Arbitrarily labeling something “racist” is a sign of intellectual laziness which unfortunately is pervading our university campuses nationwide.

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My day to day focus is on the Developmentally Disabled population, but I am a graduate of Cornell, and there are some of us that are pushing for Critical Thinking:


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

― Carl Sagan, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

That's true. But unfortunately you can't always get the bamboozled ones to come around. At some point you have to just let go. I've seen a few people saying that now when speaking on the very subject. I must agree.

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Talk about overkill...

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Not so much intellectual "laziness" as intellectual dishonesty or straight-up intellectual deficiency.... as in: has no intellect.

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Words and reasoning mean nothing to some people. They are deployed as naked triggers to the susceptible mind.

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“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - 1984

The new J6 tapes prove one thing: the people in charge were trying to start a civil war. Now they are tempting a hot war with Russia. We can’t let them.

It’s not left vs right. It’s corrupt collusion Vs us all.


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She’s racist! ……😉

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The only thing I can think of is racist about the lab leak is that NYT and other legacy media, even some independents only point the finger at the Wuhan lab and not additionally at Fauci for funding the gain of function research grant thru a 3rd party to the Wuhan Lab.

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Nor the "others" who patented years before and funded privately ..........

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Exactly, they are pretending the “theory” isn’t what it actually is. It’s not as “lazy” an accusation as it seems.

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honestly, I don't think this gal seems smart enough to think that through for three more steps, lol. oh no, now I'm an intellectual racist, lol

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And regardless of whether the Lab leak theory is racist, it has had a racist effect being called the China Virus. Witness the many incidences of mentally unstable people attacking elderly Asian Americans, people in their 70's and up for BEHIND. What a bunch of racist cowards, similar to those who threaten the unvaccinated. Meanwhile, Fauci is protected, and wasn't it Moderna who had a patent on the C-19 virus sequence?

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That was all pure propaganda spread by Democrats. It was inner city thugs attacking the Chinese.

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It is the norm to name a virus after a country or animal from which it came. Think about it: swine flu, Norwalk virus, etc. Mentally unstable people will be triggered by anything. Calling it the Wuhan virus was descriptive and appropriate. Calling it the China virus was political.

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except it didn't come from Wuhan either. i guess if they called it the "Fort Detrick virus" people would have had to keep asking "which one?"

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I have lived, worked, raised a family, and read the NT Times for all of my adult life in Manhattan.

Then 2020 came, and I dropped The NY Times after 30+ years as a subscriber, including 2 years in Philadelphia. Trust me, they have no idea what you are talking about. I finally got my wife to drop her subscription. With throwback to JFK at The Berlin Wall:


Ich bin jetzt ein Substacker.

(I am a Substacker now)

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I’m happy for you!

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I'm sure the racist trope is getting old. People are tuning it out.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

It merely serves to out the user a woke fool. Not to be trusted or taken seriously.

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Except Susan Rice was put in charge of all government agencies to push the DEI nonsense. So, while public opinion is tired of it, the left is now going to enforce it. It is now mandatory in most medical schools to have a DEI course. Many large businesses are embracing it also. So, we will have to wait for a Congress to repeal all of these un-American and racially divisive ideas.

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If you've watched the news recently, there are cutbacks in many corporations, and among them are DEI proponents. People are getting fed up with this nonsense. Gov. Newsom (CA) tried to force it on corporate boards, and was shot down in a lawsuit.

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as is labeling EVERYTHING a 'conspiracy theory'. that's like the ultimate intellectual laziness, imho. the MSM still using THAT phrase aught to be embarrassed by now.

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Especially since the same papers that label every question of authority a "conspiracy theory" have ended up eating crow on every single one of those issues.

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The moral decay has been going on for some years , well before the plandemic got going.

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more than 40 years ago+

the moral and other decadences...

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I think war is racist.

I believe the American war in former uKraine against Russia is the worst most vile form of racism.

I believe racism is the core thing that allows folks to dehumanize and kill, and that it is contagious.

The lab leak can't be racist because we gave them the fun ding a linga ling and all the ingredients, it was not a leak, it was an intentional release via needlerape, small thing that....

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It's just an excuse for bad behavior.

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USA AND UK AND private individuals AND others against the human beings/WORLD

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Maybe she should write about racial quotas at Universities which restrict the amount of Asians admitted. That is real racism.

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We can all name countless examples of anti-white and anti-Asian policy proposals and racists remarks by public figures, who support openly racist policies, in the last 30 years. The lab leak theory isn’t one of them but thousands of admissions departments across the country, businesses, government contracts, etc are set up to intentionally discriminate against people who are white or Asian. Why is that ok? It’s not but no one stands up to it.

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“Can those who see racism behind every tree name a single public figure of note who has, in the last thirty years, advocated discriminatory policies against people because of their dark skin?”

Joe Biden comes to mind.

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When whites stop letting the charge of racism bother them it will no longer be a weapon. Then society can heal.

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She’s intellectually inept.

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I totally agree with the concept that reporters "would be far more effective at at apprehending reality if they made an effort investigate it instead of arbitrarily labeling it." Fortunately, the view that Covid-19 emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is no longer a "conspiracy theory." Instead, it is the declared view of the FBI and the Lawrence Livermore Lab of the Department of Energy.

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To cover up the fact that we patented the vax and the virus, or their closest relations, years and years ago...that might be the reason to jump on Wuhan Institute of Virology, as researchers are at the end of the trail now, hunting for Sars-cov-2's origins.

At least this is a likely scenario, imho....

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That’s gold. I hate to admit that I love seeing these people made accountable for their shamefully stupid behaviour.

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