"As parents and doctors begin to make more discerning choices they may consider going to less complex products, spreading them out, and giving them at later ages."

Indeed, as Pediatrician Paul Thomas found in his practice, there is a dramatic difference in the health of children depending on the timing of giving vaccines, sometimes as little as a 6 month delay, and/or separating out the time of administering vaccines rather than giving 3, 5, or 7 all at once. Parents with concerns about vaccine safety flocked to his practice, and he supported them to make their own decisions. He published his approach to timing in the book "The Vaccine Safety Plan."

Thomas' careful clinical records over years provided him with a database that he explored with master bio-statistician James Lyons-Weiler; they subsequently published a paper demonstrating the health benefits of carefully considering vaccine delays and separation of vaccine admin dates.

In what at the time was the only study of its kind, The Control Group Study compared the health of children whose parents followed the standard vaccine schedule with those who were unvaccinated. (This is something the CDC was charged with after the 1986 Vaccine Act was implemented, but CDC never did it.). This is something every thoughtful parent would benefit from reading. For full details, go to this website: https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/gallery

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The best time to administer a vaccine is after the recipient has died. There have been zero negative effects of vaccines on the dead, in double blind placebo tests.

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I'm sure Big Pharma wouldn't mind having the dead vaccinated, as long as they still got their $$$.

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I met a colleague from UNR who works in the medical field. He told me that during a meeting with a city health official, he was told that when they had a child that wasn’t fully vaccinated ’they would give him everything they had’, and he expressed great concern, since each vaccine had its own adjuvant to maximize the immune response for that particular vaccine by itself and that administering several vaccines together would overload the immune system due to the combination all the adjuvants from these vaccines.

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And for this thoughtful analysis and write up he was disciplined by the Canadian medical board and lost his practice. Another good doctor gone!

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Actually Thomas practiced in Oregon, but the results were similar. He suffered under the Oregon Medical Board.

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Oops. Thanks for the correction.

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It’s about time that the medical community & “experts”, finally look at the great harms of the current (& growing) vaccine schedule. It’s a huge, multi-billion dollar industry, left to run amok, at the expense of so many children’s lives.

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The book Turtles All the Way Down gives great, understandable coverage of the industry practices in developing and approving vaccines for the schedule. It's an eye-opener.

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Thank you for this article Dr. McCullough. Data existed long before this, linking the whole cell pertussis vaccine with convulsions. My brother was a case in point. In 1944 at 6 months old, this perfectly normal infant developed seizures immediately following the pertussis vaccine. He then stopped grasping his parents' fingers, no longer maintained eye contact, and generally failed to thrive. My father (a cardiologist) took him to numerous neurologists, all of whom said the occurrence had nothing to do with the vaccine. When it was time for his booster, my parents dutifully took him in for his second vaccine, and that was it. Again the screaming, high fever, convulsions, and he became what they called "profoundly retarded" back in the day. For the rest of his life he never talked, he hit his head repeatedly against the wall, wore a diaper into adulthood, and it destroyed my parents' hearts. Integrative physicians claim that it takes allopathic medicine 50 years to "catch on." This is a good example of that.

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That's heart-breaking. When authorities are so quick to dismiss side-effects, without any kind of real investigation, they lose all my respect and trust.

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Thank you, Dr McCullough for bringing this to the forefront as other courageous Drs have done in the past. God bless you and John for all your hard work!

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The number of states allowing personal belief exemptions for schooling has been dramatically decreasing recently. Hopefully the groundswell of pushback by informed parents who are waking up to all this will change the tide to allow for personal belief exemptions across the country; otherwise hopefully many homeschooling options will become more available!

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my daughter's 1974 2 month DPT vaccine sent her to the hospital with a fever of 105. Never gave her another DPT vax. This vaccine most likely the beginning of my grandson's downward spiral into autism.

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We had to take our son to the hospital with very high fever and breathing problems after he got the DPT, Polio and Hib vaccines at the same time. Big regret to give him any vaccines.

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Vaccines do not help the total population avoid illness, but rather the opposite. It is Russian roulette. Some kids will die, with every vaccine administered. You just have to hope it's the neighbors kid, and not yours, eh?

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Has there ever been a study to look at unvaccinated communities in the US (Amish, Orthodox Jewish) to compare rates of autism, etc. versus vaccinated cohorts?

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How to help health professionals who are required to be vaccinated? Many states have mandates from graduate school on. Now that many are employed by hospital chains, the requirements go on and on.

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This is all so disturbing. I wish we knew all this back we trusted those that govern us.

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Not related to the article...... write on this next please.


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Dr. Paul Thomas deserves to get his medical license back. He is a hero!!!

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"so prompt recognition and treatment if such a rare infection occurs is always an option for parents."

You mean like what should have happened following the release of the man made chimeric carona "virus" thingy?

I don't know if you know this or not Doc, but I don't think choice is being factored into their profit margins.

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Check out the work of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, MD. Much of Klenner’s amazing successes with massive dosing of Vitamin C is detailed in two fantastic books by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD. The first is titled “Curing the Incurable… Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins.” That book has over 1200 scientific references. His second book is “Primal Panacea.”

I’ve also written on the vitamin C topic in various online sources, and also in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 2003 vol. 18, “The Gift of Vitamin C” by Laraine C. Abbey.

For lots more data on vitamin C, uses and miracles go to doctoryourself.com. The site, run by Dr. Andrew Saul, looks very busy and crowded but there is great information within it.

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