this. Nothing about this is safe. The only thing effective so far is the deceptions we have had to endure is separating real facts from real fiction of 100 Billion in profits. Not difficult.

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Weissman’s statement included in the video was shockingly delusional.

Good job Nobel Committee!

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Hopefully ,the Nobel committee can revisit the fine scientific work done in the early 70's and conclude Monsanto should receive a late Nobel for glysphosate/Roundup.

Originally patented as an antiparasitic agent for the prevention and therapeutic treatment of pathogenic infections such as those provoked by Toxoplasma gondii, Plasmodium falciparum (the parasite that causes malaria), and Cryptosporidium parvum (US Patent No. 7771736 B2). Glyphosate is also patented as an “anticancer compound” and is reported to inhibit the growth of cancers and tumors in mammals (US Patent No. 5665713 A). Last but not least, glyphosate is also claimed to be effective against viruses, including rhinovirus, HIV, herpes, and influenza (US Patent No. 5665713 A).

Maybe its not the idiots in Sweden handing out Nobel's thats the problem, but the folks at the Patent Office who should take their heads out of their asses.

I have a hunch MRna will eventually make a great weed killer.

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I don't know for certain, but I think all they have to prove, before issuing a patent, is that no one else has submitted the thing or substance prior to the person seeking said patent. I don't believe they have to prove, or have proof, it actually does what is claimed.

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Again, a mere 121 likes. Be sure to post this article on all your social media, we have to make the general public aware of these death jabs.

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This is just crazy. But it took the Covid outbreak for millions of us to learn truly how dark Big Pharma and the organizations we came trust are. Bless those in the medical field who stood their ground and risked all to tell us the truth. My truly sincere thanks.

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Nobel prizes have been being "misawarded" for some time now so far as I see it. They seem to intentionally go to the undeserving, most likely to avoid awarding those who earned them, but don't fit the narrative. Everything is about the lies these days...

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Guess the Nobel people are proud of those casualties? Their awards are now jokes.

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