Keep sharing these stories of degradation and destruction of Western values and humanity. These are symbols of the destruction covidmania has visited on all of us by totalitarians, all of whom want us to memory hole what they did, and are still doing.

Danny Huckabee

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I agree, these stories are of the utmost importance and a continual warning to us all. Eternal vigilance is necessary against these anti-human demons.

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Lock all responsible for this degeneracy in a cell for 20 years together with the “artwork”.

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Calling it artwork is a stretch, its an abomination. The amount of shit we all put up with theses days is mind boggling.

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Pigeon-holing of ugliness in culture is the primary means of avoiding a decaying society. I's as avoiding the vision of a few dying trees which is to neglect a whole forest infested with larvae already embedded in the bark threatening to bore into the wood in spring after the weather wasn't cold enough to kill the pests.

Western Society REFUSES to recognize the presence of the pests waiting to hallow-out all of society.

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As soon as something becomes art (sculpture, in this case) it is hands off. Freedom of expression, they call it. But, wait, who is expressing what...and why?

But....isn't free expression in art free of government censorship? So, when local governments use art to demoralize people...is it also free of censorship? Untouchable?


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Whatever the sculptor THOUGHT was being expressed, all I see is the product of a seriously diseased mind, with other diseased minds paying for and publicly displaying it! Art is meant to feed the soul and uplift it, not further sicken it!

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Upside down world.

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I live in Vienna and the whole country became a total Nazi state during Covid.

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Which is why I no longer wish to visit Europe.

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I’m sorry. If you can, be creative and bring beautiful and interesting things into your personal space. They need not be expensive, just pleasing.

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Welcome to Australia.

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That happened in the late '30s- mid '40s of the last century and they never displayed that sort of sickness, sick as they were. Their notion of "art" was much more sterile and emotionless.

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The "Nazis" created a magnificently beautiful and orderly civilization and your comment is either based on extreme miseducation or malice.

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Yikes! Just when I started to think that white supremacists were not really a thing anymore....

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Stop with the jew-created labels designed to try to shame people into silence. That won't work with me. Just know that there are people here who understand true history and who know the TRUTH about WW2 and also the jewish lies. We are willing to call out all those who perpetuate the lies including yourself. Stop being a liar and manipulator.

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Oh, you duped ignoramus of a Qanoner, you! If anyone is a liar and manipulator it is you filled with hatred of God’s Chosen people. You obviously believe the paLIEstinian rewritten history as well. Those wonderful God-fearing bastions of humanity and decency in the form of a robotoid gusestepping Nazi just makes you all giddy, now doesn’t it?

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I believe it was jew, Howard Rosenthal (among others), who boldly stated that "most jews do not like to admit but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people." Indeed. Please take your choseness and your god to some other dimension. Those of us who are part of pristine Mankind have no more tolerance for EVIL on this Earth.

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I believe (Know) that you are a dupe who is willfully wantonly sucked into the lies of your master, old Lucy himself, with the deceitful fake document of Elders of Zion garbage. Did Q pass this on to you along with the lies about Mr. Rosenthal? Those statements were made up propaganda. Not only are you 100% ignorant about the Jewish people, their history, their land and promises, and the Only One True Living God of the Holy Bible, you don’t know any Jews personally, let alone as friends, nor do you know or care about scripture or the possibility for your own salvation from your wickedness. Your sins, and supporting/twisting the truth about the putrid evil of those nazi bastards will take you right to the great white throne judgment of Christ when you die someday, and you WILL give an accountability, so I would highly recommend that you seek the real truth and repent.

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Orderly,I'll give you, but beautiful, no. It as cold, sterile, without feeling; probably necessary, in order to do the things they did to fellow human beings.

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The culture that National Socialism created WAS indeed, very beautiful. And they did NOT do the things that jews have accused them of. Just the opposite. Did you know that over 16+ million Germans were systematically rendered homeless, tortured, raped, and slaughtered during WW2? And yet, everyone goes on screaming about the lie of "6 million jews" being gassed by the Germans. Total bullshit. And when you listen to the Israelis now, and hear them calling to turn Gaza into another Dresden, that should be a clue to go learn what they did to Dresden, Germany. Keep in mind that the jews declared war on Germany. They are instigators of the war and the destruction of millions of innocent lives. And this has been so since biblical times. Everywhere they go, entire civilizations are burnt to the ground. It's time for people to WAKE UP and KNOW who is responsible for all the evil we are seeing around us.

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I didn't know the numbers, but yes, I knew it happened. And yes, the things the Jews claim happened did and worse. You might be surprised at things I know, and have known, for many decades. I have NOT heard calls for Gaza to become a 2nd Dresden, although the "glass parking lot" notion has been offered. 6 million Jews and millions of Romany, homosexuals who did not join the "pink swastika", Catholic priests and Protestant ministers, disabled children adults, and seniors, and Soviet POWs were murdered in various ways. Whatever you believe , millions of people did not simply vanish off the face of the Earth, never to be heard from again anywhere. A large percentage of the murdered Jews were German citizens too, many who had served honorably in the German Army and Navy during WW I. They did not declare war on Germany. I can guess where all those lies came from, but that's all they are. Did YOU know the Nazis were meticulous records keepers, including of ALL those they murdered? Did you know they recorded and even filmed various of the murders, and that there used to be film available for the public to see of Himmler himself observing the gassing murders of a roomful of Jewish women children and elderly men? I know because I've seen it. And indeed I do know who is responsible for all the evil we see around us, although I doubt you do; you're too busy blaming humans who have no such ability, since the evil has existed for millennia and NO human has lived longer than 969 yrs! ( No, he was not a Jew, just FYI.). "Civilization burns to the ground" because the source of the evil hates Jews even more than you do and has done for a lot longer than you have, not because Jews caused it.

Do you even know why you, and so many others, hate the Jews, really? I doubt that too. In fact, it has nothing to do with what they have done, or not done either, the latter of which got them in much more trouble through the centuries than what they did, but because of Someone else' declaration about them that has been misunderstood by nearly everyone since it happened, including the Jews themselves. I will tell you 1 more fact: the lies told about the Jews for millennia have far surpassed all the things you believe they did, and are still being told as if truths. Look up Lucifer, aka Satan; HE is the source of your and all the others' throughout history's hate for the Jews, Christians and everything else that makes an effort to do good.

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Sandra - there were not even 6 million jews in ALL OF EUROPE, much less in Germany, and Red Cross statistics, along with stats from the Jewish Almanac indicate less than 300,000 jews actually died during WW2. Please spare me all the nonsense you have just spewed. The TRUTH is coming out everywhere now and the jews are at last, being exposed. Here's a good one for everyone to watch to begin to understand the nature of this beast: https://twitter.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1718755548789723268?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1718755548789723268%7Ctwgr%5Ee1bb66ec3054e23270332d7904b837b50d71eaa6%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newstarget.com%2F2023-11-02-cdc-officials-covid-vaccines-jews-dual-citizenship-israel.html

PS - people hate the jews because of jewish behavior. Period. Their evil has been going on for centuries and now they are really showing their fangs. Wake up.

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Exactly what you have said. Both my mother and father lived through WW11. What is being taught through American history books are twisted facts and a multitude of lies.

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I never said they were all in Germany, just that many were Germans, and there were far more records found than a mere 300K. Some were lost to bombing and shelling and subsequent fires, it's true, but enough were still in tact .

I never heard of such an almanac in any of the historic records, German or Allied nations.

The TRUTH is not coming out, it's being suppressed, buried, and destroyed. I AM awake, not "woke", and have been for over 7 decades.

The Jews are hated for having been Yhwh God's chosen people, not for ANY word or deed of their own.

Just FYI I don't tweet any longer, I quit them a few yrs ago due to censorship, as I had done FB back in '16, for the same reason. But I can tell you, Gates has NOTHING to say I'd waste my time listening to. He is 1 of the most evil and deceitful critters on the face of the Earth, and that you consider him a source of "wisdom" scarcely surprises me, given the collection of disinformation you have presented as "truth" here. I will pray that Yhwh God will open your heart, mind, eyes, and ears, before it's too late, but the time is short.

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Here's more information for readers to chew on: https://rumble.com/v3r3ezz-jewish-supremacists.html

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I'm sure there are a few Jewish supremacists; there are supremacists among every racial subgroup and ethnicity. It's part of the sin condition of all humanity. What's your point?

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Society is in the midst of a Bizarro World transformation, where high-level qualities are attacked and eroded, while depraved, corrupt and psychotic behaviors are revered and desirable.

Such qualities as integrity, wisdom, competence, honor, personal responsibility, courage and spirituality are being replaced by corruption, insanity, incompetence, depravity and irresponsibility.

Ugliness follows this transformation.

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The repulsiveness of the statue mirrors the souls of the originators.

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Satanic Inversion.

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You said that EXACTLY right.

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Anyone who doesn’t think of Orwell whilst reading your comment may want to brush up.

Watch Part 3 of Covid Unmasked, 2020 and Beyond which can be found on CHD website under CHD.tv. You’ll see exactly how it’s done.

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This fountain is a monstrosity. That Vienna would allow it to be installed is a testament to the utter decay of civilized life in a Jenna. A warped and ugly mind conceived and executed it. The municipal authorities who condoned and paid for it from tax monies are depraved beings. Shame on the Viennese who have not already insisted on its removal.

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In what used to be one of the most civilized and beautiful cities on the continent.

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John, please ignore the whiners who want to control the scope of your writings. Every message you have written since I started seeing them has brought an important topic to the fore. I for one am thoroughly done with censorship from wherever and whoever it emanates. This is a very insightful observation and we ought to encourage those who live in Vienna to express their disgust with this and intolerance of such a hideous attempt to use taxpayer money to fund art that mocks God's creation with such deformed and ugly misrepresentations of humanity.

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The residents should get rid of it.

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Seems to be a bit of an equivalence here... statues at fountain in Vienna AND pooping in the streets of America.... don’t you think??!!

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I think that was precisely John's point in noting San Francisco in particular...

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Exactly. CoVID is just a piece of the larger social engineering picture. Efforts to normalize obesity, drug use and now individual ambiguity are becoming increasingly clear.

I’d expect something this hideous in the States. Poor Europe.

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The only way to stop some thing like this is for people to stand up and say, we do not want to look at a piece of bad art it is a piece of crap. when enough people speak up it will come down. the people must do it together.

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It looks like it’s time to tear down some statues. We learned this is perfectly ok during the BLM riots. There’s a good use for masks after all!

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That would at least be a valid use of them, short term, to keep from inhaling the dust.

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Useless to attack the symbol. It's like eating the menu rather than the food. Seek the essence of the problem.


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Terrifying. Keep writing, John...all of your subjects are relevant. Thank you!

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Not only San Francisco, the ruination is country-wide, including in that bastion of American Artistry, Hollywood <sarcasm> see


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Wow, Peter! How horrible conditions have become in California. So much for the Walk of Fame.

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Let's designate the root cause:

"Now watch the above video again. This is Democrat Gavin Newsom's California. California is a very rich state. What happened? Simply put: A colossal failure of leadership. But, wait. Newsom did NOT create this catastrophe. He only perpetuates it. He just follows in the footsteps of many generations of capitalist politicians—each generation demonstrably as corrupt, opportunist and criminal as the prior. For the capitalist system has only one historical direction, an irrevocable direction. Anchored in selfishness, weighted down with short-term thinking, and riddled with individualism, it flows inexorably toward implosion and collapse due to its own contradictions."

Cross-posted from The Greanville Post. Subscribe if you can bear truth.

Another exposition of the root cause:


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Sorry, capitalism is not to blame as it has allowed mankind to reduce squalor and improve living conditions. It is individual greed that distorts useful to evil ends. Socialist / communist governments have destroyed far more lives.

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That is correct. Peter Webster is on the WRONG TRACK.

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check the data: in the past 20-30 years that evil dictatorship CHINA has brought more people OUT of poverty than any regime ever in history. At the same time our Western Democracies have put many formerly middle class more people INTO poverty.

Read the Joel Kovel excerpt, and his book, and cease denying the obvious until you have evaluated the situation properly. If you have positive views about capitalism, you have not yet been impoverished by it, and/or you are merely propagandized. Given your comments, I suspect the latter.

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Politicians, yes, capitalist, no. Capitalism stands or falls based on marketability, this is cronyism, a very different thing, where the corporate sorts decide the winners or losers.

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I totally support you exposing this putridness John and I thank you for it.

I agree it is about the degradation and destruction of humanity (they are celebrating it too). Disgusting!

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Summer of 2020 saw the destruction of many statues and monuments in the US deemed objectionable by some. And soon thereafter in 2022 the Georgia Guidestones were wrecked by a bomb and subsequently removed. Political change and the toppling of dictators is often accompanied by the destruction of statues erected to glorify them and assert their dominance. Our public art is indeed a statement on society, values, control and power. It seems doubtful these dehumanizing amorphous blobs will withstand the test of time and be revered long into the future. Like the entire covid debacle this fountain is a stirring example of "the Emporer's new clothes".

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The Austrian art group responsible is named Gelitin. They have a very strange background that anyone can look into for themselves. Draw your own conclusions.

A conclusion I have reached is that we are having unrestricted warfare waged against us. "Us" being the civilian/unwashed populations of the world. It's been going on undercover for a long time with lots of set up. The injections are bioweapons performing their intended purpose. These bioweapons came with an intense psychological operation designed to manufacture your consent to be injected.

This "art work" is nothing more than a facet of this unrestricted war. It is a humiliation ritual and a demonstration of the depth of the demoralization campaign that has been being waged against us for generations now. The grift aspect is very much down the line in prioritizing the damage.

Maybe I'm off my rocker? You have to admit the world is upside down. That is for sure.

Go look into the Gelitin "art group" and see what you find.

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As soon as something is called 'art' it is hands off. It's called 'freedom of expression'. What a way to poison minds.

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These people are full of tricks.

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Thanks for letting me know; In all the comments' consternation about taste I was simply wondering -similar to the pilots of the chemtrail planes who poison their own children, family and fellow human beings,- who is going to be held responsible by the absolute Beauty of this planet for this insult of inspiration.


transparent and foul smelling waste

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You are not off your rocker.

I’ve got no words at the moment, after having just looked up that “art group”.

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Keep going with your alternative articles John. We’re here for you as much as Peter and two for the price of one is terrific value!

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I agree that this fountain is a monstrosity and that its placement is another symbol of the values of those who want to harm us, including with harmful mandates and unsafe pharmaceuticals. We need to band together with the people of Vienna and do everything possible to push back, including electing sane leaders by overwhelming majorities.

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The statue even feels woke to me.

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