The only surprise here is that the NYT reported it!!!

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Why did the evil NYT suddenly report this? Have they seen the light? Or is there a wicked motive that will only become clear later, if ever?

Had to laugh at this one sentence included in the front page portion: "The Ukrainians also helped the Americans go after the Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 US presidential election."

The NYT really is such a POS.

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Since independent journalists have been covering this for a long time and the New York Times has been silent while covering made up stories like the Russian collusion bs, why does the New York Times make anything legitimate? Come on, we need to be MUCH wiser than this. Anything the New York Times covers does not make a topic legitimate. It does make the New York Times 10 years late on reporting important material, years after the real journalists did. So let's put the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets into their rightful place, which is a propaganda outlet that should not be followed or revered for anything. If we want to win this war, we need to fire the MSM and put them into their proper place.

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People should read, Patrick Byrne new book Danger Close, he talks about Ukraine and Hunter Biden owning Bio Labs there.

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Quoted from the article: "How would the United States government respond to Russian intelligence agencies setting up shop on the Mexican border to run operations against the United States?"

Answer: Hey! Come on in! Here's a free cell phone, motel room, and a ticket to ride!!! Great to see ya!!!

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Every day that passes I am realizing with more clarity that we are the Star Wars Evil Empire, and that the Han Solo “Rebels” are the people we are trying to exterminate. It’s a very unsettling perspective. In 250 years the USA has gone from a small group of ragtag freedom fighters to the global bully. I believe this has been masterfully orchestrated by an overly ambitious intelligence community/CIA.

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The evil elites that control our deep state want world war!

They have their bunkers & safe spaces with everything they could want or need for years in an underground tunnel system.

The WEF has admitted they want at LEAST 1 billion of us depopulated!?

War accomplishes their depopulation agenda the best.

They & their families are not going to fight, they send our young adults to go die in their nonstop useless wars!?

Why don’t our governments fight harder for peace instead of war?

The WEF controlled MSM spew hatred, division, racism, evil, everything immoral instead of peace & love & unity!?

They KNOW if we can ever rebel against their evil agendas & unite then we could take them down!

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So what’s the NYTs up to now?!? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤬

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Here is an excellent response to the NYT piece. As a CIA mouthpiece, the Times was directed by Langley to run this in order to pressure the Republicans to send more billions to the neo-Nazis in Kiev. As Colonel Douglas Macgregor noted in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Ukraine is the most corrupt country on the planet. I recommend that informative interview (link below). https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/02/26/nrdz-f26.html?pk_campaign=newsletter&pk_kwd=wsws


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Meanwhile, you have at least one Princeton professor who has gone on television imparting his wisdom by saying that Russia invaded because Russia has always resented the West. LOL

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I was talking to someone last week about the history of NATO and Putin and he just scoffed at it. Then I said "what did the US do when the Soviets parked nuclear weapons in Cuba aimed right at us?" Sadly he didn't see the correlation;.

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This is typical of what the US government has become with these rogue agencies running their own show around the world.

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The Phoenix program has already revealed before, that the main goal of the CIA is to start and maintain conflicts.

Here is a link to "Ukraine On Fire" by Oliver Stone. Telling us how the US is involved in removing the democracy from Ukraine and starting a civil war.


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His book is a must read, he talks about the

“Deep State” how Durham was a cover up.

His team was instrumental in putting out the 118 page whistleblower complaint on Jack Smith in December.

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Those crazy Q-Anons and their crazy “conspiracies” 🍻

28 Biolabs at my last count. Ukraine ain’t a swamp, it’s a UniParty cesspool.

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I beliieve our presence in Ukraine is self serving and that there has been a fleecing of that country by our own govt..... Hunter and burisma...Biden supposedly 'witholding' 5 billion $$ unless he gets the politician fired who benefits his own personal money grab there?? It is embarrassing that we've been brainwashed that we're the greatest country in the world while bullying the entire world with BS wars and theivery and acting like mob gangsters. The southern border is proof of the arrogance of our supposed politicians who are only self-serving and that the 'senile idiot puppet' has brought us to total chaos.

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