NB: The appendix is the repository for one's good stomach microbiome, such that if one has a depletive digestive system experience one can readily recover the necessary microbiome.
Analogous to... if, for example, a vaccine wiped out a lot of humans, the healthy unvaccinated would be there to recover humanity.
I am in complete shock. I am German and I very well know of the unspeakable crimes that were performed during the Nazi regime. That this type of mindset, this ‘ideology psychosis’ can be repeated not only shocks me but that makes me feel sick. And yes, the suppression of information that speaks against the ‘vaccine ideology’ must not be tolerated. This example of ‘cutting out the infected appendix’ is too alarming to me. I am reminded of one TV host who spoke about restricting emergency health care to those who took the Covid jab.
All of this must be put to justice. And this must be done as quickly as possible so people won’t forget.
Ich empfehle Ihnen die Lecturen von Gilad Atzmon, Gerhard Menuhin, Roger Dommergue, Robert Faurisson, Brother Nathanael, Vincent Reynouard, Abbé Pierre, Roger Garaudy, danach werden Sie auf weiteren Autorn stossen die genauer ins Détails mit Fakten was man den Deutschen eintrichtern will.
According to Google Translate to English, this is what Jean Restayn has said. I do recognize a name or 2 of realist Freedom loving authors.
I recommend you the lectures by Gilad Atzmon, Gerhard Menuhin, Roger Dommergue, Robert Faurisson, Brother Nathanael, Vincent Reynouard, Abbé Pierre, Roger Garaudy, after which you will come across other authors who will go into more detail with facts about what they want to instill in the Germans.
Its the justify and the judgement part we have to learn to shed if we can ever expect anything to change and improve. And the guilt and the fear part. While often my first impulses run toward 'lock and load' knee jerk reactions; I've come to the conclusion that that only makes matters worse. When logic and Proportion have fallen on deaf ears......
Time for Nuremberg 2.0 to bring all those “vaccin” pushers like WEF, WHO, bill pedofile gates and all responsible politicians to justice…death by injection is in place here👍🏽
There appear to be large segments of society in our times who appear simply incapable of rising above their political beliefs and ideology. Their lack of moral and ethical understanding even at the most fundamental levels appears to be lacking. It's like they have no continuity of thought or compassion for others and their groupthink mindsets and expressions cry totalitarianism run amok. I wonder sometimes where am I? What has happened to America? Why are lies and propaganda and false accusations being constantly repeated and echoed by the media?
Tend to agree. Question is: How do we get them back ? And how do we prevent them from being driven crazy into fear and hate and restore them to sanity and love?
As Charles Mackay said in his book on the Madness of Crowds, "Men think in herds...they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one at a time." It's going to be a long, slow slog!
I didn't say the tyrants are doing a slow slog. I said getting the brainwashed to return to reality would be long and slow. There is a good argument to be made that we can not afford to waste our time and resources trying to get to them, but instead should throw all our resources into the battle!
It is the hypnotized populace that's stuck in propaganda. If the media reversed course tomorrow, the masses would follow automatically. But how to get the media to tell the truth that is the dilemma since the media is bought. In time it will happen because the truth does come out eventually. It is frustratingly slow though.
“The price was worth it,” is how Madeleine Albright, then permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations, responded in 1996 to the question of whether the deaths of more than 600,000 children in Iraq following the US intervention was defensible.
Give me the means to fry 600,000 German refugees in Dresden said ''Sir'' Winston Churchill and Butcher Harris gave him these means.
Colin Powell's cat pee blister to justify the WTC attack. So let's learn to sweep in front of our door before pointing at others because we even point at ourselves with 3 fingers. What that bitch Bosetti said has been said by millions of Americans, English, French, etc. ...get away from emotion and above all find out about historical truths which are not always what people want us to believe.
yes-Darpa-CIA-Warp speed -Trump.-Pfizer and Moderna . Collaboration with Canada -Winnipeg and France-Institut Pasteur for Wuhan China. Sputnik V from Russia is the same program but from the''controlled Opposition''.
all the heads of government and their lackeys are corrupt and mixed up in morals, child abuse or all-out criminality and are forced to act for the hyper-elite otherwise...scandal or death!
There will come a time when even Frau Bossetti (a simple comedian) will be prosecuted for advocating for genocide.
• Millions of people died because governments around the world aggressively disparaged and suppressed effective Covid treatments (IVM, HCQ, etc.), and prohibited healthcare systems from treating people who had Covid.
• Over TWENTY MILLION people, and counting, have been killed by Covid vaccines.
• HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people, and counting, have suffered moderate to severe adverse events from Covid vaccines.
This isn’t going to be swept under the rug. Too many people have had their hearts ripped out and trampled on by all of the doctors, politicians, etc. who willfully enlisted to carry out the elite’s genocidal agenda for a Great Reset.
Pre-2020 I would have said that those responsible for causing immeasurable suffering in nations across the world (ie: Wallstreet financiers, Tech titans, Big Pharma, etc.) would never be held accountable because they’ve captured the governments and legal systems.
Post-2020 there is nothing that can save them this time around.
Just talk to the TENS OF THOUSANDS of parents whose child was murdered or maimed via Covid vaccine because they were assured it was “safe and effective”. You will see in an instant that this time around, things are VERY different. The elites have picked a battle that they don’t have a chance of winning.
Again, all told, several billion people have been negatively impacted by Covid vaccines, from death and disability, to down stream effects like cancer.
This will not end well for those who designed this evil plan, AND for those who willfully carried it out.
Even tons of healthcare practitioners will face legal ramifications stemming from refusing to treat Covid patients, injecting people with Covid vaccines, and lying to parents and telling them their child faced no risk in getting vaccinated. Many will only lose their licenses, but a good number of the most egregious practitioners will face criminal charges.
This time will truly be different. Too many people suffered too greatly, and we all know EXACTLY who orchestrated this, and carried it out. We all are facing the same enemy, and as the elite’s mission to divide and conquer us continues to wane, more and more people are uniting against the unified threat.
All those responsible for this meticulously coordinated attack on humanity will find that pointing fingers and deflecting blame will be beyond futile.
We are a force that can not be deterred from seeking justice; we are too strong and too determined for those who are guilty to just slip away.
Yes ,Trump say its the Vather of the vaccin so also the responsible of the millions deaths and side effects with lifelong disability. Thank-you Trump, thank Fauci, thank DARPA and CIA, thank you Tedros...and thank you Gates the ''philanthrope'', Bourla , Bancel and Co
I find it extremely troubling that to this day Trump still calls Operation Warp Speed a massive success. He still says that Covid vaccines have saved millions of lives; yet there isn’t a shred of non-fraudulent evidence that supports this claim. He also has been completely silent on the injuries and deaths caused by Covid vaccines… the furthest he’ll venture away from the elite’s vaccine narrative, is to say that he doesn’t support mandates.
I can’t support anyone who can’t be honest with the public, and be on the side of truth regarding Covid vaccines.
I understand there are many people who have a lot of sentimental attachment to Trump… but I hope they can see passed their sentiment and vote for a candidate who has had the courage to call out the vaccines since day #1.
Personally, I believe RFK Jr. fits the bill. He has his flaws… but he’s evolved a ton throughout his lifetime, and has an unrivaled track record for taking on the elites… after all, the elites killed his uncle, his father, and likely his first cousin (JFK Jr.) as well.
I would love to believe your analysis. I wonder a bit about your claims of 20 million deaths from the injection. But it is wo doubt billions have been negatively impacted. Something has to turn the tide of the global totalitarianism which is growing in support of oligharchs running things like the WEF, WHO, governments, NGO's, Big tech corps, on and on and on.
Huxley described propaganda as convincing a segment of citizenry that others are less than human.
The left has become an amalgam of the worst forms of tyranny, Communism, Fascism and Political Islamism. A Red/Green Axis of antithetical, but despotic ideologies. The common thread that unites them is hatred.
Look no further than the far left anarcho-outrage malcontents, Antifa, BLM, Ukranian Nazis ,Hamas and LGBTQIAWXYZ For Palestine raging mobs calling for “ Death To The Jews” in metropolitan cities throughout Western “ Democracies”. Unopposed. Somehow, this is the “ new normal”, but Trump, Milei, Orban, Burkele, Farage, Bolsinaro, Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi -Al, Tulsi Gabbard , Drs. McCullough, Kuldorff, Battacharaya, Risch, Gold, Nass, Ladapo and Martina Navratilova , Matt Taibbi, Steve Shellenberger, Bret Weinstein, Doug Murray, Neil Oliver, VDH , RFK Jr and Elon Musk are fascists
Mr. Hopkins has provided us a great perspective throughout the scandemic and so has eugyppius, another blogger from Germany. To see how frighteningly bad things have gotten in Germany, read this recent entry of his and its follow-up.
"In the latest victory against right-wing extremism, police officers pull a 16 year-old girl out of chemistry class and advise her to stop posting Smurf-themed AfD-friendly content to TikTok"
Thanks for sharing that, it was absolutely brilliant and funny in a very dark way, but sadly someone could write an American version of that which wouldn't be much different. In fact, I think Margaret Anna Alice (the lady with 3 first names) already did with her "Mistakes were not made: An Anthem for Justice" without the heavy sarcasm. Here is a link to that:
With any luck she will have received a ‘special batch’ of the jab that will remind her for the rest of her life how wrong she was about getting vaccinated. One can only hope…
It was so incredible to watch the world revert back to segregation. I honestly thought we had evolved past archaic ideas like that in western cultures. I was so naive.
The book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” by Desmet was a fascinating read. None of the people who cheered on the totalitarianism would probably ever be interested in reading a book that could offer insights into self reflection but as someone who witnessed it, I really enjoyed the book. (Just disagree on the chapter dismissing a pre-planned conspiracy- otherwise an amazing book.)
Tis a MAX Vaccination (Gene therapy) that in the strict sense is not essential for the survival of the entire [social] complex. And little more than a tax paid GD fund raiser via .GOV pHARMA Conglom
Same tyrants, different name.
NB: The appendix is the repository for one's good stomach microbiome, such that if one has a depletive digestive system experience one can readily recover the necessary microbiome.
Analogous to... if, for example, a vaccine wiped out a lot of humans, the healthy unvaccinated would be there to recover humanity.
Hell yeah!
I am in complete shock. I am German and I very well know of the unspeakable crimes that were performed during the Nazi regime. That this type of mindset, this ‘ideology psychosis’ can be repeated not only shocks me but that makes me feel sick. And yes, the suppression of information that speaks against the ‘vaccine ideology’ must not be tolerated. This example of ‘cutting out the infected appendix’ is too alarming to me. I am reminded of one TV host who spoke about restricting emergency health care to those who took the Covid jab.
All of this must be put to justice. And this must be done as quickly as possible so people won’t forget.
The governor of New York wants to put people in a camp.
Relax.The very same things were said in that great Bastion of Freedom: The United States of America
And, even worse, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
I was referring to the comments by Jimmy Kimmel at 2:50:
But I have seen other TV hosts saying essentially the same thing.
No surprise. Jimmy Kimmel like all the current late night hosts is an idiot. Thankfully nobody watches their crap and they will all soon be gone!
Yes, he is an extreme buffoon.
Ich empfehle Ihnen die Lecturen von Gilad Atzmon, Gerhard Menuhin, Roger Dommergue, Robert Faurisson, Brother Nathanael, Vincent Reynouard, Abbé Pierre, Roger Garaudy, danach werden Sie auf weiteren Autorn stossen die genauer ins Détails mit Fakten was man den Deutschen eintrichtern will.
According to Google Translate to English, this is what Jean Restayn has said. I do recognize a name or 2 of realist Freedom loving authors.
I recommend you the lectures by Gilad Atzmon, Gerhard Menuhin, Roger Dommergue, Robert Faurisson, Brother Nathanael, Vincent Reynouard, Abbé Pierre, Roger Garaudy, after which you will come across other authors who will go into more detail with facts about what they want to instill in the Germans.
When you combine narcissism and an absence of a moral core, this is what you get. Most "elected" democrats in positions of power meet this definition.
It is often a person of no Faith, lacking humility.
AS Greg Gutfeld pointed out, conservatives view leftists as people with bad ideas and leftists view us as bad people with ideas.
They can justify a lot of dehumanized evil from that perspective.
Its the justify and the judgement part we have to learn to shed if we can ever expect anything to change and improve. And the guilt and the fear part. While often my first impulses run toward 'lock and load' knee jerk reactions; I've come to the conclusion that that only makes matters worse. When logic and Proportion have fallen on deaf ears......
Time for Nuremberg 2.0 to bring all those “vaccin” pushers like WEF, WHO, bill pedofile gates and all responsible politicians to justice…death by injection is in place here👍🏽
There appear to be large segments of society in our times who appear simply incapable of rising above their political beliefs and ideology. Their lack of moral and ethical understanding even at the most fundamental levels appears to be lacking. It's like they have no continuity of thought or compassion for others and their groupthink mindsets and expressions cry totalitarianism run amok. I wonder sometimes where am I? What has happened to America? Why are lies and propaganda and false accusations being constantly repeated and echoed by the media?
I think we call those people TWANLOC: Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen.
How they got that way is no mystery. They were driven crazy with fear and then made to hate by the constant drum beat of propaganda.
Tend to agree. Question is: How do we get them back ? And how do we prevent them from being driven crazy into fear and hate and restore them to sanity and love?
As Charles Mackay said in his book on the Madness of Crowds, "Men think in herds...they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one at a time." It's going to be a long, slow slog!
Utter nonsense.
Did the Nazis do a long, slow slog?
Are the Chinese Communists doing a long, slow slog?
Are the Israelis (and their American Fifth Column) doing a long, slow slog?
Are Trudeau and his accomplices doing a long, slow slog?
Biden? Fauci? Obama? Gates? Hochul? Walensky? Birx? And millions more?
Lock and Load.
I didn't say the tyrants are doing a slow slog. I said getting the brainwashed to return to reality would be long and slow. There is a good argument to be made that we can not afford to waste our time and resources trying to get to them, but instead should throw all our resources into the battle!
It is the hypnotized populace that's stuck in propaganda. If the media reversed course tomorrow, the masses would follow automatically. But how to get the media to tell the truth that is the dilemma since the media is bought. In time it will happen because the truth does come out eventually. It is frustratingly slow though.
We don't "get them back". Don't be ridiculous.
They are, more than anything else, motivated by having power over us. Taxation. Laws. Regulations. Censorship.
To strip them of their tyranical power, they must be executed.
Lock and Load.
Sara Bosetti is a rectum that needs a swift black boot kick. How’s that Frau Comodian, you fool.
“The price was worth it,” is how Madeleine Albright, then permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations, responded in 1996 to the question of whether the deaths of more than 600,000 children in Iraq following the US intervention was defensible.
Give me the means to fry 600,000 German refugees in Dresden said ''Sir'' Winston Churchill and Butcher Harris gave him these means.
Colin Powell's cat pee blister to justify the WTC attack. So let's learn to sweep in front of our door before pointing at others because we even point at ourselves with 3 fingers. What that bitch Bosetti said has been said by millions of Americans, English, French, etc. ...get away from emotion and above all find out about historical truths which are not always what people want us to believe.
And.. covid which is a bioweapon, was created and funded by the US government.
yes-Darpa-CIA-Warp speed -Trump.-Pfizer and Moderna . Collaboration with Canada -Winnipeg and France-Institut Pasteur for Wuhan China. Sputnik V from Russia is the same program but from the''controlled Opposition''.
This whole covid democide/genocide is a worldwide event.
How does the world even agree on operating in lockstep with each other?
The Military Industrial Complex, the WEF, the UN, the WHO and the World Banks, from the Bank for International Settlements on down.
all the heads of government and their lackeys are corrupt and mixed up in morals, child abuse or all-out criminality and are forced to act for the hyper-elite otherwise...scandal or death!
There will come a time when even Frau Bossetti (a simple comedian) will be prosecuted for advocating for genocide.
• Millions of people died because governments around the world aggressively disparaged and suppressed effective Covid treatments (IVM, HCQ, etc.), and prohibited healthcare systems from treating people who had Covid.
• Over TWENTY MILLION people, and counting, have been killed by Covid vaccines.
• HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people, and counting, have suffered moderate to severe adverse events from Covid vaccines.
This isn’t going to be swept under the rug. Too many people have had their hearts ripped out and trampled on by all of the doctors, politicians, etc. who willfully enlisted to carry out the elite’s genocidal agenda for a Great Reset.
Pre-2020 I would have said that those responsible for causing immeasurable suffering in nations across the world (ie: Wallstreet financiers, Tech titans, Big Pharma, etc.) would never be held accountable because they’ve captured the governments and legal systems.
Post-2020 there is nothing that can save them this time around.
Just talk to the TENS OF THOUSANDS of parents whose child was murdered or maimed via Covid vaccine because they were assured it was “safe and effective”. You will see in an instant that this time around, things are VERY different. The elites have picked a battle that they don’t have a chance of winning.
Again, all told, several billion people have been negatively impacted by Covid vaccines, from death and disability, to down stream effects like cancer.
This will not end well for those who designed this evil plan, AND for those who willfully carried it out.
Even tons of healthcare practitioners will face legal ramifications stemming from refusing to treat Covid patients, injecting people with Covid vaccines, and lying to parents and telling them their child faced no risk in getting vaccinated. Many will only lose their licenses, but a good number of the most egregious practitioners will face criminal charges.
This time will truly be different. Too many people suffered too greatly, and we all know EXACTLY who orchestrated this, and carried it out. We all are facing the same enemy, and as the elite’s mission to divide and conquer us continues to wane, more and more people are uniting against the unified threat.
All those responsible for this meticulously coordinated attack on humanity will find that pointing fingers and deflecting blame will be beyond futile.
We are a force that can not be deterred from seeking justice; we are too strong and too determined for those who are guilty to just slip away.
The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to US veterans.
Every freaking appointment!!
VA had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll out for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.
VA still forced their employees to take the covid shot because of federal government worker mandate.
VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.
Here is the link to the details:
Your narrative is truthful and well received by this reader. Thank you.
Yes ,Trump say its the Vather of the vaccin so also the responsible of the millions deaths and side effects with lifelong disability. Thank-you Trump, thank Fauci, thank DARPA and CIA, thank you Tedros...and thank you Gates the ''philanthrope'', Bourla , Bancel and Co
Covid, which is a bioweapon, was created long before Trump came into office.
The "vaccine" which is also a bioweapon, was created long before Trump came into office.
Listen to Dr. David Martin, Sasha Latypova, Karen Kingston, and others.
Here is a very short clip of Dr. Peter McCullough naming the perpetrators.
I agree with you.
I find it extremely troubling that to this day Trump still calls Operation Warp Speed a massive success. He still says that Covid vaccines have saved millions of lives; yet there isn’t a shred of non-fraudulent evidence that supports this claim. He also has been completely silent on the injuries and deaths caused by Covid vaccines… the furthest he’ll venture away from the elite’s vaccine narrative, is to say that he doesn’t support mandates.
I can’t support anyone who can’t be honest with the public, and be on the side of truth regarding Covid vaccines.
I understand there are many people who have a lot of sentimental attachment to Trump… but I hope they can see passed their sentiment and vote for a candidate who has had the courage to call out the vaccines since day #1.
Personally, I believe RFK Jr. fits the bill. He has his flaws… but he’s evolved a ton throughout his lifetime, and has an unrivaled track record for taking on the elites… after all, the elites killed his uncle, his father, and likely his first cousin (JFK Jr.) as well.
Choosing a president for his stance on any single issue is a mistake. The pile of steaming issues is too large to eradicate, much less legislate.
Professional politicians are a boil to lance, and a system to end with term limits.
Power corrupts absolutely, ad nauseum.
Bullets to the backs of the heads.
I would love to believe your analysis. I wonder a bit about your claims of 20 million deaths from the injection. But it is wo doubt billions have been negatively impacted. Something has to turn the tide of the global totalitarianism which is growing in support of oligharchs running things like the WEF, WHO, governments, NGO's, Big tech corps, on and on and on.
Huxley described propaganda as convincing a segment of citizenry that others are less than human.
The left has become an amalgam of the worst forms of tyranny, Communism, Fascism and Political Islamism. A Red/Green Axis of antithetical, but despotic ideologies. The common thread that unites them is hatred.
Look no further than the far left anarcho-outrage malcontents, Antifa, BLM, Ukranian Nazis ,Hamas and LGBTQIAWXYZ For Palestine raging mobs calling for “ Death To The Jews” in metropolitan cities throughout Western “ Democracies”. Unopposed. Somehow, this is the “ new normal”, but Trump, Milei, Orban, Burkele, Farage, Bolsinaro, Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi -Al, Tulsi Gabbard , Drs. McCullough, Kuldorff, Battacharaya, Risch, Gold, Nass, Ladapo and Martina Navratilova , Matt Taibbi, Steve Shellenberger, Bret Weinstein, Doug Murray, Neil Oliver, VDH , RFK Jr and Elon Musk are fascists
Ms. Bosetti recently received the Grimme Prize, the (supposedly) most important award in the German television and media world.
Mr. Hopkins has provided us a great perspective throughout the scandemic and so has eugyppius, another blogger from Germany. To see how frighteningly bad things have gotten in Germany, read this recent entry of his and its follow-up.
"In the latest victory against right-wing extremism, police officers pull a 16 year-old girl out of chemistry class and advise her to stop posting Smurf-themed AfD-friendly content to TikTok"
Thanks for sharing that, it was absolutely brilliant and funny in a very dark way, but sadly someone could write an American version of that which wouldn't be much different. In fact, I think Margaret Anna Alice (the lady with 3 first names) already did with her "Mistakes were not made: An Anthem for Justice" without the heavy sarcasm. Here is a link to that:
With any luck she will have received a ‘special batch’ of the jab that will remind her for the rest of her life how wrong she was about getting vaccinated. One can only hope…
I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Hasn't there been enough suffering?
A bullet would be merciful. I hope you'd rejoice at that.
It was so incredible to watch the world revert back to segregation. I honestly thought we had evolved past archaic ideas like that in western cultures. I was so naive.
The book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” by Desmet was a fascinating read. None of the people who cheered on the totalitarianism would probably ever be interested in reading a book that could offer insights into self reflection but as someone who witnessed it, I really enjoyed the book. (Just disagree on the chapter dismissing a pre-planned conspiracy- otherwise an amazing book.)
Tis a MAX Vaccination (Gene therapy) that in the strict sense is not essential for the survival of the entire [social] complex. And little more than a tax paid GD fund raiser via .GOV pHARMA Conglom
Germans have a track record. Amr Australia