Oh, it's just a squirrel. But it meant something to someone. So the state had to kill it. Dirtbags. Inhumane dirtbags. I could say more.

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This innocent squirrel was used to exert dominance and control, and most of all pain. This story breaks my heart, for the brutality shown to the squirrel and the people who rescued and loved him.

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And when you realize the same government views human beings the same way as it views squirrels you begin to understand how and why they imposed mandatory injections of experimental biotechnology into every human being, including pregnant women and infants. And why they all say in the same robotic voice after serious injury and death results that they are "thankful for the protection, it could've been worse."

Same. People. Same exact people and abusive structure of government. That demands blind obedience. Even if/when it involves the risk of severe injury and death.

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The phrase "the banality of evil" was used a lot in reflective analyses of a certain period of history. It seems to be increasingly relevant again . . .

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If these two critters lived in the man's home, there was no chance they had rabies. This is a cruel and vindictive act of inhumanity. Very disturbing.

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I'm still beyond disturbed by this story.

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Squirrels aren’t vectors for rabies either.

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Don't forget about Fred the raccoon. Bastards killed him too.

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Agreed. Like not working.

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It's my understanding that the government thugs didn't just raid the home and take the squirrel but ALSO ransacked the home searching it. WTF?!!!

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Sounds familiar!

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And detained the wife for immigration action because she had a German accent.

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We live out in the country (well, it used to be before the developers invaded) Years ago, some nefarious person poisoned our 4 dogs and several of our neighbors' dogs ( 3 died) up and down our road. It was a horrible death by seizures, screams and incoordination and collapse. I rushed our 4 to the vet ( all survived via $$$$) and the vet called the police. Soon swarms of local police and investigators and TV station showed up at our house to interview us. I was frankly amazed it was receiving so much attentiion. I asked the investigator as he was leaving, why all the attention? He looked at me and said " Someone who kills animals, might also kill children. Same personality"

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As an aside, I had a run in with a couple of squirrels while building my bunkie at the beaver pond. The red squirrel was chasing a tawny squirrel across the forest floor, up a tree, jumping to another tree, down to the forest floor again then along dead tree trunks and finally up a tall tree all by itself. So I said to myself "what are you going to do when you get to the top tawny squirrel" Once at the top Tawny ran out on a thin branch and jumped off. I thought I was witnessing a squirrel suicide!. However it floated down and I realized I had just met my first flying squirrel. The red squirrel had a puzzled look on its face. Following that incident I used to leave cashews out for the flying squirrels at night time. They were very entertaining.

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Here in Minnesota we have flying squirrels too. I did NOT know that until, after moving to the country in 2017 and acquiring two kittens, we found the tom cat brought home a flying squirrel. We insisted he release him(pick up a cat and they reflexively OPEN their mouth yielding their prey. . .! Cool.) Anyway, Batty the cat nowadays is smarter than to bring one home and announce it as is the usual thing for mice. Imagine a garbled meow with a mouth full of bird or mouse. . . He is really something else, from 50 yards away he starts announcing he is bringing in the bacon.

So, these days we only find the flat tails and the gall bladder.

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Cats should be in the house and not killing innocent animals. Other animals are not meant to be cats playthings. That is really cruel.

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I appreciate your feelings. Remember that a land owner imported rabbits to Austrailia in the 1850's and with no natural predators their population exploded causing severe crop losses for farmers. They introduced foxes later to stabilize the rabbit population. Mother Nature needs balance. Personally I prefer the cats we have outside here to eat mice and they are doing a pretty good job of it. We rarely get a mouse in the house.

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Why, oh why, is it always my own sex making ridiculous snowflakey comments like you just did! Embarrassing.

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Please keep your cat inside. Cats kill an awful lot of birds.

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We have an indoor cat and several outdoor cats. The outdoor cats keep the mice population down and we give them half rations to keep them interested in covering our yard.

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Had one mounted via Taxidermy.

Not like those Jack-alopes that fool the unsuspecting non outdoorsmen.

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We had one that was Taxidermy mounted skin extended leaving from a hole in a log section

Rare rare rare are daytime sightings. Extremely nocturnal from predation. So cool !

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This is just another example of life in a failed state, the U.S. which is globally the same among many and capable of actions that are not only inhumane but anti-life; when a society is ruled by the will of psychopaths and their minions they are no longer governed by moral conscience and ALL LIFE becomes expendable just for the sake of extending power and control for its own sake and no longer based on reason or compassion, much less the science; recall Fauci's horrible "experiments" on Beagles and CHILDREN!

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Whoever is responsible for murdering Peanut the Squirrel and Fred the Raccoon needs to be prosecuted for animal cruelty.

What in the hell is wrong with you people?

Don’t bother responding because the whole decent world knows what is wrong with you people. You’re petty little people who get some perverse satisfaction from exercising power over innocent people or animals.

You are sick. You have no place in a civilized world.

You should aspire to reach spiritual level of dogs and other animals.

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how about the spiritual level of a worm. I think dogs are nearly human sometime.

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Nah. Worms serve a useful purpose.

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The spiritual level of dogs is way too high for these sickos to achieve.

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This is a prime example of Democrats in power. This is what they do.

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The state views these animals as expendable, just like we were with the Covid vaccines. Never forget!

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Individuals within the NYSDEC are responsible for this ghastly behavior.

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The cruelty is intentional and thus even more shocking. Cruel to the creatures, Peanut the squirrel, and Fred the raccoon, to their owners who loved them and to the literal millions of children and adults who gained a small modicum of pleasure and moment of happiness seeing the innocent antics of a little creature relating with his humans.

The cruelty is the reason these animals were murdered--the cruelty was the desired effect.

I believe evil seeks cruelty. The murder of small animals, the abandonment of rural communities like the Appalachia region and the citizens of Lahania, Maui, the neglect and murder of thousands of vulnerable and elderly in hospitals and nursing homes, the bullying and forced vaccinating of billions with a toxic dangerous substance.

Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon are two small victims of the global attempts to damage us all, bully us, numb us, strongarm us and betray us to the point that we give up our human feelings of love, compassion, and all tenderness.

The monster wants to kill what is human inside you. Don't let him. ~ Ginger

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"The cruelty is the reason these animals were murdered--the cruelty was the desired effect."

Very insightful remark. I believe that our enraged response is exactly what "they" are looking for. They feed on negativity and hatred in the same way that healthy adults feed on kindness, love and community. They actually DESIRE TO SEE US RAGE!.... I am sure it was all thought out...."The cruelty is the reason these animals were murdered--the cruelty was the desired effect." How succinct and incisive.

Thank you so much for your calm analysis and your cool heads.

They want to make the peeps angry and then we might do things that cause them to "roll out the tanks..."

The final goal is to have us all in cages somewhere and getting "vaccinated"

God help us now that we see them. What will "they" do now that "they" are visible?

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This tragic tale exemplifies the insane degree to which the state is willing to go, to control and terrify us. Squirrels, garbage people, baskets of deplorable unite and join the revolt this Tuesday !

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Maybe it tested positive for Covid!

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Nov 3Edited

Disturbing that they would do that! Consider checking out Mark Rober's squirrel maze videos, if you haven't had the pleasure of doing so yet. Here's the first one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFZFjoX2cGg&t=1092s

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ha! that was great. Thanks.

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