NYTs Report: CIA OPS in Ukraine for a Decade
Turns out Russia had good reason for grave concern
The New York Times just reported that the CIA has been very active in conducting anti-Russian operations in Ukraine for over a decade, and is now playing an active role in combat operations against Russia.
To be sure, many analysts in the United States and Europe have known this for years, but the New York Times report confirms our worst suspicions. It seems to me that every sensible person who understands basic concepts of national security should now be asking himself: Why should Russia tolerate the CIA turning Ukraine into an arena for undermining Russian security? How would the United States government respond to Russian intelligence agencies setting up shop on the Mexican border to run operations against the United States? For my part, I’m surprised that Putin tolerated the CIA’s activities in Ukraine for as long as he did.
Now it seems to recent drone strikes on Russian assets are being assisted by the CIA, and the cat is out of the bag, putting the United States yet another step closer to a full blown military confrontation with Russia.
The only surprise here is that the NYT reported it!!!
Why did the evil NYT suddenly report this? Have they seen the light? Or is there a wicked motive that will only become clear later, if ever?
Had to laugh at this one sentence included in the front page portion: "The Ukrainians also helped the Americans go after the Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 US presidential election."
The NYT really is such a POS.