Investigation is honorable! No doubt how I was raised in an America where truth would set you free. I applaud your work Dr and time you spend doing the difficult things. We’re living in quite honestly, such dishonest times. There’s a fine line between living peacefully and living without peace. The later has been the norm for the past 3.5 years, so it’s refreshing to know there are good people doing good things! You’re certainly doing good things and I pray your findings aren’t torn to shreds by those who are responsible for undermining truth. Good luck Dr and may God keep you safe and blessed while investigating the Maui fire and in addition, those who have lost their lives and the survivors who have lost their homes in Lahaina!

May God Bless America and the entire world!

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I agree. And, I thank you for doing this research. The enemy had this well-planned, however. And, I fear they are five steps ahead of you.

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John Leake is not a doctor. He's an investigative journalist who writes non-fiction books whom Peter McCullough hired to ghost-write/co-write his book on vaccines.

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My mistake and thanks for pointing that out, I realized after I posted I made the mistake, part of being human which would be nice to see more of coming from those in power! I’m not holding my breath, their MO is everything but the truth.

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How do we SAFELY reverse the course which these corrupt centralized entities have us on?

We build new systems that make the old ones obsolete- ones 100% controlled and built by the people - then plug them into the system with decentralized leadership.

We feel like we are down a rabbit hole and found a fix for all of the corruption and most of our problems, but can’t scream loud enough for others to hear us. We need to build better Swarming systems, and plug them into our current broken systems using leaders who decentralize their own positions. We implore you to read this and understand the importance https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Human Swarm Intelligence can harness division, when you have players who are aiming for a solution and can’t find an optimal way. I believe our divisions are such that one side, those currently in power, will not accept anything except their way! This is exactly why we’re seeing such divisions within America and around the world! 25 years ago true democrats and republicans would disagree and find a way to, “SWARM”. Ultimately, Americans were far better off than today, but still heading towards where we find ourselves now. It sounds like a perfect solution, the only issue I believe is, with a Public / Private Partnership so entrenched in controlling everything, no longer are the days of a true republican and a true democrat working towards a common or better goal together! I see the world has gone so far left or right. We are now faced with “communism or patriotism”! Xe Van Fleet explains is best and how Chairman Mao divided China into Red Coats and Black Coats. The aim was good side / bad side! Look how far China has gained power since about 60 years or so. Right now the media as DJT said perfectly, is the “enemy of the people” There’s no doubt and unless there’s a media a willing to go the distance, it won’t matter how much “swarming intelligence” is developed! For every radar detector there’s a new radar gun and the battle continues. I’d like to believe human beings can see and understand the enemy and the dangers they’re inflicting upon the world, I’m not sold on Human Swarm Intelligence until “evil” can be eradicated! We all know that will never happen, although there are things like, shock treatment, or forced vaccination or contaminated food and water to calm the likes of evil people. That all seems impossible, no? On the contrary, mankind is headed somewhere we have never been before. At not in my lifetime. Although, do we really know if we’re living in a simulated world to start? Quite heavy to say the least, though man is man’s destruction, maybe the Klaus Schwab’s of the world or the George Soros, etc will wake up one day and have a change of heart and tell all their “useful idiots” to go home, we screwed up! I don’t believe so. I do want to believe people worldwide can form a simple yet powerful “right vs wrong” utopia where we can all get along, I simply believe this “nasty turn of evil control” has to run it’s course. Only my opinion. I hope this makes sense. Only my simple thoughts.

May God Bless America and the entire world!


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The main issue, IMHO, with any popular/mass movement gaining traction to detach from the "ruling elites," is that "they" have surveillance power and beyond-military force power (UFO reverse engineering over decades) and will not hesitate to use any unethical means to squash budding movements that could take control away from them. Good guys figuring out protection from currently known threats would not affect them much at this point, since their technology is mostly unknown to us. It would seem that a critical mass of resistors/revolters must be silently reached to take them and their servants out pretty much all at once to prevent them from re-establishing full control quickly. According to several people I have listened to recently, we still have a small window to free ourselves, but I don't know what evidence they have to base that statement on.

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Earlier I replied to the post about “Human Swarm Intelligence”, this update to my thoughts came, of course once I posted. Nevertheless, I can see how Dr Rosenbergs findings would be so helpful, there’s no doubt bees, ants, termites etc all use some form of “swarm intelligence” how simple right? Wrong, insects, unlike people have targeted functions from inception. Drones are drones, etc. people are far more emotional and because of our natural emotions there is a constant push / pull effect which makes humans, well humans and not insects. With that said, until humans are able to control their emotions in a positive way, we as a species will always have this push / pull influence. Working together towards a common goal is, without a doubt, the most effective way to solve or predict or prevent. I understand some things will have better outcomes than others but we can’t control other people’s human emotions we are all born with or can we? That’s the million dollar question. How do people go along to get along for the common good? Unfortunately we can’t, at least not now, possibly in the future and I do believe we are at the tipping point of what I have read extensively about, “Transhumanism” thank you Dr. Ana. If in fact an injection or better named, Gene Modification is actually happening today and I do personally believe it is on an experimental basis via the Covid debacle, who knows what nefarious reasons or impacts these shots are going to have on future development of people. Studies have shown modified DNA and other genetic markers have been isolated. Maybe that’s exactly what will become of mankind. We will all become slaves to the masters. If I’m fact I’m right, than it’s happening today! I may have 20-25 years left I hope here on earth, though my Grandson has far longer and it’s because of him I’m even expressing myself here today. Trying to figure out how to help him grow up in an upside down world. If the world was a perfect place, there would still be imperfect circumstances and yes Human Swarming Intelligence could make it possible to be even better. Do we as a species really want that? I don’t believe so, but that’s my opinion only. The imperfections of man make life worth living! Although, the evil side of man is scarier than hell itself if you believe in a hell and a heaven! I do and I’m not so sure building the perfect termite mound is the answer. For some things, yes, Human Swarm has its place. So unless we are able to eradicate evil from life, this battle we are in today and this “long winded” post will become irrelevant. Everything will be perfect and we won’t have anymore evil to throw us off our game, sort of speak! Thanks for the insight and the article. I’ve become more enlightened thanks to Substack and I appreciate all the work people put into making life a little more understandable and a better place to be!

May God Bless America and the entire world!


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Flame resistant even when metal liquifies..? Look more closely.

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The cars contained gas tanks that contained up to 16 gallons of gasoline that exploded.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

"These umbrellas are almost certainly made out of flame-resistant material." I don't see any cars indicating "explosions" in gas tanks. Zero distortion in tank area. Melted aluminum wheels? They're all just sitting there parked with little or no debris around them. How about trees...flame resistant?

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In the rear of the cars, there are ounces in the engine that would vaporize almost instantly. That’s if the cars have carburetors. Fuel injection, almost none and that would be in the injection system outside the engine block.

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The Midwestern Doctor showed two Maui videos in his Substack entitled What Really Happened at Maui? https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-really-happened-in-maui?r=zf7o2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

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There is no need to conclude cause before a full forensic exam takes place. There is absolutely no urgency to hurriedly conclude this exam early

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The urgency is due to the fact that evidence conveniently disappears according to narrator.

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I believe he meant an urgency of coming to a conclusion before all the facts are known.

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I can't see melted cars next to the umbrellas in the picture. It seems to be an area that was not particularly affected - one that could survive blowing embers of a fire. Likely, umbrellas have burned elsewhere, in people's backyards right next to burning houses, for example.

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In the old days I had occasion to see the aftermath of many car fires. Pools of molten metal are commonly seen. Near as I can figure a modern car is a rolling pile of various fuels that burn extremely hot.

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I have looked closely at the pix provided. Where is "liquid metal" ?

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Look at the entire library” of cars in the Front St aftermath. Molten metal flowing from cars.

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Are you familiar with non-conductive materials, or flash points for materials? Aluminum melts at a low temp, easily attained in a blowtorch scenario (high winds with ignition sources nearby - or look at blacksmith setups with bellows to superheat materials quickly. (or just try blowing on a not-dead fire and see if your lung driven wind causes things to glow hotter and possibly ignite any scraps you threw in)

Trees were seen still standing, but surely wood burns at a low temp, right? So... insulative bark? Non-persistent heat source at high elevations relative to other materials? Water in the bark/tree that keeps it from igniting? Ever try lighting a fire with wet wood? Even with a wind being generated?

What about standards for materials in close proximity to sustained heat? Would it be possible that an umbrella could be made with a material (and insulated areas) to not allow it to burn with a short, sustained burst of heat?

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Blacksmiths work in forges which are specifically designed to confine fuel and heat. In a 40 to 60 mph wind that heat density , and therefore temperatures, decline rapidly. That’s why forges are designed to trap heat.

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deletedAug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023
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Where are the grieving parents? Has anyone researched the purported 180+ bodies that washed up on the shore of Lanai? People who died waiting for help in the waters off of the rock wall?

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One report presumed the lack of parents searching for their children is that they also died and thereby could not search for them.

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Yes. Tragic. Terrifying

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Parents were “at work “ kids had been “sent home”

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FWIW I think there are two separate discussions to be had here.

1. Was the town deliberately burned?

2. Were directed energy weapons used?

In my view (1) is what matters, and it matters just as much if they did it with a match, or even just created the conditions for a wildfire and let it burn, as with space weapons.

(2), irrespective of whether it's true or not, has likely been injected into the discussion as a psyop distraction designed to discredit anybody suggesting (1).

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They are being used against humans in demonstrations. If you want to say anyone who mentions this classification of weapon is a nut job, that's a psyop (as Cheney said 20 years ago all future wars would be psyops). But it doesn't logically follow that even discussing them is a psyop. Suggesting mentioning them is a psyop distraction is a psyop in itself. The fact that Maui hosts (for what reason they allowed that, I do not know--probably money) a major directed energy weapons institute on the other side of the mountain is, I think, at least a relevant question. And they aren't necessarily "space" weapons. They are currently used in crowd control scenarios.

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I'm not disputing that energy weapons exist. And if they exist they are almost certainly used.

I'm just pointing out that they are almost entirely irrelevant to the Maui debate. The Maui debate should be

- they brought in a bunch of bad actors: chief of police, the water guy, the great resetter/agenda '21 governor, the chief of emergency services with zero experience etc.

- they declared a housing emergency and changed the law of eminent domain

- the fire chief went out of town

- they burned down the town

- they blocked all the roads out to kill as many as possible and refused to release water

- they put out an obviously fake video of a girl claiming that greedy people were phoning property owners (when there was no phone service) trying to buy property on the cheap

- claiming said fake video as his cause, the governor then declared that all land sales were illegal + changed the building regulations to make rebuilding massively more difficult and said that he was planning for the state to acquire the land

- there are no videos of any firemen in action, nor any interviews of any of the firemen who supposedly fought the fire - not one.

That's the argument. It's clear and damning. Any debate about energy weapons weakens this argument. Save it for a different discussion.

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I did see a long interview by a Lahaina resident whose house was not burned of two others, a couple, who lost everything. They were all local but haole. The couple had friends--and I think the interviewer did too if I'm not mistaken--who were firefighters and that's where their info on the fire's genesis came from. They said the fire appeared to be out or at least under control and they walked to the top of the hill to look down on the town and there was suddenly a really huge black spume of smoke coming from an area where the fire hadn't even been. And that's what eventually took out the town. They couldn't figure out what could have caused it. In my experience that kind of smoke requires some kind of petroleum product and a lot of it. It's illegal around here so people burn these products after the EPA has gone home. Really stinky. You can't mistake a fire of this nature.

I never saw the video of anyone saying developers were offering to buy for pennies on the dollar. But many, many sources have reported that. That's not unbelievable. And most of the victims aren't in Lahaina right now. They're elsewhere and I'm sure they DO have phone service. I'm constantly getting these kinds of offers in the mail because they think I'm hard up and stupid. The amounts they offer are an incredible insult to one's intelligence. I always assume it's a front for Bill Gates, frankly. I wouldn't give him a glass of water.

Watch Reinette Senum's coverage of this fire. She went to Maui a couple times immediately afterward and she also went to New Orleans immediately after Katrina. She details the similarities. They neglected people in their response to Katrina, too, and many people never made it back. Many people died, for that matter. She and the people she was with (they were trying to save abandoned pets in a ward that had pretty much no humans around) and saw evidence that the levies did not fail; they were exploded. Does this prove anything about Maui? No. But in New Orleans FEMA, the military, and the National Guard showed up pretty quickly and wouldn't allow anyone near their homes. There are a lot of similarities in the government's response. They cannot buy that land by fiat. That's how the Canadians acquired the Japanese immgrants' land in WWII, about which we supposedly say "Never Again". So let's hold them to that promise. That land needs to stay in Hawaiian hands. Not haoles. Hawaiian. The land the Canadian government stole (my family's farm) is now worth millions. It was stolen in 1942 and our family wasn't allowed back until 1957. The war--need I point this out--was over in 1945. I would not be surprised if they do the same thing here.

Do you know where to get the info on how building regulations were changed? I'm interested.

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"I never saw the video of anyone saying developers were offering to buy for pennies on the dollar. But many, many sources have reported that. That's not unbelievable. "

It is unbelievable when the "developers" are supposedly making offers by phone to people who don't have phone service.

"And most of the victims aren't in Lahaina right now. They're elsewhere and I'm sure they DO have phone service."

But that wasn't the story. The story was "evil developers" phoning "locals" whose houses had just been burned down. And this was within 24 hours of the fires.

The story was clearly BS and obviously a ruse to justify the governer's land-stealing in response.

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Something similar, in terms of response, is happening in Shushwap, BC.....https://drtrozzi.org/2023/08/26/shushwap-bc-on-fire-urgent-help-needed/

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The problem with what should be the only right approach is that the Maui government and the federal assistance there cannot be trusted. However the fire started, it is not an accident that the siren didn’t sound, the stream wasn’t diverted, and the road leading out of town was blocked by the police. The authorities have already shown themselves to be untrustworthy. What makes us think that they will be honest in their reports on this tragedy?

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@Kay Exactly. The Lahaina mayor and the chief of police look like criminals and behave like goons working for criminal organizations. Check out their body language on videos.

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The investigation should focus on eye-witnesses. I walked up to a group of young men who looked like feds, who had been doing military drills in my Spokane neighborhood all summer. I learned a lot from exchanging a few words with these guys. I saw 14 of them that day, and they were all picked up at the end of the day. One day later, fires broke out just outside of town. Those guys were feds and they were arsonists, and they were probably FEMA or rogue National Guard. Since the fires were extinguished, they haven't come back.

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You know what, man, you are exactly the kind of cool head that needs to investigate this. Please, do not be afraid to investigate the geoengineering possibility here. You might want to reach out to Jim Lee, just hear his take, factor it into yours, leave no stone unturned.

I appreciate your approach. Just don't limit it.

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What is also curious is that big investors have been trying to buy up all the land in that location for years, and the owners would not sell.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

Cars melted, tires melted, but umbrellas did not? Flame retardant materials have greater fire resistance and do not propagate flames. It does not mean they won't burn.

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What are you saying? That in the middle of this 80 mile an hour fire burning the town to ash, DEWs were also unleashed? There was a real fire. Right? What about the fire?

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

Whenever left wing media take pains to call something.a baseless conspiracy theory, I believe it.


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I have higher standards.

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It's not hard to have higher standards than left wing media.

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What's rather peculiar is that I have not seen any mention of issues with experienced firefighters having been fired over the mandates. Let me to hasten to say, I do not know what happened in Lahaina. However, one of the several testimonies of noncompliant firefighters I have transcribed includes the one by Honolulu fire captain Kaimi Pelekai -- that's on the neighboring island of Oahu.

Honolulu Fire Captain Kaimi Pelekai: "It's a hard choice"

"service to our community is a part of who I am, and a part of who a lot of people who serve in our first responders, first responder jobs, are. So when this mandate came out five days ago it created a lot of harm and hurt in our community."

Transcript and source video link at: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/96866.html

I won't post the transcript here because I already posted it in the comments section of your earlier post on the fires.

But I will say, again, it's typical of the firefighter mandate testimony I have transcribed-- from California to Florida to Massachusetts to New York. So what happened with the firefighters on Maui? Again, I don't know. But I find it really strange that across the USA thousands of experienced firefighters were fired for refusing the jabs, and now-- we have this major story about an out of control fire and... on this subject... crickets.

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If you're actually going there, I want to say that it is absolutely excruciating to be denied access to one's own property after such a disaster. People need to go to their properties and sort through what is there. I am shocked to see no people sorting through, seeing and accepting reality, marvelling at loss and survival of Things. Why aren't they there? We were locked out for 40 days. For many people it was as traumatic, or more so, than the fires.

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A report on Rumble showed how a laser would not burn anything blue while burning fabrics of other colors. The report also showed these same umbrellas. But the real coincidence is Oprah's mansion on Lahaina that has a blue roof and remains untouched. Curious, don't you think?

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The BLUE roof was likely a STEEL roof, painted blue. You are cutting STEEL, not blue. . . stuff.

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But there WAS A FIRE. A real fire. A burning fire. A fire that did not burn fire resistant umbrellas that were folded, and seemingly not catastrophically close to a burning building.

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Is Oprah's mansion right in the middle of all the burning?

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Set up google vs this post fire drone footage - lots of houses with blue rooves burnt, lots of houses with other coloured rooves didn't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PSYNqZqAVs

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Society needs truth. We can’t function in a sustainable healthy community while sinking under a sea of lies.

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I suggest speaking with Paul Preston, of New California State about the origins and results of DEW, smart meters and the disposition of bodies after the fire passed by. He spent days investigating the Paradise, CA fires. Call (877) 828-2753 e-mail star@ncs51.com

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

I Lived through the great Oakland,CA fire of 1991. So many similarities. Looking forward to reading your report John.

Also, I might add that I had two story scaffolding around one of the houses that burned down. The house was gone. The horizontal scaffolding members had softened up enough to sag way down.

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Steel scaffolding? not aluminum then. right?

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Reading alot of these comments is extremely disheartening…..

If you have never visited the islands; let alone Lahaina and just want to comment on a huge tragedy that hit a very small island community just to make you look like you have all the intelligent answers here….

than think again, and than again!

Children passed away with their mom, dad, aunties, uncle or grandparents…..

some families all live together and didn’t get out together.

AND even if you have visited here…..

living here all your life is a completely different story.

We need prayers, love and compassion right now.

The truth will come out; but it’s all too raw to jump to all these conclusions…..

It’s not going to bring back Lahaina nor the people that have perished here.

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They need hard cold cash to retain mortgages, tents or rebuild and fight off Predator Class

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Also - what evidence has since been carefully removed?

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Where’s the Maui arson investigation? Global Eco-terrorist trying to create a “climate emergency” to create an “emergency power’s declaration? Worth an investigation. Maui has had known arson wildfires. So far Crickets. Around the world. Alberta brings in additional arson investigators to trace causes of wildfires Premier Danielle Smith says the government is bringing in arson investigators from outside the province to trace the cause of the unprecedented wildfires in Alberta.

In an interview with Real Talk Ryan Jespersen, he asked Smith how she reconciles her government’s energy policies with the fact experts have linked this year’s extreme fire season to climate change.

Smith responded that she’s concerned about arson when it comes to about 175 wildfires in Alberta with no known cause and said the province would bring in the additional investigators. Greece Arrests Almost 80 “Arsonist Scums” as EU’s Largest-Ever Wildfires Rage Across the Country “https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/greece-arrests-almost-80-arsonist-scums-as-eus/“Greece’s catastrophic wildfire has taken a disturbing turn as police authorities have arrested 79 individuals on charges of arson. These suspects are being held responsible for deliberately setting fires that have caused widespread devastation across the country.

Greece has witnessed several attempts by arsonists to spark new fires amidst the ongoing wildfires, perhaps in an attempt to blame it on climate change.

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In case this hasn't hit comments yet, this exhausted woman has and will have my full attention. I hope she doesn't "disappear."



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Very persuasive.

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