Dr. McCullough is amazing but really, distrusting the government does not require any particular discernment; merely a modicum of common sense.

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I'll go one step further. Anything the govt via politcans say as well as the mass media is bullshit first. No discernment needed.

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100%. Perfect. Peace.

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The unfortunate part is that if a real crisis came up, would we believe the government's approach to it. Sort of the boy who cried wolf to often scenario. I wouldn't.

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Absolutely no chance would I trust anything they said at all.not even a little. It's helpful though because I'll do the OPPOSITE and take my chances.

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Jul 27, 2023
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Are you making money from this?

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I find it's all bullshit. I am a 50 year old white male. I speak to every race, creed, and color. I feel like 95% of everyone I speak to is fine. They don't have a problem with me and I don't have a problem with them. The only group I have a problem with are the groups throwing up in my face. Like many in the Marxist rainbow coalition. Screw who you want, leave the rest of us alone. And those who watch TV Newsmax/fox or MSNBC/CNN to be almost insane. Those people who watch religiously are stuck in the matrix. The point is? How many people are diehards of the above groups? I'd say max 20%. The rest of us hardly care

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It’s always this very small percentage who are the cause of 100 % of the problems.

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Yeah. less than 1/10 of 1%. But they control the 99%, own the money, own the technology, and are listening right now. That is my point.

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It’s so scary. I cannot believe this is where we are. As a country. We must get out of this. I just think it’s not going to be — I think no matter what, it’s going to be painful to go through. We are just too far gone here.

What do you think? Am I overthinking?

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No, I don't think you're over thinking it, at all. Scary? I was scared to death when COVID started I knew what is was from the momment they started. I was in fear for months and I woke up one day and said, NO MORE. I beleive in more than this life so stop worrying about this life, that's what I told myself and I've been free ever since. They are trying to kill us every which way possible and worrying about it isn't going to make it better, only worse. So I don't worry about any of it. NOW, I am just frustrated so many people still talk about elections, right here on this board. So many people live in a DEEP false hope. AND I suspect it is because they are scared and cannot face the truth. I face the truth head on. I heard this a long time ago and it sticks with me today.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.” —Maya Angelou

Have courage and live with a full heart. DO NOT let these evil SOB's that live for all they can get here on earth deter you from your purpose. That's how I now live. Control what you can, let the rest go.

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Thank you for that! I will try to let the fear go. You’re right, can’t control any of it. And it only makes you sick and panicky. I hate that!


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Thank me by doing it. You are far from alone and in the minority. Know there is something greater and live your life. That's how YOU WIN. We all die.

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What is going on is simple to us: The systems that govern over our lives have been corrupted, and it is vital to all of society to fix this problem.

If you agree with this, we have a common ground to unite over, and an important one at that.

If you want to solve the problem, instead of just keep pointing out the problems (which we agree is also important) - let's talk. The point where our current system is failing us is corruption. Imagine a computer system that has been hacked and given viruses. That's our current system. When we argue about hot button issues that is akin to arguing about what apps or programs run best on a corrupted computer. NONE of them will run good until we focus on and fix the hack and clean out the viruses.

We absolutely must focus on the SYSTEM FIRST. AKA we need a unified war on corruption, like this:


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Yes he nailed it early on. I have been grateful for his strong, credentialed and unbiased voice ever since those depressing and lonely days in 2020 when half or more of the world was drunk on mRNA Kool-aid.

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Yes, I believe more and more folks are experiencing a full blown crisis of faith in our government. I think a large part of that is lack of exposure of, and culpability for past criminal actions and crimes against humanity. I've felt the need to do a deep dive into other things in the past which I was not paying attention to at the time -and what I have discovered has really bothered me. It seems like we are living in the novel Atlas Shrugged - so I will quote an apt line "By the essence and nature of existence, contradictions cannot exist . If you find it inconceivable (that a situation exist) check your premises, you will find that one of them is wrong."

With respect to accountability - I posted this on another SS- and will repeat here

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn wrote in the Gulag Archipelago :

"Here is a riddle not for us contemporaries to figure out: Why is Germany allowed to punish the evildoers and Russia is not? What kind of disastrous path lies ahead of us if we do not have the chance to purge ourselves of the putrefaction rotting inside our body? What, then can Russia teach the World?

By an unexpected turn of our history, a bit of the truth, an insignificant part of the whole, was allowed out in the open. But those same hands which once screwed tight our handcuffs now hold their palms out for reconciliation: "No, Don't dig up the past! Dwell on the past and you'll loose an eye" But the proverb goes on to say: 'Forget the past any you'll lose both eyes'"

It would seem that our inability/failure to hold government employees, the military, scientist, members of the Public Health, influencers NGO, NPO and others for their Covid crimes - stems in part from our failure to hold them and others for past crimes. Such a list would include HIV, Lyme Disease, sterility programs, childhood vaccines, corruption of the education system, instigation of Ukraine wars, 9-11, numerous false flags and so on. Our country is almost completely Blind

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Jul 28, 2023
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Thanks, I was not aware of that, but looked it up and it is indeed wonderful. So many looted the USSR after the collapse - and of course they were never brought to justice either- they went in under the guise of providing aid, like the parasites they are. I've read many of AS's works - always been taken with people that write from their heart and also as confessions- that takes moral character and discipline which few possess. In 1990, I worked as a foreign observer on a soviet fishing vessel - the people were very nice - but compared to those on the Japanese ship- something was missing I think it was self-ownership and freedom. There was also great uncertainty. Labor was structured like on most ships but there was little happiness, and expressing opinions was not done, informers were throughout the ship. I imagine transforming ones life from being a servant to the state to freedom was not easy. Hopefully AS's work will make it more difficult to rewrite the past as the glory days.

Two videos were released by Scott Ritter former us marine intelligence officer - Agent Zelensky - the second part at 18 min discusses the biolabs and the groups involved - the whole thing pt 1 and 2 are a real eyeopener. https://rumble.com/v30nd8w-a-scott-ritter-investigation-agent-zelensky-part-2.htmI - Nothing our government is involve in should surprise me any more.

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In nursing we call it nursing instinct. I've been told that I have excellent nursing instinct. In spiritual terms, We call it discernment. I'm thankful For whatever you want to call it but I have it and it's a gift. Thankful to the Lord

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Jul 27, 2023
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I took the Nightingale pledge.

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GOD given discernment is a blessing but you have to be willing to accept it and use it. We are in a spiritual war..for GOD or for HIS and our enemy, Satan and his followers. That is the bottom line. Warp speed was begun many years ago waiting for the opportunity to be used.

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did you see NEFARIOUS...all spelled out so beautifully in that movie...and the acting job of the main character ( nefarious)...OMG never seen anyone do that!

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Is it worth it to rent the movie? I heard it was beyond excellent

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yesyesyes...i rented it TWICE and watched it 8 times. Now I bought the streaming and dvd release in august...i love it

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Thanks! I will take your word for it and rent it. So excited. 😊

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Prime shows two different movies. What year was it produced? 2020 or 2023?

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God gives us courage and purpose, we still need to use free will, wisdom and the power of unity to achieve it. https://joshketry.substack.com/p/worried-about-voter-fraud-lets-build

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I believe through my own discernment at the beginning of the pandemic I could see the vax was NOT for me. I’m so grateful for it.

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Great and Timely article.

Dr. McCullough has amazing Discernment!

Though much of Madison's actions regarding the Bill of Rights were prompted and written by Thomas Jefferson.

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Dr. McCullough will, some day, have a bronze statue erected. Since pharma spends $372,000,000 of our money to lobby Congress every single year, let's ask them to pay for it.

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"Discernment' is a gift of God as is 'faith', itself. God smiles upon those asking for discernment as they seek supernatural wisdom only possible through the Holy Spirit which transcends Earth. While it can be acquired through several ways, the primary one's are through deep faith bringing revelation, experience of the practice of acting in the Holy Spirit, and study of the word.

1 John 4:1 states, "Beloved, do not believe in every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God, for many false prophets have went out into the world."

There are more verses specifically addressing 'Discernment' in Hebrews 4:12, Hebrews 5:14; and more.

Many have suffered and continue to endure the pain of what Leake defines a 'Crisis in Faith'. It's been endured in waves of 'cognitive dissonance' by generations soft, spoiled and in err by placing their faith in the Govt., Republic, The Constitution...ALL THINGS OF THE EARTH, instead of God. Many continue to suffer denial and refuse discernment regardless of all evil perpetrated, experienced, encountered in society.

Colossians 3:2 "Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are of Earth." Indeed, God is the only place we are to set our faith as stated here and too many other areas of 'The Bible' to list here. When placing our faith in God, it becomes a simple matter to discern evil and once discerned, TO PRAY TO GOD FOR KNOWLEDGE IN ERADICATING IT as God does NOT give us more than we can handle IF WE HANDLE THE EVIL WHEN IT'S FIRST KNOWN TO EXIST. Eradicating the evil often necessitates a risk of self, society; to place blood on the line for it's destruction.

When we do NOT act to eradicate evil upon discernment; and it is given time to dig-in deeper and take more spiritual ground; the devil is more than happy to give us FAR MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE.

This Govt. of the people, by the people and for the people has been STOLEN out from under us decades ago and though many of us did discern the change even as children; NOBODY DID ANYTHING ABOUT IT. The Hydra has grown and grown and we continue to look at the snaky heads; like Anheuser-Busch, Disney, Target and all the silly little corporations losing their measly billions of dollars out of the HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS in assets STOLEN by the Central Banker Crime Syndicate from every country in the world...By the British Military and now by the U.S. Military.

Isn't it about time to focus on the HEAD OF THIS HYDRA...THE CENTRAL BANKERS, THEMSELVES...To eradicate this Existential Threat to the world?

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Thank u BlazeCloude3

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Great article. The whole “progressive” army of experts is a complete failure. The free market is the best regulatory effect every conceived. Bring it back!

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There is no such thing as the free market

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My favorite word: "discernment."

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when narcissism takes over a person....narcissists always use others with a hidden agenda be it sexual, monetary, power, self-agrandizement, trying to prop up their lack of self-esteem b/c of their phony persona... there is NO trusting them! There is no changing them. They must be shunned and left to their own self destruction. Never trust a narcissist....you will always be harmed. Satan is the most extreme example of narcissism. The heads of all things covid and the ABC org's and govt entities are easy examples of narcissists. Their children pay dearly the rest of their lives with confusion and crap decisions and extreme difficulty trusting God.

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If one has any belief in the validity of Scripture, the original narcissist was named Satan, the Devil. It is blatantly obvious he is, in fact, going about roaring like a lion because, as Scripture says, even he knows his time is short.

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To me it’s rather a reflection of human vanity.

I always say that not much has changed in terms of ignorance. We look back in time, such as the times of Galileo for instance, who said that the world is round whereas the church at that time denied it. And you look at these periods and you say to yourself: "Thank God I don't live in such ignorant times. How obtuse they were.”

Well, the reality is that it's all relative. We are always ignorant relative to the times. We always hold onto incorrect belief systems relative to the time we live in.

It turns out that in our current time, the belief that the human species is in charge of its destiny, that it’s far superior to Nature and that it can outsmart it by a push of a button is just about the same as the consensus in Galileo's time that the world was flat.

All this is due to two main factors:

1. Fragmentation.

2. A blind adoration of rational thinking as the basis of being.

The fragmentation between us and nature.

This is a process that has been percolating over the past 200 years. The industrial revolution, culminating in the development of technology in the 21st century, is the byproduct of the loss of the holistic connection we had with nature, with the planet, with our bodies and with the universal laws that underlie them. As a result, rational thinking has become the main focus as the basis of being.

Rational thinking, in essence, is a "serial computer" that works with a very, very, very limited bandwidth. A mental process that takes a three-dimensional phenomenon and breaks it down into a straight line: the short distance between two points. Every phenomenon in our world, complex or simple as it may be, is translated into a linear cause and effect. But the underlying reality beneath the surface consists of several processes that work simultaneously.

In other words, scientific skill, as a derivative of the rational mind, has become an irrefutable deity of modern society by which "edicts" are issued to the masses by the “archbishops” of scientism. ‘Following the science’ has become a dogma used by country leaders and policy makers to set a policy.

In practice, however, we’re past the point where scientific expertise is the main skill set the world requires. Modern science, as the rational mind, has no legitimate way of assessing the public’s tolerance for certain measures and intrusions. Nor does it have the ability to weigh competing and contrary claims of political and economic liberty against public-health priorities. Covid has exposed that modern science has no way to understand the consequential derivatives of so-called 'scientific measures' have on other areas of life, outside of scientific view.

Coupled now with the confluence of science with governmental authority, unable to draw the line between human individual rights and between the health of a collective, it is open to interpretation and can invite abuse, respective to the fear and agitation of policy makers.



If we put it all together it will be possible to understand that nowadays we have reached a very dangerous ground. We have established a technological model that occupies every nook and cranny of our lives that actually enhances the rational, fragmented mind as an exclusive reality. We have begun to live in a disconnected, complacent existence within a technological bubble that decomposes every observable phenomenon into a mutually exclusive linear equation of ones or zeros.

The blind obedience to “the Data”, as the "new golden calf" enslaves humanity to the illusion that it can realize any scenario the mind conjures, irrespective of the underlying reality. In this case, that pandemics and/or diseases can be ameliorated to suit our desires by a push of a button.

On the way to get there, however, in the assumption that these solutions are for the greater good, only further the instability which humanity tries to atone by going back to "the Data". In just two years, we have decimated 70 years of economic development, sickened healthy people far more than healing sick ones, and widened the economic disparities within society. And still counting…

It’s the same formula with “climate change”. All those laws, supposedly invented to reverse it, in reality only make one’s life much more cumbersome, oppressive and expensive. The "icing on the cake" is that they do nothing to change the situation.

It shows how self-centered and unstable we’ve become. The danger lies in the vanity, believing that we are in charge. We are not in charge. We are nothing but scuzz on the face of this planet. At any moment it can shake us all like dandruff. And the belief that we are in charge is the greatest vanity of them all.

Humans can no longer see the interdependence of things and the derivatives arising from their actions on everything else down the line. The virtual has become much higher in the hierarchy than the practical. Theory has become absolute truth while the practice in the field secondary and consensus has become science.

Everything is upside down.

This way, we get a nice perspective on the glorification of ignorance of our modern culture: The tweedledees and tweedledums of the world chasing rainbows by fighting windmills.

Ignorance is a painful thing. It really is. And there’s so much of it in our times, more than any other time in the history of our species. Because this time it is hidden behind accolades, diplomas, and convoluted jargon as a means for psychological induction of "authority" and "expertise".

That’s why we live in an age where it is so easy for the blind to lead the blind.

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McCullough nailed it with that article. To this day it is still difficult to get treatment other than vaccines and paxlovid. So many people have suffered because of that.

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